+30|6507|Daqing Oilfields?
We're on this saturday too?

I believe I may have a conflict, and I am truly sorry this came up so late. I'll run the times through the calendar to see, but I believe I will be downtown for a few hours tommorrow.
not always PWD, but usually.
+95|6844|Carlsbad, CA, USA

Spider1980 wrote:

What time on Saturday for PST ?
11:00- 11:30 the question is what ip?
#1 Commander

-=CB=-krazykarl wrote:

Spider1980 wrote:

What time on Saturday for PST ?
11:00- 11:30 the question is what ip?
am or pm?

server info and password would be nice
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6781|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Spider1980 wrote:

-=CB=-krazykarl wrote:

Spider1980 wrote:

What time on Saturday for PST ?
11:00- 11:30 the question is what ip?
am or pm?

server info and password would be nice
I'd say AM for you since your PM would be something around 7AM on a sunday morning for the rest
Little BaBy JESUS

Ultrafunkula wrote:

Spider1980 wrote:

-=CB=-krazykarl wrote:

11:00- 11:30 the question is what ip?
am or pm?

server info and password would be nice
I'd say AM for you since your PM would be something around 7AM on a sunday morning for the rest
Yer getting up at 5am on sunday for a bf2s video doesnt really appeal to me... damm timezones complicate things
'Light 'em up!'

Spider1980 wrote:

-=CB=-krazykarl wrote:

Spider1980 wrote:

What time on Saturday for PST ?
11:00- 11:30 the question is what ip?
am or pm?

server info and password would be nice
Gonna PM everyone the details.
Oh i'm too late. As usual. I haven't bothered going on the BF2 part of the forums for about a week.
'Light 'em up!'

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Oh i'm too late. As usual. I haven't bothered going on the BF2 part of the forums for about a week.
lol, you can still come tomorrow if u want .
'Light 'em up!'

+202|6957|New York
wish i could...i doubt i will be around though...i will update you if i am though.
#1 Commander
If it 11 am PST I might not be able to do it since I "might" be working that day. If it 11 pm I can do it.

But if I don't have work I should be able to do it.
How 'bout dem Cowboys?
+45|6853|Flower Mound, TX
Change that xfire to shadowcell01
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6456|San Antonio, Texas

GMT time

Up and early actors! Get some chow down and move out to your computer system.
#1 Commander
Well I sat in the server for over an hour and a half and basically fire one clip at a building and ran 50 yards and sat in the gunner seat of the tank.
I sat around getting tked for the rest of the time. To much chat spam to be interested in trying to see what the director in typing and I think there was way to many people in the server for the amount of people that was needed..
But you got almost 2 hours of my time so I was there.
Big Mouth Prick
+219|6838|Golf 1.8 GTI Wolfsburg Edition
I blame it on the newfags like danny.
spider you got your ass killed because you pissed me off too much!
And not only me
+1,452|6702|The Gem Saloon

xxCaptainBlackxx wrote:

spider you got your ass killed because you pissed me off too much!
And not only me
that does not surprise me.
AT ALL lol.

xxCaptainBlackxx wrote:

spider you got your ass killed because you pissed me off too much!
And not only me
Agreed. All the running in to people and driving shit into them...
Ok, I have a few serious issues about tonight.

I realise there is a lot to do, and many different things to focus on. But don't say you need as many people as possible, when you do a scene that involved 7 or 8 people, and takes nearly an hour to do.

I usually dont care because people just fuck around anyway and piss me off. But tonight there were like 7 or 8 new people, that were really cool and when they weren't needed, they just stood with me in the cottage in shongua, and did nothing (Whilst a mass of tking was going on in the road.)

So, we've found a bunch of new sensible people, great. But they were massively under-used, and left doing nothing for too long a time. And I quote from my squad.

"Why are they all pissing around, I'm just going to stand here and not waste the directors time"
These are the guys :

Then, to REALLY fucking top it off, doper, who is on the USMC and can see nothing that is going on, sees 2 TK's belonging to captainblack. (in the log)
Dope kicks him. Captainblack was doing nothing wrong and I asked specifically that he did not get kicked, because it was spider that was causing the tk's.

Dope decides to ignore me. And this isn't the first time he's done something similar, I then ask him to kick spider, and he does nothing (I don't blame you Gary, you were busy).

