Now, Asobo Studio did not make a lot of games, but Codemasters did.
They made quite a lot of racing games, Collin Mcrae/Dirt, GRiD and TOCA.
Asobo Studio guys are now making a racing video game named FUEL.
It is planned to be an open world racing game, with players experiencing varying weather effects such as tornadoes and sandstorms and a full day-night cycle. The game world is said to be 8,700 milesĀ² (14,000+ kmĀ²) in size and be completely free to roam. Developers have said the game will feature no loading times while racing from one point to another. The players get to choose from a variety of both 2-wheeled vehicles as 4-wheeled vehicles.
The game will be for Pc, Xbox 360 and PS3.
Here is an HD Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45335.html
Official Website: http://www.codemasters.com/games/?gamei … EnglishUSA
Last edited by aerodynamic (2009-02-10 13:53:37)