Say wat!?
Im just working on this as I progress through the game. So don't expect too much, heres just a few pointers before you even attempt this.

1. Get an alert sound, that counts as an alert.
2. Skip ALL videos, every second counts towards your time.
3. Don't pause, theres no such thing, it counts towards your time.
4. Don't sit on the act complete screen, it counts towards your time.
5. After an act, install the next act, then quit and load, the install time counts towards your time.
6. Always have a save from the end of briefing of the act you are on, NEVER save over it mid act.
7. Save every section you enter on a different save.
8. Mess up at any point. Quit and load.
9. You have to have played the game before and know roughly where to go and what section is which.
10. Solid eye equipped 24/7.


1. Always shoot from either crouching or crawling position.
2. Headshot, Headshot, Headshot.
3. Conserve ALL ammo.
4. No Mosin Nagant from close range, it makes far too much noise.

Act 1

The very first section with the Geckos can be done in a few ways, if you hear the alert noise time to quit and load because as far as I know, that counts towards your alerts.

Start by going up the truck. Run up the road. Run to your left and enter the building, run up the stairs. Now comes the annoying bit, you need to check the gecko below is occupied, if so, roll through the window to the left, and run down the ally leftwards, take a right and run up to the corner. Take cover behind the corner and wait for a gecko to jump down, he should do some firing then he runs off down the road, quickly cross the road and get through the door. Thats it.

Equip the knife. Go round the corner and sneak into the building on your right, sneak all the way up to the vent, once the video is done crawl in the vent. Wait for the guards to move back to the APC, then wait to see where they choose to patrol, once the guard is behind the car in front of you, crawl around into the building on your right. Get up and crouch towards the gap below the broken wall. Crawl into the gap.Wait for the guards to move away, now sneak forward behind the one on the left. He will stop and they will split up, wait for him to move forward another 5ft then electrocute him. Sneak up to the wall to your right by the door, wait for the guard to turn around and head down the corridor, sneak behind him and electrocute him. Now crouch back to the room he was checking, move to the end and wait for the two guards to go past. Sneak behind them and enter the next area.

Go up the stairs and roll across the gap, sneak on the guard and electrocute him. Sneak to the end of the landing and jump over the wall with triangle, get ready for a possible caution now, if so a guard might come up the ladder, get ready to electrocute him when hes near the top, sneak/crawl along to the end and hide if you did get a caution, once its gone, lower your self down to the floor, creep round the corner and look round to check how many guards are at the cross roads. When they walk off sneak round the corner and move towards the exit, when you see the guards start to come round the corner in front of you move back and hide behind the dumpster in the alley. The guards will stand around and then move off down the road, sneak into the next area.

Equip the dart gun. Move out the back exit and dart the back of the 3 guards. When they move forward follow them on the right side of the road, dart the last 2 guys and crawl up the road and into the corridor on the right, switch to the (M.E) costume, crouch all the way to the next area.

Run straight through this area. If you fuck up and go in a different room, load, theres no point wasting precious time on silly errors.

Run straight through the building. You should get some tranq bullets here. If you fuck up and go in a different room, load, theres no point wasting precious time on silly errors.

Run down the right side of the road and turn right, run up the back alley and follow the rebels through the market. Run round the corner to the left, totally ignore pausing the snipers won't shoot you. Run up to the gap in the wall and hug through it. Go right wait for the APC then go immediately left, head down the main street following the right wall. Take the next right, you may now have to shoot your first people. Hide behind the white truck, if no guards appear, crouch and follow the right wall, hiding behind the outcropping bits. Keep moving to the end. Stick to the right side and watch out for the spawn on the right behind the crates, shoot the guy on the corner and sneak past under the balcony with the sniper, once behind the car crawl up following the corner round, once next to the van crouch and run across the road to your left and crawl through the gap in the wall. Stand up and move through the door, go left up the road a bit then cross and enter the building.

Just head up to the top of the building, avoiding the traps. Before you get to the top, equip the tranq gun, the mosin nagant, S.G mines, smoke grenades, stun grenades. Also reequip your auto camo and face camo.

