
Do you uncap rape?

Yes72%72% - 173
No27%27% - 65
Total: 238
french canadians suck
I can't believe we're still discussing this in 2008.
+51|6244|New York

TrashBlinD wrote:

I can't believe we're still discussing this in 2008.
I can't believe its still not butter.
i g

+51|6244|New York
Thread officially hijacked?
Missing, Presumed Dead

Thread hijacked? Yes.
By retards? Yes. Well, one anyway.

eaglecorps wrote:

But you also have the oportunity to sit in that stinger you can do it just like them and get those 0 deaths but you decide to go out and kill shit then when you can't kill the guy that's lighting you up you bitch and whine about it
Yes, because that is, again, a really balanced and fair game. Im going to start a new account and do that, and come back here with 65000 kills and 0 deaths. Fair?
And how is that going to happen if your team already have all the flags? Next time, Im gona sit on a stinger all round and not go out and kill shit because I dont want to die. Ever.

Grow a fucking pair.

eaglecorps wrote:

if they are all in the uncap THEN LET THEM GET OUT AND TAKE A FLAG AND THEN KILL THEM! How fucking stupid and desperate do you have to be not to let the team have a flag so you can fucking kill them there and get it back? At least if they get a flag they have a fucking chance.
Point of any game: to win/kill people.
How to win a round: reduce their tickets to 0.
How you do that: by holding all flags and killing people.
How do you not do that: giving the enemy a chance to get back into the game and openly giving a flag back to fight back against you.

Give them a chance? They had enough to both capture and hold flags. If they couldnt do that from the start, then what difference is it going to make if you "all retreat and let them have a flag". None. What-so-ever.

eaglecorps wrote:

Jesus fucking christ you guys are stupid.
How fucking stupid are you? Seriously, shut the fuck up. You really have no clue what you are saying.
If you wanted to give them a chance, then you wouldnt have capped that last flag in the first place. And, if anything, as myke said, they had enough chances to hold onto it in the first place.

Enough of this thread: full of people who can play the game, people who like to have rules to maintain their server, and one idiot who lives in a fucking fairytale fantasy.
All of whom, will never agree, which was always going to be the case.
+51|6244|New York

Snake wrote:

Thread hijacked? Yes.
By retards? Yes. Well, one anyway.

eaglecorps wrote:

But you also have the oportunity to sit in that stinger you can do it just like them and get those 0 deaths but you decide to go out and kill shit then when you can't kill the guy that's lighting you up you bitch and whine about it
Yes, because that is, again, a really balanced and fair game. Im going to start a new account and do that, and come back here with 65000 kills and 0 deaths. Fair?
And how is that going to happen if your team already have all the flags? Next time, Im gona sit on a stinger all round and not go out and kill shit because I dont want to die. Ever.

Grow a fucking pair.

eaglecorps wrote:

if they are all in the uncap THEN LET THEM GET OUT AND TAKE A FLAG AND THEN KILL THEM! How fucking stupid and desperate do you have to be not to let the team have a flag so you can fucking kill them there and get it back? At least if they get a flag they have a fucking chance.
Point of any game: to win/kill people.
How to win a round: reduce their tickets to 0.
How you do that: by holding all flags and killing people.
How do you not do that: giving the enemy a chance to get back into the game and openly giving a flag back to fight back against you.

Give them a chance? They had enough to both capture and hold flags. If they couldnt do that from the start, then what difference is it going to make if you "all retreat and let them have a flag". None. What-so-ever.

eaglecorps wrote:

Jesus fucking christ you guys are stupid.
How fucking stupid are you? Seriously, shut the fuck up. You really have no clue what you are saying.
If you wanted to give them a chance, then you wouldnt have capped that last flag in the first place. And, if anything, as myke said, they had enough chances to hold onto it in the first place.

Enough of this thread: full of people who can play the game, people who like to have rules to maintain their server, and one idiot who lives in a fucking fairytale fantasy.
All of whom, will never agree, which was always going to be the case.
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6899|Reisterstown, MD

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

I agree that some servers are rediculous with their rules.  I've never understood why a server would create rules that are hard to enforce.  Our server has basically 3 rules aside from the normal no TK'ing, hacking, etc.

1.  No dropping artillery on the enemy uncaps
2.  No attacking the uncaps with vehicles (on foot is fine)
3.  No attacking the TV station on Sharqi with the chopper unless all the other flags are captured (that map gets unbalanced really fast if the MEC chopper just circles TV and rapes it)

That's it.  The rules are actually very easy to enforce because it's easy to know when some breaks them.  And it gives people some wiggle room by allowing them to attack on foot.  As for you people complaining about someone using a TOW or IGLA in an uncap and shooting out, I simply ask why you are so close to their uncap that they could hit you with that stuff?  I don't play SF, but maybe it comes into play more there.  On the vanilla maps our rules really don't create any issues.
lol.  This is an example of the kiddie rules.  Rules to protect people who otherwise can't fight there way out of a wet prostitute's.....

