In my opinion, the ultimate update to a program like this would be if it automatically changed your User Settings based on ping, without lagging your computer and disrupting gameplay.
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- BF2/2142 Hit reg fix
awesome. will get.Delusion wrote:
almost finished...thats how my version looks right now :
it will be ready in a few days after i fix some bugs and think of some more stuff to add/change
can you incorporate your avatar in the finished product? <3
I get a Trojan alert from McAfee whenever I try to download it
not really possibleVividSynergy wrote:
In my opinion, the ultimate update to a program like this would be if it automatically changed your User Settings based on ping, without lagging your computer and disrupting gameplay.
i actually thought about it..but then again i want to keep the gui small and simplehiberNative wrote:
awesome. will get.Delusion wrote:
almost finished...thats how my version looks right now :
it will be ready in a few days after i fix some bugs and think of some more stuff to add/change
can you incorporate your avatar in the finished product? <3
its finished for now :
but im sure i will find something to update/change sooner or later

any bugs/suggestions welcome...
if you used my previous version you will have to delete BF2Hitfixer.ini from C:/Windows or it wont work
but im sure i will find something to update/change sooner or later

/* ====================================================== Battlefield 2 HitReg Fixer by Delusion Original Idea by DupaUnit on bf2s.con : ====================================================== */ SendMode Input #Persistent #NoEnv #SingleInstance force #InstallKeybdHook programName=BF2 HitFixer version=v1.6 helpguiname=Help GoSub CreateIni GoSub ReadIni GoSub GGui /* ====================================================== Hotkeys ====================================================== */ HotKey ~%v_HitFix%, Hitregfix, On UseErrorLevel HotKey ~%v_PlayerCount%, PlayerCount, On UseErrorLevel HotKey ~%v_EnableExtrapolate%, ExtrapolateOnOff, On UseErrorLevel /* ====================================================== Tray Menu ====================================================== */ Menu, Tray, Tip, %programName% by Delusion Menu, Tray, NoStandard Menu, Tray, Add, About, About Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Hide, Hide Menu, Tray, Add, Show, Show Menu, Tray, Disable, Show Menu, Tray, Default, Show Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Reload Menu, Tray, Add, Edit Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Suspend Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, Exit /* ====================================================== BF2 Process Check ====================================================== */ SetTimer BF2ProcessCheck, 500 Process Priority, , High return BF2ProcessCheck: WinGet , szProcessName, ProcessName, A If szProcessName = BF2.exe ; <-- BF2 File Name Here { Suspend Off Menu, Tray, UnCheck, Suspend } Else { Menu, Tray, Check, Suspend Suspend On } return /* ====================================================== Tray Menu Actions ====================================================== */ About: MsgBox, 64, About, %programName% %version% by Delusion`n`nOriginal Idea by DupaUnit from`n`nMany thanks to AZA & Alekoz from AutoHotkey forums for their help.`n`nContact Email : alexpersonal15[at]`nBF2 Nick : Delusion^inF`nXfire: alexsotirakis return Hide: IfWinExist, %helpguiname% Winclose, %helpguiname% IfWinExist, About Winclose, About Gui, Submit, %programName% Gui, 2:Destroy Menu, Tray, Disable, Hide Menu, Tray, Enable, Show guiopen:=0 return Show: Gui, Show, , %programName% Menu, Tray, Disable, Show Menu, Tray, Enable, Hide return Reload: Reload return Edit: Edit return Suspend: Suspend, Toggle Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Suspend SoundBeep, 500, 100 return Exit: GuiClose: ExitApp return /* ====================================================== Gui ====================================================== */ GGui: Gui, 1: -MaximizeBox +Theme +ToolWindow -SysMenu +LastFound Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x4 y-2 w136 