Here is the trailer
SourceKillzone 2 multiplayer will ship with eight maps, the developer said, and players will be invited to rank up as they play in a similar fashion to current FPS heavyweight Call of Duty 4. Support is for between two and 32 players, although there are no hard player limits, with a lot of scope for customisation.
There will also be six player classes to choose from - assault, scout, medic, engineer, tactician and saboteur - and each will come with various specialist skills. For example, the tactician can deploy mobile spawn points and call in air-strikes from a chopper, while the medic can revive players with a medi-gun and toss health packs to comrades.
This sort of team-play behaviour will contribute to ranking up, as will kills and completing objectives, and there are also a range of "ribbons" to earn by doing a certain number of headshots and so on.
What's more, players will be able to customise their approach further by combining two classes (known as "badges" in the game's lingo) to combine certain abilities.
For game-types you've got team deathmatch, capture-and-hold, search-and-destroy, assassination and "body count", and it will be possible to customise party playlists so that you work through a sequence of different game-types during one session - without leaving the level.
There's masses more to report - including the community aspects and the minute details behind all of the above - but we'll save it for our extended preview either later in the week or once we get home from E3.
The default multiplayer character is assigned when no primary badge is selected. A secondary badge may still be added. Riflemen can start with most weapons, except for the specialized ones.
Primary badge ability: Sets up an automated turret which targets the enemy.
Secondary badge ability: Repairs ammunition dispensers, mounted guns, and automated turrets.
Primary badge ability: Revives downed team mates.
Secondary badge ability: Throws a health pack, which can be picked up by other players.
Primary badge ability: Uses a cloaking suit to become near-invisible.
Secondary badge ability: Tags all on-screen enemy players with a hidden marker, which broadcasts their coordinates to team mates.
Primary badge ability: Dons heavy armour twice as strong as normal.
Secondary badge ability: Temporarily boosts running speed.
Primary badge ability: Throws a coloured smoke grenade, which serves as a spawn point.
Secondary badge ability: Requests air support from a sentry bot which targets the enemy.
Primary badge ability: Assumes the disguise of a randomly selected enemy player.
Secondary badge ability: Throws a sticky, proximity-activated C-4 charge.
Last edited by r'Eeee (2008-07-16 09:37:06)