+2|6495|Tromsø, Norway
Ha, I don't use unlocks, but still owns the ones who does. xD
+153|7056|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega

HaxyQ wrote:

Ha, I don't use unlocks, but still owns the ones who does. xD
Wow... Tromsö? +1 for that

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Tehremos wrote:

Fateless wrote:

I cant say like you using the Gl, you damned accurate with it, sorta ruined my night last night. You play well.
I've practised a lot with it, weirdly (well I find it is weird) I am more accurate with the M16 then the 101, but I love both
Gotta love running around with a CQC insta kill noob weapon
Because the Ak-101 isn't? I moan about the G36E when clans use it, however what I don't like are those people who whore the AK-101 and seem to think that because they use it, they're using a poor weapon and when they get a kill with it, it's because they have skill.

With the AK-101 all you need is 1 headshot, spray at a head and you should get a kill within 10 shots. That to me is a bit "omg insta kill noob weapon"
I use the GL if I'm playing inf, I find it a good way to eliminate hackers. And really, the AK doesn't need much skill, it's what you do when using it that is the "skill part". Be it bunny hopping, crouch spamming, using iron sights or sitting on a bag of meds, all of which I'm sure you do.
"what I don't like are those people who whore the AK-101 and seem to think that because they use it, they're using a poor weapon and when they get a kill with it, it's because they have skill."

Oh so true my friend.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
No, you're right, when I'm using an ak101 vs 2 support guys with rpk's in the middle of the street without cover, they have armour and faster, stronger guns with barely any recoil and deviation. It's not skill that beats these guys, it's because I have no armour and a weapon and that can kill within 10 shots if I'm lucky enough to get a headshot while spraying

I'll get skill like you guys and stick to a full squad and use a grenade launcher as my primary and only weapon, let everyone else die while I crouch spam behind a wall noobing everyone to death, and then run off and not revive my squad of medics when they die. high-five.

When I whore th ak-101 I'm not whoring grenade launchers, g36e's, claymores or grenade spamming, and that's why I think I have skill when I get a kill with it.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7138|Denver colorado

I'm Jamesey wrote:

No, you're right, when I'm using an ak101 vs 2 support guys with rpk's in the middle of the street without cover, they have armour and faster, stronger guns with barely any recoil and deviation. It's not skill that beats these guys, it's because I have no armour and a weapon and that can kill within 10 shots if I'm lucky enough to get a headshot while spraying

I'll get skill like you guys and stick to a full squad and use a grenade launcher as my primary and only weapon, let everyone else die while I crouch spam behind a wall noobing everyone to death, and then run off and not revive my squad of medics when they die. high-five.

When I whore th ak-101 I'm not whoring grenade launchers, g36e's, claymores or grenade spamming, and that's why I think I have skill when I get a kill with it.
I'm with you.

The game is meant to be actively played and not cowardly approached to get the max amount of points in as little time.

And once you get good enough the points just come with the teamwork/main pushes.
+2|6199|Netherlands, The Hague
Most standard arms are fine, the unlocks gives you just a bit more opportunity to addapt to the situation. As per example, the L9 sniperthing, is better if you prefer accuracy/long range. But at medium range and many opponents I prefer the SVD. This dous not mean the one is better than the other.
+2|6495|Tromsø, Norway

SteikeTa wrote:

HaxyQ wrote:

Ha, I don't use unlocks, but still owns the ones who does. xD
Wow... Tromsö? +1 for that
Hehe, takk.
Er du også fra tromsø?

Sorry for off-topic. ^^
+224|6993|Some where huntin in Wisconsin

36e users skilless
ak101 users awsm
m16 users awsm'
ak47 users awsm
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6307|Aberdeen, Scotland
M16s rock.
The G36E is deadly when you learn to how to use it properly.  However, it's unfortunately frowned upon because so many people are killed from it....thus making it "noob" because they died from it, makes no sense.

What I find hilarious is people who complain about dieing.  I mean, it's a first person shooter, dieing is 50% of the game.  People will always think the game is against/bias towards them, or everyone else is a "haxxor" because they can't kill you.  I like to remember the quote "There is ALWAYS someone better then you" while playing, and while waiting for that respawn you have to live with it.