h36, Gui, 1:Font, bold Gui, 1:Add, Text,x8 y12,HitFixer Key : Gui, 1:Font, Gui, 1:Add, Hotkey,x86 y9 w50 h20 vHitfix, %v_Hitfix% Gui, 1:Add, Button,x142 y3 w55 h32 gSave , Save Gui, 1:Add, Button,x3 y40 w65 h22 gHelp , Help Gui, 1:Add, Button,x68 y40 w65 h22 gHide , Hide Gui, 1:Add, Button,x133 y40 w65 h22 gExit , Exit Gui, 1:Add, Text,x85 y63,Advanced Options : Gui, 1:Add, Button,x183 y62 w15 h15 vAdvanced2 gAdvanced , + Gui, 1:Font, Gui, 1:Add, StatusBar,gStbr, SB_SetText("by Delusion") SB_SetIcon("Shell32.dll",177) Gui, 1:Show,w200 h101, %programName% return Stbr: SB_SetText("Pwned") Sleep,850 SB_SetText("by Delusion") return /* ====================================================== Gui Actions ====================================================== */ Help: If (!guiopen) { guiopen:=1 Gui, 2:+Owner1 -SysMenu +ToolWindow +Theme Gui, 2:Font, bold Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8 y8, 1. Gui, 2:Font, Gui, 2:Add, Text,X+0,%A_Space%%A_Space%In BF2 Press the key you assigned HitFix to,to open the Console Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8,%A_Space%%A_Space%(Type your Ping as for example as 50 and not as .50) Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8,%A_Space%%A_Space%(Dont press it while the Console is open.`n%A_Space%%A_Space%It will only close it and send the text to BF2 Chat) Gui, 2:Font, bold Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8, 2. Gui, 2:Font, Gui, 2:Add, Text,X+0,%A_Space%%A_Space%Type your Ping in the Console and Press Enter Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8,%A_Space%%A_Space%(Dont forget to enable ExtrapolateFrame the first time) Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8,%A_Space%%A_Space%(Wrong Syntax Error is normal and caused by BF2.Not by Hitfixer) Gui, 2:Font, bold Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8, 3. Gui, 2:Font, Gui, 2:Add, Text,X+0,%A_Space%%A_Space%Done! The Script should now start typing those settings.`n%A_Space%%A_Space%You can close the Console now. Gui, 2:Add, Button, x268 y157 vbtn w100 Default, Close Gui, 2:Show, w370 h182, %helpguiname% } Else { Gui, 2:Submit Gui, 2:Destroy guiopen:=0 } return 2ButtonClose: Gui2Close: Gui, 2:Submit Gui, 2:Destroy guiopen:=0 return Save: Gui Submit, NoHide v_Hitfix=%Hitfix% v_PlayerCount=%PlayerCount% v_EnableExtrapolate=%EnableExtrapolate% v_PlayerCountVA=%PlayerCountVA% v_ExtrapolOnOff=%ExrapolOnOff% IniWrite %v_Hitfix%, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, HitfixerKey IniWrite %v_PlayerCount%, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, PlayerCountKey IniWrite %v_EnableExtrapolate%, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, EnableExtrapolKey IniWrite %v_PlayerCountVA%, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, PlayerCountValue IniWrite %v%, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, ExtrapolateOnOff If ExtrapolOnOff = 1 IniWrite 1, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, ExtrapolateOnOff If ExtrapolOnOff = 0 IniWrite 0, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, ExtrapolateOnOff Reload return advancedopen=0 Advanced: If advancedopen=0 { Gui, 1:Destroy Gui, 1: -MaximizeBox +Theme +ToolWindow -SysMenu +LastFound Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x4 y-2 w136 h36, Gui, 1:Font, bold Gui, 1:Add, Text,x8 y12,HitFixer Key : Gui, 1:Font, Gui, 1:Add, Hotkey,x86 y9 w50 h20 vHitfix, %v_Hitfix% Gui, 1:Add, Button,x142 y3 w55 h32 gSave , Save Gui, 1:Add, Button,x3 y40 w65 h22 gHelp , Help Gui, 1:Add, Button,x68 y40 w65 h22 gHide , Hide Gui, 1:Add, Button,x133 y40 w65 h22 gExit , Exit Gui, 1:Add, Text,x85 y63,Advanced Options : Gui, 1:Add, Button,x183 y62 w15 h15 vAdvanced2 gAdvanced , + Gui, 1:Font, Gui, 1:Add, StatusBar,gStbr, SB_SetText("by Delusion") SB_SetIcon("Shell32.dll",177) Gui, 1:Show,w200 h101, %programName% advancedopen:=1 GuiControl, Text, Advanced2, + } Else { Gui, 1:Show,w200 h210, %programName% Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x4 y75 w192 h56, Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x4 y128 w192 h55, Gui, 1:Font, bold Gui, 1:Add, Text,x8 y87, Player Count Key : Gui, 1:Add, Text,x8 y109, Player Count