+58|6318|Mesa, AZ
Anyone ever heard of the 40dds 24/7 Karkand Inf Only server before? If you haven't never play there. They kick for bunny hopping, dolphin diving, pretty much anything they can possibly kick for, they do it. Was playing there about a half hour ago, usually they won't kick me unless a douche bag admin is there, and well, there was tonight. Thing is, he decides to hack. His name was capsal, a private. Just checked his stats, doesn't show up, so can't link it, sorry.

Anywho, he knows everyplace I'm spawning at, and somehow gets there pretty damn quickly too. I don't even get a chance to fire at the kid before I die. I try commanding to set UAV over my head, and I just randomly die after I accept the commander job. Just went in under my old account, and I am banned for some "hearbeat stops" nonsense. And because everyone left due to his hacking, he put 4 idle accounts in the server so he can rape them and get points for it.

Don't ever play there, whatever you do, and if you see capsal, run for the fucking hills.

Most of the admins are pretty cool there, but they get irritating when they kick so much though. But this was like the straw that broke the camels back. I was fine with jerk off admins, i was fine with most of the people that played there, but this was too much. By the time I had got off the server, I had about 4 kills and 17 deaths. Was fucking obvious, to me and everyone else, as everyone left pretty much the moment he got on, and even after 30 minutes it is still not populated.

Last edited by jason85 (2008-07-02 01:18:40)

Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

jason85 wrote:

4 kills and 17 deaths
+58|6318|Mesa, AZ

Mint Sauce wrote:

jason85 wrote:

4 kills and 17 deaths
yep. couldn't do a damn thing. i spawn on both of the north uncaps, and get killed so fast, i wouldn't even have time to switch weapons if i wanted. then i spawn at the south one and he kills me from behind the fog. every kill was just one shot, except the one kill he got off a pistol....through all that gas station crap he gets me. i'm fucking tired of it. most of the others i said were hacking....i wasn't sure, i just labeled them. but when someone knows where you spawn, and kills you before you can do anything....something isn't right with that. and the dude fills his server with afk accounts because everyone knows he cheats.

I fucking quit. Too many people rape the spawns, too many people play like assholes, and I'm completely over it. I'll play singleplayer if I'm really bored, but I'm done with multiplayer, unless i get my own server.
lol 40dds admins= best admins EVER.

This guy was hacking 3 rounds straight admin doesn't do anything, tell the admin to get his head out of his ass and he bans me for disrespect.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

Fallschirmjager10 wrote:

lol 40dds admins= best admins EVER.

This guy was hacking 3 rounds straight admin doesn't do anything, tell the admin to get his head out of his ass and he bans me for disrespect.
Sounds like =ESF= admins. You point out a rule breaker, he doesn't get kicked, you asked the admins if they're blind/stupid and they kick you...
+58|6318|Mesa, AZ

Fallschirmjager10 wrote:

lol 40dds admins= best admins EVER.

This guy was hacking 3 rounds straight admin doesn't do anything, tell the admin to get his head out of his ass and he bans me for disrespect.
I don't see how. Very few people stay in their server because they are kick happy. Some kid was crying that I was dolphin diving when all I was doing was laying down...I was playing by server rules, but the admin kicked me. then when i got back in i asked wtf that was about and they kicked me for disrespecting them. Came back again and said if they just listened to me then i wouldn't be like that. They think that being an admin makes your penis grow so they use any chance whatsoever to abuse it too the fullest extent. Just like that asshole capsal. I might go back in month or so, when I've had enough time not to care anymore, but until that, I'm not showing up. There or any server where the fucking admin himself is aimbotting and name tag hacking or wtf its called. I can't think of a more pathetic excuse for a human....He actually had to use afk accounts to padd them...

Worst admins ever to be honest.

