No i dont want gamerscore, I think its fun to do achievements, but not when they disappear after you achieve them.
I didnt know it was disappearing until i beat the game. So i got the You Won! achivements and Liberty City Minute.
Well I wanted to get more achievements, but all the sudden some achievements that you have to have before you even beat the game (like the mission achievements or the money achievements)
I dont have Half-Million anymore, even though I have like 900k. I got Liberty City Minute, but it was gone a minute after I got it.
theres more... but i think you get the point.
Whats up? anybody else getting this?
I didnt know it was disappearing until i beat the game. So i got the You Won! achivements and Liberty City Minute.
Well I wanted to get more achievements, but all the sudden some achievements that you have to have before you even beat the game (like the mission achievements or the money achievements)
I dont have Half-Million anymore, even though I have like 900k. I got Liberty City Minute, but it was gone a minute after I got it.
theres more... but i think you get the point.
Whats up? anybody else getting this?