french canadians suck
Meh, 1v1 in a pub. You could just stay far away, keep taking shots at him and hope for a lucky headshot.

Try sniping in a match.
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

hiberNative wrote:

Mint Sauce wrote:

hiberNative wrote:

what are you talking about? have you even played this game enough, or learned to use the l85?
Yeah I can use both of the guns well, and my years of research bring me to the same conclusion I came to 2 quotes ago. M16 and G36E are better than the L85 at long range, because it is too hit and miss. It also sucks hard at medium range.

Basically, it will be a prone spamming, medic bag spamming cluster fuck. A decent AR user can out snipe even a pr0 sniper at range, with the presence of medi bags.
while i agree that an AR user may win over a good sniper if the medic has cover, the l85 is definitely better at range.
coming from a colonel medic account with 175k points and an overall fragrate of 3.4, i've played so much karkand i shit sand. i used to be a g36e whore a while there, until i met this dude called DivineMomentofTruth ( i even went ingame and battled against his l85 with a kind of even outcome (usa ping ftl), but then we started playing together.
after that, i started to practice with the l85, and it's an awesome weapon, people just seem to be put down by how uneven it can be.
now it's my primary medic rifle, and since i don't run after my nose around covers, it is serving me very well. you really need to increase the tapping to short burst when the enemy closes to medium range, and it's functional in cqb too, as long as you don't hold the trigger.

what i've experienced with the l85 is that it's really picky when the ping is high, and if your fps is low. might have bad registration cause it's an unlock, but i've tweaked the usersettings so i'm mostly getting great registration as long as the ping is below 60.
Rite, so you and DMoT come against me and Trash with your L85s. Lets see which is the better gun then. LoL.

Mint Sauce wrote:

Rite, so you and DMoT come against me and Trash with your L85s. Lets see which is the better gun then. LoL.
better gun... or better player? it's all about your playing style.
trash seems to be good at what he does. you just seem to kill a couple around a corner and die.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
l85 is awesome if used properly
AKA Selkies ftw
I'm up for this. Kooda you have my xfire, let me know the when/where/who of this.
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

hiberNative wrote:

Mint Sauce wrote:

Rite, so you and DMoT come against me and Trash with your L85s. Lets see which is the better gun then. LoL.
better gun... or better player? it's all about your playing style.
trash seems to be good at what he does. you just seem to kill a couple around a corner and die.
Rite. And you've seen me play? No.
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6464|Vancouver | Canada
So healing and reviving is allowed?

Mint Sauce wrote:

hiberNative wrote:

Mint Sauce wrote:

Rite, so you and DMoT come against me and Trash with your L85s. Lets see which is the better gun then. LoL.
better gun... or better player? it's all about your playing style.
trash seems to be good at what he does. you just seem to kill a couple around a corner and die.
Rite. And you've seen me play? No.
i've played against people who has challenged me. the wins aren't rewarding at all. they just leave. no satisfaction.
they sometimes whine about me not playing fair, running away and killing them in easy ways. hi? i'm moving to get the best case scenario for my rifle. i'm not gonna bunny around someone with an ak101.
"no, don't act like a coward, play like a man and face me"
a man? oh, i'm sorry. this is the same kind of people that refuse to use the g36e cause it's "a newbie gun" and "too easy to kill with".

Last edited by hiberNative (2008-06-19 11:38:20)

snipers will win. All they gotta do is kill the reviver. easy shit.
I can haz titanium paancakez?
mmm why not?Im in
Ill be in the medic team,because

I'm Jamesey wrote:

l85 is awesome if used properly
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6464|Vancouver | Canada

eaglecorps wrote:

snipers will win. All they gotta do is kill the reviver. easy shit.
Unless I'm missing something, it's all medics VS all snipers, in which case everyone on the medic team can revive.
+244|6996|arica harbour
MEDIC versus SNIPERS...hmm i remember there was something like this a few years ago.
+86|7044|Somewhere near a shrub or rock

specialistx2324 wrote:

MEDIC versus SNIPERS...hmm i remember there was something like this a few years ago.
Yeah, we (snipers) got powned. But it was not IO back then.

