Fat_Swinub wrote:
Aries_37 wrote:
you shouldn't waste money on ra3. If it must be recent then get the ones made by relic or supreme commander.
Supreme commander was a very good game in theory but exececuted poorly. It was innovative and could have taken RTS games in a different direction. Huge scale, awesome resource system, automation so you could focus on unit micro rather than econ micro, and it had the best camera system of any RTS game to date. Multiplayer games with a bunch of friends over lan could take hours on a large map, with crazy coordinated attacks over land, air and sea. We're not talking about my 4 destroyers coming to support my team's 3 airships, more like my armada armada of 100 various battleships and cruisers coming to support their 400 bombers and gunships. If it wasn't for the bugs and the terrible graphics it would have far surpassed TA which was legendary.
RA3 is both poor in theory and execution. Another cookie cutter RTS spamfest, with a resource system that was just about fresh 10 years ago. It's an incredibly one-dimensional game made by the masters of franchise milking. Plays like a reskinned version of C&C3, which in turn was shit.
It's to RTS games what Halo is to fps; casual, mindnumbingly boring and marketed to the mindless masses who could only enjoy it if they were 15 and had never played a real RTS game before. I pirated it and it ended up in my recycle bin 30 mins later when the novelty of watching gemma atkinson in costume wore off.