+12|6740|Between Canada and Iowa
[[WARNING! This post contains a lot of text, and is not suitable for those with ADD, viewer discretion is strongly advised.]]

I've been thinking a lot about this lately... About just how awesome such a mod would be. Sure it wouldn't be realistic, but the concept just oozes with awesome, and the more I think about it, the more it seems like it would be actually balanced with each other. Note, things would preform their effects regardless of realism (Example: An EMP on a BF2 player would still screw with their vision, despite not having 'advanced optic helmets'. It's about the function, and not the means.)

Let us take a look at a few points:


One might assume that one side may be more balanced than another. But, take into consideration 2142 having Netbat, whilst the BF2 team would not, but inversely the BF2 team would arguably have the better weapons and speed of actions. (Ammo hub vs Ammo bag for example, this becomes more apparent with the Medic Hub and Health bag heal rates.)

Each side has their respective advantages in terms of individual weapons, but because each side would have different teams respective of the map. (No Eu and PAC on one side and USMC/MEC/China on the other... The craziness alone!)

Further more, the 2142 team would have a lot more tools in terms of fore-warning, however, the BF2 team simply has the better weaponry, being more accurate, even with drop 'n pops. The PKM would theoretically smoke the 2142 MGs in such regards.

Onto commanders, while the BF2 team has 1 less offensive asset to use, they also have access to the much MUCH better artillery as well as the vehicle drop. Whilst the 2142 commander continues to have exemplary 'fore-warning' assets and the often unused EMP strike. Another factor to consider are the actual asset 'units' themselves. Where the orbital strike is a single unit, the BF2 artillery is split into 2 or 3.

Finally RDX vs. C4, the BF2 team gets the better deal in this regards, as 2 C4 can usually take out a vehicle/asset/etc.

AT Mines vs. Motion mines, again, asymmetrical balance. (2142 motion mines give a warning when you're near, whilst the AT mines do not (Only an icon IF you're engineer.), but are easier to avoid.)

BF2 Notable advantages:
Engineer shotguns (+DAO-12),
Grenade launchers,
Flash grenades,
C4 (More damage than RDX),

2142 notable advantages:
PK-74 rockets,
Stock MG's
A12 Enforcers
Sniper Rifles,
Functionability (IT-33 (Especially with no enemy netbat!), PDS-1, etc.),
Support class (EMP grenades in particular.)
RDX (Higher 'infantry kill' range than C4, pick-upable)


  Again, asymmetrically balanced. On one hand, the BF2 FAVs may be slower, but they also have a much stronger machine gun, ones capable of damaging aircraft I might note (And due to 2142 not blocking projectiles, this spells some serious hurt in that regards.), meanwhile, the 2142 has the more 'functional' FAV, the 3rd man seat makes it. That 3rd man can drop mines, repair, and even attack in rare cases, plus the more protected nature of the 2142 FAVs in general.

Another factor are the 'heavy jeeps'. Further accenting the BF2 teams more 'attack' based structure.


A huge asymmetrical gap. On one hand, the 2142 APCs are the undisputed infantry murderer, while the BF2 APC can hold its own against both infantry AND vehicles, and is even classified as 'armor'. Now, whether 2142 shields can block APC shots is a bit in the air (On one hand they're projectiles, on the other they're explosive...) but regardless, each side again has their distinct advantages.

Where a 2142 APC is more of a team effort than BF2  APCs, they're also very usable by a single person. Plus the ability to launch yourself using pods (Albeit not very far...) to get into buildings makes for a unique challenge to the BF2 team. While the 2142 team needs to worry about the very destructive nature of BF2 APCs, with missiles and a hard hitting cannon.

BF2 APCs can also float, unlike their 2142 counterparts.


This is another interesting aspect about the two teams. But it's mainly dependant on what individual team is playing what map. But as I will be comparing all reasonable tanks against one another.

The Nekomata is easily one of the more deadlier things the BF2 team would need to look out for... Very agile, fast, and can climb like nobodies business. But still manageable with jihad-jeeps and C4 in general, while ATs will need to wait for the shields to dissipate before firing.