Value : Gui, 1:Add, Text,x8 y161, Enable Extrapolate : Gui, 1:Add, Text,x8 y140, Enable Extrapolate Key : Gui, 1:Font, s13 bold Gui, 1:Add, Text,cRed x182 y110 gPlayerCountInfo, ? Gui, 1:Add, Text,cRed x182 y162 gExtrapolEnableInfo, ? Gui, 1:Font, Gui, 1:Add, Hotkey,x150 y138 w39 h20 vEnableExtrapolate, %v_EnableExtrapolate% Gui, 1:Add, Hotkey,x126 y85 w39 h20 vPlayerCount, %v_PlayerCount% Gui, 1:Add, Edit,x126 y107 w39 h20 Limit2 vPlayerCountVA, %v_PlayerCountVA% Gui, 1:Add, Checkbox,BackgroundTrans x150 y162 vExtrapolOnOff Checked%v_ExtrapolOnOff%, GuiControl, Text, Advanced2, - advancedopen:=0 } return PlayerCountInfo: ToolTip,This will set SettingsManager.U32Set GSPerfLogAtPlayerCount`nto how many players you want it to count.`nExample : If its is a 32 man server set the Player Count Value to 32 and run it`ningame by using the key you assigned it to.`nDefault BF2 Setting is 30. SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000 return ExtrapolEnableInfo: ToolTip,This will enable SettingsManager.boolSet GSExtrapolateFrame which is off by default.`nBy enabling it you can now use GSExtrapolationTime`nChanging the Extrapolation time without it being enabled gives you no effect at all.`nYou only need to do this once.After its stored in Usersettings.con it stays enabled until you change it. SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000 return RemoveToolTip: SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off ToolTip return /* ====================================================== HitReg Fix ====================================================== */ Hitregfix: SetKeyDelay , 10 Send {~ Down} Sleep 100 Send {~ Up} Sleep 100 Send,Enter Ping{Enter} Input, Interpol, T10 V,{Enter}{Esc} if (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Escape") { Send,{Space}Cancelled{ENTER} return } if !(PingVar < 1000 and PingVar > 1) { Send,Please Enter a Valid Number{ENTER} return } if PingVar is not digit { Send,Please Enter a Valid Number{ENTER} return } Interpol += 5 LatencyComp := Interpol / 1000 ExtraPol := Interpol * 12 Send {Enter} Send,SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation %LatencyComp% {Enter} Sleep 20 Send,SettingsManager.U32Set GSExtrapolationTime{Space} %ExtraPol% {Enter} Sleep 20 Send,SettingsManager.U32Set GSInterpolationTime{Space} %Interpol% {Enter} Sleep 50 Send {Shift Up} Send {Alt Up} return TypeSettings: return /* ====================================================== Player Count ====================================================== */ PlayerCount: SetKeyDelay 10, 20 Send {~ Down} Sleep 100 Send {~ Up} Sleep 100 Send,SettingsManager.U32Set GSPerfLogAtPlayerCount{Space} %v_PlayerCountVA% Sleep 50 Send {Shift Up} Send {Alt Up} return /* ====================================================== Extrapolate On / Off ====================================================== */ ExtrapolateOnOff: SetKeyDelay 10, 20 Send {~ Down} Sleep 100 Send {~ Up} Sleep 100 Send,SettingsManager.boolSet GSExtrapolateFrame{Space} %ExtrapolOnOff% Sleep 50 Send {Shift Up} Send {Alt Up} return ExtrapolateCheck: return /* ====================================================== Create ini ====================================================== */ CreateIni: IfNotExist %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini { Empty = FileAppend ,= BF2 Hitfixer =`n`n, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini IniWrite F12, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, HitfixerKey IniWrite F11, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, PlayerCountKey IniWrite F10, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, EnableExtrapolKey IniWrite 32, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, PlayerCountValue IniWrite 1, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, ExtrapolateOnOff } return return /* ====================================================== Read ini ====================================================== */ ReadIni: IniRead v_Hitfix, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, HitfixerKey IniRead v_PlayerCount, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, PlayerCountKey IniRead