
Esker wrote:

I bet this kid tells people off in game.

"I need another clip for this AK101"

"EXCUSE ME! But it is not ACTUALLY a clip... It's ACTUALLY refered to as a MAGAZINE, a clip and a magazine are not the same thing!"

"Just drop a fucking supply bag already"
ahhh hahahaha thats funny.

now someone give me a clip, my thing that shoots the hot metal deathballs is clicking.
Horseman 77
He learned something new and wanted to tell everyone.

Is the first one .30 cal. Muaser or Check .30 cal. Tokerov. ??
Be carefull with Check Ammo,
You can load the Muaser in a Tokerov but dont Put Check Tokerov Ammo in a Muaser.

Bang, Boom, waa waa waa

Teckademics wrote:

34766 wrote:

Teckademics wrote:

look at your sig *cough*
Your ganna tell me you dont like it?
You know damn well what im thinking but im not ganna say it cause i wanna keep things peacefull
a gay joke? sure shoot all gay jokes this way if you say any black mexican or gay joke i dont know of ill send you 5 dollars in paypal.
If two gay guys are inside of a house, and it catches on fire. Whos going to get out first?

The one on the top?


The one on the bottom?
+41|7047|200m out and smiling at you.
*Get Ammo Here!*
CJFF Balnk
+2|7037|Baltimore Maryland
Artillery, Your Area!
Not Human Anymore
+144|6955|Seattle, WA

Ether151 wrote:

Umm your the one who's high, clips and mags are the same thing, magazine is the proper way to say it and a clip is a street term that has been made mainstream.  And I know what I'm talking about I work in a gun shop on the weekends.  Learn your shit High Ass....
I'm glad you work in a gun shop, and thankfully one I will never visit or give patronage because you obviously have no clue as to correct terminolgy.  It is only mainstream because of people like you who continue to cycle disinformation.  Congratulations you have contributed negatively to the business you are employed.  I am not trying to attack you personally, but come on man, if you don't think there is a difference between a clip and a mag, you've got to be joking or trying to elicit some reaction from myself.  If this is the case I would be much happier than you being completly ignorant of the facts set before you.  If you so desire please debate me logically and in reference to the following facts. I refer you to my previous link to supplemental information(http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1323705 and roly poly's post below:

R0lyP0ly wrote:

Yes, there is a technical difference between "clip" and "magazine". The rifle geeks sparked my interest as to the sheer stupidity of 3 pages devoted entirely to the difference between clip/magazine. After perusing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clip . i found that a clip is something that loads ammunition into a magazine, which in turn loads ammunition into the weapon itself.

(1) A clip holds the ammuntion rounds themselves. Clip is deemed appropriate in the phrase stripper clip (aka charger, as previously stated) if that is the ONLY thing put into the weapon to fire (see M1 Garand, Mauser 93, etc)

(2) In the case of the M16,M4, the venerable AK-47,etc all use magazines. Individual clips are loaded into a magazine, which loads the ammunition into the weapon itseldl, which is then fired via firing pin, which then enters the body of some unsuspecting fool who decided to reload standing up in the street at Karkand...

silentsin wrote:

oh well. clip is shorter than magazine, therefore i will continue to use it. not like it really matters anyways, clip is now just a slang word for magazine.
At least someone is smart enough to admit it....thank you for being logical, I applaud you.

Last edited by AlbertWesker[RE] (2006-02-24 22:11:41)

Not Human Anymore
+144|6955|Seattle, WA

Esker wrote:

Rofl at this post...

I bet the original poster isn't even in the military.
Did I even begin to say anything that could have eluded I am or was engaged an any active duty in the military....nope and if so I apologize but I certainly did not ever directly associate myself with the military, and not that that is negative because I have the HIGHEST regard for those who put their asses on the line for me and you, so where the hell did this come from???  Better luck next time flamer.

mpsmith wrote:

I'm glad someone else cares that there's a difference. I can't stand all the misused firearms terminology.

