Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Good | 47% | 47% - 35 | ||||
Bad | 39% | 39% - 29 | ||||
Undecided. | 12% | 12% - 9 | ||||
Total: 73 |
actually the quote isPoseidon wrote:
You know this thread isn't going to go down well.
Pissydon wrote:
Half Life had it in '98.Cyrax-Sektor wrote:
I liked the first one with the wacky weapons and vehicles. The physics engine and those Warthogs (sp?) made for great fun in offline multiplayer with the family. And the co-op campaign was fun to shred up aliens.
One interesting feature was the flash light. I don't check out a lot of FPS games, but that was the first game I played with that feature.
http://www.giantbomb.com/flashlight/93-156/Miggle wrote:
Half Life had it in '98.Cyrax-Sektor wrote:
I liked the first one with the wacky weapons and vehicles. The physics engine and those Warthogs (sp?) made for great fun in offline multiplayer with the family. And the co-op campaign was fun to shred up aliens.
One interesting feature was the flash light. I don't check out a lot of FPS games, but that was the first game I played with that feature.
There were probably other games with it before that as well.
ooo, the original name switcheroo, good one.Miggle wrote:
actually the quote isPoseidon wrote:
You know this thread isn't going to go down well.Pissydon wrote:
You expect too much from the people who come into this section.FatherTed wrote:
And keep this civil.
Where did I say that?Poseidon wrote:
you can admit that you have absolutely no reason to hate Halo other than the fact that you baselessly hate consoles as a whole.
hmmm 3? maybe 4.Poseidon wrote:
Really doesn't surprise me how many times you've been banned from here, tbh.
You've said it multiple times on Xfire. And don't say I have no proof, because I'm willing to bet most people who have seen the way you act in this section find it very easy to believe that you'd say something of that sort.Miggle wrote:
Where did I say that?
Eh, I didn't like it too much mainly because I'm more of a SP kind of person. The story was interesting (going to Earth), but it just felt like it was missing something. The MP was okay I guess, but Halo 3's MP is great. It's sort of like comparing Rock Band and Rock Band 2's instruments. Rock Band's instruments were good, and they started off the whole band-kit idea. Rock Band 2's instruments learned from the mistakes of Rock Band's instruments and improved upon them.FatherTed wrote:
Oddly enough my favourite was the 2nd, then the 3rd, then the 1st.
Dual wielding and the limits it imposed upon grenade use was a fantastic step
The arbiters story was really interesting
The multiplayer was quite simply fucking amazing
i really could go on and on
Last edited by Poseidon (2008-10-12 18:42:13)
Last edited by FrankieSpankie3388 (2008-10-12 18:43:53)
I don't like consoles, yes, that's true.Poseidon wrote:
You've said it multiple times on Xfire. And don't say I have no proof, because I'm willing to bet most people who have seen the way you act in this section find it very easy to believe that you'd say something of that sort.Miggle wrote:
Where did I say that?
I don't mind this new health system really.FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:
I wish you had more options. In all honesty, I don't think it's a bad game. However, it is nowhere nearly as good as people claim it is. There is absolutely no reason it should even be close to the top 25 FPS games of all time. I've played a ton of FPS games and there are a lot of lesser known games that are much better than the Halo series. I really don't understand why people love it so much, I've played it for hours at my friends house over the past couple of months and it's not that great.
The only thing I can't stand about it most, is the fact of how much it babies the gamers. More and more games these days are doing that too, has anybody tried playing old FPS games online like pretty much any Valve game (aka Half Life, Team Fortress Classic, etc) and get nearly as much success as they do in today's games? Even TF2 is like baby mode compared to TFC, I really wish I didn't waste my money on TF2 because I played it for an hour and just went right back to TFC, but this isn't about TF2, it's about Halo. I hate the fact that games nowadays have the top 2 friggin super-baby-mode features that is part of the game. The first is auto-aim. What the fuck is that? Who goes to play a game expecting the computer to do all the work? That's like playing a driving game where it steers for you, or a football game that makes all the plays for you, why not just watch the demo that you get if you don't press anything at the main menu for a while? The other option that is in a lot of games these days is friggin regenerating health. In what world are we in, even in CoD4, that you get shot at like 3-4 times in the stomach and you can go run to the corner, cry for 5 seconds, and all of a sudden the wounds magically heal? I've seen some people that are absolutely amazing at games like CoD4 and Halo, and I really want to tell them, "Go play the original Call of Duty on the hardest mode, and see how far you can get before you give up." For those of you who don't remember, the original Call of Duty doesn't have regenerative health and on the hardest difficulty, never had health pick ups. So you have to wait until the end of the level for full health again. Or even play the old Medal of Honor: Allied Assault on the hardest mode and try and beat the Omaha Beach level. I remember I was playing that on the hardest difficulty and it took me over 5 hours just to beat that level because it's that hard.
