Sounds like a real shame. I hate private (clan) servers, because the admins are always biased and full of shit. Don't you have any local ISP's that provide servers? In Aus we're lucky that we have two great server providers (Internode & Gamearena) where you dont get that kind of bullshit.
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Here is a Chat that was on that same server,it was the end of the round and I had caught a text about me so I asked the next round and he repeated what he had said...
I went 34-0 in that round that this guy made the comment...I even tried to butter up the ADMIN that thinks he is GOD yet I own him anytime I fly...
I went 34-0 in that round that this guy made the comment...I even tried to butter up the ADMIN that thinks he is GOD yet I own him anytime I fly...
[Buffer] NO MAIN UNCAP BASE CAMPING!! Only spec ops/support are allowed in main to blow up UAV etc....
[Buffer] This is clan =SF= Highway Tampa 24/7 IP
[Buffer] No Team Killing ever. If you TK and it's not an accident you will be kicked/banned
[Buffer] [16:12:42] =[BF]= jessie111111 -> hi you lot
[Buffer] *** THIS SERVER IS RANKED ***
[Buffer] [16:13:39] Vinny0845 -> that was dirty lord
[Buffer] [16:14:23] KIL4FN Voyd21 -> wow that was funny
[Buffer] [16:14:28] tank2tank -> yep
[Buffer] We are Clan Sovereign Forces
[Buffer] [16:17:02] KIL4FN DMSrabbit -> ithink BF2S IS TOO GOOD
[Buffer] *** SWAPPING TEAMS ***
[Buffer] This is clan =SF= Highway Tampa 24/7 IP
[Buffer] [16:18:14] KIL4FN DMSrabbit -> UR TOO GOOD
[Buffer] [16:18:21] KIL4FN DMSrabbit -> MAKES IT NOT FUN
[Buffer] [16:18:50] jojodogboy -> your ugly and smell funny
[Buffer] [16:18:56] [BF2s] =BF=LORDSPRAYER -> HEY THANKS I just know the meaning of close air support
[Buffer] [16:19:02] jojodogboy -> lol
[Buffer] [16:19:07] [BF2s] =BF=LORDSPRAYER -> and I love to fly
[Buffer] [16:19:10] KIL4FN DMSrabbit -> tru dat
[Buffer] *** THIS SERVER IS RANKED ***
[Buffer] [16:20:18] KIL4FN DMSrabbit -> ok
[Buffer] [16:20:57] |TA|djnsmith7 -> WE NEED FLAGS TEAM!!!
[Buffer] [16:21:40] Burnhead_JT -> lol wow
=SF= Warlock Mercer is a chump.
He warned me at the start of a round on Tampa for 'camping the uncap' when I chased a jet over their base, which their rules allow.
For the rest of that round I was bombing stuff and was barely over the east side of the map, then 5 minutes before the end of the round he kicked me for baserape...
I came back and told him I didn't go anywhere near the base after he warned me and he refused to listen just warned me for 'arguing with SF policies'
Rest of =SF= seem pretty fair most of the time though. do you have access to their chatlogs?
He warned me at the start of a round on Tampa for 'camping the uncap' when I chased a jet over their base, which their rules allow.
For the rest of that round I was bombing stuff and was barely over the east side of the map, then 5 minutes before the end of the round he kicked me for baserape...
I came back and told him I didn't go anywhere near the base after he warned me and he refused to listen just warned me for 'arguing with SF policies'
Rest of =SF= seem pretty fair most of the time though. do you have access to their chatlogs?
Last edited by MrAnderson (2008-03-03 04:01:04)
I never said it was all of them just the ones that I named, Ghost Dog Is an asshole, he is the one that gets OWN hard by me when he flys and that is the main reason why he Banned me from their server. Warcock is a trigger happy MORON that thinks he is all that but he ain't shit..
As far as aggressor goes he can be a dick too but he can also be fair too...
the thing is about this ban is that IF and I do say IF there was a problem then why did none of them hit me up and tell me this? I got this chat log from Ex who is another one that is HIGH up in there clan, I also talked to WES over the weekend, he OWNs the server and I chat to him alot yet he has never said word one about this either. He also said that he stays out of these matters and has others take care of them, Like I really believe that he pays for the server yet has nothing else to do with it...this list that I HAD talk to on a regular basis:
Executioner, Wes, Shakeandbake, Khaos, Rayden,and I used to talk to Ghost but he deleted me and hasn't talk to me in OVER a YEAR..
and since I talk to the uppers then why was nothing said?
Oh and BTW Wes told me that the Screeny of WARCOCK BLOCKING WAS DOCTORED....They all know that I don't cheat they have asked to PBB screeny shot me when they accused me of hacking, I told them that there was no need to even ask, take all the PBB screens to you hearts content....I don't hack and I never will it is stupid and takes the fun out of the game...
