+6|6247|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!
Yes this is a call to all so called Bf2:ers out there and the REAL ones of course!!!

A couple of days ago i came back after a 8 day break from the game and to my horror i realised that there is more shitheads ever online "PLAYING" BF2!!!!!!

As Ive come to understand this last days there's alot of "EDITING" going on!!
Or is there??....Or maybe a lot of CHEATING??? Or HAKKIN???

Why is it: On some servers my L85A1 kills everything like a charm, and on some i don't even get the hits to show up??
Am i that bad some days and that good some??? Don't think so!!!

Some Examples:
On one occasion i sprayed autofire from a distance of 1,5m from his ass up to his head, total 16 bullets, (he was laying down)...
He didn't even budge just stood up and shot me dead with two bullets.....
Now if 16 bullets is not enough from point blank range WTF????

How is it when i run around corners the very same moment someone shots me dead with one bullet, frikkin impossible.....AIMBOT!!!!
And then u learn he´s a Admin for the server.........

How come on the same warlord server the grenades lands 2 centimeters from u every time, every time u die u see the second nade make a nice

Is there no good, no cheating, no configediting, no nonos....left to play this game???
People that just wanna play???

If u die 31 times per match u don't start hakkin or cheating.... u turn to singleplayer and start practise. PERIOD!!!!!!  NO PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF!!!!! Or u swallow it and play on and have fun!!!!!!!


You idiots probably downloaded it, and thus cracked it..........THANX AGAIN!!!!


////////EA has made a game that has lasted 3 years, fantastic!!!!! kudos EA!!!!!!!
////////But i would have lasted longer if u hakkers and shitheads stayed the f*ck away.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/ Rythmdoc

Last edited by rythmdoc (2008-06-12 13:00:41)

Typical white person.
+389|7067|San Antonio, Texas
1) You need to settle down.
2) It is just a game.
3) Not every server has hackers in it. Find a server with an active admin.
4) I agree with you but you don't need to get so worked up about it.
+6|6247|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!
Im Not worked up at all acatually!!!
Do u know any non cheating servers???
And yeah no professional players plz, im still 50% noob :-)

Its just a game??????
What do you mean???????????
ive played over 350 or so hours!!!!!
BF2 = Girlfriend!!!!


Last edited by rythmdoc (2008-06-12 13:11:58)

Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6307|Aberdeen, Scotland
Not that many hackers out there as you would think tbh, I've come across very few in my time.

I've seen enough wierd/random shit happen in 2000+ hours...

L85 is very unreliable sometimes, and so is the hitreg, you can often hit a guy in the head, see it bounce but do no damage.

Afaik there is no way to make yourself invincible.

Play something other than IO Kark and you'll probably get less frustrated...
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
#1 stop using the l85a1
#2 search for usersettings editing guides
#3 hardly anyone you think is cheating, is actually cheating
#4 if you played against me, you'd scream and cry hacks, because you're a smurf

get better at bf2 before you have a heart attack.
+6|6247|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!

I'm Jamesey wrote:

#1 stop using the l85a1
#2 search for usersettings editing guides
#3 hardly anyone you think is cheating, is actually cheating
#4 if you played against me, you'd scream and cry hacks, because you're a smurf

get better at bf2 before you have a heart attack.
Don't insult my intelligence, you know its a game, and thus its a computer + a program with code and algorithms
Its not a random number generator.......

Hardly no one cheats???? open your eyes or turn on your monitor!
Getting shot 12 times in a row THROUGH 3 walls immediately on spawn.......no one cheats, yeah ....
Strange that you can throw a nade over a house straight down on a spawn point, where i just spawned alone and kill me within 2 sec of the spawn!
One time yeah OK, 2 times.... OK you got skill, 35 times.......hmmmmmmmmm!

I never scream hacks or cheats when someone shoots me fair and square!
But when i use the F2000 and empty a clip in someones back (autofire that is) and you see dust coming from the uniform, but nothing more..
Or the G3... same shit!
And yeah i realise that there are players that are better than me like you.....
That's why i don't play against players like you, because you have talent for this........ for me its a game......!!!

Strange "weird shit" that the L85A1 starts working fine on Battlefield Gotland Servers EVERY TIME....PERIOD

And oh yeah the "user settings" Blah, Blah, Blah........
If everyone edits the game its gonna change the way i have to shoot, every single one is going to have their hitboxes dragging somewhere.
No wonder i cant hit some guys....
You just have to move your hitboxes 1 m to the right or left and viola your home free!!!

And yes its OK to edit the latency compensation or ping compensation whatever but that's it!

BTW i refrain from calling you names but i have a few on my tongue.


Last edited by rythmdoc (2008-06-12 15:48:16)

Cheeky Keen
+329|6864|Kent, UK
I find it hilarious when people post these epic rants about hacker, cheaters and the like.

You can almost always tell straight away how much of nub the poster is because they accuse people of hacking to do things that aren't possible in the game, hacks or no.
+6|6247|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!

MrAnderson wrote:

Not that many hackers out there as you would think tbh, I've come across very few in my time.

I've seen enough wierd/random shit happen in 2000+ hours...

L85 is very unreliable sometimes, and so is the hitreg, you can often hit a guy in the head, see it bounce but do no damage.

Afaik there is no way to make yourself invincible.

Play something other than IO Kark and you'll probably get less frustrated...
ImSorry that ive deleted the list of IP numbers to the worst servers,
otherwise you could have got your hands full and a good laugh as well.....
Well Isnt it a hack when you make like 25 jeeps drop from heaven or is that just cheat???

+6|6247|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!

Buckles wrote:

I find it hilarious when people post these epic rants about hacker, cheaters and the like.

