looksHope_is_lost117 wrote:
Looks pretty good
release date?
Spring '09.usmarine2 wrote:
release date?
god fucking dammitPoseidon wrote:
Spring '09.usmarine2 wrote:
release date?
I thinks we read the same article at one point.csmag wrote:
I believe it was said that the island is a copy of an island just off of Alaska because it better suits the style of gameplay they wanted. The fictional island was renamed to the one off of Japan and is supposed to have a massive resource of oil.Flecco wrote:
I thought I read somewhere it was based on a little island between Vladivostok and Japan that the Russians and Japs used to have disputes over. The only change they made for the fictional one was to say it's covered in oil. Or was that ArmA2's island?Commie Killer wrote:
Nope, figured out its made up.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Lol, CGI trailers can be so misleading of the graphics of a game, but it does look good.
Cheer up, that makes it only Autumn in Aus.usmarine2 wrote:
god fucking dammitPoseidon wrote:
Spring '09.usmarine2 wrote:
release date?

http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ar … ?id=192589Mint Sauce wrote:
Lol, CGI trailers can be so misleading of the graphics of a game, but it does look good.
There? Screen shots and they have seen the game played...
EDIT: My opinion? This game is gonna rape every computer there is.
Last edited by Commie Killer (2008-07-13 06:50:35)
Trailer? CGI.
Screens? CGI.
The game is probably still a very long time away if they're afraid to show ingame shots. The trailer...well, their Computer Generated Cinematics maker is good, but that's about all we can guess from it :\
Screens? CGI.
The game is probably still a very long time away if they're afraid to show ingame shots. The trailer...well, their Computer Generated Cinematics maker is good, but that's about all we can guess from it :\
Go the the bottom of the page of the link provided, unless you are fucking blind, you can see there are models there. If you are still too fucking thick, read the article, I trust that is enough to explain it to anyone.
Go the the bottom of the page of the link provided, unless you are fucking blind, you can see there are models there. If you are still too fucking thick, read the article, I trust that is enough to explain it to anyone.
Last edited by Commie Killer (2008-07-15 00:29:33)
I want!
I want!
From the article that Commie Killer posted:
But anyway, can't wait for this game. For some reason, the trailer looks pre-rendered... Guess I'm still thinking of it looking like ArmA.
Computer and Video Games wrote:
Tactics and plays are ripped straight from the US military protocols (the Chinese Army is also rumoured to use leaked American training documents to drill their troops
Oh FUCKComputer and Video Games wrote:
(the Chinese Army is also rumoured to use leaked American training documents to drill their troops
But anyway, can't wait for this game. For some reason, the trailer looks pre-rendered... Guess I'm still thinking of it looking like ArmA.
Yeah the trailer does look pre-rendered, this is all confusing me. I mean I was looking at the models they have, and they have the same general feel as the trailer. But if the game is like the trailers, people wont play this on low until 2012.
According to the site, the trailer IS pre-rendered, but uses the actual game models. So really, the trailer is what they hope to produce, but not what they have at the moment.Commie Killer wrote:
Yeah the trailer does look pre-rendered, this is all confusing me. I mean I was looking at the models they have, and they have the same general feel as the trailer. But if the game is like the trailers, people wont play this on low until 2012.
Last edited by -TL- (2008-07-15 12:25:03)
Ok...not sure how that all works but I think I get what your saying.
Those screenshots are renders. Do you think 2 year old hardware (xbox 360) can handle that stuff?Commie Killer wrote:
http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ar … ?id=192589Mint Sauce wrote:
Lol, CGI trailers can be so misleading of the graphics of a game, but it does look good.
There? Screen shots and they have seen the game played...
EDIT: My opinion? This game is gonna rape every computer there is.
It's what I imagined bf3 to look like.
Didn't like the first one, was too realistic for my taste, I'm more of an arcade person.
Im sorry, I didnt notice I had typed something about the Xbox 360 in my post, its ok though, I understand your highly dilusional. That said, do you seriously expect computers to play this maxed out when it is released in 2009(if)? BF2 didnt, Crysis didnt.The_Mac wrote:
Those screenshots are renders. Do you think 2 year old hardware (xbox 360) can handle that stuff?Commie Killer wrote:
http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ar … ?id=192589Mint Sauce wrote:
Lol, CGI trailers can be so misleading of the graphics of a game, but it does look good.
There? Screen shots and they have seen the game played...
EDIT: My opinion? This game is gonna rape every computer there is.
Because seriously, if they are gonna go into the detail of putting scratches on the bolt of a rifle, I doubt computers can handle it without prerendering, same as they did with Crysis at the E3 demonstrations.
Last edited by Commie Killer (2008-07-15 17:54:01)
Uhh...they're not screenshots. The fact is, they're renders, and the real screenshots will be probably be alot less fine looking because of the two year old hardware they're catering to.Commie Killer wrote:
Im sorry, I didnt notice I had typed something about the Xbox 360 in my post, its ok though, I understand your highly dilusional. That said, do you seriously expect computers to play this maxed out when it is released in 2009(if)? BF2 didnt, Crysis didnt.
Because seriously, if they are gonna go into the detail of putting scratches on the bolt of a rifle, I doubt computers can handle it without prerendering, same as they did with Crysis at the E3 demonstrations.
I understand that you don't know anything about hardware, that's why you have a console, but if you knew anything, you'd know that the new ATi chips have driven down the price of both ATi and nVidia cards, meaning that these high end market cards are more affordable. If more people bought these cards, the graphics industry both for optimizing and utilizing these graphics would be far more accelerated than it is now with consoles and their shitty textures.
So regardless, that's not the point. While games like Crysis are taking advantage of even hardware that was 6 months ahead (which was a bad PR move, which showed) the console games that a bunch of village idiots play and slate off as "TEH BEST GFX EVAR" just stagnate the graphics industry back another two years.
But I don't expect you to understand that, so don't worry about it.
P.S. I also find it rather ironic that you try to pass off an insult using the word "your" when the correct grammatical phrase is "you're."
Hey, Retard, do you realize that half of those fucking screenshots are pre-rendered?Commie Killer wrote:
Go the the bottom of the page of the link provided, unless you are fucking blind, you can see there are models there. If you are still too fucking thick, read the article, I trust that is enough to explain it to anyone.
Unless you are pointing towards the tiny assortment of weapon and vehicle models that look completely average, but then again, I don't really give a shit.
So I'd suggest not being so dumb in the future, thanks.
lol @ this topic
This is it guys, some ingame level footage from the looks of it: