+21|6892|NC, USA, Earth, Milky Way
Things I hate:

1. Dying 50 times in a row and still getting rank/points at the end...lol.

2. I honestly cannot shoot the damn RPGs correctly to hit a chopper, and then I finally managed to hit one only to learn it needs another nigh impossible shot.

3. That this is the best PC game out right now...no wonder PC games get a bad rap and most game stores in the U.S. put our games in the worst places like on the floor or some rusty 2 foot rack while the XBOX and PS3 have multiple eye-level shelves wrapping the whole room.

4. That everyone has to crouch and shoot until quiet boots.

5. Snipers have no place to hide unlike in BF2.  I loved sitting on my crane in Kubra and taking a break.  Snipers are not supposed to be CQB.

6. The fact that my aim is never as good as anyone else even when I am behind them and pointing right at their heads.

7. Seeing Airstrike = helicopter = airstrike = chopper and it never ends.  Once a person gets on a role on a large map with many players it's hard to stop.

8. 16 player mashtuur is larger than the largest Cod4 map.

9. That everyone is a 5 star general...why even have rank if it is that easy to get?

10. The SP enemy AI sucked balls.  My teammates didn't do a damn thing unless I passed over a triggered location.  Plus, the enemy would only attack me 90% of the time.  If that is the case, why do I even have teammates...CoD 1 was so much better in this respect.

11.  Matrydom.

12.  Switching from C4 to guns and back again is worse than it is for BF2.

13.  Camping

14. Smoke grenades...yeah right who uses that.  This isn't ravenshield.

15. Night time maps so I can use Night vision...only used it 2 times in SP (bog) and doing a house raid to save somebody.

16. Being able to spot an enemy like in BF2.

17. No one uses radio commands

18. Total lack of teamwork

19. I miss having squads.

20. people seem to know where I am even if I haven't moved or made a sound for several minutes.  Then I am shot through a wall.

21. All these damn servers that allow only 1 round per map.  BF2 on average had servers with 2 chances to play each map.

22. I like driving vehicles; why not let us at least drive the civlian cars or buses.

Things I like:

1:  Death camera

2: Fast load times

3: No FPS issues at all

4: claymores that you can destroy

5: Domination/HQ mode.  I wish BF2 had CTF.

6: No medic whoring/revived deaths aka kidnapping

7: 1 vs 1 is awesome, plus the game starts with just 2 people.

8: Seeing how points I get for doing things rather than changing the COMMROSE ini files in BF2.

9: Fast ladders

10: Few bunnyhoppers

11: Less grenade spamming unless caping flag.

12: Fast respawn

13: Better Hitbox

14: 1 bullet one kill... none of that sand shit in BF2.

15: Customizable classes though I just made BF2 comparable ones.

16: Shipment is awesome with shotguns only.

17: Few people being kicked for PB not updating nonsense.

18: No video card BSP holes or glassy looking textures like I get in BF2.

19: I can actually Tab out of the game and not kill my processor.

20: A multplayer menu that actually updates and can be customized so much better than BF2.

I have exhausted what I think.  Overall, I don't think it was worth 40 - 50 dollars.  But, it is nice to do something else besides BF2.  It's a good realistic arena shooter, but I don't think it's appeal will last as long as BF2.
I think the worst part about the game is the spawn system.  All too often people spawn right behind you.  And the simple fact is this is one of the easier shooting games thats been made. And The PC one is even easier.  So basically if you sneak up on someone you'll always get the kill. In my experience anyways.
I must say I've played the game on both PS3/Xbox360 and on PC and the PC one wasn't as fun for me. It could be because I wasn't on the most amazing computer but when you couple the easy shooting of the game with a mouse it turns into counter strike all over again

Srry for double post.
Do One Ya Mug !!!
What really grips my shit is when people stand in the door so you cant get in the building. Then its like a scene from Full metal jacket with everyone reigning bullets onto your position. Your screaming at the TV ''MOVE , MOVE , GET OUT MY FUCKING WAY!''.

Bastards !!

