That was the message I got while playing Special Forces earlier today while playing Ghost Town.

So, I was playing as infantry before, but then Kept getting slaughtered by the snipers. Then, I became a sniper, but in turn got sniped by the PKMs...

Hm? What's this? An APC! YAY! So I grab the APC as the round ends, not being able to get any kills.
The next round, I hop in early and dominate the map..
I got the highest score multiple times in the APC, and I guess I was pissing people off. First off, No snipers got to me..second, I kept killing the enemy. Thanks to the great commander and engineers I got repaired so many times that I only died 3 times...
So, why would people call me an armor whore? I understand I picked armor multiple times (And I DO want to incrase my K/D ratio.

I mean, If I'm good at armor in that map, why stop? It's not like ZOMG HE'S IN AN APC AND HE'S INVINCIBLE!!

All it takes is a well coordinated squad/armor vehicle to take me out, so why do people bitch about armor whores? So what If I begin to go be infantry? Another guy would take the APC, right? So why call me an armor whore? An APC will be there no matter what, and maybe the driver will be less/more skilled...

Anyway, the point is..
Anyone who has called anyone an armor whore should stop bitching, get an Anti-Tank/Spec Ops kit, and go blow that Armor up...

Do you guys agree/disagree or what?
+3,135|7049|The Hague, Netherlands

i agree but people whine always about these things, when i throw nades and kill allot of people im a nadewhore when i kill allot of people with armor im a tankwhore, i've been even called a artywhore because i was killing the whole team with the arty. i mean they are putting whore after every word.
Exactly. If you use their logic, you could go ahead and call them an infantry's really annoying how people bitch about that stuff.
+572|6970|BC, Canada
there are more crybabys in this game then anywhere else.... maybe they marketed to whinos. no matter what you do if your winning someone will cry like a bitch. either your some kind of whore or your hacking, cause god knows you cant beat them... their the best.
ur totaly right cuz i use armor very much to sometimes they call me an armor whore but i dont care
and i had 32kills and 0 deaths and only used tank and they said "ur an tank whore u gay!" but why would i get out is it forbidden to drive a tank or what(sorry for the bad english :P)
Yep, its deffinetly not forbidden to drive a tank. I mean, it's not like armor is invincible. If the other team uses team work, they can easily destroy armor. For example, the whole reason I started to use the APC (other than the snipers) is that our team was being annihilated by the enemy APC and AA. I got into the APC, Looked at the commander's UAV, and started attacking the enemy. One guy was telling us to supress the enemy vehicles, so that's what I did. Also, I saved my teammate's lives quite a few times (For example, 2 men were capping the enemy flag, when an enemy spawns behind them. He takes out a knife since they dont see him and runs at them. I manage to kill him, and without that one or both of them would be dead by then)
2142 Soldier: Behenaut
2142 Soldier: Behenaut

Funny how people complain about PKMs then proceed to say other people complain too much.

My 2 cents that I don't really care if anyone likes.
I never complained about PKMs
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
Well basicly it's hard to destroy armor anymore (after patch) all alone because. But BF2 is also teamwork game so mostly it's not problem. But yeah, I agree that. It's not that hard to take out tank or APC or even both with some friend. APC take only 2 and tank 3 shots and if you shoot those missiles at the same times that tank/APC have no chance. So as killaer said, please stop calling some one armorwhore if he/she really isn't and get some usefull kit and destroy it. And basicly in all maps there's also tank in both team so wtf that another tank is doing if enemy tank can "whore".
Shit man, its almost an honor to be called an armor whore!  Usually means u are dominating!  Just know as you are teased, other armor whores out there are nodding their heads pride.
Yeah, I managed to get out like 34 kills and 4 deaths...which was my best. Then some jackass complains that I'm an armorwhore So I kill him twice on infantry
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
If someone calls you a vehicle whore that means they are a stupid noob.
WCR official whiner
+6|7039|Madrid, Spain

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

If someone calls you a vehicle whore that means they are a stupid noob.
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6985|Canada Eh?
I personally enjoy being called a Tank Whore, It makes me prouder of one of the only positive K/D ratios I have
2.45 with Armor
I manage to keep a 3.63 somehow. Well, I dont see how it's being a whore, seeing as armor is just as big of the game as infanty. Besides, if I am worse at infantry I'd rather contribute to the team with a tank or APC
Check your AA alarm...
+82|7105|Idaho, USA / Age 30
OMG  you PKMWHORE!!!  that is all I have to say.  I am an Armor Whore if you want to call me that because my k/d ratio in armor is 3.19.  So, what. I love the tanks and am very good at it.   3000 kills and only 900 deaths.  Must be good just like those planewhores.
She looked 18 to me officer

MuseSeeker wrote:

LOL, agreed, if you don't like it, blow them up.

