The Microwave Man

[DEI]Bart wrote:

jesus you all look like potentinal serialkillers

Kusunagi wrote:

Jezus Christ, no wonder that America has over the 10.000 homecides a year, you guys buy guns like they are candy. In the Netherlands only cops and people who are connected in some sort of way have guns. My grandpa had one to protect his huge farm, but don't think that anyone sleeps with a revolver under their pillow. I saw the movie "Bowling for Columbine"  ...omfg, Michael Moore could just buy a gun in a bank!! This shows how stupid sometimes the Americans can be....
weeh finally someone with brains in their head in stead of water (or lead)
Dutch rule the world

PS no I dont owe a gun, what did you think at 15?
10,000 killings a year huh ? OK even if that was true it pails in comparision to the 55,000 people who die a year in drunk and driving related accidents . As well as the 140,000 people who die a year of lung and heart disease a year by smoking . Look at one of the most horrendous shooting sprees we ever had . The 2 bank robbers in the LA shootout . Guys had 75 round drums and full uato AK's . They shot thousands of rounds and yet no one got killed - just the shooters . Also think abut this - wouldn't it be harder for zee the Germans to take over your country ( if they tried again ) if civillians owned fire arms ? Ever hear of civil defense ? Militia ? Red dawn ? lol . Wolverineeeeeeeeeeeeeens ! Also you guys don't have Chuck Norris living in your country . You guys are screwed if you ever get invaded . Yall would have to bunny hop your asses off to survive .

  I'll give you one thing though , Holland kicks ass . Beautiful country , hot chics and damn good food . Being able to smoke a bowl , get laid and then have a cup of coffee at 11:00 pm and the sun is still up - whew , what can I say - it's just a damn beautiful thing . Must move to holland , must find a way to smuggle my guns too . Tipple zone lol ! Awsome , just awsome !

Read all you need to know about Aerican firearms laws . Intetresting stuff to read - have at it and let me know what you think . Hup Hollnad Hup !

Last edited by jonnykill (2006-02-20 16:24:25)

The Microwave Man
Washington D.C. enacted a virtual ban on handguns in 1976. Between 1976 and 1991, Washington D.C.'s homicide rate rose 200%, while the U.S. rate rose 12%. (1)

This alone is proof that gun control is a bad idea . All you do is prevent law abiding citizens the right to defend themselves while criminals attain fiorearms through illegals means resulting in mass crimes comitted by non law abiding criminals . Also if you look at the stats most crimes are comitted with knives . Let's ban all knives and render use to ripping our bread apart with our hands , it's safer right ?

I'm not going to get deep into specifics, but this is my lot:


.22 semi-auto pistol
9mm semi-auto pistol
.45 semi-auto pistol
2x .38 hammerless revolver
.45 revolver

12-guage pump-action shotgun
.22 semi-auto rifle
Russian SKS-45 with a cracked firing chamber

2x BB rifles
BB pistol
a squirtgun of unknown make
an electric bubble handgun
Nintendo Zapper

60lb recurve bow
30lb longbow
80lb compound bow (arrows are a pain to remove from target though)

several dozen knives, two sledgehammers and a few axes
small electric chainsaw
2x attack cats

3x sticking doors
unfinished shed
9x bird feeders
rusty bicycle trap
claymore mines donated by neighbor's dog w/o benefit red skull icon

copy of Battlefield 2 (saves money on ammo)
No, I don't wave weapons around in public to be a man (you get arrested for that). I just every now and then go out to a rifle range to shoot bits of paper with bullseyes printed on them...when I feel like buying ammo and/or refletching arrows (at a current rated 16.3cph for unlimited munitions, BF2 ammo is immensely cheaper). And no, I didn't spend high school sitting in the back of every class with a trench coat and a sour glare I learned on daytime television. And no, I don't live in the middle of nowhere.

As for the more serious reason for owning a gun, it won't necessarily prevent you from getting shot. You need to get used to the feel of the gun, practice often, keep it clean and inspected, and never leave it unsecured while unattended. You need to know how to keep an eye on your surroundings, and have a way to fire your gun while it's concealed, and even then it's not a sure bet. Obvious stuff. I've never had to shoot anybody before, and might balk if the opportunity is ever forced upon me (or hesitate if someone is standing behind the target), I don't know. But my attitude associated with who I want living at the end of a gunfight is "better me than some thug preparing to perforate my vital organs."