The Tiger is the closest to a symmetrical match you'll ever see, but still there are advantages and disadvantages. The tiger is basically an Abrams that can rove around without taking damage, and is severely handicapped in infantry destruction compared to its BF2 cousin, its main advantage is, of course, the shields. Still, this is also hindered by its weak rear armor, like all 2142 tanks.

The BF2 team, once again, displays its offensive focus. The main cannon plus co-ax, and the relatively useless secondary (But still, like the FAVs, a major danger to aircraft.) makes it formidable, and its 'one-hit kill' spot is much smaller than its 2142 counterparts. Still, there is no variety in Tank designs besides the Abrams.


Each side would need to deal with AT Differently. Team BF2 would have a slightly harder time in a sense against 2142 tanks, being that they have no 'Pilum', but they also cannot be taken out as easily in comparison to fighting another BF2 tank. Plus the 'one-hit kill' spot applies to AT rockets.

Meanwhile, 2142 has the distinct advantage of the Pilum, with the disadvantage of less damage. As well as the very decent stock ATs. They needn't worry about shields, but have a much deadlier target to deal with.

Team BF2s stock ATs also have an advantage of being very usable against infantry, while 2142 has this advantage with the Mitchell and to a lesser degree the Sudnik, the advantage shows itself more in the SRAW and Eryx. The Pilum also works, but is much more limited on range.

- Boats

...Moving right along.


Oh man, here is where we have a grand match-up. On one hand, we have the BF2 Helicopters, through and through a tough beast that can take as much as it gives. Its TV guided missiles flat out destroy anything it hits, takes comparably less skill to use than the Remote guided missiles on gunships, that added to very damaging dumb-fire missiles and very good gunner cannons (Especially on the Havok.) you have a very hard to beat flying killer,

However, Team 2142 also have the often underestimated Gunship. Easily a lot more challenging to learn to fly than helicopters, it brings to the table many unique advantages. Homing missiles being numero uno, essentially spelling death to any helicopter like a BF2 jet would. Plus its decent damage remote missile makes it very deadly indeed (Assuming you can hit your target!), its fusion jet/helicopter control makes it second to none in agility (Especially the Talon.) plus its shields protect it from a lot of dangers from the ground. However, it is a lot slower and less armored than its main threat to be discussed...

-Aerial transports

Hands down, 2142 has this one won. While BF2s transports arguably have the means to take out other transports and even gunships, the 2142 transports have any BF2 transport beat in terms of 'area of death' and speed.

2142 transports can drop, lift off, murder infantry and take names. Add to that shields and a comparable amount of HP to BF2 transports and you have a deadly implement of war against the BF2 team... Think Pre-nerf Blackhawk X4. Still, FAVs shine as the best AA against such things... But tracers give you away, and those transports have zoom...


Yes, we get to each teams unique vehicles, and yes, they are the same category of ownage.

Hand one, we have a walking tank. Destroyer of infantry, death to vehicles (More so when they lack shields!!), and on-board AA cannon WITH EMP missiles. No matter how you look at it, this thing is a challenge to just about anything the BF2 team can throw at it. TV guided missiles are a very good bet, but take into consideration shields and agility, as well as the deadly AA turret on top.

Hand two, flying sonic booms of death, in many varieties. Bombs of destruction, an enemy vehicle netbat with insane range, AA missiles a plenty, flares to make hard-to-hit things even harder, able to cross even the biggest maps in a few moments with afterburner. They rule the skies undisputed. They bring down Zeus-like justice upon anything and anyone on the ground. Gunships have little chance of even seeing them in-time, let alone shooting one down... However, shields reduces the effectiveness of their bombs a little bit, they also have their main gun of death... That doesn't over-heat.


Ah, another asymmetrical beauty. Here we have 2142 with not only a decent AA emplacement with very big bullets and EMP missiles, but we also have the SAAW-86, something every BF2 player wish THEY had I'm betting. Both would be extremely deadly to both Jets and Helos. 2142s advantage is range (Maybe not so after this next patch... But maybe longer range would be a balance thing against BF2?) and ability to be wide-spread. No more green-boxes showing where those AA missiles are coming from.