Toilet Sex wrote:

Sounds like =ESF= admins. You point out a rule breaker, he doesn't get kicked, you asked the admins if they're blind/stupid and they kick you...
oh, that is exactly what they are. they just look for reasons to kick people. if you vote kick someone while there is an admin playing, you get kicked. if there is a vote in progress and the admin comes in, you get kicked. if you tell the admin someone is breaking server rules, they might kick both of you, unless they know you well enough. if you keep badgering the admins telling/asking them to do something, they either won't or they will kick you.
Hey what happened to bennet's posts? lol
+58|6318|Mesa, AZ

spectraman wrote:

Hey what happened to bennet's posts? lol
don't know. i don't think mods deleted them, wasn't anything bad in them. maybe he deleted them himself?
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7067|Mexico City

Fallschirmjager10 wrote:

lol 40dds admins= best admins EVER.

This guy was hacking 3 rounds straight admin doesn't do anything, tell the admin to get his head out of his ass and he bans me for disrespect.
i was banned from that server like 8 months ago. Tank whoring. Im still banned.....
+58|6318|Mesa, AZ

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

Fallschirmjager10 wrote:

lol 40dds admins= best admins EVER.

This guy was hacking 3 rounds straight admin doesn't do anything, tell the admin to get his head out of his ass and he bans me for disrespect.
i was banned from that server like 8 months ago. Tank whoring. Im still banned.....
They have another server? I thought they only had one.
Guess they changed it to IO cause thats what I got banned from.

I hate French people. Every single French (or French-Canadian) server/admins I've come across have been complete and total douchebags. They get all pissed for uncap raping or even just defending a regular flag, and yet the pull the very same shit on you and say it's not against the rules. I don't know why this happens, but 100% of all French servers I've been on are like this. Maybe they have an agenda...
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
They have an inferiority complex the size of Quebec. Totally agree about the Quebec servers but I don't play french ones.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

Ataronchronon wrote:

Fuck ATG. Some admin banned me for disrespect when all I had done was repeatedly ask them to kick a player who was breaking the rules. When I appealed the ban, the cockface tried to make himself seem like the one who was right by making shit up about the things I had said.

Then there's HOG. I was on their Kubra server and was doing pretty well soloing the cobra when I got kicked to make room for an admin. First of all, the server wasn't even full. Second of all, when you kick to make room for an admin, you don't kick the player with the most kills/points and best KDR. I rejoin the server to find the same admin that kicked me flying the chopper I was using. After he died I was waiting on the pad with him and someone else for the chopper to respawn. When he didn't get in, he flash banged the chopper. Later, I was on the pad with another person who was firing their M16 at me randomly. Not knowing FF was on, I shotgunned the guy in the face killing him. I picked up his kit, revived him, and said I was sorry. A couple of seconds later, we both get in the chopper and fly off. Then I get kicked for tking for the chopper. I rejoin again and explain to the retard I didn't tk for the chopper but he wouldn't listen. By now I'm pissed and so after the admin died in the chopper again, I flashed him as he ran back to the pad. Then I got kicked for disrespect. That's after HE had flashed me at the pad.

I wish there were free pid hacks I could use to screw with fuckers like those.
There are. Just search "BF2 PID Spoofer" on Google. Taa Daa.
+58|6318|Mesa, AZ

mtb0minime wrote:

I hate French people. Every single French (or French-Canadian) server/admins I've come across have been complete and total douchebags. They get all pissed for uncap raping or even just defending a regular flag, and yet the pull the very same shit on you and say it's not against the rules. I don't know why this happens, but 100% of all French servers I've been on are like this. Maybe they have an agenda...
You know I saw something on the news yesterday that said French people, according to hotel workers, are the biggest douches when it comes to traveling. It doesn't surprise me to hear about people complaining about French people. Screw Iraq, let's invade France.
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
Was just on the -[BOG]- UK server, and there were 2 aimbotters on the other team, SfabTheMan and iCeJurVa. Wasn't too much of a problem though, I just uber-crouch-spammed and killed them. Ended 33-8 after some silly deaths, .
Hockey Nut
+243|6851|Boston, MA
Try to avoid xXx 24/7 Dalian Plant server. They ban people who fly jets and attack helis. Granted I hate jets, but they keep those pesky helis in line. Damn retarded rules.
+58|6318|Mesa, AZ

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

Try to avoid xXx 24/7 Dalian Plant server. They ban people who fly jets and attack helis. Granted I hate jets, but they keep those pesky helis in line. Damn retarded rules.
Then why don't they make is IO? I mean if you get banned for using them just don't have them on the server. Although they would have to make it only 16 player though.