I think it could be a contest, obviously I would want as strong a sniper crew as poss.....

Medics schmedics.

Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

hiberNative wrote:

Mint Sauce wrote:

hiberNative wrote:

better gun... or better player? it's all about your playing style.
trash seems to be good at what he does. you just seem to kill a couple around a corner and die.
Rite. And you've seen me play? No.
i've played against people who has challenged me. the wins aren't rewarding at all. they just leave. no satisfaction.
they sometimes whine about me not playing fair, running away and killing them in easy ways. hi? i'm moving to get the best case scenario for my rifle. i'm not gonna bunny around someone with an ak101.
"no, don't act like a coward, play like a man and face me"
a man? oh, i'm sorry. this is the same kind of people that refuse to use the g36e cause it's "a newbie gun" and "too easy to kill with".
What the fuck are you on about?

And Kooda, Medics will win. You should see my team.
I'm in - Medic

Mint Sauce wrote:

What the fuck are you on about?
about you, going around the forum challenging people with your stock m16 that you think is so good. i know what weapons are best when, i don't need to kill you 5 times to prove it.
The Hunter
+163|6647|Too late for you to know...

This being on an EU server is scary for me.  My ping usually destroys me on them.  If it's not the usual 180 or 150 I will be a sniper. zomg who'd have guessed?

Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7060|Toronto, ON

Barrakuda777 wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

MEDIC versus SNIPERS...hmm i remember there was something like this a few years ago.
Yeah, we (snipers) got powned. But it was not IO back then.

I think it could be a contest, obviously I would want as strong a sniper crew as poss.....

Medics schmedics.

I don't think we got "owned" as the KDR's were pretty awesome for the snipers (we out-KDR'd the Medics).  We just didn't play as a team that's all.

Regardless, we would still lose to a semi-competent medic team.
Alpha as fuck.
+15|6114|Malaga, Spain

Nyte wrote:

I don't think we got "owned" as the KDR's were pretty awesome for the snipers (we out-KDR'd the Medics).  We just didn't play as a team that's all.
And that, in a nutshell, is why my money is on the medics. Sniping is great for getting nice stats, but games are decided in close quarters where battles are to the death and entire squads get wiped out. Long range kills don't hurt when you can just revive...
+36|6550|Jennifer Connellys Pants

Barrakuda777 wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

MEDIC versus SNIPERS...hmm i remember there was something like this a few years ago.
Yeah, we (snipers) got powned. But it was not IO back then.

I think it could be a contest, obviously I would want as strong a sniper crew as poss.....

Medics schmedics.

Count me in Kooda, see the post on the wook forums.

Nyte wrote:

Sniping is great for getting nice stats, but games are decided in close quarters where battles are to the death and entire squads get wiped out. Long range kills don't hurt when you can just revive...
i agree, but put a really good sniper in a group of good, steamrolling medics and you'll have a great squad. sniper damages for fast kills and takes out annoying, enemy snipers while getting healed/revived if he gets shot.
i g

trash wins the thread like always. 

i would play on the sniper team
+3,936|6808|so randum
You can almost smell the ego in here...

Oh, have fun and good luck everyone.

I want a Sniper win tbh, i used to snipe lots when i played BF2.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+81|7077|LEEDS!!!!!, Yorkshire
only problem with snipers claymores plus nades = bad for medics if cant revive.
Dear God please let my karma one day reach 100, whether it be tomorrow or 1000 years in the future i want it to happen.
+86|7044|Somewhere near a shrub or rock

Eye-GiZzLe wrote:

trash wins the thread like always. 

i would play on the sniper team
I will settle for you not being on medic

Ok, will see what names I can get signed up for snipers.....


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