Inversely, 2142 would also have a very hard time against aircraft enemy numero-uno: Mobile AA!! Besides the linebacker being very good against infantry, BF2 AA in general would have a much easier time hitting 2142 aircraft than BF2 aircraft. Tunguskas and PGZs would absolutely TEAR through 2142 aircraft! Each one would be like a Titan AA gun, and the Linebacker a mobile Rorch with 5 missiles to deal absolute DEATH! While 2142 may have shields, they lack flares. Due to this, BF2s AA are both quality and quantity. Add to that IGLAs and Stingers, we have a very big challenge to any aircraft on the 2142 team. Still, they retain the disadvantages that all BF2 vehicles face against 2142 vehicles, and infantry for that matter. No shielding against remote missiles and very agile AT rockets...

Ground Defense-

This is a tough one to see if it's balanced against the two teams. While the Railguns are VERY good defense, even at ra... Okay, 2142 has this one no contest. BF2 has but the TOW/HJ-8, while it IS 1-hit kill a lot of the time, it's a missile, and those can be blocked by shields, plus it is very open and very easy to kill he person manning it.

Meanwhile, the 2142 railgun can dish out pain, even at a very long range being insta-hit (Or very near it.), dealing death to both vehicles, and infantry. Its only real drawback is being fairly useless against aircraft (Believe me, in 2142 a gunship can survive a couple shots from it.). It's also clearly better than mounted machineguns... Maybe, mounted MGs are very good when in strategically placed positions...

Still, it's clear to see 2142 is the victor here.


Special AA: Essex wins over Titan AA, mainly due to the Sea Sparrow missiles, in much the same way that mobile AA dominates 2142 aircraft. Add to that a very powerful main gun (That, granted overheats.) you have a god-like thing of aircraft destruction... At least unless a smart gunship pilot approaches from above. As such, it carries the unique disadvantage of having its gunner killed along with the Phalanx/Sparrow launcher.

Titan AA does not share this, and can fire until they're blue in the face! You might get a couple hits on a jet, and will rip through a helo that doesn't TV guided missile your gun into oblivion. (I will assume a BF2 TVGM will bring a Titan AA gun to -100 hp, seeing as a Gunship RGM will destroy a full health Titan AA.)

Unlocks: Both sides would have full use of their unlocks. 2142 would not have NS unlocks I think... The difference with them is negligable. (Motion-mine bait is a little moot when the other team has regular mines, IDS-1 throws balance off quite a bit... Think of it being used on Karkand to get an idea. RDX shotgun is nothing to sneeze at. Radar grenade... Yeah... The Upgrades, in particular the expanded magazine, tips things a bit far in 2142's favor...). BF2 gets unlocks due to them not having quite as many infantry toys as 2142, simple as that.

Vehicle jacking/Other teams packs: It would be prefferable that the two teams would only be able to switch packs with their own teamates, keeping both teams homogenous would ensure balance. (Imagine the 2142 team ganking the jets... Or a BF2 guy getting a 2142 air transport.)

-Carrier Assault game-mode

I bet you're going "What the hell? Carrier Raep 2142 style?!". Well, rest assured, it most likely wouldn't happen, being that no 2142 ground vehicle can get to the carrier and 2142 has no boat. How it would work would be much like Titan-mode in 2142, except against a Titan and the Essex. Neither would be able to move, for obvious reasons on both sides. These would take place on certain BF2 maps... Like Zatar Wetlands and Dragon Valley. 2142 maps are unsuitable unless the Essex is somehow beached on land or frozen on a glacier (Both of which would be cool, but would have to be a custom map...(Maybe simply slap down the Essex in the main base on something like Verdun... Or Edit Suez to have a bit more water in the canal...)). Anyway, there would be 5 silos, on the Titan side of things it would stay pretty much the same. On the Essex side, it would need to be quite a bit different.

