BattleField: Bad Company Beta Guide/Review
Updated: March 31th, 2008
Well, as many of you know the BattleField series has been good to us up until the release Of BattleField 2: Modern Combat for the consoles. Pretty much at this point it stops being a great game and more of an embarrassment to the BattleField name. But, alas the money gears at EA keep turning and here we are with another BattleField game for the console. This one is way more in the right direction in the terms of a BattleField game.
Basically DICE thought instead of giving the console kids a water down version of BattleField 2 they would release and entirely new game for the consoles, and I must say they did fantastic job making a unique game. Its most of what you would expect from a BattleField and much more. As you know the main theme of the game is destroy everything at will. If your a sniper in a building in a building far far away, someone can blow the buildings walls off and no more hiding spot. Your classes consist of Assault, Demolitions, Recon, Specialist, and Support. Each of these kits you already know have their own abilities and attributes to add to the experience of the BattleField game.
-----[ Classes ]-----
Keys: D=Default Item, U=Unlockable Item, P=Purchase Item
----- Assault -----
Main Weapons: AEK971(D), M416(D), AUG(D), AN94(P), F2000(P), M16(U), XM8(U). 50 round clips(3 Extra) each.
Secondary Weapon: Grenade Launcher w/ 8 total rounds.
Other Items: Grenades(5 Total), Life-2 Auto Healer(U).
My Notes: The most effect way to play this kit is when you have unlocked the Life-2 auto healer. I have come to the conclusion that the GL is more of a destruction tool than a weapon. It takes on average 2-3 shots to kill someone with splash damage and 1-2 direct hits.(Not joking here...) to kill someone.
----- Demolitions -----
Main Weapons: Saiga12(D), 870MCS(D), T194(D), SPAS15(P), USAS12(P), SPAS12(U), NS2000(U). 32 total rounds each.
Secondary Weapon: Rocket Launcher(6 Rounds Total)
Other Items: Grenades(5 Total), ATM-100(U)
My Notes: The rockets in this game are kind of weak towards tanks. It usually takes 3-4 direct hits from sides/front and 2-3 from back to take out a tank. It takes 1-2 hits for a LAV and 2-3 for a APC. Finding that the shotgun has become the favorite weapon of choice for CQC. Very powerful in this game which is no bother to me. If the person can hit me with a single shot I should be dead.
----- Recon -----
Main Weapons: SV98(D), M24(D), GDL(D), VSS(P), QBU88(P), SVU(U), M95(U). 40 rounds total each.
Secondary Weapon: Pistol 6 or 12 round clips(4-8 Extra) each.
Other Items: L2-S37(U), Motion Sensor
My Notes: Ok i'm going to say this just like many other BF players. .50 cal snipers should ONE shot kills... At first I thought they were but, I was just lucky. Hard to find a sniping spot now you can blow up walls. I find that this kit is hated by far the most in the game.
----- Specialist -----
Main Weapons: 9A91(D), SCAR(D), AKS74u(D), AM8C(P), UZi(P), UMP(U), PP2000(U). 60 round clips(3 Extra) each.
Secondary Weapon: DNT-4(U)
Other Items: Grenades(5 Total), Tracking Dart Gun(10 Rounds Total)
My Notes: By far the best CQC weapon here. It puts out a wall of lead at very short rang and will take down 2-3 people with one clip if you get good enough with the weapon.
----- Support -----
Main Weapons: PKM(D), M249(D), QJU8(D), MG3(P), M60(P), XM8 LMG(U), MG36(U). 150 round clips(2 Extra) each.
Secondary Weapon: None
Other Items: Health Packs, Repair Tool, MRTR-S(U)
My Notes: This is the team player kit. This is also the least used kit on the field from what I've seen. The MRTR-S(Mortar Strike) is ether not used enough during a round or too much. I started playing this kit more and found that it is by far the best out of all of them. You can heal teammates/vehicles, mortar strike a sniper, lay down cover fire, and be and all around great teammate.
Ok, most of this info I got from the game's unlock panel and what I have actually unlocked so if some counts are not there is because I have no unlocked the item yet.
-----[ Ranks ]-----
My Notes: I can't seem to find anything on ranks. I didn't think to write down the ranks as I went along ether. I know they don't follow traditional military ranks past officer ranks.
-----[ Squads ]-----
There are 3 squads per side(4 Players Per Squad) if server is running 12v12(24 Total Players). Squad members can spawn off each other as long as there are at least one squad member remains alive.
-----[ Awards ]-----
----- Wildcards -----
Dead Eye
1 On 1 Land
1 On 1 Sea
1 On 1 Air
Straight Flush
Two Pair
Full Deck
Snake Eyes
Deuces Are Wild
Beat The House
Three Of A Kind
Five Of A Kind
Full House
Destruction Site
Armor Buster
Tank Buster
Chopper Chopper
Cab Driver
Air Time
Staying Dry
Squad Wild Card
Top Squad Wild Card
Squad Avenger Card
Note: You can only earn this once per account.
