They came to 4 conclusions, no fog, macros, aimbot and minimap hack.
They came to 4 conclusions, no fog, macros, aimbot and minimap hack.
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The worst are the admins that tell you to check your attitude when A) they're the ones at fault for banning you and B) they have an attitude themselves.Hakei wrote:
They came to 4 conclusions, no fog, macros, aimbot and minimap hack.
Never having played nunya i don't know their rules but from their posts it seems that you can't attack the TV station on Sharqi UNLESS the other flags are taken? What kind of bullshit is that? Consider it an uncap until the other flags are taken? Jesus if you dont' want to lose the TV station then defend the goddamned thing.Hakei wrote:
They came to 4 conclusions, no fog, macros, aimbot and minimap hack.
Sounds like =KB= Dragon Valley. They put a time restriction on when you can try to cap the refinery. I guess defending the refinery is too difficult?Stubbee wrote:
Never having played nunya i don't know their rules but from their posts it seems that you can't attack the TV station on Sharqi UNLESS the other flags are taken? What kind of bullshit is that? Consider it an uncap until the other flags are taken? Jesus if you dont' want to lose the TV station then defend the goddamned thing.Hakei wrote:
They came to 4 conclusions, no fog, macros, aimbot and minimap hack.
Yeah their 15 minute time limit really blows. Usually the round is all but over in 15 minutes. The US almost never has the time for a comeback before they run out of tickets. I used to play there but they banned me for flying the F35 too much. I wish I still had that screenie because it was too funny. They had warned to stop flying the J10 which I did (mostly since I won't leave a J10 sitting in the hangar ripe for stealing) and only flew the F35. They still complained so I started to fly every 2nd or 3rd round but still eventually banned.Perv3rt wrote:
Sounds like =KB= Dragon Valley. They put a time restriction on when you can try to cap the refinery. I guess defending the refinery is too difficult?Stubbee wrote:
Never having played nunya i don't know their rules but from their posts it seems that you can't attack the TV station on Sharqi UNLESS the other flags are taken? What kind of bullshit is that? Consider it an uncap until the other flags are taken? Jesus if you dont' want to lose the TV station then defend the goddamned thing.Hakei wrote:
They came to 4 conclusions, no fog, macros, aimbot and minimap hack.
I got banned on =KB= for supposedly wall glitching, lmao. I guess some people don't understand splash damage, it's a shame that they happened to be admins in this case. Just because you can't see me doesn't mean that i can't ricochet apc shells off of a hill at you, lol. Mind you this was after they told me to get out of the helicopter. I guess I can't win. I got out of the copter and was 36-3 when they banned me.Stubbee wrote:
Yeah their 15 minute time limit really blows. Usually the round is all but over in 15 minutes. The US almost never has the time for a comeback before they run out of tickets. I used to play there but they banned me for flying the F35 too much. I wish I still had that screenie because it was too funny. They had warned to stop flying the J10 which I did (mostly since I won't leave a J10 sitting in the hangar ripe for stealing) and only flew the F35. They still complained so I started to fly every 2nd or 3rd round but still eventually banned.Perv3rt wrote:
Sounds like =KB= Dragon Valley. They put a time restriction on when you can try to cap the refinery. I guess defending the refinery is too difficult?Stubbee wrote:
Never having played nunya i don't know their rules but from their posts it seems that you can't attack the TV station on Sharqi UNLESS the other flags are taken? What kind of bullshit is that? Consider it an uncap until the other flags are taken? Jesus if you dont' want to lose the TV station then defend the goddamned thing.
Last edited by dondon (15 years, 11 months ago)
I have the same problem I got pawned by hackers.Ataronchronon wrote:
Wow Punkbuster, thanks for once again rendering my game COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE. NOT.
I'd like to know who the FUCK is in charge of getting these updates out and why they suck so much COCK at their job.
Last edited by Cute.Nemean^inf (15 years, 11 months ago)
I've had terrible experiences with their admins. They ignored my pleas for help when I was getting redlined and teamkilled, and then banned me for another player's remark about how bad their administrating was.Cute.Nemean^inf wrote:
ATG = Fails, we recruited a new player, and that gave them an option to ban our whole clan. Immature guys over there? … 7#p2563037lt.jpsmith wrote:
Warning, High Dollar Chicago Dragon Valley server Rules are stupid, and I got banned for killing HD guys. I was capping a flag and killed the douche bag that banned me. ( I was in a heli) They suck at bf2, their clan sux, and they will ban you for being better rthan them!
Ha I agree, that makes sense, They have just set up a server to heli rape/pad their ranks! LOSERS! (must be kids?)Stubbee wrote: … 7#p2563037lt.jpsmith wrote:
Warning, High Dollar Chicago Dragon Valley server Rules are stupid, and I got banned for killing HD guys. I was capping a flag and killed the douche bag that banned me. ( I was in a heli) They suck at bf2, their clan sux, and they will ban you for being better rthan them!
Last edited by Freezer7Pro (15 years, 11 months ago)
maybe try google the problem instead of saying fuck fuck fuck or just read forum noob lolHakei wrote:
Pb is fucking shit, it's so fucking useless, just constantly fucking kicking you for disallowed programs, it's amazing how they have absolutely 0 fucking intelligence yet are given multi million dollar contracts to stop hacking, yet instead of doing their fucking job just kick randomly and give NO fucking indication as to what the program that's 'disallowed' is. So it falls to the general public to try everything possible.
Just had a 2v2, every 2 minutes someone in the server would just get fucking kicked for some disallowed program, it's so retarded.
played against Zander, never seen him playing with an aimbot on.. hmm..baggs wrote:
[UKU] clan, ZANDER2004 and SwartieJr, both of those guys aimbot. Pretty much admitted it near the end of the round before they started banning my friends and I. They have their own server "" 16567 "24/7 Karkand Inf [UKU]". Go along and see for yourself.
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