For the 2142 team, the idea is to sink the Essex, once that happens the BF2 team gets a ticket number which can be bled by the other team by keeping silos. Each missile that gets launched will take off a few tickets once it flies off the map (It's basically firing at the reinforcements at this point.). The BF2 team would still get planes even after the Essex sinks (They spawn in their 'uncappable' once it goes down... Besides, they're F-35s... VSTOL!) and basically they need to go on a all-out assault to get Silos.

Now, I'm sure you're thinking... How the hell do the BF2 team get onto the Titan? Well, once the Titan shields go down, it basically activates a dormant base or bases that can be captured, where there are the NS 'stationary pod launchers' (And the only thing from NS to go into such a mod if it ever gets made by my standards. ;P )

So what we have is one team looking to destroy the other team in an elongated sort of 'conquest' style, and another team who is trying to kill a Titan. (Imagine how much damage C4 would do to a Titan core, and think about a flashbang in a Titan corridor as well!)

Seems like a decent enough way to handle things.

Whew! Well, that's it. That's my thoughts on a BF2 vs. 2142 mod. I may have forgotten a few points... But hell, like this mod will ever see the light of day! Hope it was a decent read. Thoughts?

Last edited by ZCaliber (2007-04-12 19:26:21)

Stop reading this and look at my post
Shows good promise. You'd have to throw realism out of the window for obvious reasons, and there would be a few problems - such as getting 7 classes into 2142 and working out balancing.
Thanks for the warning
This mod would really be fun. In infantry battle I believe BF2 would win most of the time. Walkers would be a nightmare for BF2 for sure. But Bf2 Artillery is going to bring pain for 2142 players.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Okay how about the infantry.


The Assault in BF2142 wins, hands down. This guy can heal, revieve and carries more firepower. While the G3 and AK-101 are excellent weapons, they don't match the krylov's pwnageness. The assault's nade launcher can kill in one hit, but the BF2142's rifle rocket has better range and can be spammed more, allowing it to do more total damage over a wider range thus killing more enemies, it also can do an air-burst allowing it to kill enemies behind cover. The BF2 assault unless using the F2000 or G3 has no way of fighting entreced enemies, so he loses.


Again 2142 wins. The 2142 spec-ops has better CQC capabilities do to its RDX, APMs and Lambert Carbine's lack of recoil. The BF2 guy would win at long range due to the G36C being a laser, but in the end the 2142 guy can cloak himself, and with no net-bat, heat scanner or infantry sonnar, he is invisible to the BF2 guy until he is at the range where the Lambert would beat the G36C.


BF2 guy by a hair. The SVD is the deciding factor hear. The snipers are pretty much identical besides the fact that the BF2 sniper can get a semi-automatic sniper rifle so he can get more heat-shots faster. The 2142 sniper can set off mines and doesn't need to unzoom to recamber a round against the bolt-action sniper rifles in BF2 but against the SVD no.


2142 guy gets motion mines. BF2 guy get conventional mines. Motion mines>Conventional Mines. The 2142 guy also get a mine defuser. He wins. However the BF2 guy and his shotgun may allow him to win in an infantry fight the 2142 guy has muck more useability.


The 2142 medic has access to better defibrillators, and AR rockets. He wins. While the G36E can pwn allot, it still cannot beat the mighty Krylov.


The BF2 support guy can do more damage faster, but the 2142 support has negetive recoil. On that front it is a tie but when we factor in EMP 'nades, a plasma sheild, numerous infantry detection devices and most of all a sentry gun the 2142 guy h4xorz the BF2 guy.


See the OP and engineer comparison.
BF2s Frat Brother
thanks for the warning.
+12|6740|Between Canada and Iowa

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

Okay how about the infantry.


The Assault in BF2142 wins, hands down. This guy can heal, revieve and carries more firepower. While the G3 and AK-101 are excellent weapons, they don't match the krylov's pwnageness. The assault's nade launcher can kill in one hit, but the BF2142's rifle rocket has better range and can be spammed more, allowing it to do more total damage over a wider range thus killing more enemies, it also can do an air-burst allowing it to kill enemies behind cover. The BF2 assault unless using the F2000 or G3 has no way of fighting entreced enemies, so he loses.


