Don't tase me, bro!

     So my team was getting pummeled as the Chinese on Wake Island Airport. I pull up (in my tank) near the south gate alongside two other

engineers on foot. I turn left and pull into the narrow alleyway facing the sea (with the arit). Just then, I feel bullets glancing off my hull. I look

out to see a US jet coming straight towards me. I panically raise the turret and fire a tank shell out towards it. I didn't expect it, but BAM!

smashes into the that sucker and the flaming wreckage come flying past my tank and into the nearby gate-pillbox thing.

       Totally made my day .

So what was your luckiest kill you've gotten?

Last edited by BigOrangeArmy (2008-04-25 18:37:57)

+188|6465|Anaheim, Mexifornia
Shot down a high speeding J-10 with a SRAW like 2 weeks ago.
i was parachuting down from Dalian, and this is no joke....anyways after bailing out from the helo i para down and seen a jet coming right toward me shooting wildly. After he missed, he  flew past me and did a loopty loop and i fired at him as he made his finally turn and BAM!!!!. (with a SRAW) Of course it was an admin, so I got banned for "hacking"...but yea, I was happy.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6456|San Antonio, Texas
I believe any bullet-penetrating shot is lucky for me. And I'm not only talking about the M95.
aka S.J.N.P.0717
+21|6586|Mo Val, Cali
On Wake Island I was at the very far end of the run way opposite the plane on the otherside of the stacked bags. I saw on uav someone was going for plane so I waited for him to get in before I fired with my AT. At the same time 2 people got into the helicopter and took off to the right right over the plane and right when my AT hit the plane the helicopter was right over the plane so the explosion from the plane destroyed the helicopter and I got credited with 3 kills. 2 in the helicopter and 1 in the plane. I loved it and they couldn't hate either.
i g

the most recent was killing 3 people with one m16 burst
+224|6993|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
not rly luckeist but i got 10 headshots with my svd on one clip in les then 30 seconds
TVing a bumblebee and having a Su bomber fly in front of my missile, I was loling.
+1,106|6597|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Fired off a locked-on LGM at the same instant a Cobra piloted by a certain poster here crossed its path.

It'll just be our little secret

cowami wrote:

Fired off a locked-on LGM at the same instant a Cobra piloted by a certain poster here crossed its path.

pics or it didn't happen
+1,106|6597|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

aj0404 wrote:

cowami wrote:

Fired off a locked-on LGM at the same instant a Cobra piloted by a certain poster here crossed its path.

pics or it didn't happen
don't be hatin'

you know you loved every seconds of the humiliation
Official EVGA Fanboy
+94|6421|SC | USA |

cowami wrote:

aj0404 wrote:

cowami wrote:

Fired off a locked-on LGM at the same instant a Cobra piloted by a certain poster here crossed its path.

pics or it didn't happen
don't be hatin'

you know you loved every seconds of the humiliation
My brother and I actually Practice that. It takes awhile, but you get the feel for it.
+1,106|6597|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

The_Sniper_NM wrote:

cowami wrote:

aj0404 wrote:

pics or it didn't happen
don't be hatin'

you know you loved every seconds of the humiliation
My brother and I actually Practice that. It takes awhile, but you get the feel for it.
Yeah, except I had actually had my LGM locked on an Abrams on the ground, when a Cobra pilot (COUGHsimmCOUGH) crossed right into the path of it as I clicked the fire button.

Germans did 911
+427|6989|Disaster Free Zone
1. On Kubra Dam (as USMC), me and a squad mate stole the Mi-28 (from lower damn), he was flying. We got hit by an ERYX as we were tacking off so we flew back to the abandoned huts to repair. As we lifted off I just was randomly shooting the main gun over the hill.. and then bam... 3 kills. I was like WTF!!, and I still have no idea what I killed or where they were.

