So last night i get up, ive been having a cold/fever thing goin on for a few days now, and i woke up it was midnight this morning, and i walk out to talk to my dad and get some fresh air. I walk over to the sliding porch door and all of the sudden i feel like im gunna puke. So i get ready to puke and all of the sudden my ears felt like someone was covering him and everything went black. I woke up a few seconds later with my dad shaking me and that lasted about 10 seconds, then i nodded off again and the same thing happened. I did manage to stay awake the 3rd time and the ambulence guys came and got me, took me to the hosp. I thought i had a seizure but it turns out my blood pressure was low, and i was dehydrated so it caused me to black out.
I totally thought it was a dream when i woke up the second time, it was the weirdest feeling.
I totally thought it was a dream when i woke up the second time, it was the weirdest feeling.
15 more years! 15 more years!