... i would like to have a cover page in my binder to sort out what it contain. It has to be us letter size and not too dark because it won't be nice once printed. Im going to print it at staples or a place were they have good printer but all black never really look nice. So anyway feel free to design it, im studying architecture so it can be in that theme or some thing minimalistic/ simple would be great too... No chicks,no video game reference...
It has to be in that order:
semster is A-08 but you can skip this or put less emphasis on it...
Here is what i've done for last year's binder : http://seb--morin.deviantart.com/art/My … e-76501087
Please dont put a signature or make it subtile, its not because im going to take the credit i just dont want to always see ur name Of course lot of karma to anyone who make something.
Thank you, really.
It has to be in that order:
semster is A-08 but you can skip this or put less emphasis on it...
Here is what i've done for last year's binder : http://seb--morin.deviantart.com/art/My … e-76501087
Please dont put a signature or make it subtile, its not because im going to take the credit i just dont want to always see ur name Of course lot of karma to anyone who make something.
Thank you, really.