So, I'll turn up again, but if this happens again, that's it for me and i'm finished with filming. If scenes are going to be shot that only require half the people on the server, don't ask so many people to turn up. Not only is it boring and a waste of time for them, but it also causes mass tk'ing and forces people to leave.

We need more server admins, or less people on the server. There can not be both, it's unrealistic to wish for things to go nice and smoothly with this current scenario. Doperwt really needs to keep his cool, and not make stupid decisions, as he always seems to do.

There also needs to be better communication between everyone. OCS was a disaster, it took too long for a scene that takes 30 seconds, yet its nothing to do with the actors, but the fact that dope and Gary are telling usmc and mec to do different scenes.

Oh and spider, seriously, if you're that bored just leave, no one would blame you. But don't stay and piss people off, and then say how WE are wasting your time.

(This is no way directed at you Gary, you have too much on your plate as it is, but just a general rant)


Last edited by justice (2008-03-08 15:33:01)

I know fucking karate
'Light 'em up!'

justice wrote:

Ok, I have a few serious issues about tonight.

I realise there is a lot to do, and many different things to focus on. But don't say you need as many people as possible, when you do a scene that involved 7 or 8 people, and takes nearly an hour to do.

I usually dont care because people just fuck around anyway and piss me off. But tonight there were like 7 or 8 new people, that were really cool and when they weren't needed, they just stood with me in the cottage in shongua, and did nothing (Whilst a mass of tking was going on in the road.)

So, we've found a bunch of new sensible people, great. But they were massively under-used, and left doing nothing for too long a time. And I quote from my squad.

"Why are they all pissing around, I'm just going to stand here and not waste the directors time"
These are the guys : … 082ru9.jpg … 079cc6.png

Then, to REALLY fucking top it off, doper, who is on the USMC and can see nothing that is going on, sees 2 TK's belonging to captainblack. (in the log)
Dope kicks him. Captainblack was doing nothing wrong and I asked specifically that he did not get kicked, because it was spider that was causing the tk's.

Dope decides to ignore me. And this isn't the first time he's done something similar, I then ask him to kick spider, and he does nothing (I don't blame you Gary, you were busy).

So, I'll turn up again, but if this happens again, that's it for me and i'm finished with filming. If scenes are going to be shot that only require half the people on the server, don't ask so many people to turn up. Not only is it boring and a waste of time for them, but it also causes mass tk'ing and forces people to leave.

We need more server admins, or less people on the server. There can not be both, it's unrealistic to wish for things to go nice and smoothly with this current scenario. Doperwt really needs to keep his cool, and not make stupid decisions, as he always seems to do.

There also needs to be better communication between everyone. OCS was a disaster, it took too long for a scene that takes 30 seconds, yet its nothing to do with the actors, but the fact that dope and Gary are telling usmc and mec to do different scenes.

Oh and spider, seriously, if you're that bored just leave, no one would blame you. But don't stay and piss people off, and then say how WE are wasting your time.

(This is no way directed at you Gary, you have too much on your plate as it is, but just a general rant)
lol about OCS, i couldnt remember exactly what happened in that bit from the first time, so i think best option is to compeltely rethink how that part ahppens and too make it easier.
+1,106|6597|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

I was good, I didn't TK much

(I think)

On a side note, I love how I fooled 5 of you into thinking there was a mass grave in Songhua.
#1 Commander
Funny how you like to call out that I was doing the tk's when all I was doing is pushing people around with my body, you thought that was a reason for tking, so you tked me over and over again. Then I got in a vehicle and you run into me and jump out of the car or whatever you where doing and forced more tks on me. But if you have to lie to make yourself sound cool or to make you sound like a better person, then live your gaming life with that attitude and go play with your nerdy friends who think so high of you because you only tk when you think its a opportunity to lie and better yourself...
I never spammed chat.
I didn't tk
I jsut sat there because I was told I was needed, If I wasn't going to be needed, I wouldn't have wasted almost 2 hours sitting around, getting tked and being caught in the middle of all the 16 year old kid drama..

You're the idiots with over -30 points from tking...

Spider1980 wrote:

Funny how you like to call out that I was doing the tk's when all I was doing is pushing people around with my body, you thought that was a reason for tking, so you tked me over and over again. Then I got in a vehicle and you run into me and jump out of the car or whatever you where doing and forced more tks on me. But if you have to lie to make yourself sound cool or to make you sound like a better person, then live your gaming life with that attitude and go play with your nerdy friends who think so high of you because you only tk when you think its a opportunity to lie and better yourself...
I never spammed chat.
I didn't tk
I jsut sat there because I was told I was needed, If I wasn't going to be needed, I wouldn't have wasted almost 2 hours sitting around, getting tked and being caught in the middle of all the 16 year old kid drama..

