Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6968|Washington DC

k0nfusion wrote:

Again, I thought this thread had "Flame" in it.
Yes ... but it is BF2 flaming and not BF2S flaming ... flame stats all you want, but please do not flame a BF2s member.
+58|6316|Mesa, AZ

steelie34 wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Man....I leave for a couple days, and everyone starts arguing with another guy. I feel left out. Oh well. I guess I can always add my two cents to the new argument. Metal, get a life. Time that you don't spend trolling is time you consider wasted. Myke....well, you know how I feel about you, both your personality and your cheating in games. Splinter, I don't know a damn thing about you, and quite honestly, I prefer it that way.

I'm siding with konfusion. Big surprise, huh? If he is challenging you 1v1 put up or shut up. If you won't, it sounds like you guys can't win unless you have 4 medics behind you reviving all day long. Go 1 on 1.
u just can't resist can you?  you have to come in here and get involved in shit that has nothing to do with you. 

nope, sure can't. especially when you all are going 4 against one in an argument like you did against me. its pretty lame when you can't even argue one on one.

you want me banned because i argue back? whats the matter sweetheart, can't take the heat?

Last edited by jason85 (2008-05-05 13:37:27)


k0nfusion wrote:

lol, those guys made the first challenge big guy. But they CHANGED THEIR MINDS, and backed down from a 1v1. I'm calling them out on it.

I haven't played with the big boys in the chopper huh? I'll gladly take you up 1v1 chopper whenever you want, Chaos.
Trust me you don't want that.  I would hate to ruin any credibility you might have in your Dragon Valley shit talking.
Na, I'm telling you, I DO want that. Let's play since you brought it up, 1v1. Unlike you, I can defend my words.

What's with people making challenges on here and not sticking to them? So far Straz is the only one with an ounce of respect.

k0nfusion wrote:

Na, I'm telling you, I DO want that. Let's play since you brought it up, 1v1. Unlike you, I can defend my words.

What's with people making challenges on here and not sticking to them? So far Straz is the only one with an ounce of respect.
once again, 5v5 IO, BFpro, your choice of map/side.

take it or gtfo sir.

match predictions: 2/0 - 97:0, 94:0
» You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | | YouTube
Once again, you're dodging a 1v1. Gtfo cheat. No one wants to play with a dude who's pretty much disrespected everywhere he plays and has 2/3 GUID Caught for hacking by PunkBuster. Shouldn't have ever resorted to using hacks dude, then you might have actually earned some respect somewhere. Who's going to ever think you're legit now? Foolish.

Last edited by k0nfusion (2008-05-05 14:20:44)


k0nfusion wrote:

Once again, you're dodging a 1v1. Gtfo cheat. No one wants to play with a dude who's pretty much disrespected everywhere he plays and has 2/3 GUID Caught for hacking by PunkBuster. Shouldn't have ever resorted to using hacks dude, then you might have actually earned some respect somewhere. Who's going to ever think you're legit now? Foolish.
lolz, *waits for jihad* to reply
» You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | | YouTube
Yeah, you've got TWO banned guids. You seriously going to nail both of those on someone else? And you expect people to believe that? That defies any reasonable logic. Why would someone give there account for a hacker to use? No sense, at all.
+51|6255|New York

k0nfusion wrote:

Yeah, you've got TWO banned guids. You seriously going to nail both of those on someone else? And you expect people to believe that? That defies any reasonable logic. Why would someone give there account for a hacker to use? No sense, at all.
Hey, it was me who got his name on the MBL twice with two different guids.

Mod:  Personal attack removed.
But really man this is a team game and 1v1 is really fucking dumb tbh.I will still 1v1 ya im pretty sure i can still win even though im not nearly as good in heli's as i used too be.. My game was fucked for like 6 months if i joined a server with vehicles my game would just crash so i ended up getting pretty good at infantry and losing all my mad tv skills.

5v5 is where it is at though tbh.

And man check out the facts about myke.

1. He has a clean guid.
2. These log's are from a guy named jihadofthenight who does hack and got caught a while ago and we make fun of the fact that he needs hacks too be good.
3 Check the ip's from the second log and u can see that it is not myke's and is in fact this other guy
4.He rapes noob's.

If you are so sure that he hacks why don't you check the PBSS's from the few rounds before you banned us from your server. I know you are set up through punksbusted and have access too the screenshots of all three of us so why dont you go and get your proof of any of us hacking. OH thats right cause the punkbuster screenshots are clean or you would have posted them already.