You can almost always tell straight away how much of nub the poster is because they accuse people of hacking to do things that aren't possible in the game, hacks or no.
Well mister, Since you're the expert computer gamer here what is possible in the game then????
And you could call me a noob if you want that's fine with me, because i am....
Now tell me..... I'm listening!!!!!

+1,106|6597|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

don't play on said servers then

problem solved
+76|6113|Amsterdam, NY
+188|6465|Anaheim, Mexifornia
You're a noob.
Just uninstall bf2 and go back to runescape.

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

1) You need to settle down.
2) It is just a game.
3) Not every server has hackers in it. Find a server with an active admin.
4) I agree with you but you don't need to get so worked up about it.

MetaL* wrote:

You're a noob.
Just uninstall bf2 and go back to runescape.
That is to "advanced" for him, he needs to go back to WoW...

Last edited by Adamshannon8 (2008-06-12 16:29:11)

I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
#1 nobody can shoot through walls that normally can't be shot through, unless they've glitched into the building

#2 nobody can tweak their settings to make themselves unhittable, the most a person can hope for by tweaking is one or two out of 10 bullets dusting with 0 damage.

#3 you're probably playing on wireless or a connection that has an extreme amount of packet loss, which explains your ineffective bullets.

rythmdoc wrote:

Getting shot 12 times in a row THROUGH 3 walls immediately on spawn.......no one cheats, yeah ....
Ruined all your credibility with that one comment. YOU CANT SHOOT THROUGH WALLS IN BF2, only steel fences.

Get skill or don't complain.
+6|6247|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!

I'm Jamesey wrote:

#1 nobody can shoot through walls that normally can't be shot through, unless they've glitched into the building

#2 nobody can tweak their settings to make themselves unhittable, the most a person can hope for by tweaking is one or two out of 10 bullets dusting with 0 damage.

#3 you're probably playing on wireless or a connection that has an extreme amount of packet loss, which explains your ineffective bullets.
#1 To me glitching=cheating
#2 Then you are tampering with your settings and that last bullet with zero damage could be the one that kills you = cheater
#3 And no I'm playing over cable ADSL2+ 24Mbit

Ive been playing for several hours now at a warlord server(180 ping) with some skilled players and i get killed frequently as the 50% noob i am.
But i do not complain because i do not see nades that "glues" to your body or one shot kills just as you are about to run around a corner and so on.

I'm just saying that in a fair game i can take anything but when you get killed for the umpteenth time from an impossible angle at an impossible distance, then its just boring..........
Do you even know what skill is?  Anyone with a good amount of skill with a great long shot is going to own you any day of the week at distance. I have friends that can one shot people at 200m+.

Before you start complaining about "cheaters" and such. You need to know what a real player is. I can promise you, you have no clue what a real player is.
+6|6247|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!

DaRkAcE wrote:

rythmdoc wrote:

Getting shot 12 times in a row THROUGH 3 walls immediately on spawn.......no one cheats, yeah ....
Ruined all your credibility with that one comment. YOU CANT SHOOT THROUGH WALLS IN BF2, only steel fences.

Get skill or don't complain.
Play warlord a little,  fight for the palace, there's a certain server, no names.......try some different.......soon you will spawn at the palace and lo and behold..........shot through the walls!!!
Even if the computer spawn you at different places around (second floor) i guarantee you, you will be dead by the same person not visible within 1 second of your spawn!! good luck!!
I didn't change spawn point just to see what happened and I'm not kidding you when I'm saying that i got shot 12 times, i was!!
BTW its called glitching.......


Last edited by rythmdoc (2008-06-12 17:37:23)

Maps don't make people good kid...You still have no idea what skill is, and you never will.
+6|6247|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!

DaRkAcE wrote:

Do you even know what skill is?  Anyone with a good amount of skill with a great long shot is going to own you any day of the week at distance. I have friends that can one shot people at 200m+.

Before you start complaining about "cheaters" and such. You need to know what a real player is. I can promise you, you have no clue what a real player is.
I have no clue ??  Do you?? probably not, start with:
Sniper school part 1-9, "one shot one kill", youtube!!!!
If don't know this video series, (i know it by heart) the longest snipershot is 963m.

Yeah i know what a real player is, that is someone who can use all the "instruments" in the game as "one shot one kill" can, to an advantage!

And i don't not understand why people with real skill even bother to answer this post, because this is not aimed at them.
Its aimed at people who DESTROY and DEGRADE the Battlefield2 experience for the rest of us......

Does it matter if he or she is a Nub or a Noob, don't think so...


You destroy my experience of BF2 with all your complaining. Can I make a post complaining about you?

rythmdoc wrote:

I have no clue ??  Do you?? probably not, start with:
Sniper school part 1-9, "one shot one kill", youtube!!!!
If don't know this video series, (i know it by heart) the longest snipershot is 963m.
those videos are old and fail... if you want to learn how to be a leet sniper watch this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=h3W4qSAVa7g
» You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | teHmyke.com | YouTube
+6|6247|Sweden, Baby!!!!!!

CommonSense wrote:

Mod:  Personal attack removed.
Look I'm a Noooooob, and thus not very good at all.
I get killed frequently and i medic whore, sometimes when the competition is easier i turn to assault or special forces..
If the commander assets get blown up i instantly respawn as an engineer and repair them....
Most people doesn't wanna play with me.....

But if you wanna see a major noob in action...... i tell you its wasted time, and yeah...... I'm not gonna cry cheats or hakk............. just cause someone kills me fair 35 times..........really!!

Search my name...

I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
Some people are just naturally not great at bf2, stop trying so hard and play for fun, and you'll get better.

If you get raged at being beaten by good players when you're not good, your head will explode when you are good and noob players beat you.

rythmdoc wrote:

#3 And no I'm playing over cable ADSL2+ 24Mbit


server(180 ping)
180 ping?!

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