Here's the thing.
I bought my 360 1.1 years ago, when my old PC was shit. So I played it for a while... and that was fun and all.
But now I NEVER use it... because I've got a new PC and all. And I really like Nintendos games, so...
I think I know what I want to do, but what do you think? Based on your experience, should I sell it and get a Wii? To me its kind of a no-brainer... but it'd be interesting to see the what you all think.
I bought my 360 1.1 years ago, when my old PC was shit. So I played it for a while... and that was fun and all.
But now I NEVER use it... because I've got a new PC and all. And I really like Nintendos games, so...
I think I know what I want to do, but what do you think? Based on your experience, should I sell it and get a Wii? To me its kind of a no-brainer... but it'd be interesting to see the what you all think.