Again 2142 wins. The 2142 spec-ops has better CQC capabilities do to its RDX, APMs and Lambert Carbine's lack of recoil. The BF2 guy would win at long range due to the G36C being a laser, but in the end the 2142 guy can cloak himself, and with no net-bat, heat scanner or infantry sonnar, he is invisible to the BF2 guy until he is at the range where the Lambert would beat the G36C.


BF2 guy by a hair. The SVD is the deciding factor hear. The snipers are pretty much identical besides the fact that the BF2 sniper can get a semi-automatic sniper rifle so he can get more heat-shots faster. The 2142 sniper can set off mines and doesn't need to unzoom to recamber a round against the bolt-action sniper rifles in BF2 but against the SVD no.


2142 guy gets motion mines. BF2 guy get conventional mines. Motion mines>Conventional Mines. The 2142 guy also get a mine defuser. He wins. However the BF2 guy and his shotgun may allow him to win in an infantry fight the 2142 guy has muck more useability.


The 2142 medic has access to better defibrillators, and AR rockets. He wins. While the G36E can pwn allot, it still cannot beat the mighty Krylov.


The BF2 support guy can do more damage faster, but the 2142 support has negetive recoil. On that front it is a tie but when we factor in EMP 'nades, a plasma sheild, numerous infantry detection devices and most of all a sentry gun the 2142 guy h4xorz the BF2 guy.


See the OP and engineer comparison.

Yeah, the BF2 Assault has it bad. But a lot can be accomplished with a GL and flashbangs, particularly the latter when used correctly. Still, the assault gets the superior weaponry.


Still, I say the Spec-ops has a fighting chance with its high damage C4, the length of time it takes to throw that third RDX can be quite the defining factor. Weapon wise, it's a bit of a toss up in my opinion, I forgot to mention the difference between FRG-1s and Hand grenades. The latter throws faster and has a lot less bounce... Maybe even does more damage. As for the IT-33, it's not overtly difficult to see someone using it without a netbat diamond.


Yes, I agree here. Not only the SVD, but the M95 as well. No 2142 rifle can shoot through glass, plus I have actually shot down Helos in BF2 using only the M95. Couple that with the uncircumventable claymores and major ouch... Oh, let us not forget the BF2 pistols. However, 2142 has a distinct advantage of a more powerful zoom, making headshots is as easy as pie, plus a LOT more classes have 'light' armor in BF2... A lot of 1-hit kills there bucko. The Gruber as well makes extreme range sniping quite possible, at least as possible as the best BF2 snipers.


BF2 Engineers also get a defuser... It's called the wrench, which can defuse everything except RDX (C4). Plus conventional mines aren't entirely bad, granted they don't pin-down a vehicle quite as well, they ARE one hit kill. I'm sure the MP7 is comparable to 2142 SMGs... But it can go into single-shot.


Ah yes, but take into consideration the speed at which BF2 medics can heal team mates, 1 bag = Full health. Compared to the MHub it totally smokes in that category. Personally, I'd group the G36E in the same group of own as the Voss, it can't go full-auto, but it does a LOT of damage and is very accurate, both in burst and in single fire.


I'd like to think that BF2 grenades can do what 2142 grenades cannot... And that's destroy A12s, that would seem like a reasonable balance considering all things, at the very least grenade launchers might make them drop their heads. But enough about that, the BF2 support can still hold its own weapon wise against 2142, maybe not so much at range, but very much so at medium range. After all, BF2 players can drop 'n pop, 2142 has 'the crouch', therefore BF2 is a smaller target. Still, 2142 retains their 'more information' style in contrast to BF2's run and gun. The Support still reflects this.


