I never thought sniping was worth my time, or anyone elses for that matter, but I recently played a full 64-player 24/7 Karkand map and I managed to pick off an impressive ammount of enemies with the M95 sniper unlock. It usually takes about 2 shots to take down an enemy solider, (depending on their health). I usually don't play sniper because they are practically defenseless if they encounter an assault rifle/LMG/SMG wielding enemy at close range. All they have is a pistol with a silencer on it to defend themselves. Snipers need to be guarded by other players to be effective, and they always have to keep their distance from the enemy and try to shoot them before they see you/know where you are. If only snipers were given a sub-machine gun or something to make them more effective.

Placing claymore mines in areas that enemy footsoldiers often enter or pass, or in front of a ladder ontop of a sniper nest, (usually ontop of a building or hill), is really their only line of defense. I don't know how many of you play sniper, I very rarely play the class because of it's ineffectiveness in most situations, but I guess it can come in handy sometimes. Like when you are playing as the USMC in the Strike on Karkand map with more than 40+ players, and there are the entire round usually goes something like this. The entire MEC team spawns at the "hotel" CP, and use sniper and anti-tank classes to kill the footsoldiers and enemy vehicles that try to break through the MEC defenses.

Auto snipers are better IMO because there is no long interval between shots such as with a bolt action. Which can mean the difference between getting shot with an automatic weapon or getting blown of by a hand grenade tossed by the target that has spotted you in literally less than a few seconds. My favorite sniper unlock is the M95, simply due to it's massive damage and ability to sometimes take down a target in a single, well-placed shot. The 2nd-tier sniper unlock, (I don't remember it's name) is alledgedly the most accurate weapon in the entire game, but lacks the sheer damage and stopping power that the M95 packs. What do you think about sniping? And do you use the class often? If so, what is your favorite rifle?
macaroni with cheeseeee
I never thought sniping was worth my time, or anyone elses for that matter, but I recently played a full 64-player 24/7 Karkand map and I managed to pick off an impressive ammount of enemies with the M95 sniper unlock.
Good for you

It usually takes about 2 shots to take down an enemy solider, (depending on their health).
No shit

If only snipers were given a sub-machine gun or something to make them more effective.
And an ERYX and a medic bag and an ammo bag

Why did you even post this "about sniping"?This is a BF2 forum and nothing we don't already know.

Last edited by blah (2008-08-05 22:41:27)

french canadians suck

Monkey_Business wrote:

Placing claymore mines in areas that enemy footsoldiers often enter or pass, or in front of a ladder ontop of a sniper nest, (usually ontop of a building or hill), is really their only line of defense.
macaroni with cheeseeee
I guess you're new to BF,because ere snipers don't defend themselves.They are a interesting species that place claymores on random places for goal of getting easy kills.How to stop snipers?FF on.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6272|London, England

Sigh, I didn't want to touch this thread at the cost of looking like an asshole but cmon. Snipers are meant to stay out of combat and take down priority targets that can't be accomplished safely at close range. why give them a submachine gun so they come INTO the battlefield. Just google the definition of sniper, they don't need anything besides a sniper and patience. Snipers play it safe and if you are happy running into the battlefield running and gunning then go right ahead, pick up a AK and med pack. Its not for everyone but the last thing a sniper needs is a SMG, its like giving a TF2 spy a flamethrower, don't change the purpose of the class
I don't know about anyone else, but I do MUCH better in terms of both k/d and total kills when I take an M95 into CQB, rather than just camping on a rooftop somewhere or running around shitting claymores.

Monkey_Business wrote:

I never thought sniping was worth my time, or anyone elses for that matter, but I recently played a full 64-player 24/7 Karkand map and I managed to pick off an impressive ammount of enemies with the M95 sniper unlock. It usually takes about 2 shots to take down an enemy solider, (depending on their health). I usually don't play sniper because they are practically defenseless if they encounter an assault rifle/LMG/SMG wielding enemy at close range. All they have is a pistol with a silencer on it to defend themselves. Snipers need to be guarded by other players to be effective, and they always have to keep their distance from the enemy and try to shoot them before they see you/know where you are. If only snipers were given a sub-machine gun or something to make them more effective.

