+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

I've played through STALKER, with all of it's bugs, choppy framerates and impossible missions. I've played through Crysis: Warhead, which crashed at almost every savepoint. I've played BF2 for thousands of hours which.... do I really need to go into detail with it?

However, none of the above games with their issues have made me as angry and frustrated as FC2. It has so many issues:

Malaria. It's so annoying to be trying to do a mission and then randomly get sick, use your last pill and be forced to go and do some stupid "deliver the passports" mission. I remember reading somewhere that this was added in to force the player to help the civilian population. GW Ubisoft, real freedom there. Because of being forced to do these stupid missions I actually wanted to be able to take my machete and butcher every last one of those AIDS ridden fuckers and steal the meds so I wouldn't have to do the missions again.
And I remember doing 2 different missions that involved destroying malaria medicine. I wasn't allowed to take some before destroying the rest because.....???

Weapons. The system should have been like Crysis - Melee/sidearm/two main slots, and not melee/sidearm/light/heavy. Why can my character carry around a revolving grenade launcher and a guided antitank missile launcher without any problems, but trying to carry a silenced SMG and a pump shotgun is too much for him? And why does the MP5 take the same ammo as the M16, which in turn takes the same ammo as the AK47? And why do the enemies feed magazine after magazine through their rifles with no issues but as soon as I pick their guns up, they jam and explode?

Cars. What I want to know is: how come all of the enemy cars have faster acceleration and higher top speeds then I do, even when I'm in a 4WD and they're in a 2 door hatchback and we're driving over sand dunes? And who was the genius that decided that giving an enemy car a roof mounted grenade launcher, then have that car drive around so that you could encounter it anytime anywhere was a good idea?

Buddies. God they piss me off. Anyone remember the mission which involves you destroying the pumps at the greenhouses? I did the buddy mission for it, which involves you stealing a herbicide to put into a cropduster which your buddy uses to kill the crops at the greenhouses so that the enemies have no cover when you do your raid.
My buddy did that for me. AFTER I had killed all of the enemies, destroyed the pumps and was LEAVING. Then the bitch had the gall to ring me up and ask for help after her useless ass was shot down. After that, I just let the buddy missions fuck themselves.

The ending. No matter what what happens during the previous ten hours of gameplay - no matter who you kill, help, align yourself with, destroy, assasinate, etc - there are only two different ways to end the game, each with the same outcome.
Yahtzee described it well, it's like a seesaw - You do missions for one faction, and when they have nothing left to do, you go to the other faction, and balance things back out again, making whatever missions you do effect jack shit at the end.

The environment. I though this was supposed to be a free roaming game, not going through narrow canyons and be forced to fight everyone at the guard posts. It's good when it opens up, but damn, being forced to go through guard posts is frustrating, especially so when they respawn after about 60 seconds, meaning that if the post is near your objective, you'll have to do the same fight twice in a period of about five minutes.

Well, this rant when on longer then I intended it to, but fuck me this game needs fixing ASAP.
Thats all true, but I still think that the game is better than some Crysis shit, which is using exactly the same game mechanics (get to point B from point A, no step left/right) as ten year-old fps games.
I still think that the game is better than some Crysis shit, which is using exactly the same game mechanics (get to point B from point A, no step left/right) as ten year-old fps games.

Do NOT compare a piece of shit like FarCry2 to Crysis. Crysis is the total opposite of shit. If this argument comes from "oh it wont run", then you are missing alot.

Ill compare Far Cry2 with Crysis objective wise to enlighten you.

Crysis' Objectives

- Variety. All objectives differ from disable the jammer, to sink that cruiser, to rendez-vous with someone and etc.
- 1001 ways to accomplish.
- Real freedom. You are not confined to roads in Crysis, unlike in FC2. Your weapons are free, you can climb most hills and you are not addicted to drugs.
- Sense of being involved and of accomplishment.

FarCry 2 Objectives

- No variety. Every mission is described as, Rendezvous with buddy, do buddy mission, do main mission and help your buddy's ass after. That's it.
- 1001 ways to accomplish.
- Partial freedom. This game make you think you are free, YOU AINT. You are forced to follow the storyline, to have to stick to roads and deserts and you can't jump for shit. If you follow the game, you have no freedom. If you stop doing missions, you are free.
- Absolutely no sense of being involved at all, neither the sense of accomplishment. Only the sense of time waste.

So please think twice before you compare a piece of shit to Crysis. Crysis does not suck, its far from sucking. Its not perfect tho, but it certainly owns the living shit out of games like FarCry2.

Plus, Crysis is in my way of thinking Battlefield 3 with a singleplayer storyline. Why? Because of Power struggle. Power Struggle is a mix of Conquest and Titan with C&C Renegade aspects. Its basically BF2 without unlocks and ranking systems, but there is an unofficial one anyways. The reason people moan and bitch about this game is because not a lot can run it, which leads to empty servers, which leads to nobody cares about Crysis :(
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine
No, srsly, Crysis suck. I'm not speaking about graphics as I dont care, every game novadays seem to try fullfill lack of good gameplay and innovations with shiny new graphics - thats just pathetic. I'm speaking about gameplay, and Crysis' gameplay just suck. And please dont tell that you can go offroad in Crysis. Unless by the tearm 'offroad' you mean +-20 methers away from the road. It's still the same old shit like 10 years before, where gamedevelopers limit your freadom to a small tunnel from point A to point B.

