Rules & Info
- This poll decides the winner in the given category
- The poll will run until Sunday 9pm CET
- Advertising your candidacy is allowed but please keep it in this thread
- Happy voting and good luck
- BF2S thread of super gayness [Top 10 Replies] by Gooners
- I feel like there is a worm in my anus by thtthht
- bf2s takes on twoblacklines, put your name down by twoblacklines
- Just a little favor by War Man
- shit guys... what do i do (took a Viagra & still excited after 6 hrs) by HurricaИe
- My dog nearly died from a used condom by LT.Victim
- BBQ around 27's, all invited by 1927
- "Don't be silly" (Emo kid kills herself) by Funky_Finny
- The Great British Debate by FatherTed
- Black Hawk Down - Somalians by FatherTed
Check out the threads above in this category before you cast your vote
Wait behind the line ..............................................................