Now comes the extremely gay bit, expect to practice this for possibly 1-2 hours. Firstly you can't rush the NPC's, they will always take the same amount of time, whether that is for all the enemy to die or an exact timing. This bit also sucks ass because you can't really help speed up the process as you probably don't have that much ammo. As soon as you regain control move off to the right and cover. Crouch round the corner and lie down, you need to be able to see the roof in front of you. When the first 4 frog soldiers die get ready to shoot the frog soldier on the right that jumps onto the roof in front of you, try to get the other one too before he jumps down, but if you miss no worries. Now stun grenade the guys at the end, hopefully they take out the left frog soldier, rush the last one and stun knife him. Run down the stairs with the others, move onto the balcony and plant a S.G Mine on the floor. Move along to the other end, Meryl will move into the kitchen and about 10 seconds later guys will come down the stairs behind you. When they move onto the balcony detonate the mine. Now get up run through the diner, check Meryl who sometimes lets Frog soldiers come right in front of her and repeatedly shoot her in the face /facepalm... run on and go through the next room, run to the end and plant a S.G Mine on the wall between the two doors, then plant one more S.G Mine in the left room. Run back and hide behind the partition with the upturned tables. When the Frog Soldiers appear detonate the first mine and the next about 1 second later. Run across the room and through the left door. Round the corner there is a door on the right through which you can see the kitchen, lots of Frog Soldiers will appear in there, two of them with grenade launchers, you HAVE to take them out as quickly as possible, they probably won't shoot at you so you can leave yourself pretty exposed. Move on, across the balcony and down the stairs, at the bottom hug the wall on the left for cover from the enemies and wait for the little action to
finish, when the squad is moving again go with them, at the corner where you can first see toilet doors plant two S.G Mines. Run into the left bathroom and get your stun grenades out. When the wall collapses throw a stun through and look away, move forward carefully and put some tranq in the Frog Soldiers there. Behind you the Frog Soldiers should be passing your S.G Mines, when they do detonate one, wait 5 seconds and detonate the next one. Wake up Akiba, more Frog Soldiers will move into the toilets through the gap in the wall, take them out. Akiba will now remove the detonators from the wall, drop down, go into the larder and take all the items. Hopefully you should still have full health at this point, otherwise this section might be a bit hard. Move past Meryl into the office and wait for the flash bangs to go off, now standing in the door way take down the Frog Soldiers, focus on the ones with grenade launchers. After about 10 Frog Soldiers it should be over. Follow the guys and your done.

Run up the ramp and along the alley. Change to the (M.E) costume. Run onto the road and watch the action unfold, when the video is over move across the road into the courtyard, and move towards the opposite door, take down any PMC on the other side of the road and the tank should proceed, get out the mosin nagant and aim at the window above on the opposite side of the road, take down all the PMC that are above you. The tank should now give you ideal cover, move out onto the road and get ready to take down a PMC soldier with a Javelin before he shoots on the far roof. The tank should proceed and if you stay close to it it will keep moving forward, use it as cover and take down anyone on the left side of the road, after a while the tank will get hit by a soldier you can't see, if the coast is clear cross the road to the sandbags and follow the wall up to the ladder, stun grenades are very useful here to get past this bit without being spotted. Once up follow it around to the next area.

Last area , start by changing your Octocamo back to auto and put your facecamo on. Crouch along the left and tranq the two PMC, move forward and tranq the guy up ahead, you can use the mosin nagant here. Follow the left wall up and sneak into the house, sneak up the first set of steps then lie down on the next set, a PMC will start to move across in front of you, tranq him. Go up the stairs and go left and through the door on the left, move to the front of the building and snipe the guys with the tranq through the broken wall. Drop down and sneak along to the centre of the courtyard, tranq the guy in the tower and then crawl along the road, you should now see the guy by the trucks, tranq him and move forward through the gap in the wall, follow the wall to the right and tranq anyone you see, head to the door and your done.

You should have a time of around 50 minutes. Grats act 1 complete with 0 alerts, 0 kills, 0 recovery items used and 0 continues.

Act 2

K basically this first area sucks, its probably the hardest section of the entire act, especially if you have low ammo on the tranq, head shots are very important here as you don't want a PMC to wake another up just before he passes out, you want him down and out thus saving ammo. First thing is to equip facecamo. Now get your pistol out and take down the right of the two PMC walking towards you, one PMC that you can't currently see should see this and will rush over, take him down too, now take down the PMC that should be just below you looking in your direction, the PMC in the far distance should see this and rush over, either head shot him when he is close or just put a dart in him while he is still far away, either way he will be down without waking the other PMC. Now take down the one PMC guarding the rebels, this will leave them unguarded and they will get up, from the building below you a PMC will emerge guns blazing at the rebels, take him down. Once that is done drop down over the ledge and equip the mosin nagant and crouch. A PMC will patrol into view in the distance, take him down. Now rush forwards and go into the barn on your left, in the first stool on your right there are some tranq ammo. By now the rebels should be armed to the teeth, they will take the path to the left, you need to stick to the main road on the right. Turn on NV on your solideye, and begin to take down any PMC you see patrolling the hill, there should be five or six of them, they will be occupied with the rebels so it should be pretty easy. Once thats done run up the hill and into the next area.

