Captain Fantastic
+24|6796|woodbridge, VA
Beta's alright. If you ever played Company of Heroes, you'll probably like this too.
Touches Himself At Night.
Excellent...finally got a respectable Download speed of 220kbs...

Should be done in about an hour but i still gotta wait till tomorrow to play

+399|6583 … -of-war-ii

Relic Entertainment's Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II appears to no longer be available for purchase at GameStop. Why? A person claiming to have knowledge of the matter says it's because of the game's association with Steam.
Wtf Gamestop?

Apparently Gamestop no longer sells DoW2. They pulled it completely. A rumour states that its because the 'games association with Steam' (which is news to me, unless its talking about the Steam multiplayer beta) and Gamestop don't like that (but they carry all Valve's games ). So their solution is to just not sell it? Yeah that makes sense. Well it does unfortunately. Making it so the dominant game shop in the US doesn't stock it will ensure that it gets far fewer sales than otherwise, making other developers think twice before making a game require Steam, despite the endless advantages of  if for both the developers and us. That is a dirty dirty tactic

Well. I'm keeping an eye on that definitely.

Of course it might be a simple case of running out of stock as well. We don't know whats going on yet.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2009-01-21 15:57:45)

Touches Himself At Night.
w00p w00p...

last 10% finished quick.....or didnt exist
But got a small update to sit through then just 1 game before tired..
say that 2 my face fucker not online

The_Guardsman wrote:

Acreta wrote:

Rod Foxx wrote:

Cut them some slack. How many RTS games come with 9 factions as standard?

The other factions will be added and then it'll keep the game fresh.

p.s. I too quite liked the tau
true, but i just hope they don't get Sims syndrome and release them in little increments causing the game to overall cost 800 dollars
You never know they might release them as Downloadable contents like alot of other games are doing.
that would be ideal because it keeps it fresh, one can hope they do it in patches, like how wow releases content.

'In the grim darkness of far beta, there is only multiplayer.'

Cripes, why can't I just make a private game so I can fool around without jumping into a game full of players?

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Relic Entertainment's Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II appears to no longer be available for purchase at GameStop. Why? A person claiming to have knowledge of the matter says it's because of the game's association with Steam.
Wtf Gamestop?

Apparently Gamestop no longer sells DoW2. They pulled it completely. A rumour states that its because the 'games association with Steam' (which is news to me, unless its talking about the Steam multiplayer beta) and Gamestop don't like that (but they carry all Valve's games ). So their solution is to just not sell it? Yeah that makes sense. Well it does unfortunately. Making it so the dominant game shop in the US doesn't stock it will ensure that it gets far fewer sales than otherwise, making other developers think twice before making a game require Steam, despite the endless advantages of  if for both the developers and us. That is a dirty dirty tactic

Well. I'm keeping an eye on that definitely.

Of course it might be a simple case of running out of stock as well. We don't know whats going on yet.
Already pre-ordered, and Gamestop hasn't sent me a cancellation notice.

Besides which, I'm more irritated about having to sign up for XBox shit to play it than STEAM.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2009-01-21 23:26:46)

The Live stuff isn't so bad. Just make sure you download the latest client before you try and play the game and everything should work fine. I installed Flatout Ultimate Carnage and it came with the old client. Urgh. It just gave me errors and looked horrible. Ended up having to download a hotfix for XP and download the new client manually to get the damn Live stuff to work and play my game.

But, once it was sorted it ran flawlessly ever since, and I quite like the integration. So yeah once it's up and running the Live stuff is no bother don't worry. Or at least it hasn't caused me any problems.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2009-01-22 00:24:31)

There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England
I'm not sure whether I like this game or not.

It seems to be a step downwards from Dawn of War, for me, because there's just so little to use. It's more like Company of Heroes than the original Dawn of War games.

It also has quite small maps, and nowhere near enough units.

How do Tyranids take out vehicles? I seem to see no AT units for them... Apart from the Carniflex.

Space Marines, as before, seem to be the dominant race. Seeming as the Tech Marine is the only thing that can build turrets, and turrets are quite over powered, it makes them quite awesome.

I like how defence really works though, this time. A group of defenders will win against a force moving in on them, unless the force is way bigger, of course.

Eldar seem to suck, too and I ain't even bothered playing as Orks yet.

Still, let's hope this all turns out well...
Touches Himself At Night.
Eldar: Shuriken weapon platforms = win.
Then falcons.
Tally Ho!!
+81|7058|I'm not sure.... Buts its dark
I had a quick dabble at the beta. Noticed you can't have to big an army. Those Terminators take up a large population cap! I also don't think there that good unless you have the cyclone launcher and thats only good if the target stays still for a while! And no bloody Land raider!! Not to bad a game so far!

As to my last post, you can tweak it into a singleplayer skirmish mode just by closing off open slots. Think they could've just given you the option in the first place?

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

The Live stuff isn't so bad. Just make sure you download the latest client before you try and play the game...
Yeah, but why do I have to have Live and STEAM going?

Sgt.Davi wrote:

Eldar: Shuriken weapon platforms = win.
Then falcons.
I can trump those shurikens with one squad of ranged gaunts from cover...

