pub hero!
+603|6704|the land of bourbon

hoad47 in a PM to me wrote:

could you please send me a link to the previous topic on smokin mitch.. i did do a search and came with nothing... i searched smokin mitch, smokin_mitch, smokin and mitch .... please explain... and i think for that reason, if someone was to start another thread concerning  this topic and they were banned that would be ridiculous. forums are for chat and feedback. If the search field is bugged well thats for the makers of the site to maybe create a better search field, not the person who starts a thread. as i said in the post it was not about stats, it was more about playing as a team and letting other people use the facilities of the a point back in the days when bf2 came out there was a lot of controversy about stat padders, people bagged out medics for getting too many point for reviving too much.. i mean think of the logic there... i just wanna play a good team game, and im pretty sure noone likes getting owned and having players hanging out on airfield so as they can just hop in a plane and get 60 kills in a game without primarily trying to stop the enemy from taking flags... in conclusion i think closing a chat topic like this is detrimental to an awesome TEAM BASED game.... dicatorship like decisions  like that is not productive for anyone.. AT ALL
you are referring to this thread which was locked by a moderator.  i am not a mod, so i can't lock posts, but usually posts calling out other players, or flaming in general will get your post locked.  also, if you would like me to further explain my reply, keep reading.

first off, why do you care about another player so much?  wait, let me re-phrase that--- why should anyone play the game other than how they want to play?  who are you to tell someone they aren't playing right, or they should play how YOU want them to?  if he likes to fly, and is having fun, than good for him!  he is obviously doing something you can't, which is to have fun doing his own thing.  if he is bothering you so much, than piss off to another server.  go back to karkand and spam your nades and med packs. 

second, you brought up stats as a measure of ability, which shows how retarded you actually are.  with the hacking and pid spoofing, stats are pointless.  you take this game waaaay to seriously.  join a clan if you want teamwork, otherwise forget it.  people play how they want, because they spent their money just like you.  if you have a problem with that, you need to uninstall bf2 and go find a nice single player game.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6322|Aberdeen, Scotland
Seriously, why do people play a game based around multi-role combat with vehicles etc, and then moan about jets/tanks/anything and everything?

Playing medic only doesn't make you a supreme team player, and an effective pilot providing close air support is worth more than 10 twats running around with med packs. Air support keeps the enemy held back and helps with both offense and defense; it makes a big difference to the team.

Also, as Steelie said, chill out, it's a game after all.
Lookin' through your Window
+193|6563|Man Diego

t0mhank5 wrote:

the KUL server, featuring the most paranoid and easily upsetted admins I have ever had the joy of meeting. I pity their poor, self-righteous egos. … ccfe94.png
perv3rt getting K&B after he suspiciously killed pjgard, the admin and typed in '/fail at hitreg'. Clearly the admins there know their stuff, and ban a 'login screen hacker' on sight. … 169366.png
clearly, I am deserving of this well-considered kick, after my blatant hacks allowed me to kill the aforementioned pjgard.

If you want to see how quickly you can join a server and then get kicked, give KUL a try.
LOL.  I can't believe someone would think that by typing:  "sorry T0m" and then "/fail registry" that I must clearly be trying to hack the server.  I am sure that it had nothing to do with killing the admin(s).  I suppose it is my fault that he ran in a straight line on top of a roof trying to get to the AA chair.  Running into the house where I couldn't shoot them would be way too difficult for some people I reckon.

Yeah, T0m you clearly must be hacking too.  I mean no way you could kill the admin with a hellfire or two  

I would love to see how fast everyone could get the banhammer on the KUL Special Forces server.  I think I managed the ban in about 3 or 4 minutes.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6322|Aberdeen, Scotland
Are you sure you don't get booted for constantly speaking gibberish/general smacktardery?
+250|6734|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Whats the IP for the KUL server?

Ill get a stopwatch and check my personal ban record
Lookin' through your Window
+193|6563|Man Diego

SplinterStrike wrote:

Whats the IP for the KUL server?

Ill get a stopwatch and check my personal ban record
At least meet their first requirement of having to join squad 1 within 45 seconds.  Then go for the ban.  lol.  I will post the IP when I get home, assuming you haven't already been banned
Leave blank to use forum default.
the thing I hate about euro servers, is that they ban you for owning, when your ping is like 140 or something.

such a disgrace...
+250|6734|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

Perv3rt wrote:

SplinterStrike wrote:

Whats the IP for the KUL server?

Ill get a stopwatch and check my personal ban record
At least meet their first requirement of having to join squad 1 within 45 seconds.  Then go for the ban.  lol.  I will post the IP when I get home, assuming you haven't already been banned
Havent found it just yet, must be my filters
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
High Dollar Chicago

I picked a Dragon Valley server to play because it had a lot of people.
As I join I read the rules listed on the bottom left corner of the screen.
I could not believe my eyes.

