Machine_Madness wrote:
Sisco10 wrote:
trying to fight the ominous combine (which you knew shit about why they were there or how), helping citizens in their uprising (with no clue whatsoever why they got concentrated in the first place, and how) fighting the boss of this empire, which isn´t really the boss, but somehow he is.
Plus, why the fuck are the vortigaunts, fierce and deadly enemies in the first hl your most helpfull allies? lol.
also, i wear glasses so your spoon is useless
Ok those points are true, but it still was an awesome story.
Sisco: It's Half Life fucking
TWO.. If you were to play MGS4 without playing the others, you would have absolutely no idea what was going on and by that I speak from experience. If you want to know the story, play HL1. The games themselves have parts of the story, the whole thing itself is a series which you must experience all of it to understand. By the vortigaunt comment, you've played HL1. If you still don't understand, pay some more attention because the answers will not be thrown at you.
Machine: No, the points are all null and void.
That said: Metal Gear Solid, Half Life, Tribes.
You know what? Fuck it. The combine are there (WHY) because they go from planet to planet (and dimension to dimension) mixing the dominant species of said planet with their tech to create armies. They got there (HOW) because Breen facilitated the teleportation in Black Mesa. The citizens were concentrated (WHY) because groups of people are easier to control when they are in smaller physical areas. How they got concentrated (..HOW) was a subsidizing of urban areas and the regulation of movement (hence the opening scene of HL2) by the combine. Finally, Breen is not the boss of the empire. He is the small time figurehead for Earth. While no one really likes it, it does aid in controlling people by letting them believe it is a person leading them as opposed to a giant slug.