I loved Joint Ops...still my favorite multi-player game ever. I hope this is just as fun as that was.
i loved the day / night cycle. i also thought it was cool you could play a round..go to work, come home, and the battle was still going.coke wrote:
Yeah man hope it picks up where Joint Ops picked off. The stuff you could do on that in mp was
Used to love some long range sniper fun.
Last edited by usmarine (2009-02-25 19:31:42)
joint ops was the most fun i have ever had playing a video gameDesertFox- wrote:
It better go back to BHD-style combat ( tbh) than that JO shit. However, I'm looking forward to it.
my friend said he is re-installing joint ops. i am curious to see if people still play it.TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
When I played JO at a friends house I had no idea wtf was going on, but it seemed like an ultimate game. My friend always raved about it.
So, yes...hope this is like that.
I had the exact same thought after seeing this thread last night!usmarine wrote:
my friend said he is re-installing joint ops. i am curious to see if people still play it.TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
When I played JO at a friends house I had no idea wtf was going on, but it seemed like an ultimate game. My friend always raved about it.
So, yes...hope this is like that.
ya he said he played a server with 64 out of 100 this morning. gonna install tomorrow i reckon.coke wrote:
Installed, eventually managed to find a link the manually update (auto updater no longer works). Seems there still quite a few people playing saw 2 well populated servers (50 +), and also apparently there is a beta for a new patch out, which is being used to test some features for the new title. Found it a little frustrating at first probably cus I haven't played in so long and both the maps I played weren't the best, worst aspect is how bad the player animations now seem. Probably keep it installed for a bit tho and give it a few more tries.
Don't think you can as you still need a Novaworld account with the relevant keys and stuff. And apparently they have clamped down a lot on hackers and crack users etc with their own automated admin recently. But you made be able to find a key from somewhere after all the game is so old that a lot people will have stop using their keys and the accounts get deleted after long periods of inactivity.Stingray24 wrote:
Can you get Joint Ops free yet? Linkey?
i reckonFatherTed wrote:
these the guys that made BHD?
Last edited by RookTgz (2009-02-27 08:17:40)
i would agree that is the number one thing for me imoRookTgz wrote:
The great thing about these games from Novalogic is you're not stuck in a 500 Meter map, you can go anywhere in the map up to quite a few kilometers.
Last edited by Bradt3hleader (2009-02-28 08:05:10)
had a blast last night.....fucking stingersBradt3hleader wrote:
JOTR rules so much!
Would be awesome to have 10 guys get in a Blackhawk and fly out to a combat zone, then tell 3 guys with mortars to blow the shit out of it. Then 10 seconds later hearing "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" *BOOOOM BOOOOM BOOOOM BOOOOM BOOOOM" and rushing in and taking it.
ahhhh good times...good times....
EDIT: I just went away to find the disk and now I can't find it to reinstall the game. Oh well...I'll browse the internet to see if I can DL it, I have the CD key.
Last edited by M.O.A.B (2009-02-28 15:04:22)