The_Guardsman wrote:

I had a quick dabble at the beta. Noticed you can't have to big an army. Those Terminators take up a large population cap! I also don't think there that good unless you have the cyclone launcher and thats only good if the target stays still for a while! And no bloody Land raider!! Not to bad a game so far!
1) The terminators do take up a bit, which kind of sucks if you have a large map to defend. Also sucking is the fact that turrets consume population too.
2) I found heavy bolter terminators to be just as useful as cyclone ones. The flamer seemed like a waste.
3) Sadly, by the time you can call in terminators, your army's probably going to be full. Wouldn't it be nicer to be able to call them off-planet rather than suicide weaker (but higher level) space marines?
4) Land raider...I imagine it'd take up quite a bit, but there's always new units added with each expansion.
5) Why did they join up vehicle and infantry limits like in CoH? It's awful enough having to balance population, let alone grouping infantry with armor.
6) DoW 2 is fun, but I still run it a bit slowly, and miss my Imperial Guard and Tau.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2009-01-23 11:15:53)

I've only played the first two missions of CoH and the tutorial in the dawn of war demo and I have the beta. I tried jumping into a game but I had no idea how to build a base and had some vague idea you capture control points. Should I at least finish the CoH campaign or buy dawn of war and complete that before giving the beta a real go?
Tally Ho!!
+81|7058|I'm not sure.... Buts its dark

Fat_Swinub wrote:

I've only played the first two missions of CoH and the tutorial in the dawn of war demo and I have the beta. I tried jumping into a game but I had no idea how to build a base and had some vague idea you capture control points. Should I at least finish the CoH campaign or buy dawn of war and complete that before giving the beta a real go?
No you don't need to do that. What you could do is set up your own game and have your opponent as an easy computer. Then you can have a play about and see what works best. DOW 1 is completely differnet compared to this one matey. This one seems to blend the two games together. Sighting a Bolter crew for instance.

Good luck!
Thanks for the advice I didn't know they included playing against the computer in this beta. I'll be sure to give that a try.
arrivederci frog
When you guys say low popcap how low is that exactly? Can someone give me a quick breakdown of the 4 races in terms of how much pop space their units take up?

Anybody know how to turn off the in-game VOIP? It's killing my Skype.

edit: Nevermind, I found it. it wasn't in DoW2 settings, it wasn't in the GFWL browser It was in the in-game GFWL in-game settings, nestled like a xenophobic tick in the corner of its puke-bucket interface. I hit mute, but I have yet to see whether or not it'll actually affect regular MSN/Skype conversations. With Windows 7's propensity to divide volume settings into individual programs, it might just work.

What were they thinking? You start up STEAM, then launch DoW2 which launches GFWL. You have to have two accounts for two different servicse and a CD-key to play this game. What happens if one or both services go down? You're screwed, that's what. It's a pyramid clusterfuck of ass. Why do you need two game game clients running in the background to play one game? What's wrong with just STEAM? It's polished (yeah, 'polished') well enough, and the friends interface works fine for me. What's wrong with not using STEAM? Relic Online was good enough for Dawn of War. Why does GFWL feel like the uninvited curly-headed fat kid that tries to scoop up all the attention at your birthday party? I don't have an XBox 360, so why do I need Microsoft points?? Stop trying to sell me shit!

What a shit load of fuck. I still like DoW2, but I hope it doesn't get its ass kicked like Bioshock on crack.


Aries_37 wrote:

When you guys say low popcap how low is that exactly? Can someone give me a quick breakdown of the 4 races in terms of how much pop space their units take up?
Inf/Veh pop is merged into a 100/100 cap. Think CoH. Quality vs quantity varies between the races.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2009-01-26 22:31:56)

Was ist Loos?
i dont like the fact that u cant purchase upgrades for the predator. also, you cant build anything, just the HQ upgrade >
Touches Himself At Night.
The not building anything is the unique selling point of DoW2.

Action > Basebuilding etc.

I like the beta, its quite good, im not very good though.

Also lack of Predator Lascannon turret or sponson mounts is criminal.
Was ist Loos?

Sgt.Davi wrote:

Also lack of Predator Lascannon turret or sponson mounts is criminal.

Last edited by destruktion_6143 (2009-01-28 12:44:33)


I can live without sprawling production bases. It takes a bit out of the game, but puts more into tactics.
Touches Himself At Night.
you cant win without memorizing the hotkeys in this game...
arrivederci frog

Sgt.Davi wrote:

you cant win without memorizing the hotkeys in this game...
Just like in all rts games

If it's true that they've dumbed down the base building and number of units then the need for good micro goes up significantly.
Touches Himself At Night.
I could easily win with my 1337 mouse skillz before.....
Was ist Loos?

Aries_37 wrote:

Sgt.Davi wrote:

you cant win without memorizing the hotkeys in this game...
Just like in all rts games

If it's true that they've dumbed down the base building and number of units then the need for good micro goes up significantly.
a squad of 4 tactical marines cost 15 pop cap, with a max of 100 pop cap. fucking ridiculous. they need to bring the amount down to... 4? u know, squad of four basic marines should cost 4 population cap
Tally Ho!!
+81|7058|I'm not sure.... Buts its dark
Yep l think they need to lower the Pop of each unit l mean 24 for 3 terminators!

On another note l pre ordered the game from err GAme and l got this email saying l have this coming to me!

  * "Armour of the Destroyer"
    * "Purge of Victory Bay" Heavy Bolter
    * "Unerring Thunderbolt" Missile Launcher
    * One unique chapter: "Novamarines"
    * Four exclusive metallic colours


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