v_EnableExtrapolate, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, EnableExtrapolKey IniRead v_PlayerCountVA, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, PlayerCountValue IniRead v_ExtrapolOnOff, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, ExtrapolateOnOff return /* ====================================================== Ingame Suspend ====================================================== */ $Pause:: Suspend, Toggle Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Suspend SoundBeep, 500, 100 return /* ====================================================== NOTES : ====================================================== This script has only been tested on Win XP SP2 & SP3 I dont know if it works 100% on Vista yet. Dont Compile the script.Punkbuster doesnt like compiled ahk scripts. Using it as an .ahk is perfectly safe. */
if you used my previous version you will have to delete BF2Hitfixer.ini from C:/Windows or it wont work
Last edited by Delusion (2008-07-14 03:46:28)
hey there
i had a few people suggest i try this program out
i downloaded it, ran it... all good (left the window open)
started up a multiplayer game of BF2
got the console down and hit "Ctrl + 0"... nothing happened
my console remained blank
i went back to windows and the Hitfixer 1.31 was still open
would it have anything to do that my BF2 is not installed in the default directory
its directory is this (where the usersettings.con is located):
C:\Games\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Settings
thanks in advance for any help
oh and i'm running Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit SP1 and Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 10.2
i had a few people suggest i try this program out
i downloaded it, ran it... all good (left the window open)
started up a multiplayer game of BF2
got the console down and hit "Ctrl + 0"... nothing happened
my console remained blank
i went back to windows and the Hitfixer 1.31 was still open
would it have anything to do that my BF2 is not installed in the default directory
its directory is this (where the usersettings.con is located):
C:\Games\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Settings
thanks in advance for any help
oh and i'm running Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit SP1 and Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 10.2
Last edited by Dward (2008-07-14 05:40:53)
the hitfixer key for ping doesn't seem to work. tried changing it to F9 and it just says error rigth away after the enter ping text appears.Delusion wrote:
its finished for now :
but im sure i will find something to update/change sooner or later
the other 2 seems to work.
also, i would like to be able to enter the player count from within the game and not tab out when i find a server.
Last edited by hiberNative (2008-07-14 06:18:29)
On Vista you must run all programs using overlay support as administrator. Right click on the file, go to properties, then click on run as administrator under compatibility.Dward wrote:
hey there
i had a few people suggest i try this program out
i downloaded it, ran it... all good (left the window open)
started up a multiplayer game of BF2
got the console down and hit "Ctrl + 0"... nothing happened
my console remained blank
i went back to windows and the Hitfixer 1.31 was still open
would it have anything to do that my BF2 is not installed in the default directory
its directory is this (where the usersettings.con is located):
C:\Games\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Settings
thanks in advance for any help
oh and i'm running Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit SP1 and Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 10.2
my says "wrong number"
yeah i noticed that now...theres a strange problemhiberNative wrote:
the hitfixer key for ping doesn't seem to work. tried changing it to F9 and it just says error rigth away after the enter ping text appears.Delusion wrote:
its finished for now :
but im sure i will find something to update/change sooner or later
the other 2 seems to work.
also, i would like to be able to enter the player count from within the game and not tab out when i find a server.
