Hey guys, had an awesome time in the server last night, only played a few rounds!  Schuss i was in your squad for a bit, but you were in armor so i buggered off with my pkm.

Goldman i like your squad tactics, it's awesome when you're in a squad like that.  And even better if you sneak round with a PKM and take out 6 people in 5 seconds  

I love this game!

See you tonight.
+383|7028|The Netherlands

bmb|danCer wrote:

cool idea! did u get a dns name for that like for example general-echo.dyndns.org?
there are little programs that update your private ip automatically to that domain so u don't have to give your ip to everybody everytime.
for infos visit http://www.dyndns.com/ registration is free and update programs for that service are there free too.
if u dont wanna do that i'll ask my clan for a channel to open extra for the com.
I dont have that program installed but i dont think i m gonna need it cause i can give the Teamwork guys the ip.

Lt.Goldman wrote:



I am realy proud of your performance this evening ! We lost a few battles, thats true.
We did not scored the most points thats also true. But the teamwork you all showed was amazing !

You all sticked together. OK sometimes too close to all catch the same arty shell   but shit happens.
The way everyone respawned on me and instantly followed (and even answered) my orders, was great.

I have never seen such good medics actually healing squadmembers and supports staying behind
and give coverfire for the whole teamattack. Anti-tank even fired rockets at tanks intead of soldiers !

And than to see that NONE of you guys has a rank rank higher than Master Sergeant.
NEVER say that the corporals/sergeants and staff sergeants  are noobs !

I am honoured to have served with you all. I hope I get the privilage of fighting with you again !


Master Sergeant Goldman.Lt
Squadleader TEAMWORK
BF2S EU server
Same here!  Cya tonight matey!
teh m0nsta

General-Echo wrote:

bmb|danCer wrote:

cool idea! did u get a dns name for that like for example general-echo.dyndns.org?
there are little programs that update your private ip automatically to that domain so u don't have to give your ip to everybody everytime.
for infos visit http://www.dyndns.com/ registration is free and update programs for that service are there free too.
if u dont wanna do that i'll ask my clan for a channel to open extra for the com.
I dont have that program installed but i dont think i m gonna need it cause i can give the Teamwork guys the ip.
Ok thats a point, but how would u do that?
Would you post it in a irc channel, instant messenger.
So if u would create your own dynamic ip you could give your people the name once and u would never have to give it out again.
+383|7028|The Netherlands

bmb|danCer wrote:

Ok thats a point, but how would u do that?
Would you post it in a irc channel, instant messenger.
So if u would create your own dynamic ip you could give your people the name once and u would never have to give it out again.
I think you are talking about a ts channel for everyone, i was thinking of a ts channel for the TEAMWORK squad. If i give my ip on squadchat ingame, i ll only have to type it once.

Last edited by General-Echo (2006-03-14 10:27:21)

teh m0nsta

General-Echo wrote:

bmb|danCer wrote:

Ok thats a point, but how would u do that?
Would you post it in a irc channel, instant messenger.
So if u would create your own dynamic ip you could give your people the name once and u would never have to give it out again.
I think you are talking about a ts channel for everyone, i was thinking of a ts channel for the TEAMWORK squad. If i give my ip on squadchat ingame, i ll only have to type it once.
ok, i got u now.
+383|7028|The Netherlands

bmb|danCer wrote:

ok, i got u now.
I got a 3mbit broadband cable connection so i probably can host more ppl without any lag but i dont want 32 guys talking so i m not gonna post my ip here. Just ask me ingame and i ll give to you.
I could not care less

It was my first time playing on the EU server today,and i enjoyed it.But i got kicked for saying "shit",i mean come on...NOT COOL
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7149|Cologne, Germany

Negerkungen wrote:

It was my first time playing on the EU server today,and i enjoyed it.But i got kicked for saying "shit",i mean come on...NOT COOL
don't say "shit" then...it's really quite easy...
I could not care less

B.Schuss wrote:

Negerkungen wrote:

It was my first time playing on the EU server today,and i enjoyed it.But i got kicked for saying "shit",i mean come on...NOT COOL
don't say "shit" then...it's really quite easy...
Hmm i'll try that one.
I could not care less

What's the mapcycle on the EU server??
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7149|Cologne, Germany

Well, until yesterday it was something like:

Dalian Plant

I think. I am at work right now. I'll check when I come home.
I could not care less

The H4xor Mod
+161|7155|North Texas

Dalian Plant

in that order.
+383|7028|The Netherlands
The map rotation is just great, dont change anything about it.

Btw anyone here playing on the european server tonight?
BF2s EU Server Admin (RETIRED)
+330|6970|The Netherlands
Besides playing BF2 I have 3 other BF2  'jobs' now

BF2s EU server admin
BF2s Wiki contributor (we are setting up a Signature section)
BF2s signature designer

So I hope I will have some free time left to actually play the game

Last edited by Lt.Goldman (2006-03-16 10:12:49)

+383|7028|The Netherlands
Cant you get it sorted in a hour or do stuff later? I ve got some matters that need sorting meself and i m planning on playing at 2030 dutch time. If you not there yet, i ll lead the teamwork squad.