1. If the commander is dropping arty on the e's uncap, chances are they do not have any flags and in which case, they deserve to get artied.
2. See rule 1.  That is the reason you have the AT kit.  I'll never understand why servers think that because you limit or cry for people to not attack the uncap makes it more fun.  Just seems like rules to help the new people who suck at the game...or people who have played for a couple of years who also blow balls.
3. This one I am guilty of because the times I have played on sharqi with my squadmates and we are on US, our goal is to steal the MEC chopper and go to town on the TV station.  Two reasons why...one, if the MEC team can't keep their heli in the air then they deserve to get raped.  Two, if you are stupid enough to keep spawning at the TV station when you have other flags, then you, again deserve to get raped. 

Conclusion: people who make rules for servers usually need help to compete with the people that aren't sitting in hmmmv's crying because someone is in their base killing everyone.  Just seems like there is more whining about base raping when all you have to do is spawn somewhere else.  Crybabies made this game the way it is today.  Congrats.

Last edited by killer21 (2008-05-17 18:51:41)

Dropped on request

killer21 wrote:

Just seems like there is more whining about base raping when all you have to do is spawn somewhere else.  [/b][/color]
Spawn somewhere else so that they have 4 jets and 2 choppers owning you now? That's not very strategic...
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6227|Minneapolis, MN

killer21 wrote:

lol.  This is an example of the kiddie rules.  Rules to protect people who otherwise can't fight there way out of a wet prostitute's.....

1. If the commander is dropping arty on the e's uncap, chances are they do not have any flags and in which case, they deserve to get artied.
2. See rule 1.  That is the reason you have the AT kit.  I'll never understand why servers think that because you limit or cry for people to not attack the uncap makes it more fun.  Just seems like rules to help the new people who suck at the game...or people who have played for a couple of years who also blow balls.
3. This one I am guilty of because the times I have played on sharqi with my squadmates and we are on US, our goal is to steal the MEC chopper and go to town on the TV station.  Two reasons why...one, if the MEC team can't keep their heli in the air then they deserve to get raped.  Two, if you are stupid enough to keep spawning at the TV station when you have other flags, then you, again deserve to get raped. 

Conclusion: people who make rules for servers usually need help to compete with the people that aren't sitting in hmmmv's crying because someone is in their base killing everyone.  Just seems like there is more whining about base raping when all you have to do is spawn somewhere else.  Crybabies made this game the way it is today.  Congrats.
Oh you gave me a laugh here.  So thank you for that.  What's the name of your server?  Do you have one?  Last time I checked, games, particularly non-competitive gaming (not talking about scrims or ladders here), are supposed to be fun.  Getting raped by cheap players who don't know any other way to play is not fun.  I'd say most of the 7571 players who have played in our server in the last month (at the time of this post) would likely agree.

Furthermore, I really don't think our rules are very unusual at all.  I think there are many other servers that have similar rules.  So it appears that others would agree with me.

So please tell me the name of your server that you run so I know not to come and play on it.

Last edited by NUNYA! Bluecow003 (2008-05-17 21:30:09)


NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

killer21 wrote:

lol.  This is an example of the kiddie rules.  Rules to protect people who otherwise can't fight there way out of a wet prostitute's.....

1. If the commander is dropping arty on the e's uncap, chances are they do not have any flags and in which case, they deserve to get artied.
2. See rule 1.  That is the reason you have the AT kit.  I'll never understand why servers think that because you limit or cry for people to not attack the uncap makes it more fun.  Just seems like rules to help the new people who suck at the game...or people who have played for a couple of years who also blow balls.
3. This one I am guilty of because the times I have played on sharqi with my squadmates and we are on US, our goal is to steal the MEC chopper and go to town on the TV station.  Two reasons why...one, if the MEC team can't keep their heli in the air then they deserve to get raped.  Two, if you are stupid enough to keep spawning at the TV station when you have other flags, then you, again deserve to get raped. 

Conclusion: people who make rules for servers usually need help to compete with the people that aren't sitting in hmmmv's crying because someone is in their base killing everyone.  Just seems like there is more whining about base raping when all you have to do is spawn somewhere else.  Crybabies made this game the way it is today.  Congrats.
Oh you gave me a laugh here.  So thank you for that.  What's the name of your server?  Do you have one?  Last time I checked, games, particularly non-competitive gaming (not talking about scrims or ladders here), are supposed to be fun.  Getting raped by cheap players who don't know any other way to play is not fun.  I'd say most of the 7571 players who have played in our server in the last month (at the time of this post) would likely agree.