this should work :
/* ====================================================== Battlefield 2 HitReg Fixer by Delusion Original Idea by DupaUnit on bf2s.con : ====================================================== */ SendMode Input #Persistent #NoEnv #SingleInstance force #InstallKeybdHook programName=BF2 HitFixer version=v1.6 helpguiname=Help GoSub CreateIni GoSub ReadIni GoSub GGui /* ====================================================== Hotkeys ====================================================== */ HotKey ~%v_HitFix%, Hitregfix, On UseErrorLevel HotKey ~%v_PlayerCount%, PlayerCount, On UseErrorLevel HotKey ~%v_EnableExtrapolate%, ExtrapolateOnOff, On UseErrorLevel /* ====================================================== Tray Menu ====================================================== */ Menu, Tray, Tip, %programName% by Delusion Menu, Tray, NoStandard Menu, Tray, Add, About, About Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Hide, Hide Menu, Tray, Add, Show, Show Menu, Tray, Disable, Show Menu, Tray, Default, Show Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Reload Menu, Tray, Add, Edit Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Suspend Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, Exit /* ====================================================== BF2 Process Check ====================================================== */ /* SetTimer BF2ProcessCheck, 500 Process Priority, , High return BF2ProcessCheck: WinGet , szProcessName, ProcessName, A If szProcessName = BF2.exe ; <-- BF2 File Name Here { Suspend Off Menu, Tray, UnCheck, Suspend } Else { Menu, Tray, Check, Suspend Suspend On } return */ /* ====================================================== Tray Menu Actions ====================================================== */ About: MsgBox, 64, About, %programName% %version% by Delusion`n`nOriginal Idea by DupaUnit from`n`nMany thanks to AZA & Alekoz from AutoHotkey forums for their help.`n`nContact Email : alexpersonal15[at]`nBF2 Nick : Delusion^inF`nXfire: alexsotirakis return Hide: IfWinExist, %helpguiname% Winclose, %helpguiname% IfWinExist, About Winclose, About Gui, Submit, %programName% Gui, 2:Destroy Menu, Tray, Disable, Hide Menu, Tray, Enable, Show guiopen:=0 return Show: Gui, Show, , %programName% Menu, Tray, Disable, Show Menu, Tray, Enable, Hide return Reload: Reload return Edit: Edit return Suspend: Suspend, Toggle Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Suspend SoundBeep, 500, 100 return Exit: GuiClose: ExitApp return /* ====================================================== Gui ====================================================== */ GGui: Gui, 1: -MaximizeBox +Theme +ToolWindow -SysMenu +LastFound Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x4 y-2 w136 h36, Gui, 1:Font, bold Gui, 1:Add, Text,x8 y12,HitFixer Key : Gui, 1:Font, Gui, 1:Add, Hotkey,x86 y9 w50 h20 vHitfix, %v_Hitfix% Gui, 1:Add, Button,x142 y3 w55 h32 gSave , Save Gui, 1:Add, Button,x3 y40 w65 h22 gHelp , Help Gui, 1:Add, Button,x68 y40 w65 h22 gHide , Hide Gui, 1:Add, Button,x133 y40 w65 h22 gExit , Exit Gui, 1:Add, Text,x85 y63,Advanced Options : Gui, 1:Add, Button,x183 y62 w15 h15 vAdvanced2 gAdvanced , + Gui, 1:Font, Gui, 1:Add, StatusBar,gStbr, SB_SetText("by Delusion") SB_SetIcon("Shell32.dll",177) Gui, 1:Show,w200 h101, %programName% return Stbr: SB_SetText("Pwned") Sleep,850 SB_SetText("by Delusion") return /* ====================================================== Gui Actions ====================================================== */ Help: If (!guiopen) { guiopen:=1 Gui, 2:+Owner1 -SysMenu +ToolWindow +Theme Gui, 2:Font, bold Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8 y8, 1. Gui, 2:Font, Gui, 2:Add, Text,X+0,%A_Space%%A_Space%In BF2 Press the key you assigned HitFix to,to open the Console Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8,%A_Space%%A_Space%(Type your Ping as for example as 50 and not as .50) Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8,%A_Space%%A_Space%(Dont press it while the Console is open.