+405|6771|A W S M F O X
I would like to see BF3 made on the pong engine so everyone would STFU about it.

ingame ads (/care)

40 unlocks (5$ per unlock, buy 4 unlocks for only 25$)

vehicle pre-paid (sorry you cannot enter this vehicle "j-10" at this time due to your insufficent credits please buy a EA-vehicle time card click HERE)

its to painful to go on ATM
+224|6993|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
well first things first no nerfing shit due to complaining 3 year olds and i think thats it
Andrew Past
+2|6155|De Pere, WI, USA
Personally, as a mostly infantry player (can't fly for shit since my joystick broke,) I'd like to see more customization in terms of weapons (more varied weaponry, but maintaining realistic military weaponry,) equipment, possibly even player model appearance (something realistic, no "just for the lulz or fun crap) so that not every soldier looks like a clone, weapon attachments (not like CoD4 where every weapon has the exact same attachments, but weapon specific attachments,) and maybe even choice of rounds to fire. I'd also like to see a better physics engine, and destructible environments, as well as better hit reg.
+188|6465|Anaheim, Mexifornia

Andrew Past wrote:

Personally, as a mostly infantry player (can't fly for shit since my joystick broke,) I'd like to see more customization in terms of weapons (more varied weaponry, but maintaining realistic military weaponry,) equipment, possibly even player model appearance (something realistic, no "just for the lulz or fun crap) so that not every soldier looks like a clone, weapon attachments (not like CoD4 where every weapon has the exact same attachments, but weapon specific attachments,) and maybe even choice of rounds to fire. I'd also like to see a better physics engine, and destructible environments, as well as better hit reg.
I agree with this idea.
Andrew Past
+2|6155|De Pere, WI, USA

MetaL* wrote:

Andrew Past wrote:

Personally, as a mostly infantry player (can't fly for shit since my joystick broke,) I'd like to see more customization in terms of weapons (more varied weaponry, but maintaining realistic military weaponry,) equipment, possibly even player model appearance (something realistic, no "just for the lulz or fun crap) so that not every soldier looks like a clone, weapon attachments (not like CoD4 where every weapon has the exact same attachments, but weapon specific attachments,) and maybe even choice of rounds to fire. I'd also like to see a better physics engine, and destructible environments, as well as better hit reg.
I agree with this idea.
Yeah, CoD4 got a lot of things right in terms of base game play mechanics and physics. However, all the attachments are bland copy+pastes from other weapons, even the scopes look the same, and there's not even weapon unique melee. Plus, all maps are very enclosed and the lack of squad play, and when comparing to BF games, the lack of vehicles, make it a fun game to play now and then (and to get ideas from,) but it can get bland quickly.

Edit: Another thing that would be nice, also an idea from CoD4 (and also, somewhat, PR) is having it so it takes time to do actions like climbing over  obstacles, and possibly having dynamic animations. This would include getting into and starting vehicles, complete with actually having to climb through a hatch, door, open car door and start the car, etc. Plus, it'd be cool to be in a tense battle, jump into a tank, and have to watch your character crawl through the tank, not having a clue what the hell is going on and praying that you don't get blown up while getting to the controls.

That brings up another idea. It would be nice if you could be able to throw a grenade into a tank hatch to kill the crew. Plus, if the having to climb to the hatch to get in is implemented, it would be awesome if you could jump in and knife the crew to steal the tank. If the tank driver suspects someone coming down the hatch, he could press a button to leave his position for a few seconds and he's the one that gets the knife kill, so it would make the knifing process much more risky than throwing a grenade down the hatch.

Also, it would be nice if you could ride on top of ground vehicles without spazzing out and taking damage, especially for tanks.

Last edited by Andrew Past (2008-04-26 00:54:55)

+58|6305|Mesa, AZ

Andrew Past wrote:

MetaL* wrote:

Andrew Past wrote:

Personally, as a mostly infantry player (can't fly for shit since my joystick broke,) I'd like to see more customization in terms of weapons (more varied weaponry, but maintaining realistic military weaponry,) equipment, possibly even player model appearance (something realistic, no "just for the lulz or fun crap) so that not every soldier looks like a clone, weapon attachments (not like CoD4 where every weapon has the exact same attachments, but weapon specific attachments,) and maybe even choice of rounds to fire. I'd also like to see a better physics engine, and destructible environments, as well as better hit reg.
I agree with this idea.
Yeah, CoD4 got a lot of things right in terms of base game play mechanics and physics. However, all the attachments are bland copy+pastes from other weapons, even the scopes look the same, and there's not even weapon unique melee. Plus, all maps are very enclosed and the lack of squad play, and when comparing to BF games, the lack of vehicles, make it a fun game to play now and then (and to get ideas from,) but it can get bland quickly.