It's like when a tank or APC camps the spawns at karkand and people keep spawning there over and over. 

I sometimes think I am the only one to spawn AT at Hotel.
+50|7006|Southern California
the bottom line is there are a lot of players out there who not only suck, but who don't realize it and are mad with denial, and they react emotionally and irrationally in a negative way towards anybody who does well at any time. as if their own ability to get a lot of points is due to some all important, always obeyed code of honor that they abide by ("i will use only two grenade from my launcher, get out of armor when i reach five kills or five minutes, make sure i fire an equal amount of pistol shots from my primary weapon as my pistol, and not exceed my quota of 2 uses of c4 throughout the entire round. that way the game will be balanced and i will preserve my honor) and that their use of the code is really the explaination for their poor scores and the high scores of the evil ones who defy it.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-02-21 17:53:44)

yeah, i bitch about tankwhores, you fucking deserve it you pricks. i dont think you understand, all you idiots are saying "OMGZZ IF YOU HATE TANKS GET AT KIT OR C4 AND BLOW IT UP LOLzz0z0z!!!11", but that never works, 1. I've had about 6 times where i can actually blow up a tank or apc without getting killed immediatley, 2. The AT takes about 7 hits for tanks and about 5 for apcs, so your suggesting I respawn 7 times to get rid of this problem... hmm FUCK THAT, it wont work anyways, they already capped the flag most likely by the 2nd or 3rd time unless they are spawnraping you, in which case it still wont work, 3. in order to use C4 you need to get close to the tank/apc, well lets see, i respawn in plain sight, they arent going to let me put c4 on them now are they? no they aren't so either i get extremely lucky and actually pull off getting that close, i respawn a bunch, dying each time, or i spawn somewhere else where im likely to get raped in my ass by another fucking whore. and your calling ME a noob? yeah ok im the only one who plays games fairly you fucking pricks.

P.S. Vampira or vampire whatever the fuck your name is, go back to your anime forum and talk about anime porn with your nerd friends fucking douche bag.

Last edited by silentsin (2006-02-21 18:03:25)

+50|7006|Southern California

silentsin wrote:

yeah, i bitch about tankwhores, you fucking deserve it you pricks. i dont think you understand, all you idiots are saying "OMGZZ IF YOU HATE TANKS GET AT KIT OR C4 AND BLOW IT UP LOLzz0z0z!!!11", but that never works, 1. I've had about 6 times where i can actually blow up a tank or apc without getting killed immediatley, 2. The AT takes about 7 hits for tanks and about 5 for apcs, so your suggesting I respawn 7 times to get rid of this problem... hmm FUCK THAT, it wont work anyways, they already capped the flag most likely by the 2nd or 3rd time unless they are spawnraping you, in which case it still wont work, 3. in order to use C4 you need to get close to the tank/apc, well lets see, i respawn in plain sight, they arent going to let me put c4 on them now are they? no they aren't so either i get extremely lucky and actually pull off getting that close, i respawn a bunch, dying each time, or i spawn somewhere else where im likely to get raped in my ass by another fucking whore. and your calling ME a noob? yeah ok im the only one who plays games fairly you fucking pricks.

P.S. Vampira or vampire whatever the fuck your name is, go back to your anime forum and talk about anime porn with your nerd friends fucking douche bag.
hey read my post directly above yours..

and anyways - the whole purpose of this game is to have things with varied strengths
yes - you should die 7 times. yes, you should. you know why? because it's a tank. it should easily dominate unless dealing with somebody who is exceptionally good at ground pounding or a co-ordinated effort to take it down. if joe blow newbie "fair player" can take out a tank with ease than this game is ruined, it's been handed over to people who think that a 1:1 ratio is the measure of balance and don't like the fact that people exploit the weaknesses of the choices they make.

a good spec ops person, someone who has specialized, can easily take out a tank within one or two deaths - but if the armor is good then somebody switching classes probably doesn't have a big chance like you said... but that gets to the point of it and the point is that the game's balance rests on specialization - the real solution is to do what i do since i neither drive armor much or specialize in a class that kills armor and that is this: spawn somewhere else and find a way to use my classes advantages (in my case i'm a sniper) to their maximum against the weaknesses of other classes. and if we only have one spawn point then i get mad at my team for not pulling their weight because i can guarantee that in my specialization i always serve my purpose on the team.

