Seb, those look like good stock photos. Ever been interested in that?
Defcon, that's awesome. Story behind it?
Defcon, that's awesome. Story behind it?

Me @ DeviantArt wrote:
This image somehow just popped into my head, and I just felt I had to draw it. I did so reluctantly as the "theme" if you may call it that way, is something that doesn't really fit my style at all.
The title is crappy, since I actually didn't know of a fitting title. I've scanned the image multiple times and uploaded both the "true" version and a detail enhancing version (both as one file). I've just used my traditional mech pencil on A4 printing paper. Perhaps I should just accept that as my method of choice, and thus accept I s*ck at colouring and digital work. Again, if there is a skilled colourer out there, that lacks or ignores his or her basic line art skills; please do contact me.
Somehow reminds me of The Nutcracker.Lai wrote:
Something nice and Wintery I made today : … 205722.jpg
(Sorry for the bad quality, I don't have a scanner here vand actually used my cellphone camera.)
Last edited by Amdi Peter (2009-12-12 15:51:26)
if you just take a photo using your iPhone or whatever i'm pretty sure a generic 'vignette'-type filter will artfully blur out any detail.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Hey, does paint or paint 3D have a blur effect? I want to include a picture of some semi-confidential documents for a work portfolio and rather have the confidential parts blurred instead of redacted blacked out?