----- Patches -----
Bronze Assault
Silver Assault
Gold Assault
Bronze Recon
Silver Recon
Gold Recon
Bronze Demolition
Silver Demolition
Gold Demolition
Bronze Support
Silver Support
Gold Support
Bronze Specialist
Silver Specialist
Gold Specialist
Bronze Savior
Silver Savior
Gold Savior
Bronze Avenger
Silver Avenger
Gold Avenger
Bronze Transport Vehicle
Silver Transport Vehicle
Gold Transport Vehicle
Bronze Tank Warfare
Silver Tank Warfare
Gold Tank Warfare
Bronze Naval Surface Warfare
Silver Naval Surface Warfare
Gold Naval Surface Warfare
Bronze Combat Aviator
Silver Combat Aviator
Gold Combat Aviator
Bronze Emplacement
Silver Emplacement
Gold Emplacement
Bronze Artillery
Silver Artillery
Gold Artillery
Bronze Attack
Sliver Attack
Gold Attack
Bronze Defend
Silver Defend
Gold Defend
Bronze Squad
Silver Squad
Gold Squad
Note: You can only earn this once per account.
----- Trophies -----
Assault Rifle Efficiency
Grenadier Efficiency
Grenade Launcher Efficiency
M16 Efficiency
Explosive Efficiency
Melee Combat
Combat Efficiency
Kill Assist
Combat Aviator
Clear Skies
Winning Team
Fire Arm Efficiency
Laser Designating Efficiency
SVU Efficiency
High Card
Wheels Of Hazard
Big Guns
Objective Destroyer
Objective Attack
Objective Defender
Rocket Launcher Efficiency
Shotgun Efficiency
Frag Out Efficiency
Mine Placement Efficiency
Transport Vehicle
Tank Warfare
Naval Surface Warfare
Squad Member
Squad medication
Best Squad
Light Machine Gun Efficiency
Combat Engineer
Mortar Strike Efficiency
Compact Assault Rifle Efficiency
Target Tagging Efficiency
Demo Pack Efficiency
Note: These can be earned an unlimited amount of times per account.
-----[ Maps ]-----
----- Ascension -----
Total Bases: 3
Total Crates: 6
Description:A multiplayer map set in a European village with infantry only combat. One of the smaller maps at 1km x 1km wide. Ascension includes lots of shrubbery and trees for cover as well as scattered houses throughout the terrain. [ Source ]
My Notes: This map is a battle who can destroy the most walls to get to the gold. The trick is to destroy all the walls around it so you can see if someone is arming or disarming the bomb. You have a few machine gun emplacements and lots of pine trees. Love the smell of gun powered and pine in the morning.
----- Oasis -----
Total Bases: 5
Total Crates: 10
Description: A large multiplayer map set in a Middle Eastern setting. It includes land, air, and sea vehicles. [ Source ]
My Notes. This is DICE testing Vehicles. Although one side gets 3 tanks, 1 APC, 1 Helo, and Artillery access. The other gets 1 tank, 1 APC, 1 missile launcher and a whole lot explosive barrels for the enemy to kill you with. Fair you think...?
-----[ Game Mode ]-----
----- Gold Rush -----
Objective: Attackers vs. Defenders scenario, in which one team must defend two crates filled with gold while the other team attempts to destroy the crates. Once the crates are destroyed, more of the map is available to fight on with new crates appearing, along with added reinforcement numbers. The attacking team has a limited amount of respawns to achieve their goal of capturing the 2-3 gold stashes. The defending team has an unlimited amount of respawns available, but their goal is to exhaust the attacking teams tickets (respawns). [ Source ]
My Notes: Well... its a great game type on a small map but on a bigger one it becomes hard to guard your stash with just 12 players. But, I guess DICE might level the playing field in the games release.
-----[ Bugs & Performance Issues ]-----
- I don' know if this is a net code problem across all BF games because again missiles seem to go right through tanks at times. Sometimes when they do they still register a hit but not always.
- When you go to view details of some of the unlocked items they go off screen.
- I see some screen tearing from time to time.
- Floating objects have become a common site on the battlefield. I think it might be the ghost of the destroyed Vehicle trying to communicate.
- If your 360 freezes after the end of the round stats fail to update to stats server.(THE BIG ONE)
- Sounds animations don't always play when they should.
- If you a sniper using the laser designator and missile is released then you get killed. Then you hit an object with NO one occupying it. It will give you -10 team vehicle damage.
-----[ Wishlist ]-----
- Increase GL splash damage. Take away 2-3 GL rounds for all I care but increase the splash damage.
- Increase .50 Cal damage.
- Increase RL damage or decrease tank hit points.
- If you plant at bomb on a crate and you die and it destroys the crate without being disarmed give the person the points.
- You should get points for arming and disarming bombs.
- Being able to choose which squad member to spawn on.
[ Offical Bug Report Forum ]
-----[ Conclusion ]-----
This game I must say I would recommend buying even in its current beta stage. It has a great balance between the PC game and a console game. Granted it has its issues but, what game don't? You have your destructible environment which adds a whole new aspect to the game and possibly adding that to BattleField 3. So whether your a loner or like to play with friends this game can provide both!
I will update this as I play more of the beta. Enjoy the game everyone!!!
- Naturn
Last edited by Naturn (2008-03-31 10:47:34)