Last edited by hurricane2oo5 (2008-04-24 01:17:36)


Daggoth-UR-XXX wrote:

Overall, I don't think it was worth 40 - 50 dollars.  But, it is nice to do something else besides BF2.  It's a good realistic arena shooter, but I don't think it's appeal will last as long as BF2.
Agree completely, especially this bit.
1: Rockets aim is the shit and really doesn't blow up anything

2: Grenades being super lethal no matter how far away they are.

3: People killing you in 2 shots while you are able to hit to them 7 times without killing them.

4: Sniper don't hit shit sometimes. Like seriously I put the aim on the guy and press fire while holding shift and crouching. BAM...misses O_O then someone with the Barret rifle comes and is standing and headshotting me within 2 seconds pretty fine.

5: Shotgun is worthless on anything futher than 4 meters away when the bullets just don't damage you at all. Close range is fun thou and I used it for some time to.

6: Rifles and SMGs seems to have infinitive range on their weapons while pistols, shotguns and SNIPERS are limited.

7: Matyrdom, probably the most skill less perk in the entire game. It just ruins the fun of people who rushes.

8: That Airstrike and Chopper counts toward the kill count making people who use them keep getting them quite a bit.

9: UAV being to easy to get and later on in the game if you want any cover at all you have to get the UAV jammer but then you lose some very usefull perks.

10: Only to be able to select 3 total perks and 1 add on to the weapon. I want Silencer + Red laser scope + Grenade launcher at the same time because it's possible.

11: Worse grenade problem than BF2 and BF2142 put together due to that maps being horrible small and grenades being horrible powerfull. Not to talk about that people can get the 3x grenade perk to just to make it more spammier.

12: Pistols aims like shit normally but using iron sight really isn't helping because they cover half of the screen without making it usefull.

13: To many servers have crappy ping for some reason.

All thou there are things I do like

1: Grenade Launcher. I don't care if this is a noob tube or not, you actually have to point it at the enemy.

2: LMGs are wonderfull ^^

3: Shotgun in close combat is awesome :3

4: Knife ACTUALLY hits a lot better than in BF2 *gasp*

5: Fun when people don't have that Matyrdom on.

6: When you are the one bombing the shit out of people with Airstrike

7: Somewhat fresh where as in CSS is like the only other good realistic type shooter out there. Even thou I know CSS is an Arcade FPS game I still find it like a realistic one. Compared to UT3, Quake and such games.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Zefar wrote:

1: Rockets aim is the shit and really doesn't blow up anything

2: Grenades being super lethal no matter how far away they are.

3: People killing you in 2 shots while you are able to hit to them 7 times without killing them.

4: Sniper don't hit shit sometimes. Like seriously I put the aim on the guy and press fire while holding shift and crouching. BAM...misses O_O then someone with the Barret rifle comes and is standing and headshotting me within 2 seconds pretty fine.

5: Shotgun is worthless on anything futher than 4 meters away when the bullets just don't damage you at all. Close range is fun thou and I used it for some time to.

6: Rifles and SMGs seems to have infinitive range on their weapons while pistols, shotguns and SNIPERS are limited.

7: Matyrdom, probably the most skill less perk in the entire game. It just ruins the fun of people who rushes.

8: That Airstrike and Chopper counts toward the kill count making people who use them keep getting them quite a bit.

9: UAV being to easy to get and later on in the game if you want any cover at all you have to get the UAV jammer but then you lose some very usefull perks.

10: Only to be able to select 3 total perks and 1 add on to the weapon. I want Silencer + Red laser scope + Grenade launcher at the same time because it's possible.

11: Worse grenade problem than BF2 and BF2142 put together due to that maps being horrible small and grenades being horrible powerfull. Not to talk about that people can get the 3x grenade perk to just to make it more spammier.

12: Pistols aims like shit normally but using iron sight really isn't helping because they cover half of the screen without making it usefull.

13: To many servers have crappy ping for some reason.

@12 = Pistols are more accurate than snipers (yes gay but they are)

@13 = Must be your connection
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
@12 = Well if you use Iron Sight but for me I really don't like it as they cover anyone.