You're the idiots with over -30 points from tking...
Me and a few others were minding our own business while a scene was being completed, as pictured above.

You decided to come over start running about like an idiot, pushing into people and shooting single bullets into them. You pissed Captain off, he tk'ed, he wouldn't have done so otherwise, hence you caused the tk's as I said in my post.

Furthermore, you then decide to get a couple of FAV's and an APC and tried ramming them into the place where we were standing,. By ramming the APC into the FAV, you then killed me. Even after that, you came around to the other side of the cottage and atrted ramming up the stairs in an FAV, you were looking for trouble, and you wouldn't cease being an idiot, even after the numerous times I asked you to stop, so don't even start calling us immature, you idiot.
I know fucking karate
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

justice wrote:

Spider1980 wrote:

Funny how you like to call out that I was doing the tk's when all I was doing is pushing people around with my body, you thought that was a reason for tking, so you tked me over and over again. Then I got in a vehicle and you run into me and jump out of the car or whatever you where doing and forced more tks on me. But if you have to lie to make yourself sound cool or to make you sound like a better person, then live your gaming life with that attitude and go play with your nerdy friends who think so high of you because you only tk when you think its a opportunity to lie and better yourself...
I never spammed chat.
I didn't tk
I jsut sat there because I was told I was needed, If I wasn't going to be needed, I wouldn't have wasted almost 2 hours sitting around, getting tked and being caught in the middle of all the 16 year old kid drama..

You're the idiots with over -30 points from tking...
Me and a few others were minding our own business while a scene was being completed, as pictured above.

You decided to come over start running about like an idiot, pushing into people and shooting single bullets into them. You pissed Captain off, he tk'ed, he wouldn't have done so otherwise, hence you caused the tk's as I said in my post.

Furthermore, you then decide to get a couple of FAV's and an APC and tried ramming them into the place where we were standing,. By ramming the APC into the FAV, you then killed me. Even after that, you came around to the other side of the cottage and atrted ramming up the stairs in an FAV, you were looking for trouble, and you wouldn't cease being an idiot, even after the numerous times I asked you to stop, so don't even start calling us immature, you idiot.
Some people need a hobby.
#1 Commander

justice wrote:

Spider1980 wrote:

Funny how you like to call out that I was doing the tk's when all I was doing is pushing people around with my body, you thought that was a reason for tking, so you tked me over and over again. Then I got in a vehicle and you run into me and jump out of the car or whatever you where doing and forced more tks on me. But if you have to lie to make yourself sound cool or to make you sound like a better person, then live your gaming life with that attitude and go play with your nerdy friends who think so high of you because you only tk when you think its a opportunity to lie and better yourself...
I never spammed chat.
I didn't tk
I just sat there because I was told I was needed, If I wasn't going to be needed, I wouldn't have wasted almost 2 hours sitting around, getting tked and being caught in the middle of all the 16 year old kid drama..

You're the idiots with over -30 points from tking...
Me and a few others were minding our own business while a scene was being completed, as pictured above.

You decided to come over start running about like an idiot, pushing into people and shooting single bullets into them. You pissed Captain off, he team killing, he wouldn't have done so otherwise, hence you caused the tk's as I said in my post.

Furthermore, you then decide to get a couple of FAV's and an APC and tried ramming them into the place where we were standing,. By ramming the APC into the FAV, you then killed me. Even after that, you came around to the other side of the cottage and atrted ramming up the stairs in an FAV, you were looking for trouble, and you wouldn't cease being an idiot, even after the numerous times I asked you to stop, so don't even start calling us immature, you idiot.
Wow your intelligent aren't you. I never fired my gun at any time. I was pushed up against the building spinning my tires, sure It was annoying but it was nothing as you said it was. So with that, all your doing is lying and for what? Make it look like I'm the one with the problem and you are all the innocents trying to stop the drama? riiiiight... Your the nubs causing the problems..
I make it a point not to act like you idiots...

But all you Internet Buddy's stick together no matter what the truth is.

Last edited by Spider1980 (2008-03-08 17:33:31)

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