Furthermore, I really don't think our rules are very unusual at all.  I think there are many other servers that have similar rules.  So it appears that others would agree with me.

So please tell me the name of your server that you run so I know not to come and play on it.
Capable flags anythings goes.  The MEC almost always rape the TV station on Sharqi.  And on Kubra, the US teams almost always try to force the MEC to the one of the flags close the MEC airbase and then proceed to rape it to no end.  If you get on a team that coninously gets raped like that you have 2 choses.  Quit or play smarter to hold flags. 

No Arty on uncaps is somewhat of a cheap rule in my opinion.  It takes time to reload and you don't always time it right to drop it on jet or helo spawns to keep them from getting airborne.

As for vehicle attacks on uncaps.  Too damned bad, if a team gets forced back to its uncap only they deserve everything they get thrown at them. 

Its alot more fun to be on the team doing the raping than being on the team getting raped.
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6899|Reisterstown, MD

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Oh you gave me a laugh here.  So thank you for that.  What's the name of your server?  Do you have one?  Last time I checked, games, particularly non-competitive gaming (not talking about scrims or ladders here), are supposed to be fun.  Getting raped by cheap players who don't know any other way to play is not fun.  I'd say most of the 7571 players who have played in our server in the last month (at the time of this post) would likely agree.

Furthermore, I really don't think our rules are very unusual at all.  I think there are many other servers that have similar rules.  So it appears that others would agree with me.

So please tell me the name of your server that you run so I know not to come and play on it.
Congrats.  You run a server for scrubs.  Be proud.
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6227|Minneapolis, MN
I guess I've never understood what's fun about being on a team that's raping.  It's not really what the game was intended to be like.  It's boring because nothing really gets accomplished except that you piss the other team off, oh and you prove how uber good you are, right?  Get those stats nice and high?  Sounds like fun.

killer21 wrote:

Congrats.  You run a server for scrubs.  Be proud.
Ah yeah, I have fun and so do most of the people who play with us.  Like I care at all if anyone else thinks I'm good.  We have our own server where we get to play the game how we want to play it.  Apparently other players like our playing style too, otherwise they wouldn't donate to it and play in our server.  So yeah, I guess that is something to be proud of.  When you successfully run your own server, I will most definitely come by and congratulate you.

Last edited by NUNYA! Bluecow003 (2008-05-18 06:58:53)

pub hero!
+603|6689|the land of bourbon

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Get those stats nice and high?
i don't baserape for stats.  i baserape because the other team is incompetent.
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6227|Minneapolis, MN
To prove what?  You're so much better than them?  What other reason is there to baserape?  It's fun?  That is an odd way to have fun.

Last edited by NUNYA! Bluecow003 (2008-05-18 07:11:17)

I do sometimes.

Put it this way. If it wasn't supposed to happen, why does the bot commander always give you the order to attack the uncap?

On Ghost Town its very effective for keeping the enemy armour at bay. I much prefer servers that don't have any rules about attacking flags.

Anyway, any team that has their act together can destroy a baseraper easily. It's not as if the baseraper is invincible. If the entire team is doing it then, well, its their fault for letting it get to that stage.

And yes it can be fun. Whats more rewarding for lots of flag capping than lots of easy kills

And there's on very easy way to avoid it. DONT SPAWN. The number of people who repeatedly spawn into a barrage of Havok fire is astounding.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-05-18 07:11:47)

NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6227|Minneapolis, MN
Doing it to get lots of easy kills is sad actually.  It's sad that you would get enjoyment from basically shooting fish in a barrel (not the same, I know, but very similar).  It's like beating a 4 year old at checkers.  What does it prove?  It proves how much the other team sucks, right?  Why is it fun to play against another team that sucks?  I would rather be on the losing team and help them than be associated with a team that baserapes.
pub hero!
+603|6689|the land of bourbon

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

To prove what?  You're so much better than them?  What other reason is there to baserape?  It's fun?  That is an odd way to have fun.
hey man, i just kill people.  why does it matter where and how i do it?  fun is a moot point, bc i have fun playing regardless of the situation.

