...a trilogy.
http://www.gamespot.com/news/6199172.ht … es;title;1
So now they broke Starcraft II into three different parts. Which has it's good and it's bad. First the good.
1) Longer campaings focused on one race so more in depth story with that race.
2) No need for transition of a nine missions
Now the Bad
1) Waiting for the others to come out (specifically Zerg and Protoss [cant believe they made them fucking last!])
2) They can rehash missions if they want to (different prespectives on same battle)
3) No variety in game play by taking out the three faction formula.
http://www.gamespot.com/news/6199172.ht … es;title;1
So now they broke Starcraft II into three different parts. Which has it's good and it's bad. First the good.
1) Longer campaings focused on one race so more in depth story with that race.
2) No need for transition of a nine missions
Now the Bad
1) Waiting for the others to come out (specifically Zerg and Protoss [cant believe they made them fucking last!])
2) They can rehash missions if they want to (different prespectives on same battle)
3) No variety in game play by taking out the three faction formula.