Last edited by jason85 (2008-07-08 13:55:01)

+250|6732|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Well we'll just need to show them kick ass Zodiac skills then.
=US= Wake 24/7

Was doing really good in an F-35 shooting down every J-10 and chopper that got up. Let my guard down for one second and a J-10 (with an admin in it of course) got behind me right over our carrier, I bailed, was banned. [!b aim bye] that's real mature lol.
Scrim against =SGR= yesterday night. They complained they weren't allowed unlocks, and 2 members refused to play due to this. We ended up playing one round of a 6v6 in which 2 of our members got kicked for being abusive. It's completely hypocritical, as the main guy from =SGR= was swearing at us calling us cunts etc etc for bunny hopping We just told him to shutup and play, and yet we are the abusive ones? Anyway, we played on through our players getting kicked, and won the round 180-0. After that, the whole team rage quit, and we all got banned from their server. We had absolutely owned them, with our top player at around 30-2, and our bottom at 22-3. Their top player was 2-16, and they only racked up 16 kills against us in total. I won't be organising a scrim with them any time soon.
Just a couple of minutes ago, i owned a hacker a few times, unfortunately he wasn't happy about that.
So he said the following thing

Shortly after that i "lost connection", I reconnected and then i saw; "OMFG Ive lost all of my points." after that i "lost the connection" again......

This was in the "DPF" server
I just wanted to warn everyone about the XcF clan and one of their admins.  His name is Ready_to_Copy_IFR.  I also wanted to post this here because I can't seem to find their clan forums.  Apparently XcF would rather not have to listen to his despicable their playing is.  Choosing ignorance is never wise.

Now, if you enjoy playing against people who are unable to score a kill without hopping, proning, and firing in the same instant...  Well, seek help.  Beyond that, all I can do is warn you all that if you connect to an XcF server and you see Ready_to_Copy_IFR, prepare for the most despicable display of dolphin diving you've ever seen.  He scores consistent golds while doing this, and the one and only reason he scores golds is because he whores this pathetic exploit.  It's literally impossible for him to score a kill without jumping, proning, and firing.

We all know it's a glitch that too many people exploit, but that's what this world (or at least the USA) is all about, isn't it?  Find that cheap, underhanded method of getting over on someone, rinse and repeat.  What is it about that?

In short, if you like being taken advantage of by a power-hungry admin who can't score a kill without whoring a glitch, join an XcF clan server.
Fcuk it, the hackers
bloody namehackers
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

ShadowsStrike wrote:

Scrim against =SGR= yesterday night. They complained they weren't allowed unlocks, and 2 members refused to play due to this. We ended up playing one round of a 6v6 in which 2 of our members got kicked for being abusive. It's completely hypocritical, as the main guy from =SGR= was swearing at us calling us cunts etc etc for bunny hopping We just told him to shutup and play, and yet we are the abusive ones? Anyway, we played on through our players getting kicked, and won the round 180-0. After that, the whole team rage quit, and we all got banned from their server. We had absolutely owned them, with our top player at around 30-2, and our bottom at 22-3. Their top player was 2-16, and they only racked up 16 kills against us in total. I won't be organising a scrim with them any time soon.
Lol. I know =SGR= and all their cry baby admins, rules and members. They suck so fucking hard it's not true. Were any of the following players playing; grobag, Toxic-Candy, TheRB94, animal_mother_|nF. I've been banned from every server they own, one jump = kick. How the fuck am I supposed to get over that low wall? ARGH it's so stupid because they genuinely think they are good, and that their rules are best. It doesn't help that they play in the worst league imaginable, DL.

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