I like the loading track in BF2: AIX for Road Rage.
The Soviet March is a good one, it sets the tone, but its all restricted to the menus. The ingame music is actually pretty dire, I don't like it much at all, and it only changes (that Ive noticed ) when a SW is launched. The RA1 soundtrack was award-winning, and really complimented the tone, setting and feel of the game.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
The only songs that were remixed were HM1 and Grinder. Everything else (Soviet March, HM3, the shit you hear in game) was orginial. Not only that but other than the first half of the first Hell March, the RA1 soundtrack wasn't that good.Snake wrote:
Even though its good, a lot of it is remixed.DefCon-17 wrote:
Fucking epic.
Which is why the RA1 soundtrack is the best, with C&C95 in a very very close second.
So RA3 it is.
Me and you will always disagree over RA1 & RA2/3 anyway
Wow Zelda you scrubs.
Best original soundtrack would probably go to Bioshock with a runner up being Halo: CE, best compilation soundtrack would probably go to GTA: San Andreas with a runner up being GTA IV.
GTA IV's radiostations sucked tbh.. I liked them just as much as GTA III's...Poseidon wrote:
Best original soundtrack would probably go to Bioshock with a runner up being Halo: CE, best compilation soundtrack would probably go to GTA: San Andreas with a runner up being GTA IV.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Hmmm. BF1942 theme obviously, RA stuff, Total Annihilation definitely, World of Goo, SSBB
What's 'original' about compiling songs from popular culture to form a radio station playlist?Poseidon wrote:
Best original soundtrack would probably go to Bioshock with a runner up being Halo: CE, best compilation soundtrack would probably go to GTA: San Andreas with a runner up being GTA IV.
Read teh OP!!!!!111one
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Are you serious? I loved GTA IV's stations...Radio Broker had an impressive mix of indie rock, LRR had a great mix of classic rock...doesn't match up to SA, but was better than VC imo. Though VC's pop station really helped set the mood and setting of the game.FloppY_ wrote:
GTA IV's radiostations sucked tbh.. I liked them just as much as GTA III's...Poseidon wrote:
Best original soundtrack would probably go to Bioshock with a runner up being Halo: CE, best compilation soundtrack would probably go to GTA: San Andreas with a runner up being GTA IV.
I read it...I was just adding on.Uzique wrote:
What's 'original' about compiling songs from popular culture to form a radio station playlist?Poseidon wrote:
Best original soundtrack would probably go to Bioshock with a runner up being Halo: CE, best compilation soundtrack would probably go to GTA: San Andreas with a runner up being GTA IV.
Read teh OP!!!!!111one
Yeah, 'adding on'OP wrote:
What is your favorite original game soundtrack? By original I mean: music created specifically for the game (as opposed to games like GTA or Guitar Hero that use other music already created by other artists).
GTA VC > GTA III > GTA IV for soundtrack. GTA IV has a few classics but it just doesn't immerse me as much as the others do- probably because it's all nondescript modern hits that I could hear by turning on my own radio.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Did I not say my favorite original game soundtrack?Uzique wrote:
Yeah, 'adding on'OP wrote:
What is your favorite original game soundtrack? By original I mean: music created specifically for the game (as opposed to games like GTA or Guitar Hero that use other music already created by other artists).
GTA VC > GTA III > GTA IV for soundtrack. GTA IV has a few classics but it just doesn't immerse me as much as the others do- probably because it's all nondescript modern hits that I could hear by turning on my own radio.
I liked VC's, but the classic rock station was a bit lacking. Though that was actually the first time I listened to Iron Maiden and the song they had (2 Minutes to Midnight I believe) really turned me onto becoming a Maiden fan.
SA's was just fucking awesome.
the snake eater song was pretty emotional.blah wrote:
aerodynamic wrote:
especially at the end.

KOTOR and KOTOR2, movie sounds that they borrowed aside (used about three times in the entire game), had a very very evocative sound track in my opinion.
Christ I fucking loved those games...
Christ I fucking loved those games...
Agree about nondescript modern hits on GTA4, but the best sound track was San Andreas by far imoUzique wrote:
Yeah, 'adding on'OP wrote:
What is your favorite original game soundtrack? By original I mean: music created specifically for the game (as opposed to games like GTA or Guitar Hero that use other music already created by other artists).
GTA VC > GTA III > GTA IV for soundtrack. GTA IV has a few classics but it just doesn't immerse me as much as the others do- probably because it's all nondescript modern hits that I could hear by turning on my own radio.
Halo series
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
I am very serious, the GTA IV stations are pretty bad imho, I have actually turned them off since they sucked so badPoseidon wrote:
Are you serious? I loved GTA IV's stations...Radio Broker had an impressive mix of indie rock, LRR had a great mix of classic rock...doesn't match up to SA, but was better than VC imo. Though VC's pop station really helped set the mood and setting of the game.FloppY_ wrote:
GTA IV's radiostations sucked tbh.. I liked them just as much as GTA III's...Poseidon wrote:
Best original soundtrack would probably go to Bioshock with a runner up being Halo: CE, best compilation soundtrack would probably go to GTA: San Andreas with a runner up being GTA IV.
Last edited by FloppY_ (2008-12-30 11:14:36)
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Command & Conquer (the first one) and C&C: Red Alert (also the first one), Total Annihilation, Baldur's Gate 2, Mass Effect, Warcraft 2 & 3, The Settlers II and last but not least both KoTOR games. Can't really pick a favourite, they're all just games which are memorable for me based on the music alone.
i agree with most of those + DOOMRosse_modest wrote:
Command & Conquer (the first one) and C&C: Red Alert (also the first one), Total Annihilation, Baldur's Gate 2, Mass Effect, Warcraft 2 & 3, The Settlers II and last but not least both KoTOR games. Can't really pick a favourite, they're all just games which are memorable for me based on the music alone.
edit: added Skyroads, link to OCReMix, Mario 64, BFV and VTM:B
Missing a thousand more, but there you go...
Some game music I use interchangeably in other games, as shown in my FRAPSed 'Supreme Commander' video ('Quake 2' track) and 'WH40K: Dark Crusade' video ('C&C: Generals' track):
I have two libraries: one in my room here and the other out in the garage. I'll answer based on what I see here and what I can remember right off out there.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Oh geez, what a question. I can only give a multiple choice answer, so I'll get back to this thread later.Favorite (Original) Game Soundtrack?
- Left 4 Dead: One of the most recent PC games at my disposal, various states of team raggedness, death and even the zombies get their own music. And it is awesome. I came to this realization when the sound got slightly muted and with a bit more reverb than usual after I was knocked down and firing wildly with pistols. The weird piano/strings/vocal kicked in right as Zoey got drug past me by a smoker screaming 'NOOOOoOoOoo!' with Bill chasing after her yelling 'ZOOOEEEYY!'
- Divine Divinity: A $10 'Diablo clone,' if you can still sleep at night for being as mean to call anything a clone in an industry that thrives on 'stealing' ideas. The music is great.
- Bully: Psychotic cuteness worthy of Danny Elfman.
- Advent Rising: good numbers, but there's a few time when some of the more frantic ones shouldn't have been used on the puzzle bosses.
- Age of Conan: Some of it grabbed me, some of it didn't. Most of it did, and you can hear the film influence in much of it.
- Conan: The Dark Axe: I admit to pirating this one not because I was a destitute teenager, but because I couldn't find the bloody thing anywhere else.
- Battlefield Vietnam: Another violation of the rules, but radio tracks can be plain awesome.
- Skyroads: You're bouncing from platform to platform in a car in space. Logic aside, it has really great music.
- Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines: Decent music there. Perfect for bursting torsos with magical vampire faerie powers. A mix of original and pre-existing.
- Mafia: I'm going to break the OP rules a bit. This game does have its own soundtrack, which is great, but equally valid are all the old-timey swing tunes, which fit mob capers of running over fire hydrants, other gangsters and through police barricades as well as they do Woody Allen flicks.
- Ascendancy: who remembers that game? Super-relaxing overworld music, and each species gets its own...wish there'd have been a sequel.
- Tron 2.0: The title/credits makes good use of techno, a genre I generally stay away from.
