Uzique wrote:
Atypical nobend as in the one that comes along to any post with a technical question and decides to one-up everyone by being ultra-pedantic and nitpicky about the fine-details... you knew what I was referring to in the difference between 'graphical styles' of CSS/HL2/TF2, so yes, the remark immediately following stating "I hate it when people get blah blah..." was 'that one' as you put it .
Yes you did deserve it, bye.
I wasn't trying to one up anybody. I don't see the problem in pointing out that it was wrong.
It's like when people say "I could care less". I know what they mean, but its wrong and i'll correct them because it too bugs me (a lot more than this).
And people calling TF2 cel shaded bugs me because Valve put heaps of design and technical effort into making the effect thats there and I really love what they've done with it and appreciate the effect every time I play. I find it really interesting, on top of how brilliant it looks compared to everything else, so when someone says its cel shaded I know what they mean, but its wrong. I find calling it cel shaded is derogatory because cel shading is overdone and relatively simple, whereas TF2's style is so much more.