Jets are NOT allowed to attack helos. WTGDF!

So I join an ask for an admin but no answer. I hunt down an admin and join his squad to ask about the rules. Tell him I am a first time visitor.
"hey how are ya! Glad you joined"
"So jets can't attack helos right?"
"Thats right"
"How about tanks? Can they attack infantry?"
"yeah tanks can attack infantry"
"So the crappy rule only applies to jets?"
"Great could you do me a favour so I don't come here again by mistake? Could you ban my ass or do I have to go chinese and attack the carrier (instant ban)?"
"BANNING Stubbee Jets are not allowed to attack helos"

At no time did I used obscene, rude or foul language. I never even joined the game. This is not a complaint about being banned btw.
Dumbest rule ever

Last edited by Stubbee (2009-03-19 22:58:11)

The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
didnt you ask to be banned?
Leave blank to use forum default.

Stubbee wrote:

High Dollar Chicago

I picked a Dragon Valley server to play because it had a lot of people.
As I join I read the rules listed on the bottom left corner of the screen.
I could not believe my eyes.

Jets are NOT allowed to attack helos. WTGDF!

So I join an ask for an admin but no answer. I hunt down an admin and join his squad to ask about the rules. Tell him I am a first time visitor.
"hey how are ya! Glad you joined"
"So jets can't attack helos right?"
"Thats right"
"How about tanks? Can they attack infantry?"
"yeah tanks can attack infantry"
"So the crappy rule only applies to jets?"
"Great could you do me a favour so I don't come here again by mistake? Could you ban my ass or do I have to go chinese and attack the carrier (instant ban)?"
"BANNING Stubbee Jets are not allowed to attack helos"

At no time did I used obscene, rude or foul language. I never even joined the game. This is not a complaint about being banned btw.
Dumbest rule ever
your attempt at being a smart ass failed, along with your post, trying to be funny, also failed.

I really don't see the point you're trying to make, other than sounding like some idiot. Just play and follow the rules, ez as that...

even tho the ban wasn't necessary, neither was your mouth.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
mouth = typing, just incase you would try to use that against me when replying
also respect the admins, they go there to play, not babysit
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
Yes I asked to be banned. Hence the "this is not a complaint..." portion of my post.

are you affiliated with said clan? because you are very rude.
And what the fuck are you babbling about anyway. The ban was REQUESTED.

Who wants to play on a server with a lame ass rule like that. I asked if that was actually a rule. I asked to see if there any other rules restricting to use of vehicles. Then asked to be banned so I wouldn't mistakenly join their server. Except for the word 'ass', I was quite civil. Never actually played on the server.

The point I was making is that the rule violates the ROC for ranked servers. Rules like no clays/no clays on flags/no noobtube/no sniper/sniper only all twist the way DICE designed the game to be played with DICE's stat system. This clan obviously want to whore the helos and can't be bothered to learn how to avoid jets. They obviously want to pad their helo stats.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
+244|7011|arica harbour
i think EA and DICE in BF3 should make servers just like WoW to eliminate this nonsense shit by fagget admin and their cheap ass servers/ stupid ass rules. most admin make me sick. i got banned once because i used c4 on an enemy tank, and guess what, the enemy tank was the ADMIN for the clan server... "so what the hell am i suppose to do with 5 packs of C4" i said to him.. his reply:" We invite you to use your c4 in someone elses server".... its just the asshatery in BF2 has gotten so freakin bad that people here dont realize
+45|6190|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
not as bad as- 20 kills in jet, then you must land lol or no C4 at all on in infantry only- I hardly ever see C4 kills, C4 and clay on flag is understandable but why no C4 at all but grenades are allowed? Grenades get 1000x more kills and are annoying, if someone C4'd me just in general I'd laugh, thats what makes BF2 good

Last edited by H3RB4L ABU53 (2009-03-20 14:25:25)

+3,936|6823|so randum

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

not as bad as- 20 kills in jet, then you must land lol or no C4 at all on in infantry only- I hardly ever see C4 kills, C4 and clay on flag is understandable but why no C4 at all but grenades are allowed? Grenades get 1000x more kills and are annoying, if someone C4'd me just in general I'd laugh, thats what makes BF2 good
i still don't get why you'd beat up some parsley.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
be nice
+2,646|6776|The Twilight Zone
i read the stupidest rule yesterday on a server: don't steal enemy vehicles
Leave blank to use forum default.

Stubbee wrote:

Yes I asked to be banned. Hence the "this is not a complaint..." portion of my post.

are you affiliated with said clan? because you are very rude.
And what the fuck are you babbling about anyway. The ban was REQUESTED.

Who wants to play on a server with a lame ass rule like that. I asked if that was actually a rule. I asked to see if there any other rules restricting to use of vehicles. Then asked to be banned so I wouldn't mistakenly join their server. Except for the word 'ass', I was quite civil. Never actually played on the server.

