+54|6468|Vancouver, BC, Canada
I've recently purchased TF2 and got introduced to the whole downloadable games concept(WTF's the point of the DVD, all it did for me was just install Steam, it then proceeded to download the 4Gb of actual game IT'S RIGHT FUCKING THERE ON THE CD)

Anyways, today I put $50(CAD) on my Paypal and I'm going to "Invest" it into Games.(Older titles tho)

I've already settled on Counter Strike: Source

So that brings the total to $20,
Help me spend my other $30

I'd like a shooter, but something with big maps and not all close knit(ala TF2)

P.S. Am I the only one that feels meh about Tf2, the amount of Voice chatting is compared to Bf2, but I don't rly like the general styling and it seems to be too based around Shotguns, like every class gets a shotgun of some sort, and only the medic really has a semi-true "Gun"



Bf2142 > Worth it?
I've played the demo and it seems a little to futaristic too me, but if anything stands out from the demo...

Last edited by **LiLp-DeFiNeD (2008-07-24 01:10:30)

Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6909|Michigan, USA
For $10, cant go wrong with Garrys Mod.  Not exactly a shooter, but it has MANY MANY gamemode varations, a massaive amount of extra content availiable for free, and simply the best value on Steam, bar none.  My favorite investment anyways, out of CS:S, DOD:S, and OB

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

P.S. Am I the only one that feels meh about Tf2, the amount of Voice chatting is compared to Bf2, but I don't rly like the general styling and it seems to be too based around Shotguns, like every class gets a shotgun of some sort, and only the medic really has a semi-true "Gun"



Bf2142 > Worth it?
I've played the demo and it seems a little to futaristic too me, but if anything stands out from the demo...
First of all, TF2 is fucking awesome. Only 4 of the 9 classes have a shotgun, and they are only secondary weapons (except the Engineer). The Scout doesn't count because he has a Scattergun, which is a shotgun, but it is different to the other classes' shotgun.

Don't bother with 2142, it is just like BF2. The only thing that has changed is the weapons and maps.

Day of Defeat: Source is fantastic. Although it has small-ish maps like TF2, the Source engine games are by far the best choice to go with.

Last edited by kptk92 (2008-07-24 01:29:28)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Did you get Portal? If not, get it.
Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6909|Michigan, USA

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Did you get Portal? If not, get it.
Portal aint worth it individually if you ask me. Game is extreamly short, beat it in less then an hour.  Sure theres the added chambers, and the challenges, but its jsut not the same.

If you've played BF2 at any length, 2142 is just going to feel like a mod.

If you're going for old titles, give the Thief series a shot (seriously great games), as well as any Hitman title (which are in bundles now). If you liked the Lord of the Rings films, the Battle for Middle Earth collection's not bad deal. Overlord will give you at least 70 hours of entertainment, provided you like to poke around corners and go for alternative endings. Dark Messiah of Might & Magic has a good (if predictable) campaign, but the multiplayer's a bit meh.

If you want pure arcade shoot'em'up in a FPS format, you can do no better than the Serious Sams.

r2zoo wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Did you get Portal? If not, get it.
Portal aint worth it individually if you ask me. Game is extreamly short, beat it in less then an hour.  Sure theres the added chambers, and the challenges, but its jsut not the same.
Portal is the reason I bought Orange Box, but the price for the individual games alone is a bit much. That's the reason why Orange is a great deal.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7079|Cambridge (UK)
Soldier Of Fortune II (Gold Edition) FTW!
Super Awesome Member

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

P.S. Am I the only one that feels meh about Tf2, the amount of Voice chatting is compared to Bf2, but I don't rly like the general styling and it seems to be too based around Shotguns, like every class gets a shotgun of some sort, and only the medic really has a semi-true "Gun"
How is the game based around shotguns?
(non melee kills)
Pyro: 90% of the time you get killed by a pyro it will be by flamethrower, (well backburner now). Then 9% the shotgun will finish off your remaining health as you try and retreat. Maybe 1% or less a pyro will take all your health from shotgun.

Soldier: Again you will mostly be dying to (crit) rockets. You may be finished off with a shotgun or when he is out of ammo.

Heavy: Same thing, minigun used most of the time. Shotgun maybe when empty or moving.

Engineer: Sentry will do most. Most engineers will use wrench as primary fighting tool. Shotguns used rarely compared to SG and wrench.

Scout: Most scouts can't even use the scattergun properly and only get kills when they crit. Those who use it properly along the scouts movement the scattergun is one of the most lethal weapons in the game. Yet it yardly centers the game around them.

Does the sniper's smg not count as a semi-true "Gun"? Why shotguns and pistols aren't real guns i don't understand. But minigun, sniper and revolver, do they count?