and at the end of the day guess what? each team has armor and on the maps where people complain the most about whoring there is always an identical amount of armor per team... might be better to get mad at the friendly tank driver who isn't opposing the enemy tank who is at an obvious spot raking in easy kills unopposed rather than call the enemy player doing their job a whore - because in all situation of "armor whoring" the inbalance can only exist if one's own team is causing it.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-02-21 18:10:18)

im not in denial, i know i suck at bf2, but i do not suck at most of the other games ive ever played. im used to doing really good in games and now i play bf2 and getting ass raped everytime i spawn, it gets quite annoying unless of course you enjoy getting raped, hopefully you dont. i prefer transport vehicles more than armor or anything else because they are quick and they get you to where you need to go, no whoring and annoying the shit out of the enemy, just nice and fair. if bf2 didnt have a rank system i wouldnt be here right now, lets put it that way. i like gaining ranks and unlocks, it makes me feel like ive accomplished something as to just playing a game without anything being recorded.
+50|7006|Southern California

silentsin wrote:

im not in denial, i know i suck at bf2, but i do not suck at most of the other games ive ever played. im used to doing really good in games and now i play bf2 and getting ass raped everytime i spawn, it gets quite annoying unless of course you enjoy getting raped, hopefully you dont. i prefer transport vehicles more than armor or anything else because they are quick and they get you to where you need to go, no whoring and annoying the shit out of the enemy, just nice and fair. if bf2 didnt have a rank system i wouldnt be here right now, lets put it that way. i like gaining ranks and unlocks, it makes me feel like ive accomplished something as to just playing a game without anything being recorded.
well of course the transports are a time honored weapon in taking out armor in the BF series. in the bf1942 "taking out armor with a jeep" was even part of the advertisement.

really if you want to take out somebody using armor to it's full potential a jeep is a good way to do it, especially if you put c4 all over the front of it. boom.
that is sort of frowned upon by some people but really it's a valid tactic for achieving your goal, and if you really believe there's something wrong with using tanks the way that most people use them then surely you are only bringing justice to the game with a suicide ram.

but i think my post previous to this still stands, the balance lies in specialization and varying strenghts and i'm glad the armor has a huge strength advantage - it makes the game more interesting.

silentsin wrote:

yeah, i bitch about tankwhores, you fucking deserve it you pricks. i dont think you understand, all you idiots are saying "OMGZZ IF YOU HATE TANKS GET AT KIT OR C4 AND BLOW IT UP LOLzz0z0z!!!11", but that never works, 1. I've had about 6 times where i can actually blow up a tank or apc without getting killed immediatley, 2. The AT takes about 7 hits for tanks and about 5 for apcs, so your suggesting I respawn 7 times to get rid of this problem... hmm FUCK THAT, it wont work anyways, they already capped the flag most likely by the 2nd or 3rd time unless they are spawnraping you, in which case it still wont work, 3. in order to use C4 you need to get close to the tank/apc, well lets see, i respawn in plain sight, they arent going to let me put c4 on them now are they? no they aren't so either i get extremely lucky and actually pull off getting that close, i respawn a bunch, dying each time, or i spawn somewhere else where im likely to get raped in my ass by another fucking whore. and your calling ME a noob? yeah ok im the only one who plays games fairly you fucking pricks.

P.S. Vampira or vampire whatever the fuck your name is, go back to your anime forum and talk about anime porn with your nerd friends fucking douche bag.
It takes about 3 hits to the tracks to a tank and 2-3 for an APC, not 7 or 5, so stop being a deuchebag and inflating it. If you can't take down a tank, use another tactic. Perhaps, spawn elsewhere? You are saying that you spawn in their plain sight? THEN DON'T! Go to another spawn.

Getting pissed because you STILL can't take em down? Grab another peice of armor and kill em. Ask your commander to put arty there. Go grab a bunch of teammates, even better join a fucking squad.

im not in denial, i know i suck at bf2, but i do not suck at most of the other games ive ever played. im used to doing really good in games and now i play bf2 and getting ass raped everytime i spawn, it gets quite annoying unless of course you enjoy getting raped, hopefully you dont. i prefer transport vehicles more than armor or anything else because they are quick and they get you to where you need to go, no whoring and annoying the shit out of the enemy, just nice and fair. if bf2 didnt have a rank system i wouldnt be here right now, lets put it that way. i like gaining ranks and unlocks, it makes me feel like ive accomplished something as to just playing a game without anything being recorded.
Are you retarded? A transport is a TRANSPORT, it takes people from one spot to another. A tank attacks the enemy. You can't "WHORE" a transport...if there is such thing as whoring.

You see? This whiner is a prime example.

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