The only people i see whining about the PKM is people that doesnt have it unlocked.. thats why their bitching... cuz they cant do the same thing to you
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- "Killaer, can you ever NOT be an armor whore?"
People get pissed when you either kill them quickly or twise in a row (or more). I must admit being killed instantly by the same guy with the same gun all round IS annoying but just get over it. I've been called a Nub for doing well with the G36E, dont quite know how that works but there you go.
man i was playing on a Offical EA server last night and some of the mecs and kark we spawning us all over with pkms so im like oh well time to whore the apc. : ).. owned them all. They couldnt even kill me with ATs, the stayed the small spot. come on be like a viet cong.

it was funny to me.

it was funny to me.
Last edited by Maj.Do (2006-02-21 19:01:34)
lol, I am so going to do this...killaer wrote:
Exactly. If you use their logic, you could go ahead and call them an infantry's really annoying how people bitch about that stuff.
Well this is how I view it: If you are good in tank and you want to use it go ahead but if you go by the flag but you are not taking it just sit there and wait for people to spawn and kill them right away YOU ARE A WHORE, if you kill your own people so you can get the tank/chopper/plane/whatever YOU ARE A WHORE. Everybody is good at something and is a team game so we should use whatever we want but to WIN not to just get some points. And I know a lot of guys who are using mainly armor and they are great but there are still a lot of whores out there who just ruin the game like LOngzor.
I was playing last night and someone was trying to kick me for being a jihad jeep whore on Karkand. The enemy MEC tank couldn't get any kills cause I would blow his ass to shit every time he attempted to cross over the bridges. Dude started calling me a noob and I just laughed and went into insane jihad jeep whore mode, killing not just tanks but hordes of enemy infantry.
No, I don't hate Tank users who still maintain Basic Infantry roots. But if I see someone in a Tank/APC and have 46 kills and 0 deaths 10 minutes into the round because they decided to whore the east US spawn hill on Karkand from the East Road, I'm gonna get fucking pissed.
It's those guys that get me pissed off. Not some guy who uses vehicles to advance through the Control Points. Tanks/APC's are supposed to pave the way for an infantry advance on CPs, not to sit back in the road and whore.
This comes from a BF2 player who has spent less than 7 hours in vehicles altogether.
It's those guys that get me pissed off. Not some guy who uses vehicles to advance through the Control Points. Tanks/APC's are supposed to pave the way for an infantry advance on CPs, not to sit back in the road and whore.
This comes from a BF2 player who has spent less than 7 hours in vehicles altogether.
Last edited by clncmmndr (2006-02-21 19:42:40)
Ill admit it, I'm a transport whore. Its true, check my stats I got my 2000th transport kill today running over some noob when i was on an atv. Come to think of it, I'll whore anything I can get my hands on. Hell, I'll PKM whore you for a while and then swap my PKM for yours and whore some more just cause I can.
Yeah, the reason i got the APC is cuz the enemy was using vehicles agains us, so we needed something to supress them, which I did.leTus wrote:
Well this is how I view it: If you are good in tank and you want to use it go ahead but if you go by the flag but you are not taking it just sit there and wait for people to spawn and kill them right away YOU ARE A WHORE, if you kill your own people so you can get the tank/chopper/plane/whatever YOU ARE A WHORE. Everybody is good at something and is a team game so we should use whatever we want but to WIN not to just get some points. And I know a lot of guys who are using mainly armor and they are great but there are still a lot of whores out there who just ruin the game like LOngzor.
But I agree.
People that hate Tanks/APC/Transport/Helicopters/Planes should go play CS or COD2 where there aren't any vehicles.
People that hate Tanks/APC/Transport/Helicopters/Planes should go play CS or COD2 where there aren't any vehicles.
Dude, no such thing as a whore. You're just good at using the PKM/Transport.sinir wrote:
Ill admit it, I'm a transport whore. Its true, check my stats I got my 2000th transport kill today running over some noob when i was on an atv. Come to think of it, I'll whore anything I can get my hands on. Hell, I'll PKM whore you for a while and then swap my PKM for yours and whore some more just cause I can.
Im being sarcastickillaer wrote:
Dude, no such thing as a whore. You're just good at using the PKM/Transport.sinir wrote:
Ill admit it, I'm a transport whore. Its true, check my stats I got my 2000th transport kill today running over some noob when i was on an atv. Come to think of it, I'll whore anything I can get my hands on. Hell, I'll PKM whore you for a while and then swap my PKM for yours and whore some more just cause I can.
I totally sympathize with your op, having finished enough karkand rounds with 50 kills / 5ish deaths and being flamed for it...
Yep. Beleive me, I've been the victim to that, and I never was a bitch about it. And also, I've been a tank attacking the USMC too, and I know how easy it is to get killed by a good team too.
heh, yesterday I saw someone call someone nadewhore. I laughed like hell..
OMFG YOU FORUMWHORES i thought i might get into it but really if you struggle to take out armor then stay the F*ck away from it then easy as that last night my whole squad was running around as either AT or the one supply guy and medic no tank got near us lol took out the MI-28 a few times as well
I got called a ground defense whore the other night on Mass Destruction. I guess none of these people want anyone to actually work toward the bagdes needed for the highest ranks. 400 hours just for the expert armor! I guess they want us to do it 15 seconds at a time?
I love it when someone calls me a whore.......means I am kicking arse!!!!
If only I was paid by the hour for it like a true whore...........wonder what would be the most expensive class ???
If only I was paid by the hour for it like a true whore...........wonder what would be the most expensive class ???
I find getting kick votes from the other team more gratifying...VspyVspy wrote:
I love it when someone calls me a whore.......means I am kicking arse!!!!
If only I was paid by the hour for it like a true whore...........wonder what would be the most expensive class ???
yea ^ lol
I hate claymore whore
Its either use it, or have someone else form the other team come up from behind and use it~
mind you if i'm using for part of the round and respawn at the base and see someone else waiting for it, I'll simply hitch aride.
Its either use it, or have someone else form the other team come up from behind and use it~
mind you if i'm using for part of the round and respawn at the base and see someone else waiting for it, I'll simply hitch aride.
Okay so this is your first post and you think your cool?Andoura wrote:
bla bla bla bla bla everybody is always saying shit about something !!
BLABLABLA ... ---> you kill with erix .... BLABLABLA ... ANTITANKWHORE
Common you cannot be a medic or anti-tank whore because its a kit and it as its forces and weakness. If someone is expert medic, its because he know how to play with this kit, if you ( and i know that your one of thems) take the tank all round long. its because you have to be behind a steel armor to get kills. Ohh yeah your K/D ratio will be great but common, waiting 5 min for it suck!
p.s. : You probably need a hug!
ive benn kicked for a so called "arty hack" which i DID NOT all i did was arty the USMC carrier on were the entire USMC team and i got 15 + kills per arty strike and i got kicked for usig my arty on the carrerkillaer wrote:
Exactly. If you use their logic, you could go ahead and call them an infantry's really annoying how people bitch about that stuff.
gee little harsh and weird
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- "Killaer, can you ever NOT be an armor whore?"