`n%A_Space%%A_Space%It will only close it and send the text to BF2 Chat) Gui, 2:Font, bold Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8, 2. Gui, 2:Font, Gui, 2:Add, Text,X+0,%A_Space%%A_Space%Type your Ping in the Console and Press Enter Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8,%A_Space%%A_Space%(Dont forget to enable ExtrapolateFrame the first time) Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8,%A_Space%%A_Space%(Wrong Syntax Error is normal and caused by BF2.Not by Hitfixer) Gui, 2:Font, bold Gui, 2:Add, Text,x8, 3. Gui, 2:Font, Gui, 2:Add, Text,X+0,%A_Space%%A_Space%Done! The Script should now start typing those settings.`n%A_Space%%A_Space%You can close the Console now. Gui, 2:Add, Button, x268 y157 vbtn w100 Default, Close Gui, 2:Show, w370 h182, %helpguiname% } Else { Gui, 2:Submit Gui, 2:Destroy guiopen:=0 } return 2ButtonClose: Gui2Close: Gui, 2:Submit Gui, 2:Destroy guiopen:=0 return Save: Gui Submit, NoHide v_Hitfix=%Hitfix% v_PlayerCount=%PlayerCount% v_EnableExtrapolate=%EnableExtrapolate% v_PlayerCountVA=%PlayerCountVA% v_ExtrapolOnOff=%ExrapolOnOff% IniWrite %v_Hitfix%, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, HitfixerKey IniWrite %v_PlayerCount%, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, PlayerCountKey IniWrite %v_EnableExtrapolate%, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, EnableExtrapolKey IniWrite %v_PlayerCountVA%, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, PlayerCountValue IniWrite %v%, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, ExtrapolateOnOff If ExtrapolOnOff = 1 IniWrite 1, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, ExtrapolateOnOff If ExtrapolOnOff = 0 IniWrite 0, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, ExtrapolateOnOff Reload return advancedopen=0 Advanced: If advancedopen=0 { Gui, 1:Destroy Gui, 1: -MaximizeBox +Theme +ToolWindow -SysMenu +LastFound Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x4 y-2 w136 h36, Gui, 1:Font, bold Gui, 1:Add, Text,x8 y12,HitFixer Key : Gui, 1:Font, Gui, 1:Add, Hotkey,x86 y9 w50 h20 vHitfix, %v_Hitfix% Gui, 1:Add, Button,x142 y3 w55 h32 gSave , Save Gui, 1:Add, Button,x3 y40 w65 h22 gHelp , Help Gui, 1:Add, Button,x68 y40 w65 h22 gHide , Hide Gui, 1:Add, Button,x133 y40 w65 h22 gExit , Exit Gui, 1:Add, Text,x85 y63,Advanced Options : Gui, 1:Add, Button,x183 y62 w15 h15 vAdvanced2 gAdvanced , + Gui, 1:Font, Gui, 1:Add, StatusBar,gStbr, SB_SetText("by Delusion") SB_SetIcon("Shell32.dll",177) Gui, 1:Show,w200 h101, %programName% advancedopen:=1 GuiControl, Text, Advanced2, + } Else { Gui, 1:Show,w200 h210, %programName% Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x4 y75 w192 h56, Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x4 y128 w192 h55, Gui, 1:Font, bold Gui, 1:Add, Text,x8 y87, Player Count Key : Gui, 1:Add, Text,x8 y109, Player Count Value : Gui, 1:Add, Text,x8 y161, Enable Extrapolate : Gui, 1:Add, Text,x8 y140, Enable Extrapolate Key : Gui, 1:Font, s13 bold Gui, 1:Add, Text,cRed x182 y110 gPlayerCountInfo, ? Gui, 1:Add, Text,cRed x182 y162 gExtrapolEnableInfo, ? Gui, 1:Font, Gui, 1:Add, Hotkey,x150 y138 w39 h20 vEnableExtrapolate, %v_EnableExtrapolate% Gui, 1:Add, Hotkey,x126 y85 w39 h20 vPlayerCount, %v_PlayerCount% Gui, 1:Add, Edit,x126 y107 w39 h20 Limit2 vPlayerCountVA, %v_PlayerCountVA% Gui, 1:Add, Checkbox,BackgroundTrans x150 y162 vExtrapolOnOff Checked%v_ExtrapolOnOff%, GuiControl, Text, Advanced2, - advancedopen:=0 } return PlayerCountInfo: ToolTip,This will set SettingsManager.U32Set GSPerfLogAtPlayerCount`nto how many players you want it to count.`nExample : If its is a 32 man server set the Player Count Value to 32 and run it`ningame by using the key you assigned it to.`nDefault BF2 Setting is 30. SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000 return ExtrapolEnableInfo: ToolTip,This will enable SettingsManager.boolSet GSExtrapolateFrame which is off by default.`nBy enabling it you can now use GSExtrapolationTime`nChanging the Extrapolation time without it being enabled gives you no effect at all.