Edit: Another thing that would be nice, also an idea from CoD4 (and also, somewhat, PR) is having it so it takes time to do actions like climbing over  obstacles, and possibly having dynamic animations. This would include getting into and starting vehicles, complete with actually having to climb through a hatch, door, open car door and start the car, etc. Plus, it'd be cool to be in a tense battle, jump into a tank, and have to watch your character crawl through the tank, not having a clue what the hell is going on and praying that you don't get blown up while getting to the controls.

That brings up another idea. It would be nice if you could be able to throw a grenade into a tank hatch to kill the crew. Plus, if the having to climb to the hatch to get in is implemented, it would be awesome if you could jump in and knife the crew to steal the tank. If the tank driver suspects someone coming down the hatch, he could press a button to leave his position for a few seconds and he's the one that gets the knife kill, so it would make the knifing process much more risky than throwing a grenade down the hatch.

Also, it would be nice if you could ride on top of ground vehicles without spazzing out and taking damage, especially for tanks.
I liked the last two things you said. When I first started playing, I saw that the tanks all had the hatches open, and I tried tossing nades down it, hoping it would take it out. I think it would be really great to be able to do that. Then, I guess they could have button to close the hatch so someone would actually have to get over there and open it. And, a little off topic, if they could do that, I'd like to see urban maps where you can enter any building, and being able to open and close doors. I also think it would be nice if people could ride on top of the tanks. I think I remember watching news clips where solders would sit on the tank while it rolled through towns. If they did that though, it probably wouldn't be where someone just stood on it, but more likely an actual spot you could switch to.

Speaking of tanks though, I think it would be pretty cool if there was more of a tank crew as opposed to a guy driving and firing the tank and one guy on the machine gun. Have one guy drive, one on the machine gun, one guy loading the shells. And as for the shells, I'd be nice if you can switch the types of rounds like in POE2.
+58|6305|Mesa, AZ

GateKeeper{NL} wrote:


ingame ads (/care)

40 unlocks (5$ per unlock, buy 4 unlocks for only 25$)

vehicle pre-paid (sorry you cannot enter this vehicle "j-10" at this time due to your insufficent credits please buy a EA-vehicle time card click HERE)

its to painful to go on ATM
First of all, huh? You want us to have to pay for unlocks and vehicles? I really don't think that will happen. Ever. And is "5$ per unlock, buy 4 unlocks for only 25$" supposed to be a bargain? If it came to buying unlocks, I'd rather buy each at a time with that set up, and pay 5$ for each unlock, as opposed to 4 unlocks at once for 6.25$. The only way I could see buying unlocks work would be if you used in game money like you would in CS. Except then you could keep that unlock forever.

jason85 wrote:

GateKeeper{NL} wrote:


in game ads (/care)

40 unlocks (5$ per unlock, buy 4 unlocks for only 25$)

vehicle pre-paid (sorry you cannot enter this vehicle "j-10" at this time due to your insufficient credits please buy a EA-vehicle time card click HERE)

its to painful to go on ATM
First of all, huh? You want us to have to pay for unlocks and vehicles? I really don't think that will happen. Ever. And is "5$ per unlock, buy 4 unlocks for only 25$" supposed to be a bargain? If it came to buying unlocks, I'd rather buy each at a time with that set up, and pay 5$ for each unlock, as opposed to 4 unlocks at once for 6.25$. The only way I could see buying unlocks work would be if you used in game money like you would in CS. Except then you could keep that unlock forever.
sarcasm machine of jason85 fails,

You want us to have to pay for unlocks and vehicles?
Its already happening on Battlefield:Bad Company, you have to pay for unlocks

and since its EA I'm sure they will go a step higher next time, like unlock able vehicles next time you have to pay for

Last edited by GateKeeper{NL} (2008-04-28 02:42:04)

+58|6305|Mesa, AZ

GateKeeper{NL} wrote:

jason85 wrote:

GateKeeper{NL} wrote:


in game ads (/care)

40 unlocks (5$ per unlock, buy 4 unlocks for only 25$)

vehicle pre-paid (sorry you cannot enter this vehicle "j-10" at this time due to your insufficient credits please buy a EA-vehicle time card click HERE)

its to painful to go on ATM
First of all, huh? You want us to have to pay for unlocks and vehicles? I really don't think that will happen. Ever. And is "5$ per unlock, buy 4 unlocks for only 25$" supposed to be a bargain? If it came to buying unlocks, I'd rather buy each at a time with that set up, and pay 5$ for each unlock, as opposed to 4 unlocks at once for 6.25$. The only way I could see buying unlocks work would be if you used in game money like you would in CS. Except then you could keep that unlock forever.
sarcasm machine of jason85 fails,

You want us to have to pay for unlocks and vehicles?
Its already happening on Battlefield:Bad Company, you have to pay for unlocks

and since its EA I'm sure they will go a step higher next time, like unlock able vehicles next time you have to pay for
They'd better not do that for BF3, or I'll be spending that 50$ getting wasted at the bar.
plop plop flop flop
+11|6965|west liberty IA
i miss the electric bumber.....u didn't need to drive fast as long as that bumber hit somone automatic kill.
anyway i would enjoy the first amount of glitches to abuse until they start becoming a habit then i think then they should nerf.