2. Sharqi (USMC), was sitting on building near alleyway with my M95. Was shooting at guys coming from the TV station through the fence etc. Anyway, I double scoped (while moving the mouse), so I was suddenly aiming at the sky and fired (reflex action) and got a kill... a couple of seconds later another kill as the Mi-28 crashed into the TV station. I had randomly taken out the pilot of the Mi-28 unscoped from about 150-180 metres.
Boat sig is not there anymore
I was on warlord as SAS, waiting with 2 others for the server to get going. I had just parachuted in and landed on the rooftop east of the plaza flag (the one closest to the multi-story carpark) as engineer with an MP7. There was a sniper on the TV station rooftop with an SVD. He started shooting at me, so (just screwing around) I returned fire, and got a headshot.
With an MP7.
Full auto.
Firing from the hip.
While standing up.
And Strafing.
I was all like "wtf?" and suprisingly, the other guy didn't call hacks.

Ages ago, when I was still a corporal/sergeant, I had the M95 on Kubra and I had somehow ended up stuck on top of one of those earth outcrops east of the material station flag. I was literally stuck, I couldn't get out of where I was (this was pre 1.4), so i just started shooting at random targets. A transport chopper was going towards the intake flag, and was over the top of the dam. I shot at it, and killed the pilot.
+45|6797|Kamloops, BC Canada
Jumped off a roof and landed on an enemy.... Got the kill Mario style. Unfortunately I've only done that once... I've landed on my own team 3 times... resulting in a teamkill.
I don't come here a lot anymore.

Once, about half a year ago, I was walking in the Beach area on Wake, heading towards Airfield. I was ompletely unfocused when a nade blew beside and made me jump, accidentally firing my M95, unscoped.. I got a kill, and it turned out that was the Cobra pilot that was flying above North Village.

600+ meter moving chopper kill, uscoped, FUCK YEAH!
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
+49|7001|Brunei Darussalam

F-15 with eryx. Was ages ago, but i still remember it like yesterday
Vagina face
+167|6307|London ㋛

Canadian_Sniper_X wrote:

Jumped off a roof and landed on an enemy.... Got the kill Mario style.
That, and i was re arming over the carrier in the f35, full speed, and some MEC spec ops guy was there on the deck, tried C4 jumping, and hit my jet. PWNT
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6611|The | Netherlands
Was once on Dalian, in my parachute, after bailing from the F35 above the first flag near the Chinese base. The helicopter was passing the flag, I dropped some C4 and 1 got stuck on the on the pilot's cockpit glass and killed him
I have a few.

This happened today, I was flying the Su-34 and some squad member hopped in to gun. I was chasing the F-15 who was a horrible pilot, so I decided to MG instead of use missles. He was in the middle of a roll and I followed. I see the laser guided fire from our jet and see it gracefully follow the F-15. Sure enough it hit the back end of it and I was awarded two driver assist points.

On wake island as US, we grabbed south base and I hopped into a tank. We quickly took beach and moved our way to airfield. I was sitting in my tank by the runway behind the houses pummeling away at the infantry. I see a J10 come into reload and I fire just out of annoyance, I ended up hitting him square in the side.

I've also taken out quite a few baseraping F-35s with the ERXY.

Lol I have so many I want to write.

Final one for now. I was gunning in a chopper on dalian. We see the enemy chopper right over reactor towers, but he is really far away. I decided to shoot just to see how close I can get. The missle ranges and blows up right in front of the helicopter, killing the pilot. It then fell into the ocean killing the gunner.
+163|6954|Odessa, Ukraine
Shot down BH with SVD back in 1.12 on Mashtuur City. Thing was hovering over the flag, I was trying to snipe gunner, missed, hitted the pilot's head and before all 5 morons realised what happened BH spin out of control and crashed into the Hotel buidling

it was like :

me[SVD]unlucky pilot

Last edited by Longbow (2008-04-26 06:51:16)

Messing around on a private server, and stabbing the driver of a HUMVEE whilst in the back of another HUMVEE, moving towards him
'Light 'em up!'

Killing a guy in a confined staircase on Iron Gator with an unscoped random M95 shot at near point blank.
lucky svd shot on an admin, thru a wall after he hid behind it with his 1337 G36e

or, maby the time i took out 3 guys with 5 ak-101 bullets?

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