Depriving a law-abiding society (particularly the US) the right to have guns is only going to encourage criminals to prey upon them without sustaining injury. More seriously, it could lead to fear of a police state among civilians, a class of desperados unwilling to abandon their 2nd amendment, and thus more underground weapons stockpiles that our government will have to spend resources cracking, likely with unnecessary loss of life on both sides.

As long as I retain the right to a concealed carry permit, I'm going to take advantage of it...just like my driver's license. If only shock paddles were BF2-effective in real life.


Update: one last thing - anybody who believes they have a full understanding of US firearms law just from what they saw on a single documentary spouting a horrendous amount of fabricated information is just gullible. It's the same on both sides, here. "My ultra-liberal movie said this, so it's true!" "My ultra-conservative movie said this, so it's true!" People need to wake up and do their own research.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-02-21 01:20:50)

Marlin .22 Magnum Bolt Action, H&R Single-Shot .410, Tanfoglio TZ-75 M88 9mm, Benelli Nova 12gauge 3 1/2inch, Martini-Henry Zulu War Era (antique, but still retaining firing mechanisms).

The TZ-75 is a CZ-75 clone; it and the H&R are dual finish. The Tanfoglio has a blued upper slide and "Wonder Finish", (similar to nickel) frame with walnut grips. The H&R has a nickel reciever and blued barrel with blackened wood stock and fore-end. The Benelli is all black/blued with 28" barrel. The Marlin is stainless with synthetic stock.

I really wanted a 10mm instead of the 9mm, but a 9 with the right ammo can be pretty potent in its own rights. I know its not the most powerful thing in the world, but I dont know a single 9 critic that will willingly stand infront of me and let me double tap'em in the chest
Dutch Delight
1x FN FAL 7.62mm
1x Benelli M3 super 90
1x Colt 1911 .45

8 Samurai Swords from witch 4 are genuine Japanse.
3 wakisashi
8 Tanto
+14|6992|Just outside of baltimore, Md.

well here they are
Mossburg 590 12 ga
Remington 870 express super magnum 12 ga( I just recently "Sawed off" the barrel, for a more practical home defense use, to just over the legal limit of 18 1/4 in. rather than the 25 in. before)
winchester model 94 30-30 lever action
new england arms 20 ga
ruger Mk III .22lr slab side bull barrel with competition wood grips
ruger P90 .45 acp

about to acquire a cztt .45.
Rented a DE .50 AE last weekend from the shooting range we went to. damn that thing was fun

Had an A-15 from dpms with a 7.62x39 upper  Fluted bull barrel with a scoped flat top receiver but sold it due to financial strain.(damn women)

Last edited by phnxfrhwk (2006-02-21 21:45:47)

+6|7001|Los Angeles
yeah i own a spring loaded single shot BB....

biatch you wanna mess!?

but my friends dad pretty much owns every weapon in the WW2 arsenal...thompson, grand, springfield, mouser, kar 98, colt 45 pistol, lugar, and a bunch of the plastic bags that the guns came ashore with on D Day...

you could say its like sex in a bag
+14|6992|Just outside of baltimore, Md.
heres a pic of my a-15 (yes im in the bed of my old s-10(traded her in for a full size) gotta love texas gun laws. Shooting at a 55 gallon drum at a friends house.
bad touch

in my families posession (most are mine) M1 Carbine, M1 Garand, M14, .308 winchester Rifle (looks like L96, very close indeed)
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6974|Lancaster Ohio, USA
Ok...I own a .22 lever action, a EAA .410, Remington 870 12 gauge, Yugoslovian M24/77 (Yugo version of the German Mauser 98), Beretta 96, and my Springfield Armory there it's only the start...
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6979|The darkside of Denver
well i own one Romanian WASR-10 AK-47, one K-98 (dated 1942,still has Whermacht scribing on rifle) M44 Mosin Nagant, Savage .270 (for deer), Remington 870 express magnum 12 guage, Ruger police service six .357 mag, super ancient winchester .22.. ummm..... Mathew Switchback compound bow...damnit i know im missing one...i shoot the ak most.. took out a toliet yesterday.. it was super awesome.. porcelien is the best stuff to shoot!
No place like
+76|7015|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
my dad was in a certain group of people in the UK aka a sort've swat team which im not allowed to say who and, has might i say a large quantity of firearms, im getting my pistol license when im old enough, what my dad said about what he did sounds really good
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6979|The darkside of Denver

me blastin some brass w/ my ak

Last edited by <SS>SonderKommando (2006-02-21 22:21:25)

Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6974|Lancaster Ohio, USA

the_heart_attack wrote:

tiberionhero wrote:

Im not going to name them all but I have 2 pistols, and I think 7-9 rifles. My favs are the M4 and 30 out 6.
i had a 30-06 a few months ago, its basically a knecked up .270 round.
the 270 shoots alot flatter so i got rid of the 30-06, its an awsome round though.
Actually there bud the .270 is a necked down 30-06...since the 30-06 round was designed in 1906...hence the -06...just a little trivia there for ya...

1 semi-auto BB gun.
1 match grade BB gun.
1 SIG 552 airsoft gun.
Doesn't read the Whole Thread

XxSkiTz81xX wrote:

im a muslim so basically i own a carpet , ak47 , c4 and rpg

Man, if thats not the quote of the week I dont know what is
Doesn't read the Whole Thread

.ACB|_Cutthroat1 wrote:

my dad was in a certain group of people in the UK aka a sort've swat team which im not allowed to say who and, has might i say a large quantity of firearms, im getting my pistol license when im old enough, what my dad said about what he did sounds really good
If you are talking about the SAS.. dude.... they arent anyway at all "sort've" a S.W.A.T. team... wtf are you tripping on?
+1|6944|Somewhere near Beverly Hills
I have:

2 AK-47s
an L85A1
a Glock 17 or 16 or whatever its called
a antique Mosin-Nagaint Rifle, used by the russians during WWII sister has a very large gun collection, bigger than mine
If you can read this, your already dead
+33|7002|Stillwater, Ok
Ahh I own a Ar-15, 357 Magnum, 38 special, .45colt pistol, 12gauge shotgun, and finally a .22 rifle.  This is the reason that i feel sorry for anyone who invades the US. They aren't just fighting the military....your fighting our population as well.  And unfortunately most people dont know how to respect a gun and its power.  I know that in Oklahoma and Texas now they both have Hunter Education courses which are now mandatory before certain ages can go hunting.  Me I have one from both states and a concealed weapons liscence and i never keep my guns loaded.  In fact the ammunition is in another room locked up from my other guns.  Only ammo i have close is the clip to my AR.  You hear that charge then you shouldnt be in my fucken house.
GunSlinger OIF II
I got a MAC-10 .45 and an old beat up .380......and an old .22 hunting rifle.  used to have .38 snubby and a LUGER 9MM

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-04-05 20:34:12)

+76|7095|Antwerp, Flanders

Xaritix wrote:

a Glock 17 or 16 or whatever its called
You have two pistols but you don't even know what they are?
The Cereal Killer
+201|6978| United States of America

ryan_14 wrote:

chimp, you sound like a serial killer

i own a BB gun
Airsoft for me
+102|7021|New York
Tyferra? a .303 for hunting rabbits? OMG There will be nothing left of it.

I wont post pics(Big brothers watching) But here it goes.

2- Ruger 10/22's Both custom with 40 hours or more in each.

1- Savage .243 sniper rifle, accurate out to 950 yards (last woodchuck i shot in the head was that far)

1- mossberg 20Ga with 2 barrels and scope. (shotgun)

1- Remington 870 20Ga with deer barrel.

1- Ruger P89 9mm Pistol with 2 15 round clips (i carry this one)

1- Raven .25 Pistol  carry this in my boot.

1- Ruger Mini 14 .223  with 3 shot burst (ranch Model.)

1- Ruger super blackhawk .44mag (use for deer hunting)

1- Remingtom 700  8mm With 24x scope (extreme deer hunting)

Assorted Others from WW2 and Korea.

I Do have a carry Permit for NY, And we also require Hunter education courses here also.  But unlike some, I do keep my 9mm Fully loaded, What good is it when you have to tell the intruder, "WAIT, Please dont shoot, I have to go get my ammo from the other room"

Moving Target
I'm thinking about picking up a new Remington .22 rifle and a L96A1 just for shits and grins.

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