The point I was making is that the rule violates the ROC for ranked servers. Rules like no clays/no clays on flags/no noobtube/no sniper/sniper only all twist the way DICE designed the game to be played with DICE's stat system. This clan obviously want to whore the helos and can't be bothered to learn how to avoid jets. They obviously want to pad their helo stats.
it's their server and they can pretty do what they want. You can complain all you want to EA or ROC, but they're not related to the server host. The only way you can get that server shutdown is if the clan is using hax to their advantage. Other than that, their server, their rules.
+244|7011|arica harbour

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

not as bad as- 20 kills in jet, then you must land lol or no C4 at all on in infantry only- I hardly ever see C4 kills, C4 and clay on flag is understandable but why no C4 at all but grenades are allowed? Grenades get 1000x more kills and are annoying, if someone C4'd me just in general I'd laugh, thats what makes BF2 good
QFT.. C4 is the ultimate whoopy cushion. its hilarious how many people i blow up with one pack and a remote detanator. i think admin prohibit C4 because of the jihad kamakaze crap.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

gnot<3 wrote:

Stubbee wrote:

Yes I asked to be banned. Hence the "this is not a complaint..." portion of my post.

are you affiliated with said clan? because you are very rude.
And what the fuck are you babbling about anyway. The ban was REQUESTED.

Who wants to play on a server with a lame ass rule like that. I asked if that was actually a rule. I asked to see if there any other rules restricting to use of vehicles. Then asked to be banned so I wouldn't mistakenly join their server. Except for the word 'ass', I was quite civil. Never actually played on the server.

The point I was making is that the rule violates the ROC for ranked servers. Rules like no clays/no clays on flags/no noobtube/no sniper/sniper only all twist the way DICE designed the game to be played with DICE's stat system. This clan obviously want to whore the helos and can't be bothered to learn how to avoid jets. They obviously want to pad their helo stats.
it's their server and they can pretty do what they want. You can complain all you want to EA or ROC, but they're not related to the server host. The only way you can get that server shutdown is if the clan is using hax to their advantage. Other than that, their server, their rules.
I don't want to report them because there are many other servers out there. However, if someone did then EA would talk to them about that particular rule. This is not fucking CS:S or COD4 where you can do whatever the hell you want with regards to server rules. We all play ranked BF2 because it is supposed to be, with minor variations, the same game experience. BF2 would not have lasted this long without the ranking system. It is why ranked server owners pay big bucks to run a ranked server. Ranked server owners should be livid that such servers steal potential traffic from their own servers.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
Be Eazy!
I prefer servers with no rules tbh.  haha
some server admins are really stupid..
i was soloing in cobra and suddenly kickking!reason:stop being idiot. and in that server seating was allowed..
Lookin' through your Window
+193|6563|Man Diego

SplinterStrike wrote:

Perv3rt wrote:

SplinterStrike wrote:

Whats the IP for the KUL server?

Ill get a stopwatch and check my personal ban record
At least meet their first requirement of having to join squad 1 within 45 seconds.  Then go for the ban.  lol.  I will post the IP when I get home, assuming you haven't already been banned
Havent found it just yet, must be my filters
It looks like they switched to Vanilla?  This is all I could find:
Strike at Karkand
pub hero!
+603|6704|the land of bourbon

Beer*Abuser wrote:

I prefer servers with no rules tbh.  haha
+250|6734|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

Perv3rt wrote:

SplinterStrike wrote:

Perv3rt wrote:

At least meet their first requirement of having to join squad 1 within 45 seconds.  Then go for the ban.  lol.  I will post the IP when I get home, assuming you haven't already been banned
Havent found it just yet, must be my filters
It looks like they switched to Vanilla?  This is all I could find:
Strike at Karkand
I went in on it, was empty though

Gonna try again later tonight, see what happens.

BTW the server loading screen rules are just

"Must join Alpha squad before playing" Alpha is full, so what do you do XD
"No active commanders" Poor lil guys cant stand UAVs and arty by the looks of it
Ill add to the list once I find more.
Lookin' through your Window
+193|6563|Man Diego

SplinterStrike wrote:

Perv3rt wrote:

SplinterStrike wrote:

Havent found it just yet, must be my filters
It looks like they switched to Vanilla?  This is all I could find:
Strike at Karkand
I went in on it, was empty though

Gonna try again later tonight, see what happens.

BTW the server loading screen rules are just

"Must join Alpha squad before playing" Alpha is full, so what do you do XD
"No active commanders" Poor lil guys cant stand UAVs and arty by the looks of it
Ill add to the list once I find more.
That's why I said at least join squad one.  Yep, those are the pathetic rules.  Does "no active commander" mean that you can take commander as long as you are AFK?

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