I must say I'm surprised this game costs just 15 bucks. It's a great platformer, and very fun to play. If you have a PS3 go and download it, it takes about 2 and 1/2 hours to download the 2,3GB. I strongly recommend this game. I always loved Ratchet & Clank, but I never thought this one would be so good. I give it a 9. Did anyone else get this game?
No, but I'm thinking of it. Whats it like without clank? I hear theres more box moving n shiz
I won't make any spoilers, but I can tell you there's a lot of action and the graphics are amazing for a platformer. If you like the other Ratchet & Clank games you'll love this one too.bennisboy wrote:
No, but I'm thinking of it. Whats it like without clank? I hear theres more box moving n shiz
Cool well I played the first one and teh last one, love em both. I know you get a more useful wrench n stuff. Might download it 2moro.sergeriver wrote:
I won't make any spoilers, but I can tell you there's a lot of action and the graphics are amazing for a platformer. If you like the other Ratchet & Clank games you'll love this one too.bennisboy wrote:
No, but I'm thinking of it. Whats it like without clank? I hear theres more box moving n shiz
Apparently the graphics arent as good as tools of destruction's were, but still very good
cool its out, ill dl it after next week.
Its coming to retail in september, i will wait for it then
Yup, in Europe they will sell a retail version coz the file is 3.8 GB I think, in order to get all the languages in one file. The US file is 2,3GB.ELITE-UK wrote:
Its coming to retail in september, i will wait for it then
If I magically acquired elite dev skills, I'd apply to Insomniac in an instant.
I might buy it sometime in the future. Looks very fun.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
Is it like the original ones or more "Let's move over to most games now and make the main purpose kill lots of shit"?
Don't get me wrong, I loved fighting in Ratchet and Clank games, but I liked it much more when it wasn't JUST based around fighting shit.
Don't get me wrong, I loved fighting in Ratchet and Clank games, but I liked it much more when it wasn't JUST based around fighting shit.
This is more of a platformer/puzzle game than anything else, based on the reviews I've read. Also, Tools of Destruction had a good balance between blowing shit up and platforming/puzzle solving in my opinion.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
Never got into the series. Tried to and didn't like it (on my PS2).
It's a short game (4-6 hours), very fun, mix of blowing shit up, platform and puzzle game.