Placing claymore mines in areas that enemy footsoldiers often enter or pass, or in front of a ladder ontop of a sniper nest, (usually ontop of a building or hill), is really their only line of defense. I don't know how many of you play sniper, I very rarely play the class because of it's ineffectiveness in most situations, but I guess it can come in handy sometimes. Like when you are playing as the USMC in the Strike on Karkand map with more than 40+ players, and there are the entire round usually goes something like this. The entire MEC team spawns at the "hotel" CP, and use sniper and anti-tank classes to kill the footsoldiers and enemy vehicles that try to break through the MEC defenses.

Auto snipers are better IMO because there is no long interval between shots such as with a bolt action. Which can mean the difference between getting shot with an automatic weapon or getting blown of by a hand grenade tossed by the target that has spotted you in literally less than a few seconds. My favorite sniper unlock is the M95, simply due to it's massive damage and ability to sometimes take down a target in a single, well-placed shot. The 2nd-tier sniper unlock, (I don't remember it's name) is alledgedly the most accurate weapon in the entire game, but lacks the sheer damage and stopping power that the M95 packs. What do you think about sniping? And do you use the class often? If so, what is your favorite rifle?
so, when did you purchase bf2?
Voices are calling...
+136|6239|Somewhere out in Space
2 b gud @ $niping, palay b4ttlefi3ld 2wun42.  T3h aim drift maek it 1337 hardc0r3 2 do.
+45|6175|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
Sniper is the best class IMO it takes the longest to learn and if you play it enough, close range sniping can be better than a G36- 1 sniper shot, quickly change to pistol- 1 or 2 shots= dead. Best at medium and long range too, my fave rifle is the M95 for vehicle maps, or Karkand if I'm MEC (I find the L96A1 boring because it's too accurate) or the M24 if I'm on US infantry it's just got a satisfying popping sound to it and it's accurate. I don't really use the SVD because it aims slightly off which sort of defeats the object of a sniper rifle, but if you learn where it hits you can get headshots most of the time, and I just hate the Type 88 because it's not 100% accurate either, I'd rather use a bolt action sniper rifle, anything else I use the G3 on single shot

Last edited by H3RB4L ABU53 (2008-08-06 05:03:59)

The Power of Two
+188|6802|Sydney, Australia

Monkey_Business wrote:

I never thought sniping was worth my time, or anyone elses for that matter, but I recently played a full 64-player 24/7 Karkand map and I managed to pick off an impressive ammount of enemies with the M95 sniper unlock. It usually takes about 2 shots to take down an enemy solider, (depending on their health). I usually don't play sniper because they are practically defenseless if they encounter an assault rifle/LMG/SMG wielding enemy at close range. All they have is a pistol with a silencer on it to defend themselves. Snipers need to be guarded by other players to be effective, and they always have to keep their distance from the enemy and try to shoot them before they see you/know where you are. If only snipers were given a sub-machine gun or something to make them more effective.

Placing claymore mines in areas that enemy footsoldiers often enter or pass, or in front of a ladder ontop of a sniper nest, (usually ontop of a building or hill), is really their only line of defense. I don't know how many of you play sniper, I very rarely play the class because of it's ineffectiveness in most situations, but I guess it can come in handy sometimes. Like when you are playing as the USMC in the Strike on Karkand map with more than 40+ players, and there are the entire round usually goes something like this. The entire MEC team spawns at the "hotel" CP, and use sniper and anti-tank classes to kill the footsoldiers and enemy vehicles that try to break through the MEC defenses.

Auto snipers are better IMO because there is no long interval between shots such as with a bolt action. Which can mean the difference between getting shot with an automatic weapon or getting blown of by a hand grenade tossed by the target that has spotted you in literally less than a few seconds. My favorite sniper unlock is the M95, simply due to it's massive damage and ability to sometimes take down a target in a single, well-placed shot. The 2nd-tier sniper unlock, (I don't remember it's name) is alledgedly the most accurate weapon in the entire game, but lacks the sheer damage and stopping power that the M95 packs. What do you think about sniping? And do you use the class often? If so, what is your favorite rifle?
My preferred sniper rifle is the L96A1 (2nd tier) because it's accurate. M95 hates me, it rarely hits and feels too sluggish, L96 is pristine and clean, and makes just the right noises. M95 is easy to use in that it always downs a player to 5% health (non head shot on full health soldier) but L96, given it's more accurate, actually takes more skill to aim.