`nYou only need to do this once.After its stored in Usersettings.con it stays enabled until you change it. SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000 return RemoveToolTip: SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off ToolTip return /* ====================================================== HitReg Fix ====================================================== */ Hitregfix: SetKeyDelay , 10 Send {~ Down} Sleep 100 Send {~ Up} Sleep 100 Send,Enter Ping{Enter} Input, Interpol, T10 V,{Enter}{Esc} if (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Escape") { Send,{Space}Cancelled{ENTER} return } Interpol += 5 LatencyComp := Interpol / 1000 ExtraPol := Interpol * 12 Send {Enter} Send,SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation %LatencyComp% {Enter} Sleep 20 Send,SettingsManager.U32Set GSExtrapolationTime{Space} %ExtraPol% {Enter} Sleep 20 Send,SettingsManager.U32Set GSInterpolationTime{Space} %Interpol% {Enter} Sleep 50 Send {Shift Up} Send {Alt Up} return TypeSettings: return /* ====================================================== Player Count ====================================================== */ PlayerCount: SetKeyDelay 10, 20 Send {~ Down} Sleep 100 Send {~ Up} Sleep 100 Send,SettingsManager.U32Set GSPerfLogAtPlayerCount{Space} %v_PlayerCountVA% Sleep 50 Send {Shift Up} Send {Alt Up} return /* ====================================================== Extrapolate On / Off ====================================================== */ ExtrapolateOnOff: SetKeyDelay 10, 20 Send {~ Down} Sleep 100 Send {~ Up} Sleep 100 Send,SettingsManager.boolSet GSExtrapolateFrame{Space} %ExtrapolOnOff% Sleep 50 Send {Shift Up} Send {Alt Up} return ExtrapolateCheck: return /* ====================================================== Create ini ====================================================== */ CreateIni: IfNotExist %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini { Empty = FileAppend ,= BF2 Hitfixer =`n`n, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini IniWrite F12, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, HitfixerKey IniWrite F11, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, PlayerCountKey IniWrite F10, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, EnableExtrapolKey IniWrite 32, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, PlayerCountValue IniWrite 1, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, ExtrapolateOnOff } return return /* ====================================================== Read ini ====================================================== */ ReadIni: IniRead v_Hitfix, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, HitfixerKey IniRead v_PlayerCount, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, PlayerCountKey IniRead v_EnableExtrapolate, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Hotkeys, EnableExtrapolKey IniRead v_PlayerCountVA, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, PlayerCountValue IniRead v_ExtrapolOnOff, %A_WinDir%\BF2HitFixer.ini, Values, ExtrapolateOnOff return /* ====================================================== Ingame Suspend ====================================================== */ $Pause:: Suspend, Toggle Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Suspend SoundBeep, 500, 100 return /* ====================================================== NOTES : ====================================================== This script has only been tested on Win XP SP2 & SP3 I dont know if it works 100% on Vista yet. Dont Compile the script.Punkbuster doesnt like compiled ahk scripts. Using it as an .ahk is perfectly safe. */
So I decided to install BF2 after a year+ and I can say that this just made the hit reg worse than default.
My suggestion would be to toggle SettingsManager.U32Set GSExtrapolateFrame to 1 or 0 depending on what you think makes your hit reg better, and keep Interpolation and Extrapolation at default or your ping as well as that LatencyCompensation.
In my opinion.
My suggestion would be to toggle SettingsManager.U32Set GSExtrapolateFrame to 1 or 0 depending on what you think makes your hit reg better, and keep Interpolation and Extrapolation at default or your ping as well as that LatencyCompensation.
In my opinion.
Last edited by Jello.01 (2008-07-14 14:09:27)
Someone answer my question?
aimless wrote:
Why is extrapolation time your ping times 12? Why not 5, 10, 15, or 1?
the title of this thread says it works in bf2142, but it does not. Gives wrong syntax error when i try to use.