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Doing it to get lots of easy kills is sad actually.  It's sad that you would get enjoyment from basically shooting fish in a barrel (not the same, I know, but very similar).  It's like beating a 4 year old at checkers.  What does it prove?  It proves how much the other team sucks, right?  Why is it fun to play against another team that sucks?  I would rather be on the losing team and help them than be associated with a team that baserapes.
You mean paraplegic autistic fish in a barrel who refuse to move when they spawn, or select a different spawn point, almost as if they enjoy getting raped out of their skulls?
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6227|Minneapolis, MN
I understand.  I guess it's different when you have a server to run.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Doing it to get lots of easy kills is sad actually.  It's sad that you would get enjoyment from basically shooting fish in a barrel (not the same, I know, but very similar).  It's like beating a 4 year old at checkers.  What does it prove?  It proves how much the other team sucks, right?  Why is it fun to play against another team that sucks?  I would rather be on the losing team and help them than be associated with a team that baserapes.
Well, after I've had 2 deaths from claymored flags and another from a random spam nade, I feel that raping the uncaps for 30 kills evens it up a bit and makes up for the crimes committed against me.
french canadians suck

I'm Jamesey wrote:

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Doing it to get lots of easy kills is sad actually.  It's sad that you would get enjoyment from basically shooting fish in a barrel (not the same, I know, but very similar).  It's like beating a 4 year old at checkers.  What does it prove?  It proves how much the other team sucks, right?  Why is it fun to play against another team that sucks?  I would rather be on the losing team and help them than be associated with a team that baserapes.
Well, after I've had 2 deaths from claymored flags and another from a random spam nade, I feel that raping the uncaps for 30 kills evens it up a bit and makes up for the crimes committed against me.
Well thats just it isn't it. The entire game is designed around cheap kills. It's something I realised when i was 1st Lt. Up until then i'd used pretty much nothing except the assault rifles for my kills. I always got really worked up over nade spammers, claymore spammers, GLs, god damn bunny hoppers, tanks watching spawn points, jets, and almost everything else that gives you an easy kill. I just used the assault rifle, pistol, and if i was feeling cheeky the defribs.

However, I then realised that these cheap kill methods were avaliable to everyone, and are in fact what the game is designed around. Whether i liked it or not. So i quit IO, and spent the rest of my BF2 time on a 24/7 Ghost Town anything goes server. I mostly continued playing as i did, but if i felt like launching a 1 man attack on the enemy main base nothing stopped me, and it was fun. Especially if i got the same guy 2 or 3 times in a row while running lower and lower on health.

During all that time on Ghost Town i have of course been on the recieving end of it a lot as well. But I didn't whine about it. I either chose a diff spawn if we had one, kept trying to get out of the uncap if we didnt, or just didnt spawn and waited for it to be over, while watching my teammates get repeatedly blown to bits. If there was a tank harrasing us I spawned as AT and tried to deal with it. Something that 90% of players dont even think of. They keep spawning as sniper or something else equally retarded and then get annoyed when they die again.

I mean, what else can you do if you have all the flags? Wait at the flags you have, twiddling your thumbs? What if the Spetz have a tank just to the north of the SAS bridge, and there is SAS armour trying to escape the uncap. Is the Spetz tank supposed to just let the SAS tanks over the bridge and then attack?

I find most of the time the people getting uncap raped dont even try and escape.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-05-18 10:06:37)

Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6899|Reisterstown, MD

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

I understand.  I guess it's different when you have a server to run.
lol.  Your excuse for running a server with training wheels is amusing to me.  I have run three servers in my time playing BF2.  None of them had gay rules in which you had to help the other team survive.  But hey, as you have stated many times as if it is a really big deal, you have a server and you run it.  Congrats.  Go get yourself a job because you have rules on a BF2 server that are pretty lame.  You rock.  I'll stop by your gay little server just to rape.  Get your !b ready.
I don't come here a lot anymore.

If the server allows it/there are no admins on, yes.

Otherways no.

I generally don't get pissed over baserapers, either, but when admins don't care to follow their own rules, I get pissed.
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6227|Minneapolis, MN

killer21 wrote:

lol.  Your excuse for running a server with training wheels is amusing to me.  I have run three servers in my time playing BF2.  None of them had gay rules in which you had to help the other team survive.  But hey, as you have stated many times as if it is a really big deal, you have a server and you run it.  Congrats.  Go get yourself a job because you have rules on a BF2 server that are pretty lame.  You rock.  I'll stop by your gay little server just to rape.  Get your !b ready.
Well we just try to make sure everyone has fun, not just some people.  Sorry if that offends you.  If you only find baseraping fun, then there are plenty of other servers for you.  I was only meaning that it's different when you run a server because you want people to have fun it, that's all I meant.  It sucks to watch people get pissed off while playing in our server, so we try to minimize that as much as possible by making sure the teams are even and by having rules to tend to keep most people happy.

I'm curious though, if our server has "gay" rules, are there any rules you do find acceptable?  Or is BF2 perfect the way it is in terms of gameplay rules?

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