Equip the tranq gun and take the left path round the hill, there will be 3 PMC on your right who are crouching, take them down swiftly before they continue their patrol. Move forward following the left wall and take down the lone PMC near the hut. Move into the clearing he was patrolling and equip your mosin nagant. In the distance there should be two PMC, the left one will quite hard to see but you don't need a head shot to take him down. Hopefully the rebels have killed the single PMC that should be somewhere to your right. Move on to the next area.

Move swiftly forward following the left wall and crouch under the over hang there, take down the two snipers to your right and proceed onwards, when you get to the big battle go prone and crawl along the muddy trench that goes off to the right. Towards the end of this trench there should be a path up the hill through the rocks which you can take crouched, move up this and go past the mortar and begin down the hill. Towards the bottom go prone again and crawl forward following the right wall. When you get far enough right that the guards in the main building can't see you get up and run towards the cut scenes with Drebin.

After the cut scene you will either have zero PMC left with just rebels about (if your lucky and the rebels took the base before you got to the cut scene) or there is one PMC taking the small path in front of you and two PMC walking towards you down the road. Equip the tranq gun and follow the lone PMC, take him down when he is in the long grass and proceed ahead, use your radar well here and take down the PMC infront, when you get to the hut that has the XM8 there are also some tranq darts. Keep following this route making sure you take the left of all available paths to you. There should be two more PMC on the way to the next area.

Equip the mosin nagant and immediately scope in front of you, you should see the head and shoulders of a PMC soldier walking away from you take him down. move quickly towards his body, keep on this little path and when you get to a section where you can see the road you should see a PMC walking towards you down it, take him down and proceed along the path. You should now come to a little base, snipe the PMC in the tower and the one between the trucks. Equip the tranq gun and sneak to the wood stack nearby, you should see the head and left side of a PMC through the window and door of the building next to you, take him down which will free the rebels inside. To your left near the large building there will be a patrolling PMC who goes in and around the building, take him down, go inside the building, through the door leading to another room and drop down the hole in the floor, go prone and shoot the PMC soldier you can see in the legs, crawl outside and check the corner with the tree for some tranq ammo. Now quickly run right and through the tunnel to get to the next area.

Ignore all the fighting here, just crawl all the way along the path making sure to "camo up" every time you are crawling in a new texture. Once you get to the end you get the cut scene with the big digger, once its smashed through the gate head towards the opening, go prone and crawl around to the right, once covered by the tents stand and run around the compound following the right wall. This next bit can be tricky and may require a few loads, its kinda luck. When you reach the stairs crawl up them but sticking as close to the wall on the right as possible, keep crawling till you are level with the door on your left, sneak inside the door. Take the first door on your left, follow the corridor and in the hallway go right, when you reach the stairs go hug the wall by the plant under the stairs, "camo up" there are two PMC coming down the stairs, once they have move on sneak upstairs. You can now stand and run through the upper floor and onto the roof, drop down the opening and run down the stairs, make sure you get all the items down here, there is some tranq ammo.

Boss 1

Boss time, I did this first time, but I had already done it on easy so I had an advantage, but I had a massive time disadvantage on easy because I didn't realise you can kill her armour with regular weapons without it counting as a kill. So the main problem with this boss is that there are humans who come into the boss area that you can't kill and might wake up in the middle of the boss battle, thus getting you an alert. Its actually pretty easy to do though.

Equip (S.G) Mine's, turn around and move into the room behind you plant one mine in the middle of this room now move into the rest of the room on your left plant another three mines. Now quickly hide under the table in front of you and "camo up". The first four guys will enter the room after a few seconds, wait till they move into the area with the first mine and detonate it. Another three waves will come, send them all to sleep.

For the Boss herself use whatever weapon you feel is best, I would advise staying away from explosives, the splash damage may kill the sleeping Frog Soldiers. I find the M2409 the best.