You should also browse the media section for drag shooting videos, look out for Hintakaari, Sarciss, xkullx, Lordofwar and a few others, and you'll see that snipers don't actually need SMGs to be effective in close quarters situations.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6306|Aberdeen, Scotland

monkey_business wrote:

All they have is a pistol with a silencer on it to defend themselves.
The pistols are awesome weapons when you know how to use them, very accurate and never any hitreg probs, shame most BF2 snipers would rather spam nades + clays at their feet than use a pistol (or knife) to defend themself...makes them easier to kill though

GGF0RCE wrote:

I don't know about anyone else, but I do MUCH better in terms of both k/d and total kills when I take an M95 into CQB, rather than just camping on a rooftop somewhere or running around shitting claymores.
Agreed, I can never be arsed with long-range sniping, but going CQC with the M24 is good fun

blah wrote:

And an ERYX and a medic bag and an ammo bag
I spoke to a guy in game once who suggested (in all seriousness) that every player should have medpacks
This is what happens to me...when i start playing as sniper... … nt=ccc.jpg
almost all snipers on karkand are claymore spamming or throw grenades at their feet noobs, they don't belong on karkand unless you are fighting at train to gatehouse, although there is the odd one who actually snipes but most just throw claymores at people and think they have skill...
Missing, Presumed Dead

Monkey_Business wrote:

It usually takes about 2 shots to take down an enemy solider, (depending on their health).
If you cant headshot them, then 1 shot to the chest + a pistol shot to make the kill. Pistols are very accurate and get you a kill rather than a kda.

M95 and type88. They are the only ones that ever register shots (consistently) for me. Best Ive done is 5 kills in 1 clip of the T88

Hoot wrote:

almost all snipers on karkand are claymore spamming or throw grenades at their feet noobs, they don't belong on karkand unless you are fighting at train to gatehouse, although there is the odd one who actually snipes but most just throw claymores at people and think they have skill...
If it annoys you that much, play a different map. Gaymore spamming tards are no problem for my LB.
+86|7044|Somewhere near a shrub or rock
snipers are useless.
AKA Selkies ftw

Barrakuda777 wrote:

99% of snipers are useless.
Fixed that for you. I did a study the other day when I got bored, and over the period of a few rounds, I took note of some of the things I encountered.
Snipers that dropped a grenade when I came near them - 19.
Dropped a clay - 24
Switched to knife - 3
Switched to pistol - 5
Tried to hit me with the rifle - 0

So in conclusion, nearly every sniper you come past is useless, but there is that top 1% that can make all the difference in a round. There are only a few situations where I see the worth in a good sniper. For example, a good SVD sniper at Jalalabad can keep the entire USMC team from getting out of the uncap keeping them from capping a flag and resulting in a win for MEC.
conservative hatemonger
M24 on USMC and either barret or SVD on mec

they are one of the most formidable cqc classes in the game due to their heavy duty main weapon, and their high accuracy secondary weapon

a skilled sniper can take on a squad of assault and support soldiers, although engineer can be tough and medics can make it tougher if you don't get them first
AKA Selkies ftw

Mutantsteak wrote:

Snipers are meant to stay out of combat and take down priority targets that can't be accomplished safely at close range.
While I do agree that this is true, this is also the same as saying that a medic is meant to stay out of combat and heal injured and revive fallen teammates. The only classes that I generally see that follow their true role would be the assault and engineer class. Most players who play support class play for infinite nades, and generally don't think or care to supply teammates. Sometimes it can be near impossible to find ammo or health, and I doubt any medic or support class would come and find you, and give you what you need, when it is their role in reality.

pyscofrawg wrote:

Mutantsteak wrote:

Snipers are meant to stay out of combat and take down priority targets that can't be accomplished safely at close range.
Most players who play support class play for infinite nades, and generally don't think or care to supply teammates.
Which doesn't make sense since is a really easy way to get a lot of team work points
all grown up now (its boring)

Monkey_Business wrote:

I never thought sniping was worth my time, or anyone elses for that matter, but I recently played a full 64-player 24/7 Karkand map and I managed to pick off an impressive ammount of enemies with the M95 sniper unlock. It usually takes about 2 shots to take down an enemy solider, (depending on their health). I usually don't play sniper because they are practically defenseless if they encounter an assault rifle/LMG/SMG wielding enemy at close range. All they have is a pistol with a silencer on it to defend themselves. Snipers need to be guarded by other players to be effective, and they always have to keep their distance from the enemy and try to shoot them before they see you/know where you are. If only snipers were given a sub-machine gun or something to make them more effective.

