sorry you feel that way
Seriously BF2 never gets old.

All they will have to do is remake BF2, there's no need to change anything. Maybe a destructible environment (and a few tweaks) but other than that I love this game.

Last edited by dayarath (2008-08-06 15:28:09)

inane little opines
'Light 'em up!'

dayarath wrote:

Seriously BF2 never gets old.

All they will have to do is remake BF2, there's no need to change anything. Maybe a destructible environment (and a few tweaks) but other than that I love this game.
I agree, its easily one of the most replayable games out there.
sorry you feel that way

M.O.A.B wrote:

dayarath wrote:

Seriously BF2 never gets old.

All they will have to do is remake BF2, there's no need to change anything. Maybe a destructible environment (and a few tweaks) but other than that I love this game.
I agree, its easily one of the most replayable games out there.
Problem for me is that there is just NO good FPS out there atm, I keep coming back to BF2 cause everything else sucks/fails/is boring =/.


Last edited by dayarath (2008-08-06 15:34:55)

inane little opines
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
Bennet shut up. You shouldn't be allowed an opinion when you fail that hard.
Quake III > all
i too started playing after  6 months and i found out how fun it was :)before all i did was point whore but now working with a squad with mics is just amazing
Did you guys know that PB doesn't detect private hacks for one reason?

" they see it as a separate thing so "PB" didn't get paid for it "too much effort" "

omg those f#$$3 can easily detect 187Ci hacks but they don't do it because they don't get paid for it.
conservative hatemonger

dayarath wrote:

Seriously BF2 never gets old.

All they will have to do is remake BF2, there's no need to change anything. Maybe a destructible environment (and a few tweaks) but other than that I love this game.
they need to fix all the issues

when 1/3-2/3 of my bullets fail to reg there is something wrong with the game

'tis why i don't play it too often, it's just aggravating to see the ridiculous number of puffs shoot out of someone's head before they kill me with their machine gun
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

farmerfez wrote:

Anewgirl wrote:

I never had that problem EVER !!
So what your saying is you left BF2 because you were sick of getting pwnt ?
Hummm nice post
lelz you must be bad
klul like one time i was on karkland and got 30 kills and only fiv deths,,,,, for guys calld hax on me
Kinda the same here, i went and had a long break from the game, played WoW (yeah, i can admit that). Came back to the game over the past couple months and really enjoying it again, even so much i started renting servers again. Only problem is, one of my clan members started hacking at some point in the past few months, that puts a big downer on things, he was a good enough player without them. We kinda figured it but it took a couple weeks to catch him in the act.

This game was always fun to play as a good squad / team, nothing more rewarding in any game i've played in my opinion. Tho a game like WoW has it merits, BF2 does wipe the floor with it.

GateKeeper{NL} wrote:

Did you guys know that PB doesn't detect private hacks for one reason?

" they see it as a separate thing so "PB" didn't get paid for it "too much effort" "

omg those f#$$3 can easily detect 187Ci hacks but they don't do it because they don't get paid for it.
That's bullshit. Someone who wants to detect hacks is always one step behind those who create them. And once a hack is detected only minimal time is required to make it undetected. Maybe they (Evenbalance) could put more effort into it, yes. But they can't detect all hacks easily.
+183|6921|Newcastle UK
People should try playing non IO im loving it, back like the old days of the game, FUN.
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
+145|6616|Keller, Tx
I just came back after a year. Haven't got bored yet. Trying my hand out in jets now. I'm still there effing people in the helo though.
+783|7151|Reykjavík, Iceland.

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

farmerfez wrote:

Anewgirl wrote:

I never had that problem EVER !!
So what your saying is you left BF2 because you were sick of getting pwnt ?
Hummm nice post
lelz you must be bad
klul like one time i was on karkland and got 30 kills and only fiv deths,,,,, for guys calld hax on me
lol 6 KDR and called a hacker, I had a 40 kills 1 death streak a few days ago, and I wasn't called hacker

Being called a hacker means you are awesome (given you don't actually hack, obviously)

Ecilop Murof wrote:

0akleaves wrote:

bf2>all hes camping ffs, yeah your allowed. You want to know what to do about it? ... Spawn at a different flag then kill him.
Whops. I forgot to say that he had that aimbot that allowd him to kill peeps trough the fog

I tried to nade him but it was impossible
Join a different server. You are the archtype definition of a noob (sorry), based on what you just wrote. Complain complain complain instead of joining a different server and finding a good squad. I've played bf2 for around 2 years and only encountered 2 blatant hackers like that and those were vehicle drop hacks, punkbuster is there for a reason.

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