see-pie wrote:
herrr_smity wrote:
see-pie wrote:
Impressive...But the only reason why america wants to aid israel is because they annually buy their fighter jets...without these jets the americans would be stuck with their stealth fighters which cost a fortune...and even though the americans have the knowledge to build the israeli F-18's, they cant afford to pay the building cost so therefor they buy them from Israel for almost half price. Why would they otherwise hang onto Israel for so long?
to have a strategic partner in the middle east.
Then why havnt they become partners with another country. Israel isnt the only country in the middle-east that will ally with America. Instead of creating problems with Iran they can try to associate with them. If they ally with them they will realize that Iran is in fact trying to creat a nuclear power station. Its just crzy Bush thats trying to be the police chief of the world trying to solv all the worlds problems.
Let me get this straight .. We lend them $74,157,600,000 So they will buy a 30,000,000 dolar fighter jet or 2 every 5 years from an American Company?
Strategic partner at the cost of $74,157,600,000 Fuck that, sounds more like a leach or the Mafia.
Partner in what? thier Wars ? Gee thanks but.... no thanks.
I wonder what oil would cost us if we took one half of that $74,157,600,000 and gave it to Arab countries
instead ?