XXX Dragon Valley. I was playing with 12/f/taiwan when the got bann occured, lol. 21st Soldier, who is/was an admin kept attacking the carrier (rules permitted with all flags, but well past his 30 kills allowable). 12/f/taiwan tells the admin that the admin is going to get raeped when we get the J10s & will get over 100 kills with attacking the carrier allowed. 12/f/taiwan shoots down said admin about 6 or 7 times and gets the ban hammer. Unless that one was a time ban? Did you get banned again later? Either way, lol at 21st Soldier for being a little bitch.12/f/taiwan wrote:
I was kicked from that server dozens of times by the cry Admins. about 8 months ago. They eventually banned me, its still on the ban list to this day. Admins/Whiny players=killed BF2 more then anything else.Ten24Alpha420 wrote:
I was kicked the other day for that too. XXX Dragon Valley I believe.
Oh yeah: I got banned on 24/7 Dragon Valley (Wolfpack I think?) by this person: they wanted to solo the chopper. No bail out message, no nothing. Got artied the first time on takeoff (I just took back the Woodyard), got M95d by the admin for the copter the next time. I mouthed off about the TK and got banned for name violation, lmao.
Last edited by Perv3rt (16 years, 5 months ago)