Last edited by ¦TØP¦straz_mataz (2008-05-05 14:38:53)


k0nfusion wrote:

Yeah, you've got TWO banned guids. You seriously going to nail both of those on someone else? And you expect people to believe that? That defies any reasonable logic. Why would someone give there account for a hacker to use? No sense, at all.
lolz, you're joking right?... you sir need to know the facts first.. how about you look at the second result on the mbl eh? notice all the names listed on it and the ip being no where near the same as mine? dun dun duhhh, notice the clean one at the bottom? tbh i haven't even used my main account in months (tempted to ebay it tbh easy money )...

you want the story? i told you on your crap forums but you insta deleted the post to make yourself look like your superior when you dont even look at the facts.

1. first result on the mbl? yep thats me why is it there? hmm lets see i'm a SF whore and gee there are only what 30IO SF servers right now on a good day.. and I sure do love my SF but its obviously no fun when your banned from 90% of those IO servers for raping them and admins going emo about getting owned (much like you guys).. dun dun dun, so $10 at bestbuy for a new cdkey? awesome! neat i can play on all those servers again.. but wait i have a old key to waste and do whatever the fuck i want with (aka get it banned, might as well make use out of it right?) kthanx

2. my tehmyke account i pretty much gave up on that name haven't used it in months and started making tons of new accounts (i love noobs crying omg hax when a private kills them) i decided i was gunna try and sell my tehmyke name however i figured it get more money if it was a general.. so jihad talked me into letting him use the account to get vet aviator on it so it can finally hit general (again) then i sell the shit ..

3. read what straz said lulz

i have enough videos all over teh internets (filefront, youtube, wipido) showing rape... yeah i totally hack lulz.
» You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | | YouTube
Okay, so... (since we're using lists now...)

1) tehmyke made a dumb mistake and gave his account out to a hacker and now he's lost all credibility.
2) from what I understand, tehmyke is now admitting to using hacks himself on that first account? genius move sir. you just turned yourself in.
3) tehmyke's a hacker, he plays with hackers. i dont want any part of him.
4) why would anyone pay $$ for an account that's been banned twice? lmfao. ur joking.

From this point on I'll be ignoring any of TehMyke's posts sense he's now admitted to cheating and still denying a 1v1. Later bud.
Straz, listen up here's some words of advice. If you're going to try and talk big on some forums and make challenges against people, you've GOTTA man up bro. 5v5 is where it's at for TWL/CAL but this isn't a match, this is more personal. This is you attacking me at this point. I'll see you later on, 1v1.

Goes for anyone else on here trying to make an attempt to call me out.

"undetected" hacks, straz. Don't act like you've never heard of that before. You know that site, one eight..., you know the rest, would have gone under by now if Punkbuster didn't fail at catching hackers 100% of the time. So I'm never relying on PBSS all of the time. Again, getting tired of saying this, but I didn't ban you or kyle for hacks. I banned you for lying, saying that TehMyke never hacked before and has clean GUIDs and sticking up for him. Turned out to be a huge lie and you got confused when I turned up all of that dirt on him. Now, of course, you're taking sides with your friend even when there's hard evidence against him. Oh, and the fact that it's my server and I can do whatever the f I want with it

I'm sorry I ruined your days and made you guys start a flame war on the BF2S forums, but I don't know what else to say. You guys got what you deserved from the whole thing. You want respect, you gotta earn it. But the problem is, you guys are far from respectful players and you've got some major growing up to do.

Last edited by k0nfusion (2008-05-05 15:02:30)

+51|6255|New York

k0nfusion wrote:

Okay, so...

1) tehmyke made a dumb mistake and gave his account out to a hacker and now he's lost all credibility.
2) from what I understand, tehmyke is now admitting to using hacks himself on that first account? genius move sir. you just turned yourself in.
3) tehmyke's a hacker, he plays with hackers. i dont want any part of him.
4) why would anyone pay $$ for an account that's been banned twice? lmfao. ur joking.

From this point on I'll be ignoring any of TehMyke's posts sense he's now admitted to cheating and still denying a 1v1. Later bud.
Straz, listen up here's some words of advice. If you're going to try and talk big on some forums and make challenges against people, you've GOTTA man up bro. 5v5 is where it's at for TWL/CAL but this isn't a match, this is more personal. This is you attacking me at this point. I'll see you later on, 1v1.