Yes... OP.
Le fuck?
Wait. This seems like a good idea, but think: Why would the EU/PAC battle PLA/MEC/USMC? What is the reason? There has to be a reason!!!
+12|6740|Between Canada and Iowa
Same reason people bitch back and fourth about 2142 being better, or BF2 being better. ;P
Make Love and War
+303|6706|Communist Republic of CA, USA
I'd be willing to bet a 2142 team would be unstoppable.  *Imagines a PAC Titan Floating over Karkand* MUAHAHAHAHAHA...  That would be the only time I'd ever play that map again...
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6785|Brisbane, Aus

for Sniper i disagree, 2142 would blow BF2 out of the water. Get yourself Scope Stabeliser + Zoom + The stock 2142 snipers = you can take down targets from a long distance but with more vision of the target. BF2 may not need the stabeliser but 2142 will have the edge on them with the zoom from the get go.

Claymores/APM's: lol the 2142 guys would get a shock at this primitive explosive mine as they try to crawl/crouch past it and it'll still go off.

but i reccon a battle on wake would be cool, Have the essex on one side, and the Titan very low on the water on the other side of the map (BF2 can then use their advantage of boats).

+1 for a nice mod idea
"Aff, Star Colonel!"

ZCaliber wrote:

- Boats

...Moving right along.
How dare this not become a reference for "Enemy Boat Spotted"!?!

That is unacceptable.

Kanil wrote:

ZCaliber wrote:

- Boats

...Moving right along.
How dare this not become a reference for "Enemy Boat Spotted"!?!

That is unacceptable.
Im afraid it is...Banhammer, deploy!

norly, this would be a good mod, but who could give a dam, i sure wouldn't...heck im 3 ranks from General.
The places BF2142 would win.

Assault combat: Voss and Baur beats most other Rifles in BF2 and giving them a pretty good advantage. Assault can actually heal/revive himself/others now if you get the Hub or you can change it for a shotgun or missile pack.

Snipers: I think Zeller can penetrate the glass of a chopper as it acts the same way as the big sniper in BF2. Though BF2142 wins here to as they got a longer zoom radius thus allowing them to headshot easier.
They got CLOAK, boy this would put the other at disadvantage.

Engineers: Well in BF2 they got those pesky mines that you need to drive over but a PAC tank shouldn't be able to activate it. Hower ability you know but other one should. Still Loller mine is better than a normal mine.
Not only that, they got the Loller Mine bait and it will only increase the advantage. The rockets are about the same to.
Their weapons are about the same to imo.

Support: BF2142 all the way.
1: Mini Radar
2: Negative Recoil
3: Gunturret
4: Grenade Launcher
5: Small Shield

Even if the other BF2 Support got a PKM it's still not as good as it was in one of the patches and a BF2142 support rifle will beat it.

Most weapons in BF2142 actually hits where you aim and they all got those red dot crosshairs.
You might not be able to carry that many grenades but with a support guy close to you, you will be having a constant supply of them.

Now for Vehicles.

BF2142 all the way untill you get to the Jets. I don't know how you should counter them as the EMP missile might be a bit to slow for it but when it hits the Jet is going down.
Normally every other BF2142 will beat the other.

Gunship with homing missiles.
Tiger/PAC tank with shield easily gives them the upper hand.
The Jihad jeep is the same.
The APC might be a trouble on the BF2 side but the BF2142 will slaughter infantry as long as it's up.
Walker is going to beat most things in close combat.

But yea bring it on I would totally wanna play this mod and I'm looking forwad to it.
+46|6755|Middle of nowhere, California
i have ADD
Le fuck?

Fenix14 wrote:

for Sniper i disagree, 2142 would blow BF2 out of the water. Get yourself Scope Stabeliser + Zoom + The stock 2142 snipers = you can take down targets from a long distance but with more vision of the target. BF2 may not need the stabeliser but 2142 will have the edge on them with the zoom from the get go.

Claymores/APM's: lol the 2142 guys would get a shock at this primitive explosive mine as they try to crawl/crouch past it and it'll still go off.

but i reccon a battle on wake would be cool, Have the essex on one side, and the Titan very low on the water on the other side of the map (BF2 can then use their advantage of boats).

+1 for a nice mod idea

BF2 has WOokies.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

ZCaliber wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

Okay how about the infantry.