Tip 1
Before her HP drops below 25% just find her and shoot the shit out of her.

Tip 2
When she sends those homing missiles after you run over to the sleeping Frog Soldiers. If she launches them close enough to the bodies you should be able to get them to blow up over their bodies, thus solving the problem stated earlier. Don't let them hit you though, you need all your HP.

Tip 3
After her HP drops to 25% go to the room that has only one door and a bunch of boxes, climb on the boxes to the right of the door. She will continuely jump through the window to your left and walk past the door, rinse her. The reason for this tactic is to avoid the deadly rolling ball attack she does. Alternatively standing on beds works, but you are very open to her P90 and her whip move.


This bit is insanely easy and is a great way to save lots of time you might have lost earlier. Turn on NV on the solideye. Run down the path cutting to left of the tree, follow the path around and again cut across the grass, when you get to the bridge crawl across it making sure to stop to "camo up" once across pause for a second, a PMC will come from behind a rock to the left, take him down. now stand and run down the path to the right, when you get near the corner to the next opening go prone, crawl around the corner and take down the sniper on the hill. Run across the opening and down the path the sniper was above, on your right you should run past a bit of fence, at the second bit of fence stop, aim to your right and wait for the PMC to walk into sight, tranq him. Take the middle of the three paths here and run down to the river and the next area.

Dequip the solideye here, run up the left path but slow down when near the clearing, a Frog Soldier will be behind the rock to your left, crawl into the middle of the opening and tranq her. Now take the middle path, when you get half way down this path go prone and crawl along until you see the Frog Soldier to your left, tranq her. Get up and equip solideye, run down the path, there should be a PMC planting a mine, tranq him and proceed down the path on the right. At the corner to the next clearing go prone and crawl around the corner, take down the PMC by the tree. Take the left path and you should see a PMC, tranq him. Take the path to your right and tranq the next PMC ahead of you. Follow the big mass of foot prints to finish the area.

This bit is easy but might require a few attempts based on bad luck, start by just sitting on the APC and knock any PMC/rebels who climb up off. Do not shoot the powered suits, they have men in them, thus count as kills. After about 30 seconds Drebin will just drive through anyway.

Now get on the gun and get ready for the Geckos, kill the first lot as quickly as possible, this is where I got one kill, as I was shooting a PMC climbed up in front of the gun and got killed . Drebin will keep going.

Totally ignore the tank and just shoot down the gate as fast as possible.

Kill the Gecko that land in front.

Kill any Gecko you like here.

Just run as fast as possible to the chopper without dieing, the method I found works well is, go between the stalls and run left, you should see a white metal railing, roll over it, run down the street past the Gecko and towards the end, the last bit is slightly luck, sometimes the last Gecko jumps in front of the railings, if so your probably fucked, if not just roll past the railings and its act 2 complete.

You should have a time of around 1 hour 40 minutes. Grats act 2 complete with 0 alerts, 0 kills, 0 recovery items used and 0 continues.

Last edited by Vilham (2008-06-22 07:23:50)


Nice guide
Say wat!?
Ill add pictures of the exact route if someone can get me the map pictures.
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6723|Tyne & Wear, England
A.  Do you have to do this on a specific difficulty level?

B.  Do you have to use non-lethal means when dispatching enemies?
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
That's how I roll, BITCH!

Vilham wrote:


The very first section with the Geckos can be done in a few ways, if you hear the alert noise time to quit and load because as far as I know, that counts towards your alerts.
I stopped reading here lol  I heard the alert, but I didn't get the counter, so I thought, it's ok.

Are you sure?

I will continue reading the guide +1
Say wat!?

r'Eeee wrote:

Vilham wrote:


The very first section with the Geckos can be done in a few ways, if you hear the alert noise time to quit and load because as far as I know, that counts towards your alerts.
I stopped reading here lol  I heard the alert, but I didn't get the counter, so I thought, it's ok.

Are you sure?

I will continue reading the guide +1
Certain, i did the whole act 1 on easy with that sound at the start and no other alert meters and got 1 alert.
Oh noes!
Very nice guide.  Won't you ever run out of battery?  I've never gotten the battery and when it's in NV, the battery drains in like a minute.  Tip for Act 4.  The scarab/3 handed things dont respawn, at least at solid normal.

Also, I don't think cautions count towards alerts.
Say wat!?


