Keep up to you trying to use a movie still as a retort to macbeth? Or you were just reminding us how good that movie was and there was no context for your post? Ok
no i was reminding him that dubai and islam aren't the only places to enforce ridiculous and draconian drug laws. 20 years ago in LV is not that long ago. and there are still many states in the US that have harsh penalties for pretty harmless possession. not to mention the legal apparatus that puts so many (nominally black) people in jail for the most minor counts of possession - three strikes rule, etc. it was meant to be a short visual signifier for the fact that america ain't the land of reasonability and moderation when it comes to drugs, either. dubai's islamism is america's prohibitive christian morality.
but thanks for being willfully obtuse, ken. you've been a wonderful audience for this dumbshit explanation. i've been your host! til next time...