Play TF2 more. Once you get used to the gameplay it is fucking awesome. Best fps made in my opinion.
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine
2142 is fine, and it is cheap now.
+54|6468|Vancouver, BC, Canada

Peter wrote:

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

P.S. Am I the only one that feels meh about Tf2, the amount of Voice chatting is compared to Bf2, but I don't rly like the general styling and it seems to be too based around Shotguns, like every class gets a shotgun of some sort, and only the medic really has a semi-true "Gun"
How is the game based around shotguns?
(non melee kills)
Pyro: 90% of the time you get killed by a pyro it will be by flamethrower, (well backburner now). Then 9% the shotgun will finish off your remaining health as you try and retreat. Maybe 1% or less a pyro will take all your health from shotgun.

Soldier: Again you will mostly be dying to (crit) rockets. You may be finished off with a shotgun or when he is out of ammo.

Heavy: Same thing, minigun used most of the time. Shotgun maybe when empty or moving.

Engineer: Sentry will do most. Most engineers will use wrench as primary fighting tool. Shotguns used rarely compared to SG and wrench.

Scout: Most scouts can't even use the scattergun properly and only get kills when they crit. Those who use it properly along the scouts movement the scattergun is one of the most lethal weapons in the game. Yet it yardly centers the game around them.

Does the sniper's smg not count as a semi-true "Gun"? Why shotguns and pistols aren't real guns i don't understand. But minigun, sniper and revolver, do they count?

Play TF2 more. Once you get used to the gameplay it is fucking awesome. Best fps made in my opinion.
I dunno, maybe it's just me, but it seems that whenever I'm sitting there trying to pick a class, I look through the classes, and I don't see a single long range fast weapon, closest thing is the Medic Needlegun, but I've yet to kill someone with that hunk of junk.

And by real gun, I mean something along the lines of a full auto gun, ala BF2.

Anyways, as for other games,

I actually torrented Portal a while back, it was fun, but then I got stick on the 3rd to last level, before I could finihs, my computer crashed, and I had to nuke it, so much for that.

As far as older titles, I meant stuff like BF2, it's old as hell, so it's cheap, but there's still a serious community and hundreds of online servers to play on.

As far as SoF, I've actually played the first one for like 15 minutes(the computer was really slow, and I couldn't handle the lag) and knifing body parts off was fun I'll look into that.

Keep em comin.
Super Awesome Member

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

Peter wrote:

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

P.S. Am I the only one that feels meh about Tf2, the amount of Voice chatting is compared to Bf2, but I don't rly like the general styling and it seems to be too based around Shotguns, like every class gets a shotgun of some sort, and only the medic really has a semi-true "Gun"
How is the game based around shotguns?
(non melee kills)
Pyro: 90% of the time you get killed by a pyro it will be by flamethrower, (well backburner now). Then 9% the shotgun will finish off your remaining health as you try and retreat. Maybe 1% or less a pyro will take all your health from shotgun.

Soldier: Again you will mostly be dying to (crit) rockets. You may be finished off with a shotgun or when he is out of ammo.

Heavy: Same thing, minigun used most of the time. Shotgun maybe when empty or moving.

Engineer: Sentry will do most. Most engineers will use wrench as primary fighting tool. Shotguns used rarely compared to SG and wrench.

Scout: Most scouts can't even use the scattergun properly and only get kills when they crit. Those who use it properly along the scouts movement the scattergun is one of the most lethal weapons in the game. Yet it yardly centers the game around them.

Does the sniper's smg not count as a semi-true "Gun"? Why shotguns and pistols aren't real guns i don't understand. But minigun, sniper and revolver, do they count?

Play TF2 more. Once you get used to the gameplay it is fucking awesome. Best fps made in my opinion.
I dunno, maybe it's just me, but it seems that whenever I'm sitting there trying to pick a class, I look through the classes, and I don't see a single long range fast weapon, closest thing is the Medic Needlegun, but I've yet to kill someone with that hunk of junk.

And by real gun, I mean something along the lines of a full auto gun, ala BF2.

Anyways, as for other games,

I actually torrented Portal a while back, it was fun, but then I got stick on the 3rd to last level, before I could finihs, my computer crashed, and I had to nuke it, so much for that.

As far as older titles, I meant stuff like BF2, it's old as hell, so it's cheap, but there's still a serious community and hundreds of online servers to play on.

As far as SoF, I've actually played the first one for like 15 minutes(the computer was really slow, and I couldn't handle the lag) and knifing body parts off was fun I'll look into that.

Keep em comin.
The whole point of TF2 is so there isn't a generic class with an automatic rifle. As it would just be too unbalanced and wouldn't fit very well into the cartoony gameplay.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
have you got half life 2 and ep 1?
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+1,352|6806|N. Ireland

r2zoo wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Did you get Portal? If not, get it.
beat it in less then an hour.
To be honest, I really doubt that.
+54|6468|Vancouver, BC, Canada

m3thod wrote:

have you got half life 2 and ep 1?
Yeah, I have HL2, and a Russian copy of Ep1.
+54|6468|Vancouver, BC, Canada

Peter wrote:

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

Peter wrote:

The whole point of TF2 is so there isn't a generic class with an automatic rifle. As it would just be too unbalanced and wouldn't fit very well into the cartoony gameplay.