A.  Do you have to do this on a specific difficulty level?

B.  Do you have to use non-lethal means when dispatching enemies?
This is specifically for the boss emblem which has to be done on "the boss extreme" difficulty. If you want the emblem you have to have 0 kills, 0 alerts, 0 special items, 0 recovery items, 0 continues and under 5 hours.

The guide works for any difficulty but you obviously won't get "the boss emblem".
Say wat!?

pirate7474 wrote:

Very nice guide.  Won't you ever run out of battery?  I've never gotten the battery and when it's in NV, the battery drains in like a minute.  Tip for Act 4.  The scarab/3 handed things dont respawn, at least at solid normal.

Also, I don't think cautions count towards alerts.
If you have done the game before you should have atleast have 4 batteries from the briefings on the plane.

Chaff grenades on the middle of the chopper pad at the start of act 4, u only get 2 though, so the main thing is to remember they can't see, they just have heat detecting laser eyes.

Indeed cautions don't count towards alerts. However always be wary that you may get a caution and shoot someone in the head, he hears it before he passes out and get an alert and it instantly disappears because only he was alerted, this still counts as an alert though.
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6723|Tyne & Wear, England

Vilham wrote:


A.  Do you have to do this on a specific difficulty level?

B.  Do you have to use non-lethal means when dispatching enemies?
This is specifically for the boss emblem which has to be done on "the boss extreme" difficulty. If you want the emblem you have to have 0 kills, 0 alerts, 0 special items, 0 recovery items, 0 continues and under 5 hours.

The guide works for any difficulty but you obviously won't get "the boss emblem".
Sounds near impossible I'll be giving it a shot though.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Say wat!?
I would recommend completing it once and then again on normal/easy with 0 kills, 0 alerts, 0 recovery items. The once through on normal with 0 kills, 0 alerts has MASSIVELY reduced how long its taken this time to do the same thing, especially on act 2 which is a total bitch.
Say wat!?
Install time does indeed add time to your gameplay, so make sure to install, quit the game with the PS3 button and load the save you should of made just before you installed.
Oh noes!

Vilham wrote:

Install time does indeed add time to your gameplay, so make sure to install, quit the game with the PS3 button and load the save you should of made just before you installed.
Can you explain how that works?  I don't think the game has the information on the hard disk yet right?  It'll run it off the disk or something which might make it slower.
Say wat!?
Install the next act. Then quit the game, restart the game, and load the save you made before the install and the game will continue like normal. It still installs the game but you have effectively cut out the time of the install from your save game.

Vilham wrote:

Install the next act. Then quit the game, restart the game, and load the save you made before the install and the game will continue like normal. It still installs the game but you have effectively cut out the time of the install from your save game.
I get it, the save is before the install and the install takes time. But you don't save after the install so whenever you restart, that time is not saved.
Say wat!?
Oh noes!
Ok, I kinda get it, I'll experiment with that later.  So basically its 15 minutes saved throughout the whole game.  That works.  Good luck on the rest.
Say wat!?
act 2 will be up tomorrow, i just have to redo a tiny section of the tracking bit that i forgot. literally 10 seconds of gameplay. lucky ive still got a save just before it.
Say wat!?
act 2 is added.
Oh noes!
Some advice for the power suits on act 2, use a chaff gernade.
Say wat!?
I would have said that accept you probably gunna need all ur chaffs for act 4. Having said that I cant kill fucking Raven bitch.
Oh noes!
Good point, those 3 armed things are really annoying.  I spent like half an hour outside the doorway to the hanger just shooting them down.  I shoot one near the door, then wait till they cluster around it and with raven's gernade launcher they go boom.  Good thing they don't respawn.

They trigger caution phases.  Isn't that not an alert phase?
I found this on the PS Forums. It's a list of all the song locations for the iPod. I do not take credit for this.

Availabe from Start

Takin' on the Shagohod

Backyard Blues

Sea Breeze

Calling to the Nights

Oishii Chuhan Seikatsu Will cause Beauties to dance if played during the white world phase

Metal Gear 20 Years History Pt 1

Metal Gear 20 Years History Pt 4

Who Am I Really?