The Assault in BF2142 wins, hands down. This guy can heal, revieve and carries more firepower. While the G3 and AK-101 are excellent weapons, they don't match the krylov's pwnageness. The assault's nade launcher can kill in one hit, but the BF2142's rifle rocket has better range and can be spammed more, allowing it to do more total damage over a wider range thus killing more enemies, it also can do an air-burst allowing it to kill enemies behind cover. The BF2 assault unless using the F2000 or G3 has no way of fighting entreced enemies, so he loses.


Again 2142 wins. The 2142 spec-ops has better CQC capabilities do to its RDX, APMs and Lambert Carbine's lack of recoil. The BF2 guy would win at long range due to the G36C being a laser, but in the end the 2142 guy can cloak himself, and with no net-bat, heat scanner or infantry sonnar, he is invisible to the BF2 guy until he is at the range where the Lambert would beat the G36C.


BF2 guy by a hair. The SVD is the deciding factor hear. The snipers are pretty much identical besides the fact that the BF2 sniper can get a semi-automatic sniper rifle so he can get more heat-shots faster. The 2142 sniper can set off mines and doesn't need to unzoom to recamber a round against the bolt-action sniper rifles in BF2 but against the SVD no.


2142 guy gets motion mines. BF2 guy get conventional mines. Motion mines>Conventional Mines. The 2142 guy also get a mine defuser. He wins. However the BF2 guy and his shotgun may allow him to win in an infantry fight the 2142 guy has muck more useability.


The 2142 medic has access to better defibrillators, and AR rockets. He wins. While the G36E can pwn allot, it still cannot beat the mighty Krylov.


The BF2 support guy can do more damage faster, but the 2142 support has negetive recoil. On that front it is a tie but when we factor in EMP 'nades, a plasma sheild, numerous infantry detection devices and most of all a sentry gun the 2142 guy h4xorz the BF2 guy.


See the OP and engineer comparison.

Yeah, the BF2 Assault has it bad. But a lot can be accomplished with a GL and flashbangs, particularly the latter when used correctly. Still, the assault gets the superior weaponry.


Still, I say the Spec-ops has a fighting chance with its high damage C4, the length of time it takes to throw that third RDX can be quite the defining factor. Weapon wise, it's a bit of a toss up in my opinion, I forgot to mention the difference between FRG-1s and Hand grenades. The latter throws faster and has a lot less bounce... Maybe even does more damage. As for the IT-33, it's not overtly difficult to see someone using it without a netbat diamond.


Glad you agree but the M95 is a piece of shit and if even less helpful as the 2142 choppers move much faster than the BF2 ones so glass-shots are even less likely.

Yes, I agree here. Not only the SVD, but the M95 as well. No 2142 rifle can shoot through glass, plus I have actually shot down Helos in BF2 using only the M95. Couple that with the uncircumventable claymores and major ouch... Oh, let us not forget the BF2 pistols. However, 2142 has a distinct advantage of a more powerful zoom, making headshots is as easy as pie, plus a LOT more classes have 'light' armor in BF2... A lot of 1-hit kills there bucko. The Gruber as well makes extreme range sniping quite possible, at least as possible as the best BF2 snipers.


BF2 Engineers also get a defuser... It's called the wrench, which can defuse everything except RDX (C4). Plus conventional mines aren't entirely bad, granted they don't pin-down a vehicle quite as well, they ARE one hit kill. I'm sure the MP7 is comparable to 2142 SMGs... But it can go into single-shot.


Ah yes, but take into consideration the speed at which BF2 medics can heal team mates, 1 bag = Full health. Compared to the MHub it totally smokes in that category. Personally, I'd group the G36E in the same group of own as the Voss, it can't go full-auto, but it does a LOT of damage and is very accurate, both in burst and in single fire.


I'd like to think that BF2 grenades can do what 2142 grenades cannot... And that's destroy A12s, that would seem like a reasonable balance considering all things, at the very least grenade launchers might make them drop their heads. But enough about that, the BF2 support can still hold its own weapon wise against 2142, maybe not so much at range, but very much so at medium range. After all, BF2 players can drop 'n pop, 2142 has 'the crouch', therefore BF2 is a smaller target. Still, 2142 retains their 'more information' style in contrast to BF2's run and gun. The Support still reflects this.