Goes for anyone else on here trying to make an attempt to call me out.
I namehacked his account and threatened to hurt his girlfriend if he didn't give me the password to his bf2 account. It's cool now. We're friends.(with special privileges)

Last edited by CommonSense (2008-05-05 14:54:32)

I Am Win
You're talking about Cam2Pleez? Yeah, major difference though. That guys not a friend of mine, never has been, and I never associate with him. A while back he ran his mouth off and challenged me to 1v1 and 2v2 choppers. Guess what... even with his hacks, I still dominated.
i like how you dodge certain things like

¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:

If you are so sure that he hacks why don't you check the PBSS's from the few rounds before you banned us from your server. I know you are set up through punksbusted and have access too the screenshots of all three of us so why dont you go and get your proof of any of us hacking. OH thats right cause the punkbuster screenshots are clean or you would have posted them already.

¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:

i like how you dodge certain things like

¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:

If you are so sure that he hacks why don't you check the PBSS's from the few rounds before you banned us from your server. I know you are set up through punksbusted and have access too the screenshots of all three of us so why dont you go and get your proof of any of us hacking. OH thats right cause the punkbuster screenshots are clean or you would have posted them already.
Check my edit. I missed that comment when I read through it the first time, bud. oh and to be honest, I haven't even looked at the screenshots. Nor am I trying to dig up anymore dirt on you guys. You all did the work for me. Keep em comin. All I had to do was an alias search on PBBans of TehMyke. Easy as cake.

Last edited by k0nfusion (2008-05-05 15:09:26)

um.... i guess you dont know but

PBSS's DO pick up undetected hacks.. they pick up everything on the screen unless your using a screen blocker then it either comes out as a huge mess, a preset bullshit screenshot or just a black screen and are pretty much the only way too catch people using undetected hacks.

and FYI at that time i wasn't aware that he indeed had a pbban page but he does play bf2 legit i cant understand how you don't see that. And i bet pretty much everyone knows somebody he cant stand playing bf2 anymore doesnt give a shit about getting caught and has hacks i could name a few.

raketbaler7 on PRC clan forums wrote:

Also, if you do want to do one of those 5 vs 5 I'm down to play. If we can get Topcop, Jarema, and whoever else we can punish

K0nfusion on PRC clan forums wrote:

Na, they're pushing some Bfpro 1.5 crap. We've never played that so they have the advantage. They can't play 1.4 and have to impose some bullshit guideline. They're such fags.
I'm down even if it is not bf2pro
Na dude. Believe it or not, but "undetected" means just that. I know it's hard to comprehend. You're going to keep swearing that tehmyke doesn't still hack, just going by what he's saying to you? I guess it must be hard to accept the truth. Sorry, but my mind works a little more rationally. I go by the facts and there's plenty against him. Can't understand how I don't see that? Dude, everything's AGAINST him. He even admitted himself.

Alright, 1.4, 5v5 @ dragon valley If you're so strong you ought to be able to handle that map. And you got a substitute for tehmyke? That guy's out of the question if you haven't picked up on it by now. We're still doing the 1v1, fyi.
nah nah nah...... 5v5 i/o tbh
And i believe that mykes doesnt hack basically just from watching his bf2 videos where he rapes people without the use of hacks.
If you're pushing i/o, since that's the only thing you're good at. Then we'll do one i/o, then another with vehicles. Gotta keep the playing field even dude. We've got two different skill sets. You aren't good at everything, and neither are we. We just happen to be better at most
+51|6255|New York

k0nfusion wrote:

Na dude. Believe it or not, but "undetected" means just that. I know it's hard to comprehend. You're going to keep swearing that tehmyke doesn't still hack, just going by what he's saying to you? I guess it must be hard to accept the truth. Sorry, but my mind works a little more rationally. I go by the facts and there's plenty against him. Can't understand how I don't see that? Dude, everything's AGAINST him. He even admitted himself.

Alright, 1.4, 5v5 @ dragon valley If you're so strong you ought to be able to handle that map. And you got a substitute for tehmyke? That guy's out of the question if you haven't picked up on it by now. We're still doing the 1v1, fyi.
12v12 dragon valley you would get rappppppppped:D
He's probably a decent player, don't get me wrong (still cheats tho). But you have no idea how select those videos are. ANYONE can make a video of someone owning someone else that's not as good as them. Videos don't mean anything unless you've got two evenly skilled players against one another.

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