"You win some, you lose some".

As for unlocks, I use them when I feel like it.  I prefer the M16 and M203 versus the F200 & F200 GL.  I'll use the M16 medic weapon on occasion, but mainly an AK-101 (given the proper team) or a G36E.  I get no luck with the RPK, or anything else, really.  The minute I wield a RPK I'm screwed...I get better luck with a MG36.

However, in RANKED server matches, unlocks are required to be available to all players, regardless of what Admins think/want.  Use them at your own will.

TopHat01 wrote:

The G36E is deadly when you learn to how to use it properly.  However, it's unfortunately frowned upon because so many people are killed from it....thus making it "noob" because they died from it, makes no sense.
The problem is the G36E is deadly even without having to learn how to use it properly. Fired from the hip at 100m+ it's still accurate on burst and in CQC it effectively drops an enemy more quickly than a shotgun. Two equally skilled infantry players in a one on one situation, presumed that they both spot eachother at the same time, at any distance no matter what the guy with the G36E will always win (except perhaps at extreme ranges against a sniper); it's just out of balance.
+163|6954|Odessa, Ukraine

Lai wrote:

The problem is the G36E is deadly even without having to learn how to use it properly. Fired from the hip at 100m+ it's still accurate on burst and in CQC it effectively drops an enemy more quickly than a shotgun. Two equally skilled infantry players in a one on one situation, presumed that they both spot eachother at the same time, at any distance no matter what the guy with the G36E will always win (except perhaps at extreme ranges against a sniper); it's just out of balance.
Anyways, good players never use this noob gun.
M16 = pro
Ak = pub star
G36e = mega ass fail

Adamshannon8 wrote:

M16 = pro
Ak = pub star
G36e = mega ass fail
+48|6791|P-way, NJ

Adamshannon8 wrote:

M16 = pro
Ak = pub star
G36e = mega ass fail
Haha, agreed.  If you can own w/ an M16 as a Medic or as an Assault player (USMC), props to you.  M16 is, when used properly, very deadly.  I've been playing w/ lately mainly practicing for non-unlock rounds and such, just trying to get off the G36E, as well as that fucking cheap L8.

AK-101 is a bit out of balance...but an M16 can take down an AK-101 with little sweat, in the right hands.

M16 & M203 > F2000 & F2000 GL.  The only stock weapon that is a hunk of shit is probably the SAW, trying to shoot long distance.
AKA Selkies ftw

I'm Jamesey wrote:

No, you're right, when I'm using an ak101 vs 2 support guys with rpk's in the middle of the street without cover, they have armour and faster, stronger guns with barely any recoil and deviation. It's not skill that beats these guys, it's because I have no armour and a weapon and that can kill within 10 shots if I'm lucky enough to get a headshot while spraying
I'm not saying you have no skill, as I know that you do. But this situation would never happen. If you have two support guys out in the open, statistically, at least six of them will switch to grenades and start to hop around. At least that is what I generally encounter.
AKA Selkies ftw

Hakei wrote:

Because the Ak-101 isn't? I moan about the G36E when clans use it, however what I don't like are those people who whore the AK-101 and seem to think that because they use it, they're using a poor weapon and when they get a kill with it, it's because they have skill.
Is that their actual logic here? Shouldn't the fact that it is grossly over-balanced make people want to use it more? Let me try to apply this logic to some other activity, in story form.

A man walks into the kitchen where his son is eating cereal. He pours himself a bowl, but notices that the kid is eating a little too efficiently. "I'll show him how skilled I am by eating my ceral in a harder fashion but with equal results," he thinks to himself. So he sits down and eats his cereal with a fork. "I totally just owned you little bitch. I can eat my ceral better than you can, and I'm using a less efficient food-eating device!" he says to the boy. Then the child ran out of the room crying, came to his computer, and decided to take out his anger on the faceless crowd that is BF2s. We know this child as twoblacklines.

Last edited by pyscofrawg (2008-06-14 00:45:33)


TopHat01 wrote:

Adamshannon8 wrote:

M16 = pro
Ak = pub star
G36e = mega ass fail
Haha, agreed.  If you can own w/ an M16 as a Medic or as an Assault player (USMC), props to you.  M16 is, when used properly, very deadly.  I've been playing w/ lately mainly practicing for non-unlock rounds and such, just trying to get off the G36E, as well as that fucking cheap L8.