Test Subject Burns

MGS4 Integral Podcast

ACTS 1 and 2

Show Time - Gift from Militi/ Rebels after offering Healing item Captured soldier in CQC hold, may begin to Scream

MGS4 Love Theme (Action Version) - Gift from Militi/ Rebels after offering Healing item Soldier captured in CQC hold, may begin to cry

MPO+ Theme - Gift from Militi/ Rebels after offering Healing item When ordinary soldier is captured in CQC hold, he may begin to laugh

Destiny's Call - Break for the Fortress - Gift from Militi/ Rebels after offering Healing item Soldiers captured in CQC hold may be seized with uncontrollage rage


Inori no Uta - Briefing (Choose Mission briefing from main menu. Usk MK.II)

Theme of Tara - Militia Safehouse, Small alcove after medical room

Zanzibarland Breeze - Urban Ruins, In secret area just before zone Exit

Level 3 Warning - Advent Palace, 3rd Floor

Theme of Solid Snake - Millenium Park, Inside building behind crates


Boktai 2 Theme - Mission Briefing

The Fury - Cove Valley Village, Inside fire damage house. Soldiers captured in CQC hold may be seized with uncontrollage rage

Rock Me Baby - Confinement Facility, On Island in center of water Snake rate of Life Recovery is Increased

Metal Gear 20 Years History Pt 3 - Confinement Facility, Inside main building on bed.

Sailor - Vista Mansion, Between crate and East wall of facility Snake rate of Life Recovery is Increased

Bon Dance - Marketplace, Appears after market stand in front of you is destroyed at start When ordinary soldier is captured in CQC hold, he may begin to laugh


Shin Bokura no Taiyou Theme - Mission Briefing

Test Subjects Duality - Midtown S Sector, On road East of your starting Position (go back after resistance member appears)

Bio Hazzard - Midtown, Hold up resistance member then do a body search Captured soldier in CQC hold, may begin to Scream

One Night in Neo Kobe City - Hold up a PMC then do a body search When ordinary soldier is captured in CQC hold, he may begin to laugh

On Alert - Midtown N Sector, When you follow the 3 soldiers and the disguised resistance member, its in a dead end when the last soldier departs

The Essence of Vince - Echo's Beacon, Corner of the top floor outer balcony


Lunar Knights Main Theme - Mission Briefing

Warhead Storage - Tank Hangar, At the end of upper ventilation shaft

Beyond the Bounds - Tank Hangar, Locked room on Upper Walkway (Only availabe after Otacon Unlocks Security) Increases amount of Stun Damage with certain weapons (i.e. MK. 2)

Flowing Destiny - Canyon, Small cove in the wall to the left just before zone exit Soldier captured in CQC hold, may begin to cry

Opening Title "Old L.A. 2040" - Otacon's Office, Enter password 78925 (You may only enter ONE password per playthrough) Helps steady Snake's hands

"Policenauts" End Title - Otacon's Office, Enter password 13462 (You may only enter ONE password per playthrough) Soldier captured in CQC hold will fall asleep instantly

Metal Gear 20 Years History Pt 2 - Nuclear Warhead Storage Bldg B2, In the lab you need to crawl through to avoid Gekko

The Best Is Yet To Come - Snowfield & Comm Tower, Just inside building to reach zone exit

Yell "Dead Cell" - Casting Facility North, Just before zone exit, after you cross the conveyor belts


Metal Gear Solid Theme (The Document Remix)- Ships Bow, Use hatch near your starting position.. just a short crawl away


Subsistence Action - Enter at least one game of Metal Gear Online Snake's hands shake less/ Soldiers in CQC hold may be seized with uncontrollable rage

Big Boss - Obtain the "Big Boss" emblem Snake's hands shake less, stun damage against ordinary soldiers increased, PMC troops may scream when in CQC hold

Snake Eater - Reward for Unlocking all 40 Emblems Increses rate of Life recovery, reduces hand shake, increases stun damage on normal soldiers, PMCs in CQC hold will fall asleep.

Desperate Chase - Enter "THOMAS" as a password in EXTRAS.

Gekko - Enter "GEORGE" as a password in EXTRAS.

Midnight Shadow- Enter "THEODORE" as a password in EXTRAS.

Mobs Alive - Enter "ABRAHAM" as a password in the EXTRAS.
Say wat!?
did it completed act  3  0  kills 0 alerts etc took a weeks break and decided to give the bike scene another go, expect an update tomorrow and act 4 in a few days
+60|6918|South West England
Got the BBE about a few days ago, I can tell anyone here, it'll be testing and trying at times, particularly the rail sequences, but the rewards are alot of fun to play with.

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