Yeah, guess what...I tried it again with Russia because, well, it's fun to play when it works.AussieReaper wrote:
Yeah I doubt they played through a normal campaign at all during testing.
No naval invasions by the AI is proof enough of that.
It's a half finished game. I'm not going to really bother with it much more until the next few patches.
So I bull-rushed the Ottoman Empire and got really rich by punching a hole straight through to India. But I found out something else. There's a limit to how many build orders you can have going up at the same time. Remember how old games got rid of dead bodies to save memory? Well, this is an age of gaming rigs with 2-4GB of RAM, and I'm certain that the game's not that thirsty that it has to toss out a few bytes of data. Again, fucking sloppy.
WHAT FUCKING USE is world domination if you can't issue orders to as many fucking territories as you want because the game can't buffer it all. What the fuck?
What a mixed bag. I thought I was going mad for a minute when the spinning build icons kept repopping all over Europe.
A few stats would be nice too, like world religion percentage, a better diplomatic chart and so on. All that suck until you start shooting cannons, and then the game exercises its only redeeming value (at the moment).
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (15 years, 8 months ago)