Placing claymore mines in areas that enemy footsoldiers often enter or pass, or in front of a ladder ontop of a sniper nest, (usually ontop of a building or hill), is really their only line of defense. I don't know how many of you play sniper, I very rarely play the class because of it's ineffectiveness in most situations, but I guess it can come in handy sometimes. Like when you are playing as the USMC in the Strike on Karkand map with more than 40+ players, and there are the entire round usually goes something like this. The entire MEC team spawns at the "hotel" CP, and use sniper and anti-tank classes to kill the footsoldiers and enemy vehicles that try to break through the MEC defenses.

Auto snipers are better IMO because there is no long interval between shots such as with a bolt action. Which can mean the difference between getting shot with an automatic weapon or getting blown of by a hand grenade tossed by the target that has spotted you in literally less than a few seconds. My favorite sniper unlock is the M95, simply due to it's massive damage and ability to sometimes take down a target in a single, well-placed shot. The 2nd-tier sniper unlock, (I don't remember it's name) is alledgedly the most accurate weapon in the entire game, but lacks the sheer damage and stopping power that the M95 packs. What do you think about sniping? And do you use the class often? If so, what is your favorite rifle?
When you get good at sniping you will learn.

The M95 sucks for infantry sniping, use the L96.

The L96 has more stopping power than the M95, against infantry, is more accurate and has a thinner scope so is easier to aim.

The sniper rifle is your line of defense, why do i need a machine gun when i can unscoped shoot them then double tap them with my pistol ?

Autosnipers suck.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6306|Aberdeen, Scotland
Lol, interesting study psycofrawg

People who drop claymores at your feet make me laugh, you just keep moving and let someone else take the fall while you kill the stupid sniper
Missing, Presumed Dead

twoblacklines wrote:

The M95 sucks for infantry sniping, use the L96.

The L96 has more stopping power than the M95, against infantry, is more accurate and has a thinner scope so is easier to aim.
Agreed on the scope, but I always thought the M95 put any infantry target down to 2 bars of health? Whereas the L96 will only do that to unarmoured infy (Spec ops/sniper/engi/medic). Surely the M95 has more stopping power....
Somebody correct me if Im wrong
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I find sniping to be mostly boring. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, maybe I'm just not good. Either way I usually don't have fun when I'm sniping.

Last edited by DoctaStrangelove (2008-08-06 14:25:58)

+15|6113|Malaga, Spain
One of these days I should try to properly learn how to snipe. One of the coolest things about BF2 is just how many different skills there are to master.

I sometimes use the kit when I'm commanding so I can scope in on the action from a distance and take the occasional potshot, but that's pretty much the extent of my sniping. Any time I give it a go as a non-commander I get bored and frustrated.

Most players who play support class play for infinite nades, and generally don't think or care to supply teammates.
Hehe, I'm the opposite of that. I suck with grenades but I whore ammo bags all over the place. And yes, I chase down people who ask for ammo, even though I'm slow as hell in my body armour.
+45|6175|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ

Snake wrote:

twoblacklines wrote:

The M95 sucks for infantry sniping, use the L96.

The L96 has more stopping power than the M95, against infantry, is more accurate and has a thinner scope so is easier to aim.
Agreed on the scope, but I always thought the M95 put any infantry target down to 2 bars of health? Whereas the L96 will only do that to unarmoured infy (Spec ops/sniper/engi/medic). Surely the M95 has more stopping power....
Somebody correct me if Im wrong
He obviously meant accuracy-wise, the M95 does reduce opponents health to 2 bars, armoured or not, but you pay the price with less accuracy (thicker crosshairs) but imo even though it is the least accurate of the bolt action rifles, it is still very accurate and feels solid, I used to think it was bad against infantry but once I played with it enough I can be just as good at most ranges with it as I am with M24 and L96 apart from I would sometimes miss more times with the M95 only at very very long range.
I think the M95 is best for vehicle servers so you can damage choppers and shoot pilots out, or if you don't like the SVD and want something with more power than L96
The M24 is very accurate, apparently has the quickest bullet travel time- to make hitting moving targets easier, and is good all round
L96- same as M24 but thinner crosshairs so more accurate at long range, but apparently slowest bullet travel time
I still prefer the M24 over the L96 though just for the overall feel of it, I would rather use M95 than L96 just because it isn't really challenging to kill someone with L96 and the opponent knows it so I get more satisfaction when I kill someone with M95- like if I have got an M24 and someone kills me with an M95, I would swap to the M95 straight away to kill him because I know it's harder to kill with lol

Last edited by H3RB4L ABU53 (2008-08-06 14:51:24)

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