I guess that gamers nowadays just don't have skill, nor do they want to take their time trying to get good at a game. Problem is, it ruins it for people who are good at these games that want a challenge. When I first started playing Halo 3 online at my friends house, mind you I absolutely despise analog sticks for aiming and I suck terribly with them, and I started the day with rounds like 2-15. After about 2-3 hours, I was finishing rounds 25-10. Me, a person who admits he sucks at console shooters, improved from 2-15 to 25-10 in a matter of 3 hours. There is no reason that should be possible unless the game is that easy. In my opinion the game is a solid 6/10. And that's why I hate the Halo games and the end of my rant.
I think developers are trying to pull a more diverse crowd into games, and if one takes little time to master, then more people who don't have much time for this hobby might buy it. Seems to be working so far, but to make them into good games (for seedy veterans) takes delicate balance.FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:
I guess that gamers nowadays just don't have skill, nor do they want to take their time trying to get good at a game.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2008-10-12 18:51:09)
I prefer a healthpack system.FatherTed wrote:
I don't mind this new health system really.FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:
I wish you had more options. :doh: In all honesty, I don't think it's a bad game. However, it is nowhere nearly as good as people claim it is. There is absolutely no reason it should even be close to the top 25 FPS games of all time. I've played a ton of FPS games and there are a lot of lesser known games that are much better than the Halo series. I really don't understand why people love it so much, I've played it for hours at my friends house over the past couple of months and it's not that great.
The only thing I can't stand about it most, is the fact of how much it babies the gamers. More and more games these days are doing that too, has anybody tried playing old FPS games online like pretty much any Valve game (aka Half Life, Team Fortress Classic, etc) and get nearly as much success as they do in today's games? Even TF2 is like baby mode compared to TFC, I really wish I didn't waste my money on TF2 because I played it for an hour and just went right back to TFC, but this isn't about TF2, it's about Halo. I hate the fact that games nowadays have the top 2 friggin super-baby-mode features that is part of the game. The first is auto-aim. What the fuck is that? Who goes to play a game expecting the computer to do all the work? That's like playing a driving game where it steers for you, or a football game that makes all the plays for you, why not just watch the demo that you get if you don't press anything at the main menu for a while? The other option that is in a lot of games these days is friggin regenerating health. In what world are we in, even in CoD4, that you get shot at like 3-4 times in the stomach and you can go run to the corner, cry for 5 seconds, and all of a sudden the wounds magically heal? I've seen some people that are absolutely amazing at games like CoD4 and Halo, and I really want to tell them, "Go play the original Call of Duty on the hardest mode, and see how far you can get before you give up." For those of you who don't remember, the original Call of Duty doesn't have regenerative health and on the hardest difficulty, never had health pick ups. So you have to wait until the end of the level for full health again. Or even play the old Medal of Honor: Allied Assault on the hardest mode and try and beat the Omaha Beach level. I remember I was playing that on the hardest difficulty and it took me over 5 hours just to beat that level because it's that hard.
I guess that gamers nowadays just don't have skill, nor do they want to take their time trying to get good at a game. Problem is, it ruins it for people who are good at these games that want a challenge. When I first started playing Halo 3 online at my friends house, mind you I absolutely despise analog sticks for aiming and I suck terribly with them, and I started the day with rounds like 2-15. After about 2-3 hours, I was finishing rounds 25-10. Me, a person who admits he sucks at console shooters, improved from 2-15 to 25-10 in a matter of 3 hours. There is no reason that should be possible unless the game is that easy. In my opinion the game is a solid 6/10. And that's why I hate the Halo games and the end of my rant. :P
If anything it keeps gameplay going fast, and reduces the need for item placements in a level - in this case medpacks (which were around in Halo1 but w/e). This in turn helps to stop camping, and speeds up the flow.
Yeah, it's better for a game to be fun for everyone than the be only fun for the faggots who only play it. And it's not even fun for those assholes cuz they've reached a point a douchebagginess that they don't play to have fun, they play because they think that they're so "pro" and "skilled" that their massive egos demand that they play.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
I think developers are trying to pull a more diverse crowd into games, and if one takes little time to master, then more people who don't have much time for this hobby might buy it. Seems to be working so far, but to make them into good games (for seedy veterans) takes delicate balance.FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:
I guess that gamers nowadays just don't have skill, nor do they want to take their time trying to get good at a game.
Battlefield 2, in my opinion, was one.