AK-101 is a bit out of balance...but an M16 can take down an AK-101 with little sweat, in the right hands.

M16 & M203 > F2000 & F2000 GL.  The only stock weapon that is a hunk of shit is probably the SAW, trying to shoot long distance.
Hmmm,.. must be said though that if you plan on fighting at closer ranges as well, from the crouched, rather than the prone position; the SAW is a fine choice with a higher magazine capacity than the N95 and a higher ROF than the other LMG's.

I don't think the M16 is any worse than the AK, the M16 is thé weapon of choice against dolphin divers as the burst mode combined with the accuracy almost always guarantees a headshot against a prone enemy within 3 to 6 rounds; which is very little since you can deliver them very fast in burst mode. Also I prefer the AK 47 to the AK 101 any time.

The F2000 is fail indeed, owed for 99% to the ridiculously inaccurate crosshair. It's pretty doable on semi auto on longer ranges, but I find bursts on medium ranges nigh impossible to place on target. I still use it sometimes though, since in city maps tossing a flash around the corner to fire the F2000 on full auto from the hip into some foes that are heading for the nearest tree or wall is just epic.

The L85A2 & AG36 are win, but euroforce servers aren't very popular and even then you'll only pick the Assault class on Great Wall since the other two maps focus on motorized combat. The FAMAS remains my all time favorite assault rifle in BF2, but it suffers from the same issues as the L85A2.
Using a gun that is good doesn't mean a person is a noob. Getting killed is a trait of a noob.

Claymore/Gremade spam is just bitching, not nooby. Pros claymores/grenade spam even more than noobs.
Its those people who pull out grenades/claymores at people within knifing distance. They should be shot.

The stock weapons are fine. They are on par with the G36E if you know how to use them properly. Even the M16 has better traits than the G36E. People just want to point out the G36E when they get killed though half the BF2 population wanks off to that gun. It is the people who pick terrible weapons who should get shot.

Rofl_My_Waffle wrote:

The stock weapons are fine. They are on par with the G36E if you know how to use them properly. Even the M16 has better traits than the G36E.

Rofl_My_Waffle wrote:

It is the people who pick terrible weapons who should get shot.
= contradiction?
+194|6662|West NY
It's a pointless debate...all people can do is bitch. So play how you want to play, you paid for the game.

Noobpatty wrote:

It's a pointless debate...all people can do is bitch. So play how you want to play, you paid for the game.
Only 30 euro's including SF, EF and AF
all grown up now (its boring)

TFSlott wrote:

konfusion wrote:

I always just use the best weapon available for my respective kit. With support, I will always go for the RPK instead of the PKM. I'm not a big fan of the G36E, so I'll use an unlock then. Oh, and the SpecOps G36 unlock is awesome

I love the PKM - I play alot Support at the moment and I think the PKM is awesome. It's not good at long distances, but at close range I kill everything with this sucker. I love to sneak into position next going prone behind that corner everyone is running along. One short burst with 3-4 shots kills everyone and at close range u can't miss when prone. Just remember to switch position, not using the same corner over and over. At medium range u tend to hit shit with the PKM unless your targets are lying still - like snipers. Yes - I take out alot of snipers with my PKM at medium range. At long range they spot me before I kill them and most of the time I get a bullet in my face. So normally I try to close in at any sniper spotted. And it's fun to take out snipers at medium range with the PKM. I don't think the other Light machine guns do enough damage to take out snipers at medium range - or? Either they ran or u get shot yourself before killing them.

And learn to use that G36E !!! It's the best damn weapon in the game. High damage, high rate of fire and very little deviation at close range. Those 3-4 shot bursts kills everything at close range. This weapon should have been in the hands of the assault class, 'cause it's truly an awesome assault weapon. Even at medium range it's good - just remember to single shoot at medium range. If u tend to love medium/long range I would stick with my L85A1.
Thats great, but id have headshotted you 350m away on the edge of the fog before you even saw me.

Machine guns are useless, only work on single fire anyway otherwise bf2 doesnt seem to count the extra hits.

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