As far as aggressor goes he can be a dick too but he can also be fair too...
the thing is about this ban is that IF and I do say IF there was a problem then why did none of them hit me up and tell me this? I got this chat log from Ex who is another one that is HIGH up in there clan, I also talked to WES over the weekend, he OWNs the server and I chat to him alot yet he has never said word one about this either. He also said that he stays out of these matters and has others take care of them, Like I really believe that he pays for the server yet has nothing else to do with it...this list that I HAD talk to on a regular basis:
Executioner, Wes, Shakeandbake, Khaos, Rayden,and I used to talk to Ghost but he deleted me and hasn't talk to me in OVER a YEAR..
and since I talk to the uppers then why was nothing said?
Oh and BTW Wes told me that the Screeny of WARCOCK BLOCKING WAS DOCTORED....They all know that I don't cheat they have asked to PBB screeny shot me when they accused me of hacking, I told them that there was no need to even ask, take all the PBB screens to you hearts content....I don't hack and I never will it is stupid and takes the fun out of the game...
Explosives as fave weapon lol...Private_Adam wrote:
Oh no not again !! ......
Dayum...Wish I had a computer that could run BF2 right now.bullit wrote:
Banned cause I played with jamessey >.< … .php?33520
Iam just to speechless to write anything back....
I want to go on the server, pretend to be one of Jamesey's real life buddies, and ask their opinion about our friendship.
+1 to the guy(s) who pull off a screenshotted ban/kick.
The SF Tampa server is a joke.
Their admins accuse me of hacking when I was standing on top of a building while they tried to take a flag and I killed them.
I get reguarily kicked for base rape, whether its flying over their uncap not even engaging them, just following their jet, or bombing a tank/apc thats at leat 100 meters away from the fences of the US uncap (200 from the actual flag!)
Their admins accuse me of hacking when I was standing on top of a building while they tried to take a flag and I killed them.
I get reguarily kicked for base rape, whether its flying over their uncap not even engaging them, just following their jet, or bombing a tank/apc thats at leat 100 meters away from the fences of the US uncap (200 from the actual flag!)
whole clan got banned off of ASW tampa for flying around in a blackhawk and dropping landmines, reason was statpadding, disrepect and hack, I mean fuck, that new heat seeking landmine hack is deadly, I was padding like mad too, -1 team points
You animal you! +1 for your troublesSeipoc wrote:
whole clan got banned off of ASW tampa for flying around in a blackhawk and dropping landmines, reason was statpadding, disrepect and hack, I mean fuck, that new heat seeking landmine hack is deadly, I was padding like mad too, -1 team points
Buttsechs!B3ing u P4in wrote:
Plz tell me what are they doing?
Last edited by bullit (2008-03-10 17:17:07)
I've never seen repair padding like that....normally the boats upside down and its a bitch to blow up without AT kit...
Thats better, underwatersex, gays...
making those screenshots yesterday on a gulf of Oman map. One of them got exat yesterday the expert repair badge. lol
Thats better, underwatersex, gays...
making those screenshots yesterday on a gulf of Oman map. One of them got exat yesterday the expert repair badge. lol
GzR - clanmembers can rape, we can't.
They've been playing on the DoM server a bit lately... they do suck, and all they do is rape, I laughed when I saw it, they had shit points untill we pushed the enemy into the resort uncap on ghost town, then they just laid in a corner as support and raped it was pathetic...aimless wrote:
GzR - clanmembers can rape, we can't.
The reason they banned me is even stupider.Nicholas Langdon wrote:
They've been playing on the DoM server a bit lately... they do suck, and all they do is rape, I laughed when I saw it, they had shit points untill we pushed the enemy into the resort uncap on ghost town, then they just laid in a corner as support and raped it was pathetic...aimless wrote:
GzR - clanmembers can rape, we can't.
Me and a two of my friends (4046 clan) frequent the server because it had good ping and good admins. We constantly come in top 3, mainly because of jet/helicopter murdering.
So now we are playing Daqing, I'm on a roll, and out of nowhere the admin says we are no longer welcome. "All 4046 does is rape and kill the server." They banned us all They said we abused the "attackable uncap policy". Which, in my mind, if its causing a problem, make a rule against it.
Anyway, it kinda feels good to be banned from a server, knowing that you are better than the rest of the players
LOLOMG!!!! Best server evar!!
I just got kicked from Heartbreak Ridge
"Kicking!!! Mattyboy714 Reason: Posting screenshots on BF2s that were false!"
LMAO!!! AHAHAHAHAHA I'm laughing so hard right now.
I ought to scroll through the pages on here and find those screenies of them padding; they all had like 300-400 points.
EDIT: Here it is!
And here's the awesome image that got me in trouble

I sent them an e-mail, too. Hopefully they reply ASAP.
I just got kicked from Heartbreak Ridge
"Kicking!!! Mattyboy714 Reason: Posting screenshots on BF2s that were false!"
LMAO!!! AHAHAHAHAHA I'm laughing so hard right now.