@13 = I got an 28 MB down and 1 mb up so it really isn't my connection. Maybe it's because I live in Sweden and few servers are broadcasting here though the server I get best ping on is Skynet Russia.....
Also my Modem is pretty new and just bought it. Every other game have good ping on servers to. COD4 does not.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
The fact that the sniper rifles kill in one hit when you have stopping power.

And the knife, that thing is to easy to get kills with.

Last edited by DoctaStrangelove (2008-05-18 17:25:01)

The worst things about CoD4-

-P90 whores

-Grenade Launchers


-Last Stand

And theres a camper in every match you play.
seriously i own P90 whores all the fucking time but I'll agree with everything else  you said even though the Last Stand perk is original it is still annoying sometimes. I'm gonna say the worst thing about cod 4 is ....................... martyrdom. That is fucking gay shit "Here, let me get my head shot off by a .50 cal and then I'll simultaneously pull the pin and drop this live hand grenade. I mean c'mon.

Last edited by eaglecorps (2008-07-08 20:59:35)

the worst thing about cod4:

that there are actually people playing this bullshit game. sry but this game is really out of balance. it's like crossing unreal tournament with bf2 and that just wont work. i was so dumb and bought it, played 5 days till rank max and then i was bored. oh and a lot of servers are laggy beyond believe.
hm, ok i like the weapons, but hey so did i in cs, yeah it was nice, but i wont spent my money on it again.
The fact that the RPg doesn't go ehere i aim but goes 4 kms above.
I don't if it is like this is real life or not, its really annoying.
The worst thing is that I cant play it on my laptop without major lag (even in single player lulz)...
+1,411|7050|FUCK UBISOFT

Kitfoxfire wrote:

The worst thing is that I cant play it on my laptop without major lag (even in single player lulz)...
that's actually a good thing.
+21|6290|Dubai, UAE

loubot wrote:

The worst part of  CoD4 is the stupid dogs tear out my throat and I dies. Sad lulz, sniff sniff
I wish you could just throw some dog biscuits or a large steak.
+21|6290|Dubai, UAE

Daggoth-UR-XXX wrote:

It's a good realistic arena shooter, but I don't think it's appeal will last as long as BF2.
Well said mate, well said...
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6307|Aberdeen, Scotland

SineNomine wrote:

that there are actually people playing this bullshit game.
Agreed...and half my clanmates are obsessed with it.
I played it for a month or so, then got bored of the cheap, repetitive gameplay.
The singleplayer was good fun with the different styles of play, but the multiplay is piss poor...

Laziest map design ever, c'mon, wtf is shipment...a little square with a few boxes...

All flash, no substance...overhyped to fuck.
your girlfriend a freak like cirque du soleil
+149|6138|u fucking wot m8
The reload animations.

Nah jokes, Their actually the best I've seen compared to any fps's.

Kitfoxfire wrote:

The worst thing is that I cant play it on my laptop without major lag (even in single player lulz)...
I play it on my laptop which features an integrated graphics set with everything down to the low. Works gud.

Last edited by Laura (2008-09-18 01:15:58)

Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
Campers with M16.
Whats my age again?
+91|6661|Troy, New York

Daggoth-UR-XXX wrote:

14. Smoke grenades...yeah right who uses that.  This isn't ravenshield..
There used all the time in SD, particularly in TWl/CAL etc. The rest I agree with.

Things I hate:
2 shot head shots in softcore (no I wont go play Hardcore) An AK should be a one headshot kill, takes a lot of skill out of the game.
+4|6307|Finland, Europe
Choppers, spawn and die. They find you everywhere.
+244|6997|arica harbour
Ill play COD4 over BF2 anyday. and yes i love to camp when i played BF2 and i still camp with my m16 in COD4.

krazed wrote:

i dont understand why people dont just shoot the chopper down :\
Usually you get shot while you are staring at sun.
+354|6307|Vortex Ring State

Just use the mounted MGs against the chopper, nuff said

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