Yes... OP.

C4 and RDX do the same damage. RDX can still kill a tank in two packs. Only mechs and apcs take 3 but they have alot more health then the tank. The camo is invisible at 30+ meters. Without a netbait it is impossible to see someone using it at that distance. And at less than 30 meters the Lambert eats the G36C. 2142 wins



The BF2 guy's wrench cannot defuse over a range, the guy has to get on top of the mine to defuse it. Because of this it takes him so much more time to get rid of mines that when he leaves the tank he will take so long someone will definatly kill him before he is done and can get back in.


The medic hub can heal allot more people than the bags can. They have a huge radius and last until another hub is deployed. Also if you are hit once and you have a bag under you it is used up instantly and you just get killed. Not so with the hub.


The BF2 nade's don't have enough fore to kill the A12 in one bang. The BF2 nades and 2142 nades do the same damage and have the same blast radius. And plus the hub is better for nade spamming than the bag.
+129|6724|Adelaide, Aussieland
*imagines how unstoppable jets will actually be in 135 years time*

I cant see how some people think spec ops in bf2 loses to 2142.

i mean it has more grenades, the g36c and qbz-97 are better guns than anything ive seen in 2142, and the c4 does more damage and the silenced pistols are way better than the crappy 2142 pistols.
+12|6740|Between Canada and Iowa
For the record, the Zeller-H CANNOT pierce glass. I have tested this extensively.

Also, 2142 transports have a bigger habit of landing and hovering. Further more, take a look at the pilots position at the Yastreb. You can't say that isn't an easy target. Shepherd is a bit harder, but still a reasonable target.


Jihad Jeeps:

2142: RDX Does NOT explode with the vehicle, but has a boost function on the FAVs.
BF2: C4 explodes upon destruction of vehicle, but are attached to notably slower FAVs.

Last edited by ZCaliber (2007-04-13 05:48:09)

High Angle Hell
+182|6422|Schofield Barracks
im the king of ADD
+42|6970|Florida (305)
Your the king of bringing old posts back to life.
+540|6731|Shanghai, ethnicity=German

Buzerk1 wrote:

Thanks for the warning
lol BUMP
good concept, old thread

Wow. I made this exact mod quite a while ago for my own amusement. I got quite a bit of satisfaction out of it . In fact I think I made it after reading this thread and thinking 'that would be awesome'. And it is.

It had a lot of bugs, but I could play as any BF2 team with Bf2 weapons + vehicles + voices against 2142 teams, weapons and vehicles + voices. I still have the mod in fact. I even got it so you could choose BF2 unlocks .

One thing I couldn't get working was Bf2 maps in 2142. Wouldn't work. However, using the conflict 2142 mod as a base I got Karkand (since at the time it included the map). But after that first attempt, I switched to just bringing it to 2142. So I could say I did it all .

In conflict 2142 for Karkand + my stuff:


My own stuff:


My stuff + 2142 singleplayer mod (for the bot support on Port Bavaria):

It was good fun. The bots could use all the guns which was a bonus. There were a bunch of things I couldn't get working of course. None of the weapons except the shotguns and sniper rifles had crosshairs for a start. The Bf2 dfribs worked.. sometimes. The Bf2 parachutes were horribly messed up (graphically). It took many hours, since I had no idea how to do anything when I started. There was a lot of code to change to stop instant crashes.

It was when I was playing that mod that I realised just how much better the 2142 guns + equipment + vehicles were. The G36E just doesn't stand a chance against the Krylov and Voss. The M1A2 + T90 last about 2 seconds against a walker. The Gunships can take down any chopper with ease. Try using a TV missile against someone who not only has a shield, but also has 8 auto-lock on rockets.

I have to say, I'm quite proud of what I was able to do . No doubt the expert modders could have done it all in an afternoon, but I got a feeling that i'd achieved something.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-04-09 15:46:13)

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