Last edited by latinolink (2008-04-30 12:43:33)

+58|6305|Mesa, AZ

latinolink wrote:

i miss the electric bumber.....u didn't need to drive fast as long as that bumber hit somone automatic kill.
anyway i would enjoy the first amount of glitches to abuse until they start becoming a habit then i think then they should nerf.
wtf is a bumber? do you mean bumper?
+783|7151|Reykjavík, Iceland.

latinolink wrote:

i miss the electric bumber.....u didn't need to drive fast as long as that bumber hit somone automatic kill.
anyway i would enjoy the first amount of glitches to abuse until they start becoming a habit then i think then they should nerf.
LOL I had forgotten about that one, that was truly fun.

Some of the things they removed from the game were actually pretty fun.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6456|San Antonio, Texas
Cars don't even kill people when you roll right over them now. Except friendlies, whenever you hurt a friendly, the game registers that.
+58|6305|Mesa, AZ

Cyrax-Sektor wrote:

Cars don't even kill people when you roll right over them now. Except friendlies, whenever you hurt a friendly, the game registers that.
Seems to work fine for everyone I play against. I don't know, I think I'm just unlucky like that though. There will be 9 other people around me, I'm the one that gets run down.
Since day One.
More user friendly then BF2. What about updates, like every month a new map?
I wouldnt mid if they would just remake some maps from BF2, SF or Boosters. I also want to see all the things what were missing from BF2. Remember the kick ass topic on WIKI? Missing content from BF2? Thats what im talking about. If not please waste money for another patch as people are still playing it. Wow so am i who dont moved on to other next gen games.

So as others said -> more guns, more maps, more vehicles, more soldier..vehicle and gun skins, moooore awards what you can get.

jason85 wrote:

Drexel wrote:

jason85 wrote:

About the jets, I think that you have a point. It takes a long time to learn to use them in an effective way, but when you have it down, tanks and random groups of infantry are done for. I just don't see how they could make the jets harder to use against ground targets. Sure they could remove bombers, then you wouldn't have the guided missiles or five bombs, but for the fighters its harder, as they have two bombs. I suppose they could just have the jets be air to air equipped, and leave the ground targets to artillery and choppers.
It's really not that hard to do.  I mean, instead of making the manual arty pieces, why not just make the bombs from the jet require a laser paint from a spec-ops guy like it was originally intended in BF2.  Let the jets battle each other and the experts MG the infantry, but force them to get a paint from the infantry to drop their bombs.

The Battlefield series is one where a single player shouldn't win the game.  But the way BF2 is set up, 1 good jet pilot is the team. 

(I'm also an avid supporter of the requirement of the jets to put down on the runway to rearm)
Yea, I think jets should have to put down to rearm. It would lessen the chances of spawn raping with the jets, or at least cut it down a lot. I just hope though, if they do that, they make the AA a lot better. I don't just mean make the missiles more powerful, but have it so you don't get raped before you can even see the jet. This way, the pilot gets a little more support. I like the idea of painting the targets too. I don't even think the US uses dumb bombs anymore, do they? The dumbest thing they have are JDAM's right, just an upgraded dumb bomb? I almost want to say that they should make it to where snipers can paint targets too, I know that is what the US is currently researching, I think anyway.
You can paint targets in Battlefield Bad Company, I don't see they shouldn't add it in BF3.
BF3 will use the same engine as Battlefield Bad Company so what you're looking at might actually be very close to BF3.
Knowing EA they'll make DICE just Mod and shape BF:BC into BF3.

Edit:  I just noticed the mini-map is 3D.  Nice...

Last edited by Icleos (2008-05-05 08:36:23)

All of the weapons and vehicles in BF3 need to be more powerful. BF3 should also have strong incentives for teamwork.

Oh, and less ridiculous kick/mutiny vote requirements.
+58|6305|Mesa, AZ

Ataronchronon wrote:

All of the weapons and vehicles in BF3 need to be more powerful. BF3 should also have strong incentives for teamwork.

Oh, and less ridiculous kick/mutiny vote requirements.
Yep. The weapons are underpowered. Very few are what you would see in real life, and it would be nice to have the guns more realistic.

The voting is pretty lame. Half the people don't vote, and then you get some people that always vote no. It shouldn't be where you have to have nearly everyone vote yes.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7054|Mexico City
I hope they get rid of the "gays only" medic kit.
it would be better if its done like in the old dayofdefeat, where you could heal/patch yourself but you had to take cover and wait several seconds....
+58|6305|Mesa, AZ

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

I hope they get rid of the "gays only" medic kit.
it would be better if its done like in the old dayofdefeat, where you could heal/patch yourself but you had to take cover and wait several seconds....
Less people certainly would medic whore the whole time. I still think that there should be medics though, but have it similar to what you'd see in PR. No med pack tossing and a set battery life for the paddles. It would be nice to have a set amount you can heal, like you could only heal say 5 people completely before having to resupply.

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