I can see this will be loads of work "ahhhhhh here goes" ok add me to msn ( only if you get lost )
Flash file for tutorial
Click here to Download Tutorial Flash file I used
1. please do not trouble me on msn unless it's importent ( I have my own sites to run ) send me over exacly what you need help with
2. By looks of that I see you are trying to create front enter page easy ( if you know about actionscript )
3. any TM is easy to edit if you open file in flash Ok here is a small tut on this Let say we have our page in PS Like so
( full screen link http://i28.tinypic.com/o9miyw.png )
Now let's say I want to create buttons for this ( now there is 2 ways you can achive this )
(1) as you know u can cut slices in PS ( if you know how to use PS u should know hot to cut UP theme inside it )
(2) We will export this file in flash, like I will do with this one. Open up new document in flash 8 u will get this screen
Full size image link http://i25.tinypic.com/w8l5om.png
As you can see by above image I have highlited section where it tells you the flash size so if your document in photoshop is 800 x 600 our flash file size has to be changed to that.... Now my document is
939 x 802 so i go in to flash settings where I put black spot on above pic and change to size as you can see here in next screen shot
Now importent part! lets grab our file, click file and click import to stage u will get your file on screen like so
In flash u need to create new buttons ( you can look up tutorials on that on line ) i will just continue with rest
Now Like you see in screen shot below I have created "simbols/buttons" for my document ( highlited in blue )
and like u see in my action script layer it seas
on (release) {
This is what our button will do when it's clicked ( above line is correct but u can add things like _self, _blank, and so on )
now to save our movie go to file and go to publish settings now u will get pop with 3 tabs like so
it ses
First format - format is the place you will save your flash and what the name will be called
flash - i wouldent mess around here to much as you dont need to unless you know what you doing
html - i wouldent mess around here to much as you dont need to unless you know what you doing
Hit publish now you will get 2 files
1 will be called
right click html file and open with note pad or dreamwaver ( I use notepad )
Hust below </head>
add this line
and go to bottom of the page and just below </object>
add this line
Here is the file I used for tutorial above if you want to see how it all goes 2gether
Click here to Download Tutorial Flash file I used
Now our movie will be sitting in the center of the page Hope this helps you and ( you better apprishiate this as it's 6 am and I was gonna hit bed 3 hours a go )
This complites my tutorial on your question above enjoy
Breez a.k.a badhq
Flash file for tutorial
Click here to Download Tutorial Flash file I used
1. please do not trouble me on msn unless it's importent ( I have my own sites to run ) send me over exacly what you need help with
2. By looks of that I see you are trying to create front enter page easy ( if you know about actionscript )
3. any TM is easy to edit if you open file in flash Ok here is a small tut on this Let say we have our page in PS Like so
( full screen link http://i28.tinypic.com/o9miyw.png )
Now let's say I want to create buttons for this ( now there is 2 ways you can achive this )
(1) as you know u can cut slices in PS ( if you know how to use PS u should know hot to cut UP theme inside it )
(2) We will export this file in flash, like I will do with this one. Open up new document in flash 8 u will get this screen
Full size image link http://i25.tinypic.com/w8l5om.png
As you can see by above image I have highlited section where it tells you the flash size so if your document in photoshop is 800 x 600 our flash file size has to be changed to that.... Now my document is
939 x 802 so i go in to flash settings where I put black spot on above pic and change to size as you can see here in next screen shot
Now importent part! lets grab our file, click file and click import to stage u will get your file on screen like so
In flash u need to create new buttons ( you can look up tutorials on that on line ) i will just continue with rest
Now Like you see in screen shot below I have created "simbols/buttons" for my document ( highlited in blue )
and like u see in my action script layer it seas
on (release) {
This is what our button will do when it's clicked ( above line is correct but u can add things like _self, _blank, and so on )
now to save our movie go to file and go to publish settings now u will get pop with 3 tabs like so
it ses
First format - format is the place you will save your flash and what the name will be called
flash - i wouldent mess around here to much as you dont need to unless you know what you doing
html - i wouldent mess around here to much as you dont need to unless you know what you doing
Hit publish now you will get 2 files
1 will be called
right click html file and open with note pad or dreamwaver ( I use notepad )
Hust below </head>
add this line
and go to bottom of the page and just below </object>
add this line
Here is the file I used for tutorial above if you want to see how it all goes 2gether
Click here to Download Tutorial Flash file I used
Now our movie will be sitting in the center of the page Hope this helps you and ( you better apprishiate this as it's 6 am and I was gonna hit bed 3 hours a go )
This complites my tutorial on your question above enjoy
Breez a.k.a badhq