- Doom 1/2: Not many games get more varied than some of these. Taking Doom 1, the first map is completely different than the second map. There's a few times where music is recycled through levels, but most of the time you're hearing new stuff each map. Remember the trailer for Doom 3 when it started rocking out at the end? Not to criticize, but they should've gotten Bobby Prince back to do another soundtrack rather than trying to soundscape it
- Commander Keen: Speaking of Bobby Prince...
- Wolfenstein 3D: And again...
- Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold: Not much else could have been more perfect for that game.
- Quake 1/2: The first Quake was a bit different, but it had some stuff I liked. Quake 2 I keep with me to play when I'm driving on long trips. Works in cities and mountain passes.
- Elder Scrolls series: I sorta remember them, but not really. I do remember that I enjoyed them, but I guess they weren't that memorable to me.
- Age of Empires series: More games that I can vaguely remember the music to, but that I can't quite place. I do know that they were decent.
- Mechwarrior 2: Hit and miss for me, but I also keep it stashed away. I miss the days when game music was on the CD itself. Anymore, unless they ship a soundtrack CD, you have to rip and burn.
- C&C series: There's a lot of good stuff here all the way up to RA3
- Thief series: Yeah, it didn't really have music to go with, but the audio ambiance of the game was music to my ears.
- Entomorph: I don't know if anybody remembers this game, but I sometimes hum the intro theme.
- Diablo 1/2: Most notably the Tristram and Act 5 area 1 of D2exp. The others work in-game, but are less catchy when you're doing something else.
- Warcraft 1, 2, 3 and WoW: Say what you want about their games, but Blizzard has some good music.
- Starcraft
- Companions of Xanth: This game's free now. A lot of people have a hard time getting the music to work, but believe me when I say it's worth it. I just wish I could figure out how to convert the files into recognizable MIDI.
- Dawn of War series: Each army has a pretty distinctive sound that somehow doesn't do a very good job of working its way dynamically into the game, so I just extracted all of it and play them on a whim. Some strategy games have a jukebox. What happened to the others?
- Freedom Force series: Just as campy as it's supposed to be.
- Guild Wars: Yeah, it wears on you after about one-hundred hours, but that's not its fault. I think I'm just more disgruntled about pop-up monster closets and the fact that a fight is usually over before I get to hear all of the battle music (which I really want to do in Eye of the North).
- NES - Skate or Die 2: The title music was campy and awful, but almost everyone at my gradeschool was singing it to make fun of it. D-D-D-D-die die die DIE dooooy.
- Gameboy - Tetris: Another violation of the rules, but hearing those classics played out on that system's instruments with those blocks falling all around was completely different than the originals.
- Gameboy - Super Mario Land
- Sega Genesis - Sonic the Hedgehog: Yup...
- Sega Genesis - Streets of Rage 2: The first song was pretty cool, you have to admit. I don't remember the rest.
- SNES - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: A prize from beginning to end.
- SNES - Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World: Mario 1, 2, 3
- Virtual Boy - That one Wario game: never owned either, but 'bow, Bow BUHBOWWW-BOW!'
- N64 - Mario 64
Missing a thousand more, but there you go...
Some game music I use interchangeably in other games, as shown in my FRAPSed 'Supreme Commander' video ('Quake 2' track) and 'WH40K: Dark Crusade' video ('C&C: Generals' track):
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2009-01-10 06:35:55)
Chrono Trigger
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Those two are cuts above.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Those two are cuts above.
Lotus 3: Ultimate Challenge
No contest tbh.
No contest tbh.
Last edited by Reciprocity (2008-12-30 20:38:16)
aerodynamic wrote:
Actually thinking the First MOH: Frontline had some really nice music.
Still remember the last mission where you have to steal the german jet.
or at the mission where you infiltrate a german building.
You can watch this in the game, the kid singing makes me laugh everytime.
Any of the Metal Gear Solids. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are amazing. Harry Gregson-Williams is the shit.
MoHAA (actually anything by Michael Giacchino is pretty great, he does all the MoH's plus Lost the TV show, too! )
Last edited by Spearhead (2008-12-30 23:13:13)