+89|7031|Sheffield, England
i just started playing bf 1942 again, and i love it, 4 years later and it still imresses me

sorry about the screwed up music, first time i ever made a video.

just nothing
Here's a video I made... years... ago. My first one I think.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 5959861716
42 is better than 2
+89|7031|Sheffield, England
What U Guys Think Of The Video?
Not Entirely Sane
+6|6977|Just Outside Seattle
42 is much better than 2, I wish they would just update 42 instead of making that new futuristic one.

Not Entirely Sane wrote:

42 is much better than 2, I wish they would just update 42 instead of making that new futuristic one.
They'll probably update '42 sooner or later...but require you to drop $20 to use it with BF2.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-03-24 05:49:54)

Cool member

elite wrote:

What U Guys Think Of The Video?
it stopped half way through after the music stated to change, as if you were trying to mix U2 with something else.
+89|7031|Sheffield, England
yeah i fucked it up, like i said at top man
Mass Media Casualty

BF1942 only needs that map loading music. That music was so fitting. Gave me a chill every time I played BF1942 - still does.

I have a special place for BF1942. It was the first 'decent' game I have ever played, (the second most decent being "Age of Empires" the first one.) I was so amazed by the whole thing I kept shooting a dead body because the graphics were so realistic I thought you could play dead. BF1942 is still the best game for me. It out stripps BF2 because of it's playability. It will never die.

Played it again the other day because the two working BF2 computers had been taken over by WoW-ers. So much fun, got in touch with my 1942 sniping prowess, (I still got it.)
I have even bought BF1942. Amazing huh, I have it. Sure I don't have a computer that is good enough to play it, but as soon as I do I can play it to my heart's content. Can't wait, I just need money, (so far I have about $900, so I can buy a computer good enough to play it but I'm saving for at least $3000 so I can get a BF2 compatable computer and have some money left over for other things I might need, such as a table and some games that I want.)
If anyone's got a computer that they don't want any more that plays BF1942, just send it to me via Victoria University Wellington.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

One thing I wish they had an equivalent of are the bigass flying fortresses. Manning the guns on those were soo much fun.
shooting it down in a meschersmit was better fun
Melbourne Shuffler
+214|6943|Gold Coast, Australia
I remember playing that on single player cuz i didnt have the internet at home, i made a really cool video that was synchronized with the james bond remix, and i couldnt fly planes for shit then, and now in bf2 for some reason i can do almost any stunt you tell me, ALMOST.

I also thought that 1942 is the reason why they made the new bf2 called 2142. is it just me or is it a major coincidence

Last edited by .:[CarelesS]:. (2006-03-25 00:46:31)

Pony Slaystation
+343|7026|Charlie One Alpha
I played 1942 a lot back in the day. I still play it occasionally on my home lan with a friend. I just can't figure out why I'm a killer pilot in bf1942, I can place a single bomb dead-on an enemy tank, but in bf2 I can't hit the broadside of a barn. There's just something different about the planes.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
The first true Sniper.
+95|6960|Cumberland, MD, USA
They're more touchy.

I loved 1942, still do. And I still play it.

I don't think it's a coincidence that they called the new game 2142. You know it's more.
Mass Media Casualty

Yeah LaidbackNinja, I find the same thing. I flew a stuka the other day and it flew like a dream, but when it comes to the BF2 jets I suck big time.

Another super-duper thing about Bf1942 were the ships. I manned a submarine the other day on Midway. Captured one of the sea points and had a one on one sub duel which I won. Watching a ship sink is great, same with being oon a sinking Battleship. It gets bloody scary, especially when the lean right over on one side. What i would change though it the ships just disapearing if they're beached or high in the water, you know when they sink but don't submerge. I would have them capsize and just stay there the entire game. That would be awesome.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Forgotten Hope : a Battlefield 1942 mod and maybe the best game based on WWII ever (though CoD 2 and Red Orchestra are awesome too)

And there'll be a FH2 for BF2 ! I can't wait, it'll be the mod which make me stop playing BF2 vanilla !!!
+21|6979|Sheerness, UK
I found a 1942 stunt video that make batt 2 stunt videos look like childs play.

http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/446 … Video.html

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