If you have any skill in any FPS's, you by instinct aim for the head (in the vast majority of cases). In practically every MP kill i've ever done in games using the shields/health regen feature, the other player hasn't has time to hide, and vice versa. With the regen, you are still very very killable, as is your target,Miggle wrote:
I prefer a healthpack system.FatherTed wrote:
I don't mind this new health system really.FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:
I wish you had more options. In all honesty, I don't think it's a bad game. However, it is nowhere nearly as good as people claim it is. There is absolutely no reason it should even be close to the top 25 FPS games of all time. I've played a ton of FPS games and there are a lot of lesser known games that are much better than the Halo series. I really don't understand why people love it so much, I've played it for hours at my friends house over the past couple of months and it's not that great.
The only thing I can't stand about it most, is the fact of how much it babies the gamers. More and more games these days are doing that too, has anybody tried playing old FPS games online like pretty much any Valve game (aka Half Life, Team Fortress Classic, etc) and get nearly as much success as they do in today's games? Even TF2 is like baby mode compared to TFC, I really wish I didn't waste my money on TF2 because I played it for an hour and just went right back to TFC, but this isn't about TF2, it's about Halo. I hate the fact that games nowadays have the top 2 friggin super-baby-mode features that is part of the game. The first is auto-aim. What the fuck is that? Who goes to play a game expecting the computer to do all the work? That's like playing a driving game where it steers for you, or a football game that makes all the plays for you, why not just watch the demo that you get if you don't press anything at the main menu for a while? The other option that is in a lot of games these days is friggin regenerating health. In what world are we in, even in CoD4, that you get shot at like 3-4 times in the stomach and you can go run to the corner, cry for 5 seconds, and all of a sudden the wounds magically heal? I've seen some people that are absolutely amazing at games like CoD4 and Halo, and I really want to tell them, "Go play the original Call of Duty on the hardest mode, and see how far you can get before you give up." For those of you who don't remember, the original Call of Duty doesn't have regenerative health and on the hardest difficulty, never had health pick ups. So you have to wait until the end of the level for full health again. Or even play the old Medal of Honor: Allied Assault on the hardest mode and try and beat the Omaha Beach level. I remember I was playing that on the hardest difficulty and it took me over 5 hours just to beat that level because it's that hard.
I guess that gamers nowadays just don't have skill, nor do they want to take their time trying to get good at a game. Problem is, it ruins it for people who are good at these games that want a challenge. When I first started playing Halo 3 online at my friends house, mind you I absolutely despise analog sticks for aiming and I suck terribly with them, and I started the day with rounds like 2-15. After about 2-3 hours, I was finishing rounds 25-10. Me, a person who admits he sucks at console shooters, improved from 2-15 to 25-10 in a matter of 3 hours. There is no reason that should be possible unless the game is that easy. In my opinion the game is a solid 6/10. And that's why I hate the Halo games and the end of my rant.
If anything it keeps gameplay going fast, and reduces the need for item placements in a level - in this case medpacks (which were around in Halo1 but w/e). This in turn helps to stop camping, and speeds up the flow.
It focuses combat, and if you're killing someone, they can't just go hide, they have to get the medkit.
They become chokepoints, and they have a huge effect on gameplay.
If they want a heal anywhere style of gameplay at least set up a "bandaging" process that is sort of like a sandvich from TF2, you are disabled while you heal your wounds.
i.e., UT2k4, CSS, Dark Messiah, Starcraft.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Yeah, it's better for a game to be fun for everyone than the be only fun for the faggots who only play it. And it's not even fun for those assholes cuz they've reached a point a douchebagginess that they don't play to have fun, they play because they think that they're so "pro" and "skilled" that their massive egos demand that they play.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
I think developers are trying to pull a more diverse crowd into games, and if one takes little time to master, then more people who don't have much time for this hobby might buy it. Seems to be working so far, but to make them into good games (for seedy veterans) takes delicate balance.FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:
I guess that gamers nowadays just don't have skill, nor do they want to take their time trying to get good at a game.
Battlefield 2, in my opinion, was one.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2008-10-12 19:04:10)
I'm glad it went for Xbox tbh, otherwise the gaming market nowadays would be pretty much Sony dominated.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
I wish they had developed it for Mac like it was planned. Then the Mac gaming scene probably wouldn't be in such a sorry state.
Fine, how about if it went for both Mac AND Xbox?FatherTed wrote:
I'm glad it went for Xbox tbh, otherwise the gaming market nowadays would be pretty much Sony dominated.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
I wish they had developed it for Mac like it was planned. Then the Mac gaming scene probably wouldn't be in such a sorry state.