I'm also in the same boat with regards to how the Marines in BF2 are called soldiers, when in reality Marines are called Marines (the Army has soldiers...), and the medics aren't called medics- they should be 'corpsmen.'
+1 thanks for the good words
I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings
*rolls eyes at the childish flaming*
Wesker, I am glad you are not like the other douche bags on this forum who would have just continued to rub it in my face and flame me. Although its a little strange to go out of your way to tell people the correct terminiology, I apologize for my comments before as they were kinda harsh, I was just convinced my whole life they were the same thing. Oh well, good game.

EDIT: But I do understand your want to prove a point. It feels good to correct people, haha.

Last edited by silentsin (2006-02-24 22:26:07)

The Photographer.
+81|7016|Central Valley,California
We can't all be gun experts. Or English experts.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7076|Toronto Canada
enemy boat spotted
+41|7047|200m out and smiling at you.
*Hit This Position!*

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

Oh Lorddddd, please bring back thine days of powder and ball for thou hast confuseth us thy servants with thine complexificated universe. Let us eschew obfuscation in our words and be efficacious in our deeds.
HAHA Priceless...

muzzleloaders r fun.
Agreed. I shot a .50 Caliber Muzzleloader that a former Marine owned down at the local shooting range. God damn that hurt my shoulder, and it smelled like rotten eggs.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6955|Seattle, WA

silentsin wrote:

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

Oh Lorddddd, please bring back thine days of powder and ball for thou hast confuseth us thy servants with thine complexificated universe. Let us eschew obfuscation in our words and be efficacious in our deeds.
HAHA Priceless...

muzzleloaders r fun.
Agreed. I shot a .50 Caliber Muzzleloader that a former Marine owned down at the local shooting range. God damn that hurt my shoulder, and it smelled like rotten eggs.
Heheheh crazy stuff huh, and to think back in the day people SNIPED with those guns, holy crap, you know I had you wrong in the beginning, you are ok in my book, good to have you in this community friend!
i have enjoyed some good laughs with this thread.  good shit.  Wesker, excellent job man.  I'm in the Army and I still get into arguments all the time with my buddy over this.  And just to put it out there, we still use BOTH stripper clips and magazines.  A lot of times, when we receive ammunition before going to a range or whatever, the rounds come in cardboard boxes with 30 rounds to a box.  there are 3 stripper clips of 10 rounds in each box.  we use a small metal device called a "speedloader" that attaches to the tops of the 30 round magazines.  the stripper clips are placed into the speedloader and then are pushed down into the magazine.  the speedloader keeps the rounds in line and separates them from the stripper clip.  3 quick pushes and we have a fully loaded 30 round magazine.  just fyi.  go army.
you too.
WCR official whiner
+6|7039|Madrid, Spain
so what support class is supposed to say?

"clips, here" or "magazines, here"

*scratches his ass and vomits 20 vodkas on the keyboard*
bad touch

i stand by my original statement, clips are for men, mags are for bitches. id take an M1 garand any day and kick ass with it
Not Human Anymore
+144|6955|Seattle, WA

Stratocaster wrote:

so what support class is supposed to say?

"clips, here" or "magazines, here"

*scratches his ass and vomits 20 vodkas on the keyboard*
Ammo here works fairly well and would work for both...

Yep removable magazine weapons are for sissies stryker....yup......

Yes the M1 Garand is a FINE battle rifle, go ask Patton , but to discount all other rifles especially modernized ones.....seems a little.....ideological.

Too bad the M1Garand has a magazine....uh oh, integral one, if your confused, please read my previous posts. 

You don't NEED clips to load the garand, they are just helpful 

Last edited by AlbertWesker[RE] (2006-02-25 00:04:21)

Can I just refer to all ammo generically as "bullet packs?"
lmao now that was funny
What would we do without you?
+4|6975|Marshall, IL
i need bulammo for my clipozeen!
How bout when kiddies call the M16A2 Assault rifle a gun? Or any rifle called a gun, man that just makes me want to rip someones face off because people in video games piss me off..

loller@original poster why would you even give a flying fuck what people refer to munitions in a game?
when im in game i say i need ammo or im down to my last round or second or whatever., but really who cares

and really who cares if they call it a gun or a rifle.

your a bunch of picky basterds its a game

Last edited by Dilbert2468 (2006-02-25 01:10:24)

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