Echo out.

Last edited by General-Echo (2006-03-16 10:44:32)

+383|7028|The Netherlands
Yesterday i had trouble getting on the server cause it was full and it took me about 5 minutes of clicking to get on it. Tonight tho its completely empty...

I ll try to get the game started so i wanna ask you guys to please connect to the european server and help me get the game started. Thx alot!

Lt.Goldman wrote:



I am realy proud of your performance this evening ! We lost a few battles, thats true.
We did not scored the most points thats also true. But the teamwork you all showed was amazing !

You all sticked together. OK sometimes too close to all catch the same arty shell   but shit happens.
The way everyone respawned on me and instantly followed (and even answered) my orders, was great.

I have never seen such good medics actually healing squadmembers and supports staying behind
and give coverfire for the whole teamattack. Anti-tank even fired rockets at tanks intead of soldiers !

And than to see that NONE of you guys has a rank rank higher than Master Sergeant.
NEVER say that the corporals/sergeants and staff sergeants  are noobs !

I am honoured to have served with you all. I hope I get the privilage of fighting with you again !


Master Sergeant Goldman.Lt
Squadleader TEAMWORK
BF2S EU server
Sounds like the way it should be. Good job to you guys!

Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2006-03-17 11:26:01)

+383|7028|The Netherlands
I got the game started tonight in about 45 minutes. Within the hour, there were 33 players on the eu server. Me, Armageddon, Goldman and a couple of other guys were kicking ass basicly, we were best squad about every round.

I got a meritorious unit ribbon and a legion of merrit ribbon, a new br of 102, 72 teampoints, 26 revives and a bronze star in the first round. Probably the best round i ever played.

Thx guys, i had a great time tonight! Cya tomorrow night

Edited some spelling errors.

Last edited by General-Echo (2006-03-17 15:15:34)

BF2s EU Server Admin (RETIRED)
+330|6970|The Netherlands

General-Echo wrote:

Me, Armageddon, Goldman and a couple of other guys were kicking ass basicly, we were best squad about every round.
gee... and I couldn't even use VOIP...  just imagine the result  if we could use it .....

General-Echo wrote:

I got a meritorious unit ribbon and a legion of merrit ribbon, a new br of 102, 72 teampoints, 26 revives and a bronze star in the first round. Probably the best round i ever played.
Guess what ?  You've all eaned that by .......   BEING A TEAMPLAYER !

For all you guys who don't understand what that is... Join the Bf2s Server and look for the TEAMWORK squad

"Earn Them Stripes !"
---hates you
+1,137|7064|Hell, p.o box 666

Hi there, yesterday I´ve played on the EUserver for the first time. I´ve seen Goldman, Echo and Armageddon (you really kick ass). Unfortunatley I was MEC commander and my team wasnt able to defeat the usmc (only 1squad had balls) but the round ended almost closley (27:0) and it was a lot of fun. I´ve seen on my command-screen that you guys often moved in squad (lucky for me, my arty hit you once), this is something that I´ve never seen so far on a server...

Last edited by fon|sl4y3r (2006-03-18 00:40:26)

+383|7028|The Netherlands

Lt.Goldman wrote:

gee... and I couldn't even use VOIP...  just imagine the result  if we could use it ..... :cool
Lets use my ts server next time we are playing. Do you have tsclient installed?

Lt.Goldman wrote:

Guess what ?  You've all eaned that by .......   BEING A TEAMPLAYER !
*Feeling proud*

I guess i learned being a teamplayer the hard way in basic training at the dutch red berrets. I m allmost 28 so i m not too fast on the trigger nowadays so i like to stay behind a bit in a squad and let the hotshots do the dirty work and i ll just try to keep everyone alive. Btw i ll play whatever kit/vehicle is nesicary or whatever suits the situation best but my favorite kit is medic.

fon|sl4y3r wrote:

Hi there, yesterday I´ve played on the EUserver for the first time. I´ve seen Goldman, Echo and Armageddon (you really kick ass). Unfortunatley I was MEC commander and my team wasnt able to defeat the usmc (only 1squad had balls) but the round ended almost closley (27:0) and it was a lot of fun. I´ve seen on my command-screen that you guys often moved in squad (lucky for me, my arty hit you once), this is something that I´ve never seen so far on a server...
Why dont you join our teamworksquad next time you re playing?

Echo out.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7149|Cologne, Germany

I'll send an e-mail about the VoIP issue to i3d.nl over the weekend. maybe they have a solution. after all, they set up the server..
Someone needs to change the map. It will stay empty forever if EU maps are running.....
I could not care less

Yeah it a shame your runing EU maps,since not every body dont got it.

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