The default extrapolation time is 1200 and the interpolation time is 100. 1200/100=12 so multiply ping by 12, duh!aimless wrote:
Someone answer my question?aimless wrote:
Why is extrapolation time your ping times 12? Why not 5, 10, 15, or 1?
thanks that workedMiniman7474 wrote:
On Vista you must run all programs using overlay support as administrator. Right click on the file, go to properties, then click on run as administrator under compatibility.Dward wrote:
hey there
i had a few people suggest i try this program out
i downloaded it, ran it... all good (left the window open)
started up a multiplayer game of BF2
got the console down and hit "Ctrl + 0"... nothing happened
my console remained blank
i went back to windows and the Hitfixer 1.31 was still open
would it have anything to do that my BF2 is not installed in the default directory
its directory is this (where the usersettings.con is located):
C:\Games\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Settings
thanks in advance for any help
oh and i'm running Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit SP1 and Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 10.2
This is bull, this doesn't fix crap. wrote:
This is bull, this doesn't fix crap.
Ur crap.MGS3_GrayFox wrote:
This is bull, this doesn't fix crap.
the delusion application isn't working that smootly for me.
still getting an error with the new version about the ping and the other commands could be executed a bit more flawlessly.
i don't know why you people feel like you're getting headshotted with this... maybe you move too little? don't think that this fix will play the game for you...
still getting an error with the new version about the ping and the other commands could be executed a bit more flawlessly.
i don't know why you people feel like you're getting headshotted with this... maybe you move too little? don't think that this fix will play the game for you...
great video demonstration. that's what i've been getting.VividSynergy wrote:
Last edited by hiberNative (2008-07-15 05:34:57)
I didn't make it.hiberNative wrote:
the delusion application isn't working that smootly for me.
still getting an error with the new version about the ping and the other commands could be executed a bit more flawlessly.
i don't know why you people feel like you're getting headshotted with this... maybe you move too little? don't think that this fix will play the game for you...great video demonstration. that's what i've been getting.VividSynergy wrote:
DupaUnit wrote:
Here is a video of HitFixer in action and how it effects hit registration.aimless wrote:
Someone needs to do an experiment like the ones they did on youtube
What does Punkbuster/Evenbalance says to this tool? Did anybody send it in, so they won´t detect it as a Gamehack?
[email protected] - just to make sure, that people won´t get banned for this.
[email protected] - just to make sure, that people won´t get banned for this.
I think it was mentioned somewhere along the way that it was approved.
Found it...first bullet in the OP
Found it...first bullet in the OP
* This application has been approved by Punkbuster, so it is 100% safe and OK to use.
Last edited by ebug9 (2008-07-15 11:01:56)
His K/D > Your K/D.ClawHammer wrote:
Ur crap.MGS3_GrayFox wrote:
This is bull, this doesn't fix crap.
Sit down.
I have submitted each version to Punkbuster and they have approved it.
After my first approval from Punkbuster, they made an update to allow HitFixer and posted it on their site:
Saturday 05.17.2008 [2:00PM]
We have confirmed that non-cheat software caused some of the kicks for Violations #119015 and 119016. We encourage admins to give players the benefit of the doubt and ignore these violation numbers; they have been removed from our system.
After my first approval from Punkbuster, they made an update to allow HitFixer and posted it on their site:
Saturday 05.17.2008 [2:00PM]
We have confirmed that non-cheat software caused some of the kicks for Violations #119015 and 119016. We encourage admins to give players the benefit of the doubt and ignore these violation numbers; they have been removed from our system.
dont know what you mean..its works perfectly for me and for many other people that have tried it on other forumshiberNative wrote:
the delusion application isn't working that smootly for me.
still getting an error with the new version about the ping and the other commands could be executed a bit more flawlessly.
what error are you getting? if your getting wrong syntax error then thats normal..its not caused by the script but by bf2
if its uncompiled like my version...then its pefectly safe to use...punkbuster does not ban autohotkey scripts...unless in some cases when they are compiled and .exe[pt] KEIOS wrote:
What does Punkbuster/Evenbalance says to this tool? Did anybody send it in, so they won´t detect it as a Gamehack?
[email protected] - just to make sure, that people won´t get banned for this.
Last edited by Delusion (2008-07-15 13:36:15)
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