Well mbe I'm just a n00b that enjoys that type of combat

I'm more into long range sniping type combat, not really into in yo face dogfights.
Super Awesome Member

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

Peter wrote:

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

The whole point of TF2 is so there isn't a generic class with an automatic rifle. As it would just be too unbalanced and wouldn't fit very well into the cartoony gameplay.

Well mbe I'm just a n00b that enjoys that type of combat

I'm more into long range sniping type combat, not really into in yo face dogfights.
So the real point here is you want to be as far away from the action as possible because you keep getting owned?
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6803|Gogledd Cymru

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

Peter wrote:

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

The whole point of TF2 is so there isn't a generic class with an automatic rifle. As it would just be too unbalanced and wouldn't fit very well into the cartoony gameplay.

Well mbe I'm just a n00b that enjoys that type of combat

I'm more into long range sniping type combat, not really into in yo face dogfights.
Play as Sniper then.
Yeah as Peter said the whole point of TF2 is that there's no long range easy-kill assault rifle class. Quite possibly the least interesting weapon there is. Especially when loads of people use them. If you want an assault rifle play any other FPS in the universe.

One thing that a lot of people find hard to adjust to is the fact that there's no way to get cheap kills in TF2. I remember when I started I found all the classes quite limiting because unlike Bf2 there was no way to easily fight an entire team by yourself. Its not like BF2 where you can use nades, claymores etc to rack up the kills and use the Ak101 to take down 3-4 guys at once without breaking a sweat.

In TF2 you have to earn your kills and get into the thick of things to do so . Or you could play Sniper...

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-07-25 06:59:40)

U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6803|Gogledd Cymru

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Yeah as Peter said the whole point of TF2 is that there's no long range easy-kill assault rifle class. Quite possibly the least interesting weapon there is. Especially when loads of people use them.

One thing that a lot of people find hard to adjust to is the fact that there's no way to get cheap kills in TF2. Its not like BF2 where you can use nades, claymores etc to rack up the kills and use the Ak101 to take down 3-4 guys at once without breaking a sweat.

In TF2 you have to earn your kills and get into the thick of things to do so . Or you could play Sniper.
Medic + Pyro using the axtinguisher is too easy tbh, me and Kerry were doing it yesterday and my k:d were something like 130 - 16/17 I think.

The Sheriff wrote:

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Yeah as Peter said the whole point of TF2 is that there's no long range easy-kill assault rifle class. Quite possibly the least interesting weapon there is. Especially when loads of people use them.

One thing that a lot of people find hard to adjust to is the fact that there's no way to get cheap kills in TF2. Its not like BF2 where you can use nades, claymores etc to rack up the kills and use the Ak101 to take down 3-4 guys at once without breaking a sweat.

In TF2 you have to earn your kills and get into the thick of things to do so . Or you could play Sniper.
Medic + Pyro using the axtinguisher is too easy tbh, me and Kerry were doing it yesterday and my k:d were something like 130 - 16/17 I think.
tru dat :]
Well I think Valve made a mistake with that +50 on the BB. Assuming you used it that is. It gives the Pyro WAY too much health.
Super Awesome Member

The Sheriff wrote:

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Yeah as Peter said the whole point of TF2 is that there's no long range easy-kill assault rifle class. Quite possibly the least interesting weapon there is. Especially when loads of people use them.

One thing that a lot of people find hard to adjust to is the fact that there's no way to get cheap kills in TF2. Its not like BF2 where you can use nades, claymores etc to rack up the kills and use the Ak101 to take down 3-4 guys at once without breaking a sweat.

In TF2 you have to earn your kills and get into the thick of things to do so . Or you could play Sniper.
Medic + Pyro using the axtinguisher is too easy tbh, me and Kerry were doing it yesterday and my k:d were something like 130 - 16/17 I think.
It's because of the uneeded +50 health.
Seriously imbalanced.

Should be air blast or crits from behind.

Not air blast or crits from behind +50 health. Fucking stupid.

edit:lulz yoda got there first.

edit2: Just wondering, when you got that k:d were you playing a proper map or 2fort?

Last edited by Peter (2008-07-25 07:04:07)

Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6753|Brisbane, Australia

TF2 is as blindly argued as Nintendo products here, it is ridiculous.

He doesn't want TF2, stop telling him how "good" it is. Purely your opinions, believe it or not people are allowed to say TF2 is not gods gift to FPS.
Super Awesome Member

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

TF2 is as blindly argued as Nintendo products here, it is ridiculous.

He doesn't want TF2, stop telling him how "good" it is. Purely your opinions, believe it or not people are allowed to say TF2 is not gods gift to FPS.
Way to not read the first line of the thread.

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

I've recently purchased TF2
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6753|Brisbane, Australia

Peter wrote:

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

TF2 is as blindly argued as Nintendo products here, it is ridiculous.

He doesn't want TF2, stop telling him how "good" it is. Purely your opinions, believe it or not people are allowed to say TF2 is not gods gift to FPS.
Way to not read the first line of the thread.

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

I've recently purchased TF2
My mistake I missed that line . The fact is that half the thread is about how good TF2 is and arguing about how the shotgun isn't a prominent weapon in it. Reading that line or not changes nothing.

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