I ought to scroll through the pages on here and find those screenies of them padding; they all had like 300-400 points.
EDIT: Here it is!
And here's the awesome image that got me in trouble

I sent them an e-mail, too. Hopefully they reply ASAP.
Maybe I should bother reporting them now?Banned for posting a screenshot on BF2s? That was false? The picture doesn't lie. Besides, not like I or anyone else bothered to report, I could care less. Just thought it was funny. But if you guys like to run a so-called "mature" server, then by all means, continue what you're doing. I love it!
And here's that wonderful picture yet again.
Last edited by mtb0minime (2008-03-14 18:39:56)
Do it. That'll teach them.
jolt uk wake server
played on the server tonight, jumped into a chopper with a team mate and started owning.
if it moved it died, everything was going great then all of a sudden up pops a message "k blagg seat switch"
and hey presto iam booted.
point 1
if there are two of us in the chopper how the hell am i seat switching
point 2
my pilots assist points are equal to my kills !!!!!!!!
point 3
i cant seat switch im crap at that!!!
so i signed back in and pointed out in no uncertain terms " HOW THE HELL HAVE I SEAT SWITCHED IF 2 OF US ARE IN THE HELO"
then added " ASSHOLES"
booooooooooooooooooooooom KICKED AGAIN for bad language
my advice this server needs a 50000 volt JOLT up its rear to kill all the smacktard admins.
ok moan over thanks for not listening
the baron
played on the server tonight, jumped into a chopper with a team mate and started owning.
if it moved it died, everything was going great then all of a sudden up pops a message "k blagg seat switch"
and hey presto iam booted.
point 1
if there are two of us in the chopper how the hell am i seat switching
point 2
my pilots assist points are equal to my kills !!!!!!!!
point 3
i cant seat switch im crap at that!!!
so i signed back in and pointed out in no uncertain terms " HOW THE HELL HAVE I SEAT SWITCHED IF 2 OF US ARE IN THE HELO"
then added " ASSHOLES"
booooooooooooooooooooooom KICKED AGAIN for bad language
my advice this server needs a 50000 volt JOLT up its rear to kill all the smacktard admins.
ok moan over thanks for not listening
the baron
Hehe, another issue for me to complain about again. Can't say it was too bad, though.
Last night I was playing on a server and my ping was 1~2. Some kid started a kick vote on me and I asked why. He said it's because my ping was too low! I laughed at him and told him to fuck off and that I shouldn't be kicked because my internet is better than his. Luckily the kick vote didn't pass, but I was still amazed. I never knew low ping would be a reason for kick!
Last night I was playing on a server and my ping was 1~2. Some kid started a kick vote on me and I asked why. He said it's because my ping was too low! I laughed at him and told him to fuck off and that I shouldn't be kicked because my internet is better than his. Luckily the kick vote didn't pass, but I was still amazed. I never knew low ping would be a reason for kick!
what a nublet what has she done now
what a nublet what has she done now
That kinda happened to me too.mtb0minime wrote:
Hehe, another issue for me to complain about again. Can't say it was too bad, though.
Last night I was playing on a server and my ping was 1~2. Some kid started a kick vote on me and I asked why. He said it's because my ping was too low! I laughed at him and told him to fuck off and that I shouldn't be kicked because my internet is better than his. Luckily the kick vote didn't pass, but I was still amazed. I never knew low ping would be a reason for kick!
There was this F35 pilot on wake who thought he was the shit because all he did was rape Airfield. The few times I managed to get a J10 up and follow him, he would go up and stall. He stalled on purpose about 14 times. I still managed to kill him. He called me a nooble because I had a J10 and low ping.
I also rammed him head on on purpose. Then I was called a nooble. hehehe.
My little bro and i are the shizznit!
we get banned if we go itno a server almost everytime
i dont understand why people cant just take the fact that we are skilled
i was kick out of a clan called =R2R= who are a bunch of girls might i add (insult) they thought i cheated and same with my little bro
they downloaded a battlerecorder file and said you are a banned because of this reason (i laughed) there was nothing on the thing to indicate that we were cheating lol
anyway just to say dont go near =R2R= if you are highly skilled they will just ban you
anyway this server was =dmk= my little bro an i were in mabey 10 minutes and our team were lossing the round, we ended up winning it for us LOL

we get banned if we go itno a server almost everytime
i dont understand why people cant just take the fact that we are skilled
i was kick out of a clan called =R2R= who are a bunch of girls might i add (insult) they thought i cheated and same with my little bro
they downloaded a battlerecorder file and said you are a banned because of this reason (i laughed) there was nothing on the thing to indicate that we were cheating lol
anyway just to say dont go near =R2R= if you are highly skilled they will just ban you
anyway this server was =dmk= my little bro an i were in mabey 10 minutes and our team were lossing the round, we ended up winning it for us LOL

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- Hacking Stats ? Stupid Admins ? Resets ? Everything - BF2 Flame Thread