Longbow wrote:

No, srsly, Crysis suck. I'm not speaking about graphics as I dont care, every game novadays seem to try fullfill lack of good gameplay and innovations with shiny new graphics - thats just pathetic. I'm speaking about gameplay, and Crysis' gameplay just suck. And please dont tell that you can go offroad in Crysis. Unless by the tearm 'offroad' you mean +-20 methers away from the road. It's still the same old shit like 10 years before, where gamedevelopers limit your freadom to a small tunnel from point A to point B.
You just described FC2.

The Gameplay in FC2 sucks way more than in Crysis. For instance, you can pick up anything in Crysis, in FC2, where you are supposed to have freedom, you can't. Oh and you can go off road in Crysis further than FC2. 20 meters?! Hell no, more like 100 meters. You only have this freedom at map edges in FC2, in centers its less than 5 meters.

It's still the same old shit like 10 years before, where gamedevelopers limit your freadom to a small tunnel from point A to point BI have to strongly disagree for both FC2 and Crysis here. You can do your objects any way you wish. There is no tunnel play in Crysis. Only in the last few levels BECAUSE THEY WERE RUSHED BY EA, anyways... FC2 was not under pressure, yet they still managed to give out the most crappy linear ending ever. gg ubi mtl.

Considering the facts you are saying about Crysis, I have to ask you if you even played it.
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine

Ioan92 wrote:

Considering the facts you are saying about Crysis, I have to ask you if you even played it.
check my xfire page
+93|5876|Stoke, England

Longbow wrote:

Ioan92 wrote:

Considering the facts you are saying about Crysis, I have to ask you if you even played it.
check my xfire page
I see. Then all I can say if you do think its tunnel is that you do shooters by the book. Crysis and FC2 is not meant to be played by the book. Keep that in mind.


Last edited by Ioan92 (2009-02-18 11:34:20)

Say wat!?
Just got the game second hand this last week, and omg this game is so shit. I would be ashamed to have my name on the credits tbh.

1. Bugs - This is the most buggy game I have ever played, the sound bugs all the time, you will fire guns and no sound will come out of your gun, jeeps will rev really loud when approaching you and continue to sound even if you kill the drive and it stops, etc etc. Models bug out all the time, enemies will be shooting you while facing entirely a different direction, I found one car that couldnt decide if it was red or blue, u moved and it changed colours. Has tons of game killing bugs, at certain missions there is a chance it will not allow you access to it, ever. You then have to load back previous missions and try again.

2. Shit plot - The plot in this game is absolute turd. I think a retarded child could come up with a better plot.

3. Repetitive missions - All the missions on this are so repetitive, you just get told to either get something, blow something up or kill someone, that is the entire scope of the game. You have to do these things around 70 times.

4. Travel - Takes fucking forever to just drive somewhere because every other mile there is a checkpoint or patrol that will cripple your vechicle in 2 shots, forcing u to get out kill everyone and repair your vechicle, there are only several roads to a destination meaning you will have to drive around so many cliffs and rivers. The only fast way to travel is catch the bus (wtf, buses run during war time, even though there are zero civs around) or to motor on the rivers.

5. Weapons - The weapons are total shit. The majority aren't even worth bothering with, the only fun part about using the guns was either blowing shit up or stealthing about head shotting everyone with one of the two silenced weapons.

So overall, dont get this game. Its shit.

Vilham wrote:

Just got the game second hand this last week, and omg this game is so shit. I would be ashamed to have my name on the credits tbh.

1. Bugs - This is the most buggy game I have ever played, the sound bugs all the time, you will fire guns and no sound will come out of your gun, jeeps will rev really loud when approaching you and continue to sound even if you kill the drive and it stops, etc etc. Models bug out all the time, enemies will be shooting you while facing entirely a different direction, I found one car that couldnt decide if it was red or blue, u moved and it changed colours. Has tons of game killing bugs, at certain missions there is a chance it will not allow you access to it, ever. You then have to load back previous missions and try again.

2. Shit plot - The plot in this game is absolute turd. I think a retarded child could come up with a better plot.

3. Repetitive missions - All the missions on this are so repetitive, you just get told to either get something, blow something up or kill someone, that is the entire scope of the game. You have to do these things around 70 times.

4. Travel - Takes fucking forever to just drive somewhere because every other mile there is a checkpoint or patrol that will cripple your vechicle in 2 shots, forcing u to get out kill everyone and repair your vechicle, there are only several roads to a destination meaning you will have to drive around so many cliffs and rivers. The only fast way to travel is catch the bus (wtf, buses run during war time, even though there are zero civs around) or to motor on the rivers.

5. Weapons - The weapons are total shit. The majority aren't even worth bothering with, the only fun part about using the guns was either blowing shit up or stealthing about head shotting everyone with one of the two silenced weapons.

So overall, dont get this game. Its shit.
Holy epic revive batman.

But you're right at least.

+778|6016|London, UK
Here's my very honest review of Far Cry 2 - it's shit.
+1,411|7055|FUCK UBISOFT

Kez wrote:

Here's my very honest review of Far Cry 2 - it's shit.
Touches